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I'm very pleased with the variety and quantity of pokemon available early on...
Believe it or not I was pretty stoked to see being available so early...I love Mismagius but I rarely ever get to use one, so this is pretty cool to see...
I have to say Alolan Rattata's putting in some work..that STAB bite, yo!
And Refresh is pretty darn handy after battles if your pokemon's inflicted with a status ailment...no need to use your items outside of battle, I feel like this was to save from players having to backtrack to the Pokemon Center constantly simply because one pokemon is paralyzed...after battle you can cure it for free!
I'm very pleased with the variety and quantity of pokemon available early on...
Believe it or not I was pretty stoked to see being available so early...I love Mismagius but I rarely ever get to use one, so this is pretty cool to see...
I have to say Alolan Rattata's putting in some work..that STAB bite, yo!
And Refresh is pretty darn handy after battles if your pokemon's inflicted with a status ailment...no need to use your items outside of battle, I feel like this was to save from players having to backtrack to the Pokemon Center constantly simply because one pokemon is paralyzed...after battle you can cure it for free!
My internal justification for posting is that I want to be on record for when stuff goes down.
I now realize that I have no flipping idea when stuff is going to go down. Could be years! Stupid Fourth Turning needs to hurry up and get here...
Also, I don't distrust people so much to think they'd doubt I held the positions I say I did when the time comes. Well, maybe...
My internal justification for posting is that I want to be on record for when stuff goes down.
I now realize that I have no flipping idea when stuff is going to go down. Could be years! Stupid Fourth Turning needs to hurry up and get here...
Also, I don't distrust people so much to think they'd doubt I held the positions I say I did when the time comes. Well, maybe...
Me neither. I don't even have a degree yet. Only took microeconomics. Still, dat internet, doe.
A bond is just a type of loan. And it can be traded. Say, you don't think that you're gonna get a good return from the bloke you loaned to, you can sell it at a reduced rate to someone else to try and recoup the costs.
Liquidity is how much a thing's worth will change when it's traded. More liquidity means easier to trade it in for the full value of the thing, less is when selling it off will make it worth less than waiting for some other time.
People are having a hard time paying off their debts, basically, and the market is going 'woah okay this is getting risky.'
Aether Foundation on the second island just stepped out of the way and made me do all the work, so. . .I guess you're filling out your bad guy warning flags with the Deadly Sin of Sloth, huh?
Faba and Lusamine both keep flashing split second creepy smiles when they talk, Faba a Psychotic Smirk and Lusamine a Slasher Smile.
Lusamine also had a suspicious reaction to hearing about Lillie. And Lusamine thinks children shouldn't be allowed to think for themselves, which in a world where child protagonists are the only ones who can do anything right automatically means she sucks.
Also Faba's really, really obviously an egotistical *choose your own expletive adventure here!*
Meanwhile Wicke just keeps making me think of Isabelle for some reason and is visibly terrified of Faba.
Making up starter trios like this is fun--especially when I've got a randomizer that can actually make it happen :D
Normal, 490 base-stat total, non-evolving starter trio:
Making up starter trios like this is fun--especially when I've got a randomizer that can actually make it happen :D
Normal, 490 base-stat total, non-evolving starter trio:
While I was creating my next Aspyr avatar on SAI, which is essentially an improved version of the current image, I took a small break from it and did these Mario and Luigi face icons.
The linework on both isn't as polished as my latest works are, but that's a given because I merely did this to pass the time. They are 150x150, though, so they could be used as avatars.
This game is reminding me how when we were in Hawaii my sister was talking about how the names of the streets and stuff were unreadable because they were in hawaiin
Until I reminded her all the areas around us are in native american and most people outside of the area can't pronounce them
Might as well do those Sun and Moon updates that everyone does. I don't know how frequent will these updates be.
Current team:
Azura: Level 16 (Female)
Toucan Sam: Level 14 (Male)
Puka: Level 15 (Male)
So starting the game right away, and...
...the opening cutscene with Lillie escaping Aether Paradise was pretty good, though it pretty much reveals the Aether Foundation is evil. I mean, the smirks on some of those employees looked menacing.
