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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I completed he Before Awakening map in Fates with Robin defeating most of the units, and...

...yeah I definitely created a time paradox.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Just look at the ad that appeared when I logged into Smashboards right now.


*Fanboying intensifies*

I really want to go to the Zelda concert this year. :grin:

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
I completed he Before Awakening map in Fates with Robin defeating most of the units, and...

...yeah I definitely created a time paradox.

Chrom is dead

:4marth:: "Corrin, what are you doing? You can't change the future, you created a time paradox"


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
For beating the Before Awakening map, you get the ability to become a cute cosplay couple with your significant other in the game.


Deleted member

I completed he Before Awakening map in Fates with Robin defeating most of the units, and...

...yeah I definitely created a time paradox.
For more time traveling shenanigans, some characters have special conversations with the NPCs in that map
Ypu probably already noticed Corrin can talk with Chrom and Lissa but Jakob gets a convo with Frederick and Subaki's daughter, Caeldori, gets one with Chrom
The Awakening trio also get convos, Odin and his daughter with Lissa and Laslow and Selena with Chrom, but they're Conquest exclusive
For beating the Before Awakening map, you get the ability to become a cute cosplay couple with your significant other in the game.

Lodestar is basically a Swordmaster, Great Lord is balanced all around
GL has better skills though, Aether is just as good as it was in Awakening and speaking of which, Awakening is the class' Lv35 skill which boosts Hit rate, Avoid, Crit rate and Crit Evade by 30 when the user has >50%HP
Combine that with Vantage and a 1-2 range weapon and they're pratically invincible

Deleted member

There was a problem fetching the tweet

I found the fourth greatest thing ever made on the Internet, after :4shulk:'s, :4cloud:'s and :4robinm:'s reveals.

EDIT : Probably :079:'d but I don't care.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
For more time traveling shenanigans, some characters have special conversations with the NPCs in that map
Ypu probably already noticed Corrin can talk with Chrom and Lissa but Jakob gets a convo with Frederick and Subaki's daughter, Caeldori, gets one with Chrom
The Awakening trio also get convos, Odin and his daughter with Lissa and Laslow and Selena with Chrom, but they're Conquest exclusive

Lodestar is basically a Swordmaster, Great Lord is balanced all around
GL has better skills though, Aether is just as good as it was in Awakening and speaking of which, Awakening is the class' Lv35 skill which boosts Hit rate, Avoid, Crit rate and Crit Evade by 30 when the user has >50%HP
Combine that with Vantage and a 1-2 range weapon and they're pratically invincible
Does Asugi have a conversation on it? IIRC he's part of the Awakening trio, and I got him.

Also I actually have no immediate plans to use the Hero's Brand and Exalt's Brand on anyone because Marth and Lucina already cover Lodestar and Great Lord respectively. Guess I'll try train up Lucina though if she can get that good.

Deleted member

Does Asugi have a conversation on it? IIRC he's part of the Awakening trio, and I got him.

Also I actually have no immediate plans to use the Hero's Brand and Exalt's Brand on anyone because Marth and Lucina already cover Lodestar and Great Lord respectively. Guess I'll try train up Lucina though if she can get that good.
No, Asugi is not part of the Awakening trio, this is in reference to the three that actually ARE the ones from Awakening(Odin, Selena and Laslow), the three BR kids(Rhajat, Asugi and Caeldori) are just expies
And he doesn't have a convo on it either, only Caeldori has because Chrom mistakens her for Cordelia(and he hasn't even met Gaius and Tharja at this point)

Lucina can't get Vantage though, which is what would make Awakening broken, but it still is a great skill


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
With Sun/Moon, I'd guess it'd either be a rehash of game news, or an announcement of the Sun/Moon anime. In the former case, we'd at best get another scene from the beginning of the game as I can't see GF giving a smaller magazine crucial information. For the latter, I wouldn't expect too much aside from maybe the starter's anime artwork and Ash's new design.

In other (and bigger) news, they actually remembered Mega Charizard Y exists.
It's just an anime preview magazine, so it has nothing to do with Sun/Moon. It did confirm upcoming anime episode titles, revealing that the league will start in June, however. Based on the translated descriptions over on Serebii, it seems to be rather underwhelming (IMO) given the XY Friends will be punching bags for Alain/Sawyer. Poor Mega Charizard Y.

It does at least confirm we'll see Ash's 6th Team member soon. It would be nice to see more Goodra, but Ash's team this saga is kind of bland (3 Flying Types?) so Pallet Town reserves might also be a smart option.

