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Deleted member

Contributing to the whole Pokemon anime discussion going on:

I'm pretty split regarding who I want Ash's 6th Pokemon to be. Goodra would be pretty cool to bring back, yet a Pokemon from Ash's past would also be cool (Infernape is my preferred pick). That idea how the marshlands man will approach Ash about Goodra sounds very plausible though.

I used to think Ash's 6th Pokemon would go to a Generation 6.5 back in the days when we thought there was going to be a Pokemon Z and how that game would involve southern Kalos, but with the way things are developing right now, I highly doubt they'll devote it to a Sun and Moon Pokemon. There's no way Ash can catch one before the League, and while they could advertise a potential evolution similar to how Pokemon Origins revealed Mega Charizard X, I still think that's a little too early to do. Similarly, I don't think Ash's past Pokemon will be used for Mega Evolution. Sceptile is covered thanks to Sawyer, and the other possibility, Charizard, is pretty much taken care of thanks to Trevor's Mega Charizard Y, the Mega Evolution many thought Ash would use prior to Ash Greninja coming to the picture. Ash Greninja is pretty much Ash's Mega Evolution, so that department is covered.

I love the changing battlefields too! The stadium as a whole already has the best design we've seen in other Pokemon League stadiums, so that just makes things better. I also hope we see Charles Goodshow make a return this time around. He's the president of the Pokemon League, but he strangely didn't appear in the Unova League despite his job being to overlook every region's leagues similar to the Olympics president who he's based off.

^This is Charles Goodshaw during the Sinnoh League.

Trevor owning a Mega Charizard Y definitely sounds rather odd, but I guess the writers were just trying to find a way to have his loss go out in a bang instead of having Mega Charizard X knock out a normal Charizard. I can definitely see the heatburst festival being the spot where Trevor will receive it though. I'm interested to see what other Pokemon Trevor has caught since we last saw him in the Moltres episode

For the lack of appearances they had in the series, I think it makes sense Trevor and Tierno will go down fairly early, although I was expecting Ash to fight Tierno since that's the XY friend that had more appearances between the two. I also find it interesting that the episode featuring Sawyer vs Tierno will focus on Tierno's Raichu rather than his Blastoise despite the latter being his signature Pokemon which also has the potential to Mega Evolve. Naturally, one would expect the battle to be Mega Sceptile vs Mega Blastoise, but I have faith Raichu will put up quite the show if the episode title is highlighting it instead of Blastoise. I have a feeling Tierno will have a Rain Dance strategy since three of his Pokemon are Water-types: Blastoise, Ludicolo, and Politoed. You also have Raichu who could benefit from having 100% accurate Thunder attacks.

I'm also willing to bet we'll see a moment in the episode where Tierno will try to get Serena's attention during the fight since he has a crush on her.:p

I think it was pretty obvious the League was going to be a Mega smackdown thanks to how they're a big deal this generation. I only wonder if we'll see more Megas beyond the Charizards, Sceptile, Absol, and Garchomp. If so, I'd love to see Mega Gallade, Mega Salamence, and Mega Lopunny in the League. Between Remo and Astrid, I think it makes sense for one of the episodes to involve Ash vs Astrid. They already fought in the Diancie movie where he beat Ash, so it'd be cool to see him get revenge her with his much stronger team this time.

While I originally didn't want Alain in the League because I thought he'd be another Tobias thanks to how they give the impression that Charizard was his only Pokemon, I don't mind seeing him there now. After it was revealed that he also has a Metang on his team and reading online that Alain refers to Charizard as his "strongest Pokemon" (thus hinting he has more Pokemon), I'm interested in seeing what the rest of his League team will be. I definitely think that's an interesting theory regarding Lysandre giving him the badges, although I like the Malva idea even more since she's one of the Elite Four members and works for Team Flare, and having her working a way to have Alain in the League would definitely give this sense of inner corruption that would make the interesting development/a perfect reveal regarding Malva's secret that many don't know.

That's a really good theory! It's a great set up for the big reveal regarding Lysandre's true goals and his evil motives. I have hard time imagining how Lysandre would kill people within the stadium other than the "vine machine" we saw Xerosic use in two episodes. It seems more likely the way he will reveal his goals will involve some sort of doomsday announcement (perhaps showing off the vine machine in the process or by showing how he wants to use Zygarde's Complete Form to destroy Kalos), but we'll just wait and see. The Alain vs Ash match definitely seems like the perfect time for Team Flare to strike/reveal themselves.

