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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I can't study without taking them.
Well, more accuratly, I theoritically can study without taking these pills, but I'd have a significantly harder time to concentrate.
I stopped taking them because they would make me feel so tired when I go down

And they never last the whole day, I'll be brain dead by the afternoon while still in class

Deleted member

I stopped taking them because they would make me feel so tired when I go down

And they never last the whole day, I'll be brain dead by the afternoon while still in class
My pills last pretty much all day, which is why I should never take more than one per day.
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Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
I swear, its when Smash gots brought up that this thread gets all toxic. Like seriously, we need to keep calm instead of getting so mad.

Random question, but how do people feel about no National Pokedex in SM?
I don't mind it but at the same time I'd much rather have it back. That being said I'm pretty sure we're still going to get it on the PokeBank update.


Deleted member

Cute? Heh... Not as cute as you, bud.

I mean- Look at you. Dwelling within your fairytale land- thinking there should fair and good in business of all things. That a white knight be sent from the magical kingdom to stop this act of unfairness. Who will save us from this darkness?!

Get over it. Nintendo is a business with the desire for the currancy in your possession- no matter how you or I feel about it, thats what they are. If you disagree with their methods, then feel free to complain about it, but it won't change the fact that they are a business, and that's how a business operates.

Welcome to the real world. :073:
Everything he said is on point however, and it's coming from the the PoV of a consumer. There's nothing worse than a loyal fanboy who defends a corporation like a valiant knight and acts like scummy and greedy business actions are in the right, even if they're legal or justifiable from a business standpoint, and happily eats **** just because it's got a brand name and a ribbon on it.

YOU are the consumer, and allowing companies to screw you like this only ****s you over even more, as all they care about is how much money they can get from you first and foremost. Nintendo, or any other large company run by big suits does NOT give a rat's ass about you. On the contrary, if you LIKE a product or service provided to you by a company, you have a RESPONSIBILITY to be critical, to ensure that the quality of their service or products stays good and the company competitive. The moment a company or business no longer feels like they have to extend any or much effort to retain a demographic, the sooner they'll stop worrying about catering to said audience.

I don't care how much money a company can make by doing something, or how much it would cost them not to, if they're gonna screw me by doing it, then they sure as hell aren't getting a penny from me. And that's how it's done. Even if it means the demise of the company. Poor leadership and bad decisions are what led to that, not my lack of support. I'm a consumer, and I hold no loyalty to a multinational corporation trying to sell me a product, and I have no reason to gallantly defend their poor or greedy business decisions.

That's the free market. Competition is good.

Welcome to the real world.

*shrugs* Sorry. But I don't take kindly to words being put in my mouth, in conjoining with sarcasm. But that being said, I meant every word.

Nintendo is a business. What did you expect? I'm not a shareholder, but I'm also not an imaginator. This is what they do. This is what Sony does. This is what businesses do. Plain and simple. Constantly whining about it won't change anything.
Sony and Capcom and EA and many other companies have gotten a lot of **** for being excessively greedy and penny pinching whenever they could. Sony was on top of then world after the PS2, and only after many of their products and branches started to tank and flop did they start catering to the consumer again.

Remember the Vita? Remember that it flopped because of Sony's insistence on proprietary SD cards to earn more of a buck.

Nintendo is not free from criticism, and other companies being greedy doesn't suddenly justify Nintendo going down that path as well.

Gonna ignore everything else buuuut

Criticizing companies is EXACTLY how you get them to stop ****ing over the consumer or having practices that just don't work.

Vote with your wallet. That's how you get a company to listen, Complaining about something all the while giving them your money is no way to get them to change. Bottom line, companies care about money and profit, and they'll only listen to the figures. That should have been more than apparent to just about everyone considering that's what people have been doing in regard to Nintendo for over two generations now, and it certainly hasn't gotten them to change at all.

I know most people in here won't do it, but that's why I'm personally not spending another penny on Nintendo stuff till they stop with their anti-consumer practices, and start actually catering to gamers rather than putting outside markets in front of us.


Salt Lord
Writing Team
Aug 10, 2007
Doesn't PushDustIn PushDustIn believe that? I think he read what Sakurai said. :p
There's no way Ice Climbers could work on 8 player Smash. I believe they were ported over before work began on 8 player Smash.

They already had to remove bones from some of the models for 8 Player Smash only. Also, a lot of the stages have hazards turned off, and itmes spawn a lot less. There's no way it can handle 8 additional fighters.

Deleted member

Honestly, while I wouldn't mind Decidueye as the Smash newcomer for SM, and besides the fact I have many other ideas for one, I'd love to see Mimikyu.
It has everything that'd make a great fighter imo, from its non-humanoid appearence(which I always appreciate in a fighter) to an unique ability that can easily be translated into some gimmick and the fact one of its main abilities is Casting a Shadow, something we have yet to see in a Smash character.
Its immense popularity and clear push from GF itself(Mimikyu no rapu da yo) also help it a little.