Moving on, the first Popplio I got was male with a Sassy Nature. Wasn't a fan of it, so I reset the game and got a new Popplio... a female one with a Hasty nature. Talk about getting lucky on the second try! The Hasty nature definitely will help its speed. The Defense lowering is a bit worrying though.
Toucan Sam was my first capture at Level 3. I heard you could catch Pichu/Pikachu at Route 1, but I didn't know that they could only be found in the top portion of Route 1 until I met with Kukui at his lab... turns out Pichu and Pikachu are very rare in this game. You have a 5% chance of encountering a Pichu, and Pikachu can only appear during an SOS battle... and it also has a 5% chance of appearing there as well. Learning about that made me go for the easier route and find the Pichu, but man did it take a lot of encounters to find one. It reminded me of the time I had to hunt for a Ralts in Route 104.
Puka has been KOd three times in the course of its level ups. A bit worrying because I want it to evolve into Pikachu by Level 21 or earlier. There was also a pretty silly moment in Route 2 where a Makuhita scored a OHKO on Toucan Sam (while it was still a Pikipek) thanks to getting lucky with two critical hits using Arm Thrust and landing 5 hits for the duration of the attack.
Backtracking earlier, I knew I would have to fight Ilima in Hau'oli City, but I didn't expect his Smeargle to be challenging. Good lord, that Pokemon almost swept my team; the fact it had Leafage to cover my Azura caught me off guard! I had to lots of switching and Potion abuse. I had to sacrifice Puka in the process, but I ultimately took it down once I calculated the damage it would do to Azura, I figured out the right strategy when to attack and when to heal, and so I won.
I also spent a good chunk of time finding the right clothes. Turns out the White Polo and Black pants combinations is too good not to avoid!
I am about to tackle the first Island Trial. This should be interesting...
So far, I'm really enjoying Pokemon Sun! The narrative has been good so far, and so are the characters (Lillie is adorable and Kukui has great dialogue).
I love the fact you get the EXP share so quickly. It makes leveling such a breeze. And because I still have empty slots in my team, I can quickly evolve Pokémon like Caterpie so I can fill the Pokedex quicker.
Speaking of the Pokedex... Rotom being able to talk with the Pokedex while accompanying you is a really sweet touch. I think so far, Rotom is my most favorite "character" in the game. Rotom and Hau.
Screw you Wishiwashi! Stop summoning those damn heart fish, you're already annoying enough without a healer to back you up!
...So I just beat Lana's trial and I'm on my way to get to Kiawe's, so progress has been pretty good. I also caught a Wishiwashi and got it to level 20, so I get to play around with Schooling for a bit.
I just finished the first island; tons of fun. Team Skull cracks me up every time.
My team almost got steamrolled by Totem Raticate; I was like "nah, I'll not use the Brick Break TM", but then I got comboed by crit Quick Attacks and Bites that flinched every freaking time. My pal Litten and a Potion saved the day.
Finally found Rockruff. You can only get it after getting Tauros. Which is annoying because I would of preferred training it as soon as possible but this is as soon as it gets I suppose. The second one I caught had Adamant, so I'm sticking with it.
Haven't even left the first island yet. Don't plan to until I catch whatever's left, like Crabrawler... Where ever the hell it is... The Pokedex says its specifically at a point that I have checked dozens of times but its not showing up so maybe its a Day Pokémon? I dunno.
Gen 1: Gastly, Abra, Machop
Gen 2: Mareep, Houndour, Marill
Gen 3: Aron, Ralts, Duskull
Gen 4: Shinx, Buizel, Croagunk
Gen 5: Sandile, Litwick, Joltik
Gen 6: Honedge, Litleo, Pancham
Gen 7: Rockruff, Salandit, Mudbray
Gen 1: (Mind/Body/Soul)
Gen 2: (Flying night thingies)
Gen 3: Wailmer, Wingull, Barboach (Too much water)
Gen 4: Chingling, Drifloon, Budew (Nice and shiny objects)
Gen 5: Cincinno, Lillipup, Purrloin (Pets)
Gen 6: Pancham, Inkay, Fletchling (Fire, Water, Grass)
Gen 7: Rockruff*, Crabrawler, Wimpod (Fight, Fight, Fight!) (*Rockruff always evolves into Daytime. Nightforme doesn't exist.)