With the Team Flare finale arc, Lysandre labs definitely seems like a great way to start it off. I also think it will be around that point Ash and company will learn about Blaziken Man's identity; right now, only Professor Sycamore knows about it. Out of it, I can definitely see the identity unmasking exploring Meyer's backstory regarding how he became Blaziken Man, perhaps even going into Clemont's backstory since there's a possibility that could be involved.

I think Alain being manipulated is a given since the opening hints he will be on their side for a period of time. There'll probably be a point later into the arc where he learns about how he was manipulated the whole time and thus decides to change sides. Team Flare taking Mairin hostage sounds plausible, particularly by taking her sick Chespin hostage to indirectly to take her along as well. The Zygarde 50% battle is probably going to happen too, but I have a feeling that Team Flare will ambush Puni-chan during it similar to how they captured Z2 in the episode it fought Alain's Charizard. I just have this feeling Zygarde's Complete Form will probably be manipulated by Team Flare for their "true goal", although I could see it going the other way around where they save Z2 and then Zygarde's Complete Form is the one to ultimately stop Team Flare's plan and mark the team's demise as a whole.

No doubt Team Rocket will come back to aid the heroes. I also have a feeling this is the perfect opportunity for Looker to come back. So far, he appeared in all the arcs where the evil team starts to execute their evil plan, and considering Looker appears in X/Y/OR/AS, I have a feeling he'll come back, this time to stop Team Flare. It also seems like the perfect opportunity for Emma to appear as Essentia and helps Team Flare's plan.

Some other characters that I hope will appear during the Team Flare finale arc are Steven Stone, Zinnia, and AZ. The last time we saw Steven, he visited Kalos to talk with Lysandre and watch the battle between Alain and Malva. They don't say whether or not he returned to Hoenn, but considering Steven and Lysandre have that relationship of some sort, I'm willing to bet he's still in Kalos. That'd be pretty good to see considering he needs to know about Lysander's secret. It would also make for the perfect reunion with Ash. The two met in Hoenn, and I would love to see Steven recognize Ash and tell him that he remembers from the time they were in the Granite Cave. Then they flashback to that Hoenn episode complete with updated graphics this time similar to how they updated the art when they did the Charizard flashbacks in the BW series. It'd be pretty cool to see him and Ash work together to stop Team Flare, as well as with Alain if he switches sides.

With Zinnia... yeah, it seems doubtful she'd be involved in this arc considering that she was supposed to be involved with Rayquaza and the Delta episode, so I don't know how they could make her tie in with the current development in the anime. The only way I can see her being involved in the arc is if they reveal that Team Flare was responsible for killing her friend Aster, and so she bears some sort of vendetta against them and wants to do everything in her power to take down Lysandre and Team Flare. There was also the megalith Lysandre recovered in Mega Evolution Act III, so maybe it could tie back with the Draconid people backstory. Going back to the earlier point, maybe in her quest to avenge her friend's death, she learns about Zygarde's backstory and realizes how Zygarde and Rayquaza are quite similar to each other as well as how AZ was involved with Hoenn's history; then, she meets up with Ash and company at some point to explain the backstory and ally with them to take down Team Flare. Yeah, all of this doubtful, but it's just that I would love to see Zinnia in the anime since she was such an amazing character in OR/AS (and imagine hearing her theme + her battle theme in the anime; that would be absolute gold).

AZ is also doubtful at this point since it doesn't look like Team Flare will use the Ultimate Weapon as part of their grand plan, but considering he's been alive for so many years to the point he even witnessed Mega Rayquaza saving the world and giving Sootoplis City that tree, I bet he knows a lot about Zygarde and its involvement with Kalos' history. There's also the theory going a while back how Ash Greninja could somehow be related to AZ's Floette since that Floette looks a lot different from other Floettes (having a different flower and the blue color matching the color of AZ's coat when he was king), so if the theory is still relevant, perhaps that could also be a good opportunity for AZ to appear. It's doubtful, I know, but I just find it odd that AZ hasn't appeared at all in the XY anime thus far (especially since Lysandre is his descendent, or at least AZ's brother's descendent).

