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I can understand the appeal of having characters marry others, but I don't think absolutely everyone has to be able to pair with absolutely everyone either to keep the marriage system functional and to get people talking. Even when looking into the fanbase briefly, I don't see every support have a fanbase, it's usually a set of five or six at best that people gravitate to and usually discuss at length. So for instance, with Selena, I've seen a lot of fans talk about her with Keaton, Laslow, Odin, and Subaki, but not really any of her other options, and I think it comes down to that she's much more compatible with those four then she is with most of her other options. However, even with just those four options, you can get a discussion going between which of those four would be preferable with her, and that discussion can last depending on the fans talking. So I think that in general, you just want a good set of options for people to play around with, so that people can experiment across multiple playthroughs, but not have it too limited that it loses it appeal, and I think that balance could be struck.Of course there are gonna be some relationships that feel forced. In a game with this many characters and possible combinations of pairings, you're gonna get some that they have to force so the option is there for those who want it, and so nobody feels shortchanged (though my friend felt shortchanged by Camilla's S Support with avatar). It's like how in Smash, of course there are some characters that are going to be barely viable and some that seem overwhelmingly powerful.
Ultimately, I feel that Zoroarking's solution is probably the best one. Keep the marriages, but limit who can marry who, and add more platonic support endings. That way, you can still pair up the characters that can be together at least somewhat plausibly and keep people talking about who should be with who, but you avoid situations where the characters are talking about nothing and/or they clearly don't get along. Also, it'd be nice to have more AmeliaxDuessel supports as well.
Haha, true.tbh I think pretty much everything gets more positive feedback than Conquest's story
I don't think FrostWraith is saying that's the only thing driving him away from the games, it's just an example of something he doesn't like in the games that adds up to a bigger whole.And if there is a way to strip enemies with a specific character or weapon, that's more like an easter egg than it is a feature, because you can avoid it and it isn't supposed to be a selling point, and it's hidden deeper into the game. Saying you won't buy a game for that is like saying you won't buy a Metal Gear Solid game because some of the lockers have pin-ups of Japanese models in them, and all of the other wacky things Metal Gear Solid games do.
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