Am kind of hoping Team Flare will interrupt the league instead of having Ash lose badly like Unova or getting a cop out like Shinnoh.
To be fair, each of the Flying-types on his team have their weaknesses covered. Both Hawlucha and Noivern (as well as Goodra if it returns) are weak to Ice, but then you have Talonflame who is part Fire. Hawlucha, Talonflame, and Greninja are weak to Electric-types, but then you have Pikachu who resists that type (Goodra as well if it returns, while he also has Noivern where Electric attacks do neutral damage to it). Talonflame and Noivern are both weak to Rock, but Greninja takes care of that Rock weakness perfectly. Greninja, Hawlucha, and Noivern (and Goodra if it returns) are weak to Fairy, but Talonflame resists that type.

The magazine also revealed that Remo and Astrid will compete in the Kalos League. For those who don't remember who they are, Remo is that Mega Garchomp trainer that Alain fought in the end of Mega Evolution Act 1, while Astrid is the trainer directly based off the female Ace Trainer class in X/Y that owns a Mega Absol. She first appeared in the beginning of Mega Evolution Act 1 where she fought Alain and in the beginning of the Diancie movie where she fought Ash.

And it looks like Sawyer has his Sceptilite on the bookmark of his notebook. Nice touch.

I'd also be interested to see Team Flare interrupt the League. That could make for some interesting development.
Yes, I wound up reading more on this last night. There seems to be a lot of interesting things to look at here, some of which you three have mentioned, but I have to write of a long post on that latter.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I'm disappointed with no YO-KAI WATCH 2 on the thread poll.

Seems like people forgot its existence quickly. :(
I think I dreamed about it last night, if that helps anything.

Probably the game I'm third most interested in this year after Pokemon Sun and Planet Robobot, although admittedly with how much more paranoid I've been getting about my cash for the final stretch prior to the NX that still doesn't guarantee anything.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
>On Chapter 15
>Honestly not that difficult, most of my units can barely take any damage from the enemies and the enemies have low Hit Rates.
>But of course an enemy with a 6% Crit Rate would get a Critical Hit on Robin and just about kill him.

Definitely have to restart if any of the amiibo characters die because I HAVE TO PAY FOR THOSE, YOU KNOW? :4wario:


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Here are my thoughts on the recent anime news:

Tagging Erureido Erureido as I know your a fan of the anime and like to discuss it.

To start, I am somewhat surprised the league is coming up so early! It looks really good though. We still have that pancham episode before the start of the league if it is truly pancham focused. This would air after the goodra episode presumably. But we have no sign of it atm. Moving on, the goodra episode will not have goodra return to Ash’s team it looks like. However, this just goes back to my theory that after the goodra episode, the guy that runs the marshlands will tell Ash that if he wants to use goodra in the league then to contact him, and he’ll bring it over. In addition, I’m thinking old pokemon will come back starting round 2. This is due to the magazine saying Ash needs to find a 6th pokemon. Granted they could be hiding goodra, but I don’t see why. Which is why I believe goodra will just be added as a potential choice and Ash will call upon at one point in the league. A crazy idea is that maybe, Ash gets a sun and Moon pokemon somehow. I don’t find this super likely, unless one of his old pokemon evolves into one, but that’s very unlikely. Even crazier, some think maybe one of his pokemon come back and get a mega, which he uses. Doubt it, but it be pretty cool if it happened. With Ash Greninja existing, I don’t see it happening though.

Now for the matchups. The league having changing battlefields is pretty awesome. Round one is going to be pretty insane. Everyone is starting with a mega except for what seems to be Tierno who fights Sawyer. Trevor is also the one with Charziard Y. Which makes little sense as he showed up once since pokemon camp and had a charmelon. My guess is the heatburst festival will give Trevor Charziardnite Y, and maybe a mega ring. Sawyer had a buildup to his though, which at least works better. Due to the lack of appearances by Tierno and trevor, I’m actually Glad Sawyer and Allan will be decimating them out of the league round one. The league being a mega smackdown is exactly what I wanted to see, so I’m glad. The latter rounds should be pretty good if everyone has a mega. Having trainers return from the Mega evolution act is pretty neat to. Allan being in the league though is slightly surprising. I called it from Day one that he was showing up though. As for why/how, I’m not sure, at least on the former. If I had to guess, if Allan doesn’t already have badges from years ago, Lysandre got him some. I’d say he had Malva pull some strings and get Allan entered in the competition. Which is fine by me, as it makes for an interesting storyline, and I like Allan’s character. But that brings me to the next part:

I’m also calling it now; Team Flare is attacking during the league. I’ve seen some people bring up an interesting theory. This is, that Lysandre paid them to build the league in Luminous city, to kill everyone like in the games. I don’t think killing will happen, but I do believe that the league is a set up so he has many people witness his plan of destruction. I’ve even seen people saying this will be how Ash loses the league without actually losing. Another theory is that the finals come down to Ash Vs Allan, when Team Flare attacks, causing the league to end. Lysandre is probably using allan to collect mega evolution data from the league. It’s also worth noting that they will probably see Ash there, and the scientist will tell Lysandre about him. Which would be interesting. Anyways, after Team Flare attacks, I could very well see them go into the Heroes of Kalos act. After TF attacks, I could see Ash and co, Allan, Trevor, and Tierno maybe even Shauna (who will show up as an audience member to cheer her friends on), and Sycamore rush to stop TF. They will go to his lab in Luminous, and then Blaziken Man will also show up somewhere to help them. I could see Dianthia also show up and Tell Ash how the time to save Kalos is now, and she takes them to wherever Lysandre is. Allan might also be manipulated into helping them. Maybe they take Mallon Hostage? I also bet Bonnie is going to fight their zygarde with Squissy as a zygarde. Then Ash will take on Allan and Lysandre while the others fight off other members of Team Flare. Even Team Rocket will probably show up and help them as they usually do. Then they go to award ceremony when the day is saved. Perhaps Ash even gets to battle Dianthia or they find a way for him to participate in the Elite 4 league? Probably not that far, but who knows. I could see the league be postponed though, or cancelled entirely after the attack.

Either way, these episodes and their timing leave a lot of potential for what could be done in the anime. I really look forward to them!


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
So after reading the titles, it looks like the XY rivals are going to be thrown out, that's a bit disappointing since the games already dropped the ball with them. At least those like Bianca and Barry had their in-game portrayals to fall back on. As for the battles themselves, Mega Charizard Y is getting jobbed to make X look good, and Raichu is getting jobbed to make another Pokémon look good. Story of their lives right there...

It would be nice if they brought back the reserves, I'd like to see Gliscor get some more love.
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
BluePikmin11 BluePikmin11 A friend of mine got Yokai Watch a while ago actually. I am sickened by it, but not for what you think. I'm sickened by how in less than 4 hours, he managed to utterly destroy the game with an unbeatable team despite him not being too far in the story
Did he just cheat and get s ranks through the gacha machine


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Splatoon is officially one year old. Here's some new art from the team.

It was great to see Nintendo take a risk with a new, big IP and having it wind up be a success.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014


He'll come back though. I belieeeve in him.

Also god damn, the Smash crew in Fates are as strong as my best units, but unlike my best units, they get a good deal of EXP even from fairly weak enemies. There are enemies that literally cannot damage Ike and he still gets a nice amount of EXP from them. Meanwhile, my avatar, Rinkah, Saizo, Kaze, and even Felicia don't get more than 2 EXP from anything that isn't a special, strong enemy, or a boss, even if said enemy can lay a finger on them.


Still cannot find the poop rat.
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Smash Master
May 25, 2014
Kingston, Ontario
R+V is one of the shows that got me into anime, I don't remember ever watching a second season, it being so long ago...

I never actually watched the first season of Code Geass either, but I got hooked on the second one ages ago.

I don't read much manga. Though there's one I can't completely recall that had a maid cafe and a trap..
It was the first anime I watched too (besides Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon, and Inu-Yasha), I seriously recommend the manga, it's the best I've read so far.
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Deleted member



He'll come back though. I belieeeve in him.

Also god damn, the Smash crew in Fates are as strong as my best units, but unlike my best units, they get a good deal of EXP even from fairly weak enemies. There are enemies that literally cannot damage Ike and he still gets a nice amount of EXP from them. Meanwhile, my avatar, Rinkah, Saizo, Kaze, and even Felicia don't get more than 2 EXP from anything that isn't a special, strong enemy, or a boss, even if said enemy can lay a finger on them.


Still cannot find the poop rat.
Birthright spoilers
Rip Kaze
Rip Miracle/Profiteer Midori
Rip only Dragon Herbs that aren't Path Bonuses


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Birthright spoilers
Rip Kaze
Rip Miracle/Profiteer Midori
Rip only Dragon Herbs that aren't Path Bonuses
Does he seriously not come back if you didn't A Support him?