I could see Ash being offered to challenge the Elite Four League after they find about how Malva was involved in the corruption of allowing Alain into the League assuming the Malva/Lysandre theory turns out to be true, as a way of rewarding Ash for his accomplishments or realizing Ash deserved the League win instead of Alain because Ash actually earned his badges. Or maybe if they give Ash the championship title, I can see a good reason Ash going to the Alola region would be that this time he wants to actually "earn" the Pokemon League champion title instead of being given to him because of corruption on the opponent's part.

If the League ultimately gets cancelled because of the Team Flare attack, that'd be cool to see. If it happened, people wouldn't wine about how "Ash lost the league yet again" as we would have an original reason why Ash didn't win the League this time.

Sad to hear about what happened to Kaze.

I remember being spoiled about his death before the release, and man, I think I got a bit emotional when I saw that the first time.

Story wise, the point of the scene is that Kaze feels guilty for not stopping Garon forces when they kidnapped you when you were a toddler; it eats him up to the point that he thinks the only way he can redeem himself is by sacrificing his life to save yours should the situation require it. This is further highlighted In Chapter 7 where Kaze states that he owes you his life when he tells Saizo that you are on the good side.

In the A Support, Kaze tells Corrin about what's troubling him: the backstory regarding the whole Sumeragi death incident. Because he manages to tell Corrin about it without a life-threatening incident happening at the moment, Corrin manages to talk things out so that the incident no longer eats away at Kaze to the point he wants to sacrifice himself. Feeling overjoyed about the conversation Kaze then discusses how retainers work, and he offers to become Corrin's retainer. Corrin accepts. It's a really memorable support conversation because it's one the longer ones in the game.

I honestly wish there was a special dialogue featuring Saizo in the following scene where Ryoma and Corrin look out at the mountain. It would've added the emotion to see how Saizo would react knowing that he's the only one of his family left.

And that wasn't the only sad death in this chapter though. Even though it isn't directly stated, you also ended up massacring the entire Wolfskin population in the end thanks to how the battle originally started. Not going to lie, but when I completed this chapter, I remember feeling really bad just thinking about that.
Birthright Chapter 15 spoilers
What? Corrin does mention feeling guilty for the Wolfskin after the battle, he says he'll never be able to forgive himself for what happened to them
And honestly, comparing it to Conquest's equivalent
It's much more heartwrenching with the Wolfskin since Keaton even agrees into helping you at first but then has to see the people he trusted "kill"(at least from whatvhe saw) one of his own
Kaden just goes "I hate fighting so I'll you all"
Kaden was at blame in Conquest, Keaton was a victim
In general though, the amount of characters that have plot armour is kinda absurd.

Before I knew much about the game, I thought it would just be Corrin and Azura because they are so obviously the canon pairing that it hurts.

Then I let Sakura get KO'd in Chapter 6 and thought maybe she'd come back next chapter. But she didn't, though she still appears in the story.

So then I thought "OK maybe it's just the royals that have plot armour".

But then I've had Rinkah get beaten in early chapters, and she's got plot armour too. Which is understandable in the Prologue, as her appearances in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 are canon, but she hasn't popped up in the story since then, IIRC, yet she still can't die (not that I'd let her, but still).

And then Silas has only had like, one line since joining, which could easily have been omitted if you were to let him die in battle before then. But he has plot armour too.

The fact this many characters have plot armour just defeats the purpose of Classic Mode IMO, you can tell they didn't design the game's narrative with it in mind.

So because of that, I just reset whenever I lose someone, because if there is no emotional weight behind losing them, and they simply retreat and are "too injured to fight", then what's the point? Not to mention that, the idea of some characters being "too injured to fight" creates some glaring plotholes in the story if they are in that position.

Yeah, I understand why he feels the way he does and what the scene is supposed to represent. It is an effective scene, and Kaze is one of my favourite characters.

