Hello, been awhile since we met huh?
I don;t go much to this thread much because......well reduced activities (and had some......pretty annoying hsitory with the thread last time I remember), but I figured people would maybe want to hear what I thougth about the events of yesterday abotu what happened to color spklash and it's not going to be long because......most of the stuff was what I expected so yeah
Well 70% of the thing was totally expected, a 20% was half expected (I expected to be upset, but vaguely) and 10% was unexpected because it was too devastating to ever possibly forcast that.
Let's start with the expected part, it's basically my impressions 100% confirmed which are tl;dr nicely as "it's MARGHINALLY better than SS, which doesn't matter much".
Battles, no exp, there is one time use confirmed for the cards so they are exactly liek sticker with the only real 2 "improvement" are you can power the cards and the temp summon (which first, they don't replace partners and second, doesn't solve the main problem of you are doing pointless battles). Btw that word is in quote because ti DOES improve, but it DOESN'T chnage anything int he end because it's basically SS less limited, but still SS. oh btw they freaking confirmed the boss battles would be the same way as SS, another dumb thign most people don;t want to see back (you use ONE item and ONLY).
Then the game jsut felt SS like, the structure, no continous feeling and of course, lots of toads.
So ALL of this is of course, very disappointing, they clearly didn';t get just how msot of these design decisions makes jsut no sense (even as a game, it;s not an rpg? fine, then......why doing battles????)
But this was all expected, imo, it was VERY hard to expect soemthign else and ironically, I was talking with a popular speedrunner named almolicious who is known for speedrunning TTYD and is also known to be biased so he legitimetly TRIED o be the msot optimistic as possible. I argued a lot with him that I am usually optimistic, but there is just too much to deduce in that direct that it's hard to think otherwise. He apparently publicly said that I would still thinkt he game is abd no amtter what.
Well, yesterday, he publicly on stream watched the vod, and guess what?
He was FREAKING UPSET! To the point where his statement was even worse than what I said previously (he called the game a piece of thrash withotu debvate which.......let;s jsut say we have the same idea, but I woudln;t go that far lol).
So yeah the moral here: yes, you CAN deduce off of 2 minutes if these 2 minutes can feel familiar enough and also you do have to take into consideration they prepared these 2 minutes, you can;t JUDGE, I agree, but you can deduce and prepare for the msot likely scenario so all of this wasn;t surprising to me.
But what about these 20%? Well, since I was so sure to be disappointed, I expected to be a bit worse than expected for safety......and it was. because not only it really is marginalyl better SS, they also copy pasted assets including sounds and possibvly slgihtly touched up graphics. This upsets me because it shows that one: it's.....kinda lazy for stuff i actually didn't liked and second......hum.....this basically gives me no hopes for the ost which I disliked in SS......
But then the artwork from the press kit came AND IT GOT WORSE!
See this artwork?
Honestrly, this artwork is aweosme! event he boxart used this paper amrio design and it looks frekaing gorgeous, vivid and simpel and the best is it looks better than spm and TTYD.
But in game......hola....
It realy puts the emphasis on why I still hate the artstyle. Top is GORGEOUS, I want this and i woudl pay for this, bottom is dull and it jsut makes me wonder if the direction of the series has really gone this bad. I don;t want this mcuh shaders, it;s good for emulating realism, not for a simplistic design which WAS one of the best thign the serie ever did.
So that was VERY upsetting (a bit above my margin of error so slgihtly unexpected), but ok, I mean I was slightly too optimistic somehow.....whcih is surprising, but eh, it happens.
However, the dev interview........you had to be a genius to see that oen comming, let me link for those who haven;t watched it (and pls, watch it before making an accurate opinion because this is imo essential to know):
If you are REALLY in a hurry, then pls o to 6:13 and this si the only answer you need to realise how important of a document this video is. The idea behind their questions were VERY clear, but very formal and respectfull. The idea, never explicitly mentioned was basically they asked "What jsut happened with the series now?". They covered EVERY aspects, from too much toads to not exp, no traditional rpg element (the answer KILLED me there, more ont hat later) and btw, when asked abotu the exp......she dodged the question. Oh btw, about that remake remark......they shoudl have heard a lot already which is a contradiction here....
Anyway, about THAT answer, the elephant in the room. She said that m&l is already a mario rpg series, great (I don;t like it this much, but it does a pretty good job at that and there's aspects I actually love.....). So because of this, it woudl be a shame for Paper mario to stay trhat route......
Now if you actually agree with this let me tell you soemthing pretty basic: both series are based on the same canvas: amrpg and as a matter of fact, Papwer Mario came first and was debatly the one that bring the msot unique stuff to the table while m&l focused more on replicating mroe the core parts of smrpg soemthign that the paper Mario series slightly shifted away from, but offeruing other pleasing things (TTYD battle ssytem.....I lvoe you so much).
So what;s the problem? These 2 series can coexist and in fact they SHOULD coexist liek this because it brings diversity to one aweosme concept. I love this, I prefer Paper Mario style, but there;s people that woudl prefer m&l over it and there;s very good reaosns for this because the series implements the same base differently.
Saying that Paper Mario woudl be a shame to be a mario rpg series like m&l coming directly from IS, that is probably the (sorry but I can;t say otherwise) dumbest, most shocking and devastating statement I have ever heard. With this alone (anmd the fact it was clearly stated the idea was from IS), I lost compelte trust in IS and really, I never thoguht I woudl have said that. To put this in perspective, I have to rewatch 3 times that part, once in 0.5x speed because I coudln;t believe what she actually said.
It makes no sense. Breaking diversity on an already well established aweosme concept for soemthing that is liekly made to be broken from the base, what the freak happened with IS here?
Btw, when I said devastating, I am not kidding, it took an hour of "grief" of me watchign cirno_tv stream ( I like hsi stream

) to get my emotions back. Because this actually meant the series......is deader than dead at this point, at least to me (though, I was in a paper mario speedrunning discord....and it was a mess of grief, seriosuly, you woudln;t have wanted to be there....).
So will I actually quit paper mario thread op?
yeah probably, I jsut need to find soemone to take over because i am not supporting this anymore, I don;t even need to wait, how can it get worse than this?
So yeah, take thsi as my twio cents, do whatever you want with them, but if it at least made one person interested to my opinion on it, then I am happy