I was on B.

That's some grade A bull**** if he doesn't. Like what the hell.

One of the things I don't like about Birthright, is how so many of the characters don't LITERALLY die in Classic Mode when they are defeated in battle, they just retreat, taking away the emotional impact. Kaze was one of them and I assumed that was because he is a constant presence in the story and that it can't work without him.

But oh know, he will forcibly die when the GAME'S SCRIPT says it's OK.

I mean it probably would have only taken one more battle for him to get A Rank with me. I have two Seed of Trusts I could have used and everything.

Too late now though, I stopped using multiple saves after a few chapters into Birthright as I had gotten comfortable with how things were going.


Oh hey, a YouTube video themed on Super Mario Galaxy that doesn't present a lot of misinformation on Rosalina for once.

In fact, I learned something I didn't even know about her.

Apparently, the specific reason they chose to give her hair over her eye was to reflect her "outward strength, but also her inner loneliness".

Deleted member

Does he seriously not come back if you didn't A Support him?

I was on B.

That's some grade A bull**** if he doesn't. Like what the hell.

One of the things I don't like about Birthright, is how so many of the characters don't LITERALLY die in Classic Mode when they are defeated in battle, they just retreat, taking away the emotional impact. Kaze was one of them and I assumed that was because he is a constant presence in the story and that it can't work without him.

But oh know, he will forcibly die when the GAME'S SCRIPT says it's OK.

I mean it probably would have only taken one more battle for him to get A Rank with me. I have two Seed of Trusts I could have used and everything.

Too late now though, I stopped using multiple saves after a few chapters into Birthright as I had gotten comfortable with how things were going.


Oh hey, a YouTube video themed on Super Mario Galaxy that doesn't present a lot of misinformation on Rosalina for once.

In fact, I learned something I didn't even know about her.

Apparently, the specific reason they chose to give her hair over her eye was to reflect her "outward strength, but also her inner loneliness".
Well, he has plot armor because of that scene and the fact he's story relevant
But Kaze is gone, dead, fell into a plot-convinience hole

Though don't worry, he is the only character that has an avoidable death, no other character can be missed(with the exception of children in case their father dies or there aren't enough female characters to pair them all up)
There is ONE in Revelation but said death cannot be prevented so don't worry too much about it when it eventually happens


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Well, he has plot armor because of that scene and the fact he's story relevant
But Kaze is gone, dead, fell into a plot-convinience hole

Though don't worry, he is the only character that has an avoidable death, no other character can be missed(with the exception of children in case their father dies or there aren't enough female characters to pair them all up)
There is ONE in Revelation but said death cannot be prevented so don't worry too much about it when it eventually happens
RIP Kaze then. You were one of the few cool and interesting characters I liked. And you were a *****in' unit when you needed to be.

At least my castle has a statue in his memory. :(
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Splatoon is officially one year old. Here's some new art from the team.

It was great to see Nintendo take a risk with a new, big IP and having it wind up be a success.
Aww, that's cu-

. . .Wait, that suction bomb one of them is using as a foot rest is going to explode in all of their faces, isn't it?

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Spoilered for size but everyone should see this.
Like @Zoroarking said, it's Watch Dog all over again in 2D.
Mighty Failure N.9, that's the name of the game. Failure is the name of the game.:4megaman:


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Well, he has plot armor because of that scene and the fact he's story relevant
But Kaze is gone, dead, fell into a plot-convinience hole

Though don't worry, he is the only character that has an avoidable death, no other character can be missed(with the exception of children in case their father dies or there aren't enough female characters to pair them all up)
There is ONE in Revelation but said death cannot be prevented so don't worry too much about it when it eventually happens
RIP Kaze then. You were one of the few cool and interesting characters I liked. And you were a *****in' unit when you needed to be.

At least my castle has a statue in his memory. :(
Yeah his death is kind of dumb. makes no sense that is you have the support, a convenient crystal is nearby to save him. is A support also gives him the exact same conversation to Corrin before he dies, thus he doesn't need to bring it up to corriin in the story.

And that dean revelation made me sad...


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Contributing to the whole Pokemon anime discussion going on:

Tagging Erureido Erureido as I know your a fan of the anime and like to discuss it.