But from a gameplay standpoint, it feels like a kick in the groin that the game forcibly kills this character off, especially if he was a unit you used a lot. Granted, I don't NEED him to finish - the Smash crew are really good units and are more than enough to replace him - I just don't like having to replace him. Especially since I liked the character. The fact you can prevent it in such an arbitrary way, and that I just needed ONE more battle with him to do so, makes it worse.
Silas constantly appears in numerous paralogues(at least on Conquest's)
No character can actually die pre-route split, they all use their Casual retreat quotes
Royals are plot relevant
And some other characters that have some scenes after their recruitment

What I don't get is why EVERY SINGLE father has plot armor when most of them only have a single scene after their recruitment or none, probably because if you unlocked their kid's paralogue and let them die, it wouldn't have made sense for them to show up but they could have just locked out the paralogue if the father is dead

The only characters that can actually die are the ones who don't have kids attached to them, which means second gen units, non-plot relevant females and some Corrin-sexuals


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Birthright Chapter 15 spoilers
What? Corrin does mention feeling guilty for the Wolfskin after the battle, he says he'll never be able to forgive himself for what happened to them
And honestly, comparing it to Conquest's equivalent
It's much more heartwrenching with the Wolfskin since Keaton even agrees into helping you at first but then has to see the people he trusted "kill"(at least from whatvhe saw) one of his own
Kaden just goes "I hate fighting so I'll you all"
Kaden was at blame in Conquest, Keaton was a victim

Silas constantly appears in numerous paralogues(at least on Conquest's)
No character can actually die pre-route split, they all use their Casual retreat quotes
Royals are plot relevant
And some other characters that have some scenes after their recruitment

What I don't get is why EVERY SINGLE father has plot armor when most of them only have a single scene after their recruitment or none, probably because if you unlocked their kid's paralogue and let them die, it wouldn't have made sense for them to show up but they could have just locked out the paralogue if the father is dead

The only characters that can actually die are the ones who don't have kids attached to them, which means second gen units, non-plot relevant females and some Corrin-sexuals
The only Paralogues I've done so far are for recruiting Mozu, Kana, and Asugi, and Silas hasn't had an appearance in any of those.

So far, the only line he's had post-recruitment chapter, has been:

In the Opera House, he tries to tell Xander how corrupt King Garon has become, but Xander obviously doesn't care about what he has to say.

That's a line they could have easily coded the game to just cut in the event you let Silas die beforehand, though, it's so inconsequential to anything.

In fact, I kinda assumed that the whole point of preserving units in FE games, outside of obviously having a bigger army with more options, would be for stuff like this, where more minor characters still get dialogue here and there in the main story if they survive to certain points, but I guess that's not the case in Birthright.

It's not really a big deal since I guess this gives me a way to make the game more challenging (beat missions without casualties), but I was expecting a bit more from the mechanic.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I was just told if one more customer complains i'm unfriendly i'm fired from my job.

I hate working with people, and probably doesn't help have aspergers

They said I was good at my job, but that doesn't matter unless I'm friendly

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Just bought Sunset Overdrive.

Hoping for something fun with all dat grinding

Red & Green

Just call me Red.
May 3, 2016
Tune Street
Switch FC
Just bought Sunset Overdrive.

Hoping for something fun with all dat grinding
It's actually a pretty great game, got it myself a while back through Games with Gold on Xbox.

Wish I'd managed to get it earlier, like 2 years ago.

Hate how it constantly records things for me, though...

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I was just told if one more customer complains i'm unfriendly i'm fired from my job.

I hate working with people, and probably doesn't help have aspergers

They said I was good at my job, but that doesn't matter unless I'm friendly
In that case ask why the customers think you're unfriendly and try to improve those aspects


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
In that case ask why the customers think you're unfriendly and try to improve those aspects
Most customers likely wouldn't be telling him that, but his supervisor, who wouldn't know as they're likely not physically present.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Birthright Chapter 15 spoilers
What? Corrin does mention feeling guilty for the Wolfskin after the battle, he says he'll never be able to forgive himself for what happened to them
And honestly, comparing it to Conquest's equivalent
It's much more heartwrenching with the Wolfskin since Keaton even agrees into helping you at first but then has to see the people he trusted "kill"(at least from whatvhe saw) one of his own
Kaden just goes "I hate fighting so I'll you all"
Kaden was at blame in Conquest, Keaton was a victim

Silas constantly appears in numerous paralogues(at least on Conquest's)
No character can actually die pre-route split, they all use their Casual retreat quotes
Royals are plot relevant
And some other characters that have some scenes after their recruitment

What I don't get is why EVERY SINGLE father has plot armor when most of them only have a single scene after their recruitment or none, probably because if you unlocked their kid's paralogue and let them die, it wouldn't have made sense for them to show up but they could have just locked out the paralogue if the father is dead

The only characters that can actually die are the ones who don't have kids attached to them, which means second gen units, non-plot relevant females and some Corrin-sexuals
Yeah, Kaden's reasoning doesn't make a lot of sense and I get the feeling they only did it to keep the counterpart thematic going between him and Keaton. With Keaton, as you said, he was tricked, he already has a bad history with poachers and having the group he placed trust in "kill" one of his own would understandably get him and his tribe defensive. So what happens in Chapter 15 is more unfortunate since it's both sides being forced to fight each other.

