I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one who liked Kalos...
My issue with Kalos is that it seemed...pressed for time, to put it simply.
There were some things it did phenomenally. I loved the whole French atmosphere it had going. The Fairy type was an amazing addition. Kalos introduced some great Pokémon, like Greninja, Talonflame, Klefki, Trevenant, and Gogoat, in addition to Mega Evolution. Volcanion is best mythical Pokémon. AZ was a fantastic character and when Floette came back I shed a tear or two, prior to it becoming a meme and losing all emotional impact.

The Regional Dex was packed and Sycamore is a top tier professor. The Looker Bureau is one of my top post-game side quests of all time.
But man...the
life of anyone not named AZ or Sycamore was...nonexistent. Lots of the music that should have been exciting was forgettable (can't remember the Elite Four theme at all) or bad (hated the gym leader theme). Don't get me wrong though, they nailed the more atmospheric pieces (Anistar City is great for example), but the Wild Pokémon and Trainer Battle themes were among the only standout energetic pieces.
Team Flare was lifeless. Even the HGSS Team Rocket admins I can remember the names of, but outside Xerosic I couldn't tell you any of the ones for Flare (and I only remember Xerosic since he was prominent in the Postgame). That's not even like the Sages where there were tons of them...there were only like three Flare admins. Lysandre's plan still doesn't make any sense. Didn't understand the Doc Ock form he took either. Hell I'm not even sure if he lived, but what's even worse is I don't really care whether he did or not.
Other NPCs didn't get better treatment. Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno have almost nonexistent amounts of character despite having been part of the protagonist's friend group. Out of them only Tierno left an impression on me (I liked that his team had the theme of dancing; it actually gave him some personality...not much, but some). The Gym Leaders are bar none some of the worst in the series. Sure, Gen I and II had some bare bones gym leaders, but the games were just starting out, so they weren't steps backwards. Kalos came off the coat tails of Sinnoh and Unova, the regions with the best Gym Leaders (the latter especially). The fact that most if not all the Kalos Gym Leaders never get seen outside their gyms is kind of embarrassing. Korrina was fine, but the rest...
Not to mention they had some of the worst badge names. The Bug, Fairy, and Psychic gyms give out the...Bug, Fairy, and Psychic Badges. To be fair. That one may be English only. As for other characters...I didn't even remember who Sina and Dexio were when they were announced to be in Sun and Moon.
I've been binging the non-filler XY episodes of the anime lately since I've heard they're good. Honestly? The anime does a hell of a better job getting you to care about Kalos and its characters than the games do. I actually care about Diantha, Grant, Viola, Shauna, Trevor, and ESPECIALLY Clemont now.
And as a more minor thing, I was so mad there was no payoff for the geothermal plant thing that was suspicious as hell. I thought for sure there'd be, like, a Volcanion connection at least.
Kalos needed another game, be it Z or X2Y2. It really would have helped expand on things. Fix what didn't work, elaborate on what did, that kind of thing. As a region I think it was fine for the most part, but man, it had some of the most forgettable characters of any Pokémon game. It just didn't feel enough like a world at times.