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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Deleted member

>I just learned that one of the best Pokemon I have on my PC is my Umbreon, which I literally caught just because I didn't want to stay up at night just to get one of my least favorite Pokemon the hard way
>It's only IVs that aren't perfect are its defenses

Deleted member

I'll take the Water Temple any second over the Fire Temple in OoT. That dungeon pissed me off, Water Temple didn't
I never minded the Fire Temple. I don't mind the Water Temple so much either nowadays, especially after playing the 3DS remake, but I remember that dungeon taking me months because of how confusing it was when I first played it. The Fire Temple only took me a day or two to finish.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I just realized that with the Crash: N. Sane Trilogy and that incredibly wonderful Ratchet & Clank Remake, Sony is showing some serious love to older franchises. I can only hope that Spyro and Jak & Daxter get the same treatment. Sony please!
There's this, and Bloodstained's Wii U port is likely getting canned in favor of a Switch port as well, albeit due to the game being delayed to 2018 and the Wii U becoming less relevant.

Breath of the Wild is probably going to be the Wii U's swansong.
It doesn't help that Nintendo announced Wii U production is ending AND the Switch having overwhelming positive reactions across press, fans, and developers alike. They need to get the Wii U out of people's heads ASAP in their minds I'm sure. Which I don't mind because I was going to by a Switch no matter what in the first place. I'm sure that goes for most Wii U owners too.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC

Deleted member


With Yooka-Laylee's cancellation on Wii U, the number of remaining games I intend to buy for the system has been reduced to 2.

Oh well.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
All this Zelda talk and not one of you mention Twilight Princess? Aight.
Twilight Princess has some of the best designed dungeons in the franchise IMO...
While people complained about collecting the seeds of light I thought it was well implemented as a way to introduce you to the new areas in the game, which you are then free to explore after clearing...
Then there's the hidden skills which added upon what Wind Waker brought with the parry system....

Also it has Midna :p
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Deleted member

Late replies boys
Ah, I think the abilities affect that to, but I could be wrong.

Yes they both work the same as Intimidate.

Congrats! I hope to get one soon when My little bro makes a little farther, I'll chain it then.

This also reminds me!

The odds of shinys through SOS chaining are 1 in 600 between a chain of 70 and 255. They reset after. Here's the full details:

Odds for Masuda are like 1 in 1,200.

With the Shiny charm it's about 1 in 612.

Honestly this would have been amazing if it happened.
Is the Shiny odds in SOS chaining 1 in 600 with or without the Charm? Does that mean it's possible to get the odds as down as to 1/300?
At least that explains how "easily" I found a Shiny Oricorio(note: it took enough kills, possibly more, to maximize the Sp.Atk stat in my entire team through Exp.Share)
That feeling when you don't study for an exam and get an 88%. :bluejump:
My entire life as a student
Sometimes I think I wasted my potential if I could do that without giving a ****
*Zelda argument* Y'all are stupid again, CLEARLY Spirit Tracks is the best game.

Note: I unironically have this as my opinion
Spirit Tracks's soundtrack makes me have a chemistry reaction in my lower body that I cannot fully describe here due to forum rules
you're hurting my feelings
stahp Q.Q

In other news, FINALLY got a good nickname for Golisopod methinks
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Why didn't I think this sooner?
>Golisopod used First Impression
"Happy, joy-py, nice to meetcha-py!"
Holy ****. Parting Shot is blocked by Soundproof. Kommo-o laughs at arguably the best support Z-Move in the game. Wonder if Oceanic Oppereta is also blocked by it
Who uses Oceanic Operetta on a Kommo-o when you can just overkill ot with Moonblast
Phantom Hourglass was better than OoT though
Now that's an opinion I can agree with
Point being:
>PH has Linebeck
>OoT does not have Linebeck
>In conclusion, OoT sucks and PH is the best Zelda game


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Twilight Princess has some of the best designed dungeons in the franchise IMO...
While people complained about collecting the seeds of light I thought it was well implemented as a way to introduce you to the new areas in the game, which you are then free to explore after clearing...
Then there's the hidden skills which added upon what Wind Waker brought with the parry system....