Kaden by contrast doesn't make a lot of sense. Kaden was only going off of what the elders' told him as it's implied he barely (if at all) deals with poachers getting into the hamlet, so he doesn't have as much of a reason to be so aggressive towards the group, and he's the one that tricks the group into fighting as they were just going on their own way before he revealed himself and allowed his tribe to surround him. So he forced the fight between the groups rather then it being a third party being responsible, and thus, he's much more at fault for what happens in Chapter 19 then Keaton is. It's also a bit off with him since Kaden is probably one of the nicest guys in the game, so him not even giving the group a chance to prove their innocence comes off as forced, especially when Keaton has more of a reason to be skeptical between the two and yet he was willing to let them pass when they tried to prove their goodwill.

And I agree that too many characters have plot armor. With Awakening, it was kind of understandable due to the fact that the children were supposed to be alive for the events in the future, Fates has no such excuse as the children are thrown in plot-wise and most of the characters lose their importances past their recruitments, so them retaining plot armor isn't nearly as necessary.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Just bought Sunset Overdrive.

Hoping for something fun with all dat grinding
In most games "grinding" is a player's worst nightmare. Oh the irony :p
The only characters that can actually die are the ones who don't have kids attached to them, which means second gen units, non-plot relevant females and some Corrin-sexuals

RIP permadeath as a plot device :/


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I found the best feature in this game:

I somehow made Robin look suave as hell though, caught it at just the right time, and it looks like his hands are in his pockets.


Deleted member

I finally beat Gangrel's map on Lunatic
I lost Kellam, Frederick and Olivia but it's fine because this is "Chrom and Robin Kill Everything: The Game feat. Anna as a Lv.2 Mage"


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Why do I get the feeling that FE Fates has worse writing than previous games in the series?

Then again, given the direction it's taking the franchise, I'm not too surprised...

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Most customers likely wouldn't be telling him that, but his supervisor, who wouldn't know as they're likely not physically present.
That's what I meant. Ask what the complaints are based on. Behaviour, uniform, wording, idk, but the customers MUST have said WHY they didn't like their treatment. Either I'm just spoiled because of my boss being one of the nicest guys in the world, or the supervisor NEEDS to say what the complaints are based on. Otherwise, how the **** are you supposed to improve on it?

Deleted member

Why do I get the feeling that FE Fates has worse writing than previous games in the series?

Then again, given the direction it's taking the franchise, I'm not too surprised...
Oh, I assure you it's not just a feeling
Birthright seems to have consistent writing from what I've seen so far though, but Conquest, man...
Conquest is the living evidence that it's better to have a cliche plot than take risks with something new and ambitious


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Why do I get the feeling that FE Fates has worse writing than previous games in the series?

Then again, given the direction it's taking the franchise, I'm not too surprised...
From what I hear, Conquest is terribly written due to the fact that Corrin's personality is not built for doing "dark" things, and that path constantly forces him to do so. He is always unhappy with the things he has to do and never really develops a personality befitting of an anti-hero (which is essentially the role he is supposed to play in Conquest). Someone who's actually played Conquest will probably know more specifics though, that's just what I hear.

Birthright is fine for the most part though, so far. Other than the thing I talked about in the spoilers over the last page (which is honestly something I have a problem with more from a gameplay standpoint, in terms of writing it is an effective scene though), and the handling of permadeath in Classic Mode, there isn't anything wrong with Birthright's story so far. I mean it's nothing special, it's a pretty standard "righteous hero" plot and despite having to leave the Nohr siblings behind and having to fight them, you don't feel too bad for fighting them because other than Elise, Birthright (at least up to where I am) hasn't really made me sympathise with any of my Nohr siblings, they just flat out are ****s to you through and through (or in Camilla's case, she just goes full yandere for a Chapter in which case I have no problem fighting her). So overall, the plot works because Corrin's kind-hearted personality was perfectly molded for it.