To start, I am somewhat surprised the league is coming up so early! It looks really good though. We still have that pancham episode before the start of the league if it is truly pancham focused. This would air after the goodra episode presumably. But we have no sign of it atm. Moving on, the goodra episode will not have goodra return to Ash’s team it looks like. However, this just goes back to my theory that after the goodra episode, the guy that runs the marshlands will tell Ash that if he wants to use goodra in the league then to contact him, and he’ll bring it over. In addition, I’m thinking old pokemon will come back starting round 2. This is due to the magazine saying Ash needs to find a 6th pokemon. Granted they could be hiding goodra, but I don’t see why. Which is why I believe goodra will just be added as a potential choice and Ash will call upon at one point in the league. A crazy idea is that maybe, Ash gets a sun and Moon pokemon somehow. I don’t find this super likely, unless one of his old pokemon evolves into one, but that’s very unlikely. Even crazier, some think maybe one of his pokemon come back and get a mega, which he uses. Doubt it, but it be pretty cool if it happened. With Ash Greninja existing, I don’t see it happening though.
I'm pretty split regarding who I want Ash's 6th Pokemon to be. Goodra would be pretty cool to bring back, yet a Pokemon from Ash's past would also be cool (Infernape is my preferred pick). That idea how the marshlands man will approach Ash about Goodra sounds very plausible though.

I used to think Ash's 6th Pokemon would go to a Generation 6.5 back in the days when we thought there was going to be a Pokemon Z and how that game would involve southern Kalos, but with the way things are developing right now, I highly doubt they'll devote it to a Sun and Moon Pokemon. There's no way Ash can catch one before the League, and while they could advertise a potential evolution similar to how Pokemon Origins revealed Mega Charizard X, I still think that's a little too early to do. Similarly, I don't think Ash's past Pokemon will be used for Mega Evolution. Sceptile is covered thanks to Sawyer, and the other possibility, Charizard, is pretty much taken care of thanks to Trevor's Mega Charizard Y, the Mega Evolution many thought Ash would use prior to Ash Greninja coming to the picture. Ash Greninja is pretty much Ash's Mega Evolution, so that department is covered.

Now for the matchups. The league having changing battlefields is pretty awesome. Round one is going to be pretty insane. Everyone is starting with a mega except for what seems to be Tierno who fights Sawyer. Trevor is also the one with Charziard Y. Which makes little sense as he showed up once since pokemon camp and had a charmelon. My guess is the heatburst festival will give Trevor Charziardnite Y, and maybe a mega ring. Sawyer had a buildup to his though, which at least works better. Due to the lack of appearances by Tierno and trevor, I’m actually Glad Sawyer and Allan will be decimating them out of the league round one. The league being a mega smackdown is exactly what I wanted to see, so I’m glad. The latter rounds should be pretty good if everyone has a mega. Having trainers return from the Mega evolution act is pretty neat to. Allan being in the league though is slightly surprising. I called it from Day one that he was showing up though. As for why/how, I’m not sure, at least on the former. If I had to guess, if Allan doesn’t already have badges from years ago, Lysandre got him some. I’d say he had Malva pull some strings and get Allan entered in the competition. Which is fine by me, as it makes for an interesting storyline, and I like Allan’s character. But that brings me to the next part:
I love the changing battlefields too! The stadium as a whole already has the best design we've seen in other Pokemon League stadiums, so that just makes things better. I also hope we see Charles Goodshow make a return this time around. He's the president of the Pokemon League, but he strangely didn't appear in the Unova League despite his job being to overlook every region's leagues similar to the Olympics president who he's based off.

^This is Charles Goodshaw during the Sinnoh League.

Trevor owning a Mega Charizard Y definitely sounds rather odd, but I guess the writers were just trying to find a way to have his loss go out in a bang instead of having Mega Charizard X knock out a normal Charizard. I can definitely see the heatburst festival being the spot where Trevor will receive it though. I'm interested to see what other Pokemon Trevor has caught since we last saw him in the Moltres episode

For the lack of appearances they had in the series, I think it makes sense Trevor and Tierno will go down fairly early, although I was expecting Ash to fight Tierno since that's the XY friend that had more appearances between the two. I also find it interesting that the episode featuring Sawyer vs Tierno will focus on Tierno's Raichu rather than his Blastoise despite the latter being his signature Pokemon which also has the potential to Mega Evolve. Naturally, one would expect the battle to be Mega Sceptile vs Mega Blastoise, but I have faith Raichu will put up quite the show if the episode title is highlighting it instead of Blastoise. I have a feeling Tierno will have a Rain Dance strategy since three of his Pokemon are Water-types: Blastoise, Ludicolo, and Politoed. You also have Raichu who could benefit from having 100% accurate Thunder attacks.