Also it has Midna :p
I love TP's dungeon but they're only gaming design masterpieces when compared to OoTs "This temple's all fiery" "This temple is all shadowy" "This temple is all tree-y"

TPs dungeons?

"Obligatory fire temple but also iron boots and also Goron rooms but also gravity but also bow and arrows and sumowrestling for some reason"
"Creepy dungeon but also smelling but also secret boobytraps but also Wolf Link but also desert temple"
"Water temple"
'Freezy ice temple but it's two hours long and a house. Also soup. Also ball and chainsss. Also block puzzle for no flippin reason but it reminds you of Professor Layton so yaaaay"

I also don't get the "slow start" complain because story-wise, the tone is dark from the start and you know ****'s about to go down at the moment you step into the Twilight,
OoT only starts being story-ish at the Temple of Time after like three dungeons.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I also don't get the "slow start" complain because story-wise, the tone is dark from the start and you know ****'s about to go down at the moment you step into the Twilight,
OoT only starts being story-ish at the Temple of Time after like three dungeons.
OoT doesn't give you an hour long tutorial that includes **** you only use like 3 times total in the game. That's what the complaint is


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
I'm not too into Zelda but I thought TP had some of the more engaging dungeons. Though the beginning is slow.
I thought the dungeon quality started to dip somewhere in the late second or early third act. Temple of Time stands out to me; I didn't like how they effectively tried to double its length with what amounted to a full retreading while working with something very like an escort mission. An escort mission with a great big honking hammer, sure - and one of the most entertaining boss fights of the set, not because of the mechanics per se (Stallord or Argorok probably get that nod) but simply on account of I Can't Believe It's Not Gohma Stop, Hammer Time The World's Most Satisfying Belly Boop hilarious goddamn spider-murder. Yet I remember it left me feeling cheated for some reason.

For some reason Snowpeak Ruins, delicious as the setting was, also left me a bit unfulfilled. I remember nothing of the final trek through Hyrule Castle between the opening cutscene and Puppet Zelda, which probably says enough. And the Palace of Twilight was probably the worst of the lot and all the more disappointing for it. City in the Sky was alright though.

That stated, yes, it's got some very good ones. The primary dungeon claim-to-fame for Majora's Mask is, in my opinion, the Stone Tower Temple (which, contrasted with the Temple of Time in TT, is less a retread and more two dungeons with similar layout) - and while that might hold up fairly well, it also has stiff competition from the Forest Temple, Arbiter's Grounds, Lakebed Temple (probably still my favorite water temple), and Goron Mines, all of which tear apart the other three main dungeons in MM.

The thing that really made MM stick with me where TP only half-managed, however, is in the way its story is presented - the setting, the development of nearly every character and NPC, and the general atmosphere, much of which was a departure from every game previous, and even most since. It felt like a living, breathing world in a way I haven't seen Zelda pull off in any other title, and not for lack of trying. There may be some nostalgia goggles, but it set a precedent to me that made TP - with its excellent combat, mostly well-done dungeons, solid story, and Midna - nevertheless feel to me like MM Lite.

Replaying through the first parts of MMHD and TPHD reminded me that this comparison is partly unfair, but I still can't shake the sensation. Thus, my ranking.
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Spirit Tracks is pretty good.

You must mean Phantom Hourglass.
I liked Phantom Hourglass a TON more.
I am in the minority of really enjoying Temple of the Ocean King's set up. It was favorable to the Tower of Spirits, especially having to wait for Zelda's slow movement to catch up.
Spirit Track's overworld starts so painfully limited and largely has you spending sometimes what felt like 50% more to double the time on your routes.
Dark. Ore. Transport.
The rabbit hunting; and their ability to phase through the net, especially when held up to the mini-games of fishing and salvaging in PH.
In comparison to things like Bombchu and the Magic Hammer, you get the Wind Blower and Sand Rod as your exclusive items.
An actual upgrade to Link himself besides HP with the three fairies; and at their two stages.
And god, the final boss fights are leagues apart. Bellum is SM64 Bowser, and Maladus is Sunshine Bowser.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I liked Phantom Hourglass a TON more.
I am in the minority of really enjoying Temple of the Ocean King's set up. It was favorable to the Tower of Spirits, especially having to wait for Zelda's slow movement to catch up.
Spirit Track's overworld starts so painfully limited and largely has you spending sometimes what felt like 50% more to double the time on your routes.
Dark. Ore. Transport.
The rabbit hunting; and their ability to phase through the net, especially when held up to the mini-games of fishing and salvaging in PH.
In comparison to things like Bombchu and the Magic Hammer, you get the Wind Blower and Sand Rod as your exclusive items.
An actual upgrade to Link himself besides HP with the three fairies; and at their two stages.
And god, the final boss fights are leagues apart. Bellum is SM64 Bowser, and Maladus is Sunshine Bowser.
Bellumbeck was SM64 Bowser
Bellum was King Bob-Omb