Don't know much of anything about Revelations though.

Also there is nothing wrong with the direction the series is going. It's heading towards a brighter future, as one of Nintendo's major IPs.
Last edited:


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
That's what I meant. Ask what the complaints are based on. Behaviour, uniform, wording, idk, but the customers MUST have said WHY they didn't like their treatment. Either I'm just spoiled because of my boss being one of the nicest guys in the world, or the supervisor NEEDS to say what the complaints are based on. Otherwise, how the **** are you supposed to improve on it?
I think you're overestimating the average American consumer if you think they'll say anything beyond "I didn't like his [perceived] attitude/not nice-ness". Our asinine "the customer is always right" mentality needs nothing more than an off-the-cuff remark to earn a reprimand/firing. Which is absolutely bonkers, considering most of the time the customer doesn't know what the hell they're talking about.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I decided I can't deal with the stress and just left work

Regardless of what I do I'm not going to be there much longer. It's obvious

I also didn't like how the manager acted. I really wanted to throw my name badge in his face and say "**** you, I quit"

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I think you're overestimating the average American consumer if you think they'll say anything beyond "I didn't like his [perceived] attitude/not nice-ness". Our asinine "the customer is always right" mentality needs nothing more than an off-the-cuff remark to earn a reprimand/firing. Which is absolutely bonkers, considering most of the time the customer doesn't know what the hell they're talking about.
What the actual ****. I'm absolutely disgusted by this, especially as my schoolwork's coincidentally about false customer complaints now. Besides, doesn't that mean that if say, I held a grudge against someone, I can just say "I don't like how they're treating me" and get them in trouble? When a customer complained about my service, I was told by my boss, who knew the customer was lying as he was coincidentally in ear's reach when I was talking to that customer


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Birthright Chapter 15 spoilers
What? Corrin does mention feeling guilty for the Wolfskin after the battle, he says he'll never be able to forgive himself for what happened to them
And honestly, comparing it to Conquest's equivalent
It's much more heartwrenching with the Wolfskin since Keaton even agrees into helping you at first but then has to see the people he trusted "kill"(at least from whatvhe saw) one of his own
Kaden just goes "I hate fighting so I'll you all"
Kaden was at blame in Conquest, Keaton was a victim
When I meant "directly stated", I meant that Corrin doesn't say the exact words "We massacred them." In Conquest, he exactly says,"We massacred the kitsunes." I do remember what Corrin says after Chapter 15 in Birthright, and I knew from those lines that the Wolfskin were massacred because of how Corrin expresses his guilt.

And I absolutely agree about Keaton and the Wolfskins' deaths being far sadder than Kaden and the Kistunes deaths for the reasons already stated.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
What the actual ****. I'm absolutely disgusted by this, especially as my schoolwork's coincidentally about false customer complaints now. Besides, doesn't that mean that if say, I held a grudge against someone, I can just say "I don't like how they're treating me" and get them in trouble? When a customer complained about my service, I was told by my boss, who knew the customer was lying as he was coincidentally in ear's reach when I was talking to that customer
The thing with retail/food service at least is the fact that virtually any boss here views you as completely expendable. It's less of a hassle to fire a person after a complaint, unfounded or not, and hire some new guy lined up than to focus on fixing what's there, even if there's nothing to fix. It's a terrible system, really, and just goes to show customer entitlement.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
The thing with retail/food service at least is the fact that virtually any boss here views you as completely expendable. It's less of a hassle to fire a person after a complaint, unfounded or not, and hire some new guy lined up than to focus on fixing what's there, even if there's nothing to fix. It's a terrible system, really, and just goes to show customer entitlement.
Especially if you make $3/ hour more than a new person and are non union

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Especially if you make $3/ hour more than a new person and are non union
The thing with retail/food service at least is the fact that virtually any boss here views you as completely expendable. It's less of a hassle to fire a person after a complaint, unfounded or not, and hire some new guy lined up than to focus on fixing what's there, even if there's nothing to fix. It's a terrible system, really, and just goes to show customer entitlement.
O.O I have a sudden desire to hug everyone who has to go through that bull****. I get paid €4.50-ish an hour and that's minimum wage


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Also there is nothing wrong with the direction the series is going. It's heading towards a brighter future, as one of Nintendo's major IPs.
Yeah, I know all that.

