I'll be the first to admit that the games have aged.
But I still love them. They were games made by people who were passionate about the projects. For Sonic Adventure, they traveled to different countries to get inspirations for things like the Mystic Ruins
I recommend reading Sonic Adventure's development history over at Sonic Retro
I still believe Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are still the best controls Sonic has had in 3D, I think Generations is a better game, but Modern Sonic's controls when not going fast are very stiff. In Adventure 1 and 2, I feel like I'm in control of Sonic at all times.
The other playable characters are a breaking point for some people, but I feel they are still rather fun. In Sonic Adventure, Amy and Big are the weakest parts, but Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Gamma's stories are all great. They have fun, fast-paced gameplay, and in Gamma's case, has a great story arc (I still somewhat tear up at the end of Gamma's story).
Sonic Adventure 2 trimmed up the fat and just gave us three playstyles, speedy platforming, treasure hunting, and mech shooting. They all have their improvements from their Adventure 1 counterparts, but also some downgrades, mainly the treasure hunting stages. Knuckles and Rouge's emerald radar were nerfed really badly. It's not so bad in the earlier stages, but when we get to Mad Space, oh boy.
I can't say anything about both games' soundtracks that haven't been said. It's ****ing amazing.
The stories are also a part of the reason why I love those games. They're not gaming's greatest, but they're nice stories that all wrap up in a nice little bundle. I'm someone who believes that Sonic can tell a serious story, there have been points in the series where the stories have been a little too dark (Shadow, 06), but just because Sonic is a cartoony looking character doesn't mean we can't have somewhat serious stories. Unleashed personally has the best tone in the series, it has some comedic moments, but also some
touching, somber moments.
The Nostalgia Critic's
"Is Weird the New Brilliant?" video sums up my feelings about this perfectly well.
Have the game's aged? Yes. But I still think their executions and ideas still make them good. It's mainly the reason I want to see both Adventure games get the Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy treatment. So that these games can be seen in modern eyes, improved, and be loved for what they did right.