Theory time: since all Mimikyus use the male Pikachu tail, does that mean the fenale ones are crossplaying?
But that's just a th--*shot*

Deleted member

I swear, its when Smash gots brought up that this thread gets all toxic. Like seriously, we need to keep calm instead of getting so mad.
I always found it hilarious that the most controversial and potentially heated topic that you could bring up on this site is the whole basis of the site itself. :p


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
The regional forms in my Pokemon game.

1. Butterfree: Bug/Psychic
2. Tentacool: Electric/Poison
3. Tentacruel: Electric/Poison
4. Sunflora: Grass/Dragon
5. Cacnea: Water
6. Cacturne: Water/Ghost
7. Beedrill: Bug/Fighting
8. Ponyta: Poison
9. Rapidash: Poison/Ghost
10. Sandile: Water
11. Krokorok: Water
12. Krookodile: Water/Fighting
13. Ekans: Fighting/Dragon
14. Arbok: Fighting/Dragon
15. Cubone: Fire/Ground
16. Electrode: Electric/Dragon
17. Riolu: Ice
18. Lucario: Ice/Fighting
19. Parasect: Bug/Ghost
I'm not changing this anymore. :p


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I always found it hilarious that the most controversial and potentially heated topic that you could bring up on this site is the whole basis of the site itself. :p
Site is dedicated to Smash Bros.

People get impossibly upset when discussing Smash Bros, to an even greater degree than religion and politics.

Half the people still left in the social threads after the speculation period ended don't even plan on ever playing Smash Bros again for the forseeable future.

In one thread you even got belittled for talking about Smash Bros during one time period.

Yep, it's Smashboards.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
There's no way Ice Climbers could work on 8 player Smash. I believe they were ported over before work began on 8 player Smash.

They already had to remove bones from some of the models for 8 Player Smash only. Also, a lot of the stages have hazards turned off, and itmes spawn a lot less. There's no way it can handle 8 additional fighters.
Right, so if Smash for Switch is a port of the Wii U version with new content do you think Ice Climbers will be left out because of 8 player Smash? Some people say the Switch would be powerful enough to handle them in 8 player Smash, but the Switch doesn't seem THAT big of an upgrade from the Wii U.
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Right, so if Smash for Switch is a port of the Wii U version do you think Ice Climbers will be left out because of 8 player Smash? Some people say the Switch would be powerful enough to handle them in 8 player Smash, but the doesn't seem THAT big of an upgrade from the Wii U.
I thought Ice Climbers weren't in because the 3ds couldn't handle them and they wanted parity between them both, not because of 8 player Smash.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Is Ford really that desperate for attracting new customers?

While laughably/cringingly enjoyable, but what's their goal?
Memes have arguably held the Sonic the Hedgehog series together this well for the past 3-ish years
Memes got thousands of votes for Harambe like 5 months after the meme began.
Memes have a power that companies want to learn to handle.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Is Ford really that desperate for attracting new customers?

While laughably/cringingly enjoyable, but what's their goal?
Their goal is good marketing. Is it weird/dumb? Yeah. Is it enjoyable? Yeah.
The main thing though is that it's getting them publicity, especially among those who indulge old geeky stuff.


Salt Lord
Writing Team
Aug 10, 2007
Right, so if Smash for Switch is a port of the Wii U version with new content do you think Ice Climbers will be left out because of 8 player Smash? Some people say the Switch would be powerful enough to handle them in 8 player Smash, but the Switch doesn't seem THAT big of an upgrade from the Wii U.
Maybe they will drop 8 player Smash?

Switch might be able to handle them, I think the rumor is Switch will have 4 GB of RAM, double of the Wii U.


Sep 12, 2014
>Watching Smackdown
>Notices a Love Live sign

Why does this keep happening on Smackdown.

It's like the third time these last 6 months.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Memes have arguably held the Sonic the Hedgehog series together this well for the past 3-ish years
Memes got thousands of votes for Harambe like 5 months after the meme began.
Memes have a power that companies want to learn to handle.
How fitting that Ford did some Metal Gear themed overdubs.



Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I thought Ice Climbers weren't in because the 3ds couldn't handle them and they wanted parity between them both, not because of 8 player Smash.
What I just saw in the conversation was that they were pulled because of the 3DS version, 8 Player Smash was added after the fact, but 8 Player Smash required such modifications to the characters to work as is that putting the Ice Climbers in now would be impossible unless either 8 Player Smash were removed or they were placed onto a system powerful enough to withstand 16 characters in battle at once.