What I mean is that the series could do without fanservice, dressing up features and other similar kinds of pandering. Then again, that stuff sells...

But I digress. For the company and most fans, I suppose those are good things. As for me, I'll just kinda miss the way the old FE games were. I don't know, I just feel something was lost in the FE from Awakening onward.

I know 99% of the people will disagree with me, but I honestly don't care that much about it. I feel the FE series got too much change in a few installments to the point it alienated me somewhat. That's all there is to it.

FE isn't the only series I lost interest in, so it's not a big deal for me by the end. It's been years since I've last purchased a Mario game, after all.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
O.O I have a sudden desire to hug everyone who has to go through that bull****. I get paid €4.50-ish an hour and that's minimum wage
I get paid ~10.8 Euro, not in Euro's of course.

Minimum wage here is ~8.10 Euro. But, that's also because the cost of living is really high.

People are trying to get the minimum wage raised to ~13.49 Euro because of it
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
In general though, the amount of characters that have plot armour is kinda absurd.

Before I knew much about the game, I thought it would just be Corrin and Azura because they are so obviously the canon pairing that it hurts.

Then I let Sakura get KO'd in Chapter 6 and thought maybe she'd come back next chapter. But she didn't, though she still appears in the story.

So then I thought "OK maybe it's just the royals that have plot armour".

But then I've had Rinkah get beaten in early chapters, and she's got plot armour too. Which is understandable in the Prologue, as her appearances in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 are canon, but she hasn't popped up in the story since then, IIRC, yet she still can't die (not that I'd let her, but still).

And then Silas has only had like, one line since joining, which could easily have been omitted if you were to let him die in battle before then. But he has plot armour too.

The fact this many characters have plot armour just defeats the purpose of Classic Mode IMO, you can tell they didn't design the game's narrative with it in mind.

So because of that, I just reset whenever I lose someone, because if there is no emotional weight behind losing them, and they simply retreat and are "too injured to fight", then what's the point? Not to mention that, the idea of some characters being "too injured to fight" creates some glaring plotholes in the story if they are in that position.

Yeah, I understand why he feels the way he does and what the scene is supposed to represent. It is an effective scene, and Kaze is one of my favourite characters.

But from a gameplay standpoint, it feels like a kick in the groin that the game forcibly kills this character off, especially if he was a unit you used a lot. Granted, I don't NEED him to finish - the Smash crew are really good units and are more than enough to replace him - I just don't like having to replace him. Especially since I liked the character. The fact you can prevent it in such an arbitrary way, and that I just needed ONE more battle with him to do so, makes it worse.

And yeah, it's dumb how Saizo doesn't have a part in it. He's one of the characters with plot armour who hasn't done anything since a while ago (the ninja village, IIRC), but this scene would have given him a perfect opportunity to show up again.

And I'm probably gonna have to kill Saizo instead when I get to Conquest. Guess I can keep both in Revelations.
The way I see it, the only time plot armour like this is okay for me is if the character is incredibly vital to the story or if the game is a prequel and the death of that character would create a bigger plothole. Otherwise, you get something as ridiculous as this. FE7 handled plot armour better.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Yeah, I know all that.

What I mean is that the series could do without fanservice, dressing up features and other similar kinds of pandering. Then again, that stuff sells...

But I digress. For the company and most fans, I suppose those are good things. As for me, I'll just kinda miss the way the old FE games were. I don't know, I just feel something was lost in the FE from Awakening onward.

I know 99% of the people will disagree with me, but I honestly don't care that much about it. I feel the FE series got too much change in a few installments to the point it alienated me somewhat. That's all there is to it.

FE isn't the only series I lost interest in, so it's not a big deal for me by the end. It's been years since I've last purchased a Mario game, after all.
I mean all of the things you listed that are "pandering", are all completely optional and you don't even have to engage in them. They also aren't hugely essential to the game. If you skip out on marriages, you don't get the child units like Kana and Asugi or the maps you unlock them on, but those are side quests and aren't essential to the game (Kana is worth going for though since it means you can get a second dragon).

And the dressing up thing is hardly pandering, it's just like it is in most other games. Most of them are just cool, cute, or funny. The only one that could be considered "fanservice" is the Bath Robe, and even then, the image of someone fighting in a Bath Robe is more funny than it is sexy. They are also completely optional, and don't provide any stat benefits unless you are defending your castle in online matches, IIRC (not sure if they do anything during Invasions in the campaign, but I doubt they do).