Malladus was SM64DS Bowser but you play with the weird button/touchscreen combination.
It did have great music though

Deleted member

All that Zelda talk reminds me that I have to play more games in the franchise.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
OoTs only sidequest was finding the Deku Scrubs' holes they dug for themselves after finding out they're in the most overrated game of all tjme.

That and flying over Cucco-riko Village with the Hookshot (Hookshottable roofs was tbe best game design choice OoT ever knew)

I hope that after BoTW we get a truly big town in Zelda that doesn't screw with your camera (Castle Town)

EDIT: Temple of Time was dumb since you needed to carefully manoeuvre over a balance scale for the Boss Key but you don't know that and I just said "wait why do this?" and jumped off the scale with my warhammer buddy.

I didn't feel like the backtrack enlongated the dungeon by that much, you could just smash everything :^|
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
My entire life as a student
Sometimes I think I wasted my potential if I could do that without giving a ****
To be fair though said class was a pretty easy class to do well in if you did all your assignments and whatnot. A farcry to another class I had where I got a 61% and studied for.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
OoTs only sidequest was finding the Deku Scrubs' holes they dug for themselves after finding out they're in the most overrated game of all tjme.

That and flying over Cucco-riko Village with the Hookshot (Hookshottable roofs was tbe best game design choice OoT ever knew)

I hope that after BoTW we get a truly big town in Zelda that doesn't screw with your camera (Castle Town)
There's more sidequests than that;

The Biggoron's Sword is a sidequest in itself. As is collecting all the Heart Pieces. Only the boss ones are naturally given to you, while the rest need to be found. Getting all the regular upgrades is a bunch of small sidequests(as in ammo upgrades). The only upgrade besides items becoming better(like Silver Gauntlets to Golden Gauntlets) that's semi-obvious is the double magic meter. The Golden Skulltulas is a sidequest in itself, with quite a few prizes(mainly your wallets).

Deleted member

I have yet to finish Spirit Tracks, this is because I couldn't play the Desert Song right(seriously, all of them are bull****), maybe now that I have a new 3DS I could see if the problem was my mic...

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I have yet to finish Spirit Tracks, this is because I couldn't play the Desert Song right(seriously, all of them are bull****), maybe now that I have a new 3DS I could see if the problem was my mic...
Quite a few people have complained about the Spirit Flute being hard to work with. It wasn't playtested well, simply put. I can't say if you'll have better luck with the New 3DS or a regular 3DS, though.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I need to retry the DS Zelda's and see if I like it better than I did before. Didn't like them back in the day.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2016
Due to all this Zelda talk, I now feel like playing Hyrule Warriors cause I feel like pressing buttons.

Deleted member

I can't remember **** of what I was doing in my SS file except the fact I was grinding my Murkrow
Why am I surrounded by a bunch of bikers? WHAT DID YOU DO PAST ME?
Quite a few people have complained about the Spirit Flute being hard to work with. It wasn't playtested well, simply put. I can't say if you'll have better luck with the New 3DS or a regular 3DS, though.
No, not a New 3DS, just a new 3DS
But it's good to know I'm not the only kne having that problem


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Here's a topic for all of you:

Name one thing that you liked in your least favorite generation of Pokemon.

Here's mine as an example:

Kanto: Though far my favorite champions, I thought it was pretty cool how the champion battle turned out to be against your rival.
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