Ok seriously, this is sounding a bit redundant really got right. As if the false accusations of be being biased towards Isabelle weren't wonderful enough.
Also, nice strawman of insulting people who poured their hearts into this community. Little nobodies, and what does that make the things you've expect? Necessities?
Golly, this is one of the most pointless arguments ever. Can we get some news already instead of taking about nothing and see who gets the last laugh? You don't need to feel like you are the most special snowflake of the bunch.
Do you really think any of the popular ballot characters could sell people on the game? There's Inkling... And that's it really. One character is significantly more effort then none, and the payoff wouldn't be worth it.
If the Switch is a failure, would a few characters convince Wii U players for full price?
If it's a success, how many more people would buy it with a few more characters?
No it's not. You're not entitled to that content. If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it. It's not a scam, it's just business.
No, I'm not entitled to it. It's just something that would collectively **** off everybody who bought the original and those that wanted the one character. It's a slap in the face as much as Amiibo Festival and Fed Force were... If you told people to stop complaining about those... Peh, hehehe.
Nintendo's adding additional characters to Mario Kart and people care far less about characters there. Even if it doesn't cause a huge bump to sales, Nintendo might still do something. And, well. . .a lot of people really wouldn't buy the exact same game twice but would cave for a few extra characters, either because it's the "complete" version of the game or because they're into competitive or just because they want to check out new content. Some will complain about being ripped off and refuse to, but for others that's the only way to get them to budge. Heck, if they hit the right character they actually could get a (very small) number of people that skipped 4 to buy it. There's always going to be whining and discontent and "this was meaningless because I didn't get *X*/*Y*'s impurity is soiling the roster" about the roster, but on the flipside there's always someone who would be incredibly happy about *insert character here* to the point of tipping a sales choice. That's how the double edged sword cuts.
And I doubt they'd just add characters. Even though I'm skeptical about the whole "all the 3DS stages are added" thing that's been passed around, I find it highly likely that at least some kind of additional stage content will be added. Other modes are less likely, but it's not impossible.
Characters in MK8 are more like skins... Some animations, recycled voice clips, a model, and there you have it. Smash requires all of that and designing, making and balancing movesets relative to another fifty characters.
MK8+ seems to be doing a lot more then just adding content, changing a core mechanic with two items and all, and MK8 doesn't have near as many legal hurdles nor does it require rebuilding a dev team for the game. Presumably the MK team has been on this for quite some time... Meanwhile the Smash team has been disbanded.
You can never please everyone. This shouldn't even be an argument point.
You also act like you know exactly who the characters are but you don't. Characters are the main appeal of Smash. More people will buy the game if their favourite character is added and yes, people do buy the games for their favourite characters. What they do with their money doesn't make it a scam.
Scam implies dishonesty.
The Wii U is a dead console. It's stupid to support it beyond the new Zelda.
Smash on the Switch will give the game itself more life and make it more appealing whilst they get started on a proper new Smash. You need a good launch year for the console. Having both a Zelda and Smash title will help it out greatly.
The point is that it wouldn't please much of anybody compared to the current game.
I know that there's maybe two characters from the ballot that could possibly convince people in droves.
Selling five characters for 60$ is dishonest and a dead business practice to boot.
Porting characters back would be simple unless they took up a ridiculous amount of horsepower. It'd be free money and nobody would have a reason to be upset.