I'm also willing to bet we'll see a moment in the episode where Tierno will try to get Serena's attention during the fight since he has a crush on her.:p

I think it was pretty obvious the League was going to be a Mega smackdown thanks to how they're a big deal this generation. I only wonder if we'll see more Megas beyond the Charizards, Sceptile, Absol, and Garchomp. If so, I'd love to see Mega Gallade, Mega Salamence, and Mega Lopunny in the League. Between Remo and Astrid, I think it makes sense for one of the episodes to involve Ash vs Astrid. They already fought in the Diancie movie where he beat Ash, so it'd be cool to see him get revenge her with his much stronger team this time.

While I originally didn't want Alain in the League because I thought he'd be another Tobias thanks to how they give the impression that Charizard was his only Pokemon, I don't mind seeing him there now. After it was revealed that he also has a Metang on his team and reading online that Alain refers to Charizard as his "strongest Pokemon" (thus hinting he has more Pokemon), I'm interested in seeing what the rest of his League team will be. I definitely think that's an interesting theory regarding Lysandre giving him the badges, although I like the Malva idea even more since she's one of the Elite Four members and works for Team Flare, and having her working a way to have Alain in the League would definitely give this sense of inner corruption that would make the interesting development/a perfect reveal regarding Malva's secret that many don't know.

I’m also calling it now; Team Flare is attacking during the league. I’ve seen some people bring up an interesting theory. This is, that Lysandre paid them to build the league in Luminous city, to kill everyone like in the games. I don’t think killing will happen, but I do believe that the league is a set up so he has many people witness his plan of destruction. I’ve even seen people saying this will be how Ash loses the league without actually losing. Another theory is that the finals come down to Ash Vs Allan, when Team Flare attacks, causing the league to end. Lysandre is probably using allan to collect mega evolution data from the league. It’s also worth noting that they will probably see Ash there, and the scientist will tell Lysandre about him. Which would be interesting. Anyways, after Team Flare attacks, I could very well see them go into the Heroes of Kalos act. After TF attacks, I could see Ash and co, Allan, Trevor, and Tierno maybe even Shauna (who will show up as an audience member to cheer her friends on), and Sycamore rush to stop TF. They will go to his lab in Luminous, and then Blaziken Man will also show up somewhere to help them. I could see Dianthia also show up and Tell Ash how the time to save Kalos is now, and she takes them to wherever Lysandre is. Allan might also be manipulated into helping them. Maybe they take Mallon Hostage? I also bet Bonnie is going to fight their zygarde with Squissy as a zygarde. Then Ash will take on Allan and Lysandre while the others fight off other members of Team Flare. Even Team Rocket will probably show up and help them as they usually do. Then they go to award ceremony when the day is saved. Perhaps Ash even gets to battle Dianthia or they find a way for him to participate in the Elite 4 league? Probably not that far, but who knows. I could see the league be postponed though, or cancelled entirely after the attack.

Either way, these episodes and their timing leave a lot of potential for what could be done in the anime. I really look forward to them!
That's a really good theory! It's a great set up for the big reveal regarding Lysandre's true goals and his evil motives. I have hard time imagining how Lysandre would kill people within the stadium other than the "vine machine" we saw Xerosic use in two episodes. It seems more likely the way he will reveal his goals will involve some sort of doomsday announcement (perhaps showing off the vine machine in the process or by showing how he wants to use Zygarde's Complete Form to destroy Kalos), but we'll just wait and see. The Alain vs Ash match definitely seems like the perfect time for Team Flare to strike/reveal themselves.

With the Team Flare finale arc, Lysandre labs definitely seems like a great way to start it off. I also think it will be around that point Ash and company will learn about Blaziken Man's identity; right now, only Professor Sycamore knows about it. Out of it, I can definitely see the identity unmasking exploring Meyer's backstory regarding how he became Blaziken Man, perhaps even going into Clemont's backstory since there's a possibility that could be involved.

I think Alain being manipulated is a given since the opening hints he will be on their side for a period of time. There'll probably be a point later into the arc where he learns about how he was manipulated the whole time and thus decides to change sides. Team Flare taking Mairin hostage sounds plausible, particularly by taking her sick Chespin hostage to indirectly to take her along as well. The Zygarde 50% battle is probably going to happen too, but I have a feeling that Team Flare will ambush Puni-chan during it similar to how they captured Z2 in the episode it fought Alain's Charizard. I just have this feeling Zygarde's Complete Form will probably be manipulated by Team Flare for their "true goal", although I could see it going the other way around where they save Z2 and then Zygarde's Complete Form is the one to ultimately stop Team Flare's plan and mark the team's demise as a whole.

