Relationship System
The characters in the first half of the game can fall in love. A pair of characters require a certain amount of Lover points to become Lovers. Characters will build Lover points automatically, but they will gain more if the player ends the turn with both characters adjacent to one another, and certain pairs have unique conversations at set points in the game, which give a large amount of Lover points. When two characters are paired, and if the mother survives until a point in Chapter 5, the two parents will pass their weapons and skills on to their children. However, weapons will only be inherited if the child can use it in their first class, unless it is a Holy Weapon, which is always inherited, and only the parents' personal skills are inherited. The children then grow up to become playable units in the second half of the game. The parents also pass on their holy blood and their stat growths, giving the player some manner of control over their units' growth rates. If some of the female player characters in Sigurd's tale besides Ethlyn or Deirdre die or do not fall in love by the end of Chapter 5, substitute player characters appear in their children's place. The children can also fall in love, giving them random criticals when they stand next to their respective lovers (which is also possible in the first generation).