>Watching Smackdown
>Notices a Love Live sign

Why does this keep happening on Smackdown.

It's like the third time these last 6 months.
LOL I still remember seeing images of people requesting stuff like Waluigi Amiibo and Mother 3 via signs at wrestling events.

I'm guessing some Nintendo/anime fans have season passes or something.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I thought Ice Climbers weren't in because the 3ds couldn't handle them and they wanted parity between them both, not because of 8 player Smash.
The 3DS version is the reason why they weren't in, but chances are they wouldn't have worked in 8 player Smash either. Read the comment I replied to.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Is Ford really that desperate for attracting new customers?

While laughably/cringingly enjoyable, but what's their goal?
It's honestly not that different than Arby's recent approach to social media.

The people they're appealing to more than likely have nostalgia for properties like Sailor Moon, and it gets people talking about your brand.
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Deleted member

Site is dedicated to Smash Bros.

People get impossibly upset when discussing Smash Bros, to an even greater degree than religion and politics.

Half the people still left in the social threads after the speculation period ended don't even plan on ever playing Smash Bros again for the forseeable future.

In one thread you even got belittled for talking about Smash Bros during one time period.

Yep, it's Smashboards.
To be fair in all seriousness, it's like this for many other active themed forums once the subject itself becomes inactive and people move onto talk about whatever else.

For an example, I used to be active on this Godzilla forum. There was always plenty of drama to go around and I mean plenty. It doesn't help that there's many people in their 30s-40s there since the franchise is so old, and many pretty much despise anyone who's not in their 30s yet. So you have this really, really personal drama between them that goes into their personal lives and if not that you have war between the age groups.

Yet none of that compares to all of the conflict once there was a movie after a ten year hiatus.... It didn't go really well at all. Two years later with the first japanese release in 14 years, it was even worse.

That's also how I got banned, not discussing drama or politics, but rather it was because me and this guy in his late 30s were arguing about a film that wasn't even out yet.

Oh boy, when some people in this fandom reach a certain age and lecture the younger members on what they should and shouldn't like... Calling it now, it's going to be terrible unless the series ends by that point. :p

I wonder if I'll even be around by them, probably not, I'll have a family to take of by then, heck, it's already coming up pretty soon.
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Universal Champion
Jul 29, 2014
-Gen 7 Mon
-3rd party character(Rayman tbh if that rabbids rpg is real)

If i had to make a prediction for whose next.Dont expect anything real crazy

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
New characters would happen?

Bring on the Squid Kids and their meme worthy song. You know which one I'm talking about. :troll:


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
To be fair in all seriousness, it's like this for many other active themed forums once the subject itself becomes inactive and people move onto talk about whatever else.

For an example, I used to be active on this Godzilla forum. There was always plenty of drama to go around and I mean plenty. It doesn't help that there's many people in their 30s-40s there since the franchise is so old, and many pretty much despise anyone who's not in their 30s yet. So you have this really, really personal drama between them that goes into their personal lives and if not that you have war between the age groups.

Yet none of that compares to all of the conflict once there was a movie after a ten year hiatus.... It didn't go really well at all. Two years later with the first japanese release in 14 years, it was even worse.

That's also how I got banned, not discussing drama or politics, but rather it was because me and this guy in his late 30s were arguing about a film that wasn't even out yet.

Oh boy, when some people in this fandom reach a certain age and lecture the younger members on what they should and shouldn't like... Calling it now, it's going to be terrible unless the series ends by that point. :p
Oh gosh. . .

The 20-30 somethings that grew up with an SNES and latched onto the Gamecube constantly ranting about how Nintendo failed them for not adding their nostalgia characters and how no one should be allowed to like Sonic/Fire Emblem/whatever else they didn't play as a kid and that all games released after the Gamecube are inherently horrible are obnoxious enough now. I can hardly imagine them getting even more horrid a decade from now.

Deleted member

Yes but what does Love Live signs give us?

Waifus? Idols? What is their purpose.
I'm going to probably guess it's memes for the sake of memes. Heck, I'm going to have to bring my own meme sign on smackdown next time I go. :p

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Have the Love Live games gotten international releases?
Are there even Love Live games?
Love Live isn't a game (although it does have games), it's an Idol anime franchise, with a real life idol group, several studio albums, manga, etc.
It's a big deal for weebs. And it's where the one true goddess, Maki comes from.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I remember roaming the LEGO message boards as a young teen.

It was a lot more polite there than here, and they were all kids. :p


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC

1. IC's *
2. Inklings
3. Wolf
4. Gen 7 PKMN
5. Ballot Character

*: 8 Player Smash is the sticking point of whether or not they return.


1. Andy (plz Sakurai! I'll give you $2 Canadian if you do this for me)
2. Isaac
3. K. Rool
4. Crash
5. Snake
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