No doubt Team Rocket will come back to aid the heroes. I also have a feeling this is the perfect opportunity for Looker to come back. So far, he appeared in all the arcs where the evil team starts to execute their evil plan, and considering Looker appears in X/Y/OR/AS, I have a feeling he'll come back, this time to stop Team Flare. It also seems like the perfect opportunity for Emma to appear as Essentia and helps Team Flare's plan.

Some other characters that I hope will appear during the Team Flare finale arc are Steven Stone, Zinnia, and AZ. The last time we saw Steven, he visited Kalos to talk with Lysandre and watch the battle between Alain and Malva. They don't say whether or not he returned to Hoenn, but considering Steven and Lysandre have that relationship of some sort, I'm willing to bet he's still in Kalos. That'd be pretty good to see considering he needs to know about Lysander's secret. It would also make for the perfect reunion with Ash. The two met in Hoenn, and I would love to see Steven recognize Ash and tell him that he remembers from the time they were in the Granite Cave. Then they flashback to that Hoenn episode complete with updated graphics this time similar to how they updated the art when they did the Charizard flashbacks in the BW series. It'd be pretty cool to see him and Ash work together to stop Team Flare, as well as with Alain if he switches sides.

With Zinnia... yeah, it seems doubtful she'd be involved in this arc considering that she was supposed to be involved with Rayquaza and the Delta episode, so I don't know how they could make her tie in with the current development in the anime. The only way I can see her being involved in the arc is if they reveal that Team Flare was responsible for killing her friend Aster, and so she bears some sort of vendetta against them and wants to do everything in her power to take down Lysandre and Team Flare. There was also the megalith Lysandre recovered in Mega Evolution Act III, so maybe it could tie back with the Draconid people backstory. Going back to the earlier point, maybe in her quest to avenge her friend's death, she learns about Zygarde's backstory and realizes how Zygarde and Rayquaza are quite similar to each other as well as how AZ was involved with Hoenn's history; then, she meets up with Ash and company at some point to explain the backstory and ally with them to take down Team Flare. Yeah, all of this doubtful, but it's just that I would love to see Zinnia in the anime since she was such an amazing character in OR/AS (and imagine hearing her theme + her battle theme in the anime; that would be absolute gold).

AZ is also doubtful at this point since it doesn't look like Team Flare will use the Ultimate Weapon as part of their grand plan, but considering he's been alive for so many years to the point he even witnessed Mega Rayquaza saving the world and giving Sootoplis City that tree, I bet he knows a lot about Zygarde and its involvement with Kalos' history. There's also the theory going a while back how Ash Greninja could somehow be related to AZ's Floette since that Floette looks a lot different from other Floettes (having a different flower and the blue color matching the color of AZ's coat when he was king), so if the theory is still relevant, perhaps that could also be a good opportunity for AZ to appear. It's doubtful, I know, but I just find it odd that AZ hasn't appeared at all in the XY anime thus far (especially since Lysandre is his descendent, or at least AZ's brother's descendent).

I could see Ash being offered to challenge the Elite Four League after they find about how Malva was involved in the corruption of allowing Alain into the League assuming the Malva/Lysandre theory turns out to be true, as a way of rewarding Ash for his accomplishments or realizing Ash deserved the League win instead of Alain because Ash actually earned his badges. Or maybe if they give Ash the championship title, I can see a good reason Ash going to the Alola region would be that this time he wants to actually "earn" the Pokemon League champion title instead of being given to him because of corruption on the opponent's part.

If the League ultimately gets cancelled because of the Team Flare attack, that'd be cool to see. If it happened, people wouldn't wine about how "Ash lost the league yet again" as we would have an original reason why Ash didn't win the League this time.



He'll come back though. I belieeeve in him.
Sad to hear about what happened to Kaze.

I remember being spoiled about his death before the release, and man, I think I got a bit emotional when I saw that the first time.

Story wise, the point of the scene is that Kaze feels guilty for not stopping Garon forces when they kidnapped you when you were a toddler; it eats him up to the point that he thinks the only way he can redeem himself is by sacrificing his life to save yours should the situation require it. This is further highlighted In Chapter 7 where Kaze states that he owes you his life when he tells Saizo that you are on the good side.