Even the marriage thing, at least in the Western version, doesn't feel too fanservicey since it's mostly just talking anyway. And more than anything, it gives you more insight into certain characters.

Honestly, if these are why you don't want to play FE games anymore, you may wanna stop playing Smash too since it has way more "stuff it didn't need" and direct fanservice in it than FE does, right down to the fact that you can take up-close photos of characters and draw on them in-game and do whatever you want from there.

Other than a few optional features, the addition of cool new features like online play and a personal castle you can build and protect from invasions, and the fact that Awakening and Birthright allow more grinding then most other installments, Fire Emblem is still the same series it has always been.
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Wizards of Waverly place should have been the easiest one to make a game

Although I imagine Zack and Cody could have been like the Home Alone game


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
>Send Marth out front with Lucina as pair up bodyguard
>Boss of the map flies towards him
>Has a weapon he is weak to, it's about to one shot him, I have made a terrible mistake and didn't check the enemy's loadout
>But Marth channels his inner Matrix and dodges
>Screams "I MUST END YOU" at the top of his lungs
>Crits the boss with over 100 damage, absolutely demolishes him


Also between this game and Codename STEAM, I'm really getting used to Yuri Lowenthal as Marth. I also found it funny how my avatar is also voiced by him, and they both conversed. Weird as hell.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I can't believe you watched that crap

Let me guess, it was actually good but loldutchdub
To this day I just find it funny that the Sprouse twins basically stayed the same as their characters, judging by their twitters. It's honestly hilarious. :p

A+ Self-Censorship


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I mean all of the things you listed that are "pandering", are all completely optional and you don't even have to engage in them. They also aren't hugely essential to the game. If you skip out on marriages, you don't get the child units like Kana and Asugi or the maps you unlock them on, but those are side quests and aren't essential to the game (Kana is worth going for though since it means you can get a second dragon).

And the dressing up thing is hardly pandering, it's just like it is in most other games. Most of them are just cool, cute, or funny. The only one that could be considered "fanservice" is the Bath Robe, and even then, the image of someone fighting in a Bath Robe is more funny than it is sexy. They are also completely optional, and don't provide any stat benefits unless you are defending your castle in online matches, IIRC (not sure if they do anything during Invasions in the campaign, but I doubt they do).

Even the marriage thing, at least in the Western version, doesn't feel too fanservicey since it's mostly just talking anyway. And more than anything, it gives you more insight into certain characters.

Honestly, if these are why you don't want to play FE games anymore, you may wanna stop playing Smash too since it has way more "stuff it didn't need" and direct fanservice in it than FE does, right down to the fact that you can take up-close photos of characters and draw on them in-game and do whatever you want from there.

Other than a few optional features, the addition of cool new features like online play and a personal castle you can build and protect from invasions, and the fact that Awakening and Birthright allow more grinding then most other installments, Fire Emblem is still the same series it has always been.
All the controversy didn't help either and the fact the fanbase became 100 times more toxic as well.

At least, having a ton of optional features has been a staple of Smash, right down to the first game, whereas Fire Emblem was strictly a strategy RPG where all that mattered was the core gameplay, the units, the characters and stories. I had so much fun with Radiant Dawn.

Awakening still had some neat ideas, but Radiant Dawn was still an overall better experience. Better characters, more engaging plot, more strategic elements. And from what I've had seen of games prior to Radiant Dawn (via video walkthroughs), they seem to deliver pretty much the same experience.

Now, they just threw some gratuitous fanservice and dating sim elements with a self-insert character. I don't like that stuff, sorry, and I have the right to not invest a cent on a game series I feel it lost its luster.

I tolerated Awakening, but Fates elevated the stuff I didn't like about Awakening up to 11 and that's when I felt that the series was no longer what I used to like. And I know for sure I'm not the only FE fan to think like this.

I actually was hyped when Fates was first announced and the trailer showed a lot of promise, but it went down the gutter.

That's all I have to say, really. No one can convince me otherwise, but I'm not going to force anyone to change their minds. If people enjoy FE Fates, more power to them.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Remember that time Dylan Sprouse commentated a Project M tournament?

Does he still do that or what?
Not sure, honestly. I know he retweeted the legitimization of esports petition recently, so maybe.
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