In the A Support, Kaze tells Corrin about what's troubling him: the backstory regarding the whole Sumeragi death incident. Because he manages to tell Corrin about it without a life-threatening incident happening at the moment, Corrin manages to talk things out so that the incident no longer eats away at Kaze to the point he wants to sacrifice himself. Feeling overjoyed about the conversation Kaze then discusses how retainers work, and he offers to become Corrin's retainer. Corrin accepts. It's a really memorable support conversation because it's one the longer ones in the game.

I honestly wish there was a special dialogue featuring Saizo in the following scene where Ryoma and Corrin look out at the mountain. It would've added the emotion to see how Saizo would react knowing that he's the only one of his family left.

And that wasn't the only sad death in this chapter though. Even though it isn't directly stated, you also ended up massacring the entire Wolfskin population in the end thanks to how the battle originally started. Not going to lie, but when I completed this chapter, I remember feeling really bad just thinking about that.
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Red & Green

Just call me Red.
May 3, 2016
Tune Street
Switch FC
Spoilered for size but everyone should see this.
And that's marketing for you.

Literally, I have no idea how they could've even ****ed this game up.

4 million dollars for a piece of garbage.

Anyone still gonna get it when it comes out just to see how ****ty it is?


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
In general though, the amount of characters that have plot armour is kinda absurd.

Before I knew much about the game, I thought it would just be Corrin and Azura because they are so obviously the canon pairing that it hurts.

Then I let Sakura get KO'd in Chapter 6 and thought maybe she'd come back next chapter. But she didn't, though she still appears in the story.

So then I thought "OK maybe it's just the royals that have plot armour".

But then I've had Rinkah get beaten in early chapters, and she's got plot armour too. Which is understandable in the Prologue, as her appearances in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 are canon, but she hasn't popped up in the story since then, IIRC, yet she still can't die (not that I'd let her, but still).

And then Silas has only had like, one line since joining, which could easily have been omitted if you were to let him die in battle before then. But he has plot armour too.

The fact this many characters have plot armour just defeats the purpose of Classic Mode IMO, you can tell they didn't design the game's narrative with it in mind.

So because of that, I just reset whenever I lose someone, because if there is no emotional weight behind losing them, and they simply retreat and are "too injured to fight", then what's the point? Not to mention that, the idea of some characters being "too injured to fight" creates some glaring plotholes in the story if they are in that position.

Sad to hear about what happened to Kaze.

I remember being spoiled about his death before the release, and man, I think I got a bit emotional when I saw that the first time.

Story wise, the point of the scene is that Kaze feels guilty for not stopping Garon forces when they kidnapped you when you were a toddler; it eats him up to the point that he thinks the only way he can redeem himself is by sacrificing his life to save yours should the situation require it. This is further highlighted In Chapter 7 where Kaze states that he owes you his life when he tells Saizo that you are on the good side.

In the A Support, Kaze tells Corrin about what's troubling him: the backstory regarding the whole Sumeragi death incident. Because he manages to tell Corrin about it without a life-threatening incident happening at the moment, Corrin manages to talk things out so that the incident no longer eats away at Kaze to the point he wants to sacrifice himself. Feeling overjoyed about the conversation Kaze then discusses how retainers work, and he offers to become Corrin's retainer. Corrin accepts. It's a really memorable support conversation because it's one the longer ones in the game.

I honestly wish there was a special dialogue featuring Saizo in the following scene where Ryoma and Corrin look out at the mountain. It would've added the emotion to see how Saizo would react knowing that he's the only one of his family left.

And that wasn't the only sad death in this chapter though. Even though it isn't directly stated, you also ended up massacring the entire Wolfskin population in the end thanks to how the battle originally started. Not going to lie, but when I completed this chapter, I remember feeling really bad just thinking about that.
Yeah, I understand why he feels the way he does and what the scene is supposed to represent. It is an effective scene, and Kaze is one of my favourite characters.

But from a gameplay standpoint, it feels like a kick in the groin that the game forcibly kills this character off, especially if he was a unit you used a lot. Granted, I don't NEED him to finish - the Smash crew are really good units and are more than enough to replace him - I just don't like having to replace him. Especially since I liked the character. The fact you can prevent it in such an arbitrary way, and that I just needed ONE more battle with him to do so, makes it worse.

And yeah, it's dumb how Saizo doesn't have a part in it. He's one of the characters with plot armour who hasn't done anything since a while ago (the ninja village, IIRC), but this scene would have given him a perfect opportunity to show up again.

And I'm probably gonna have to kill Saizo instead when I get to Conquest. Guess I can keep both in Revelations.
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