I live in one of such countries, it's not uncommon to see news articles about such things. And not just direct violence either, suicides due to prejudice are in there as well
And also, trust me, I'm very sure the US are no different in this case
And I'm not even talking about places where things like homosexuality are criminalized
You're not completely wrong at all. I'm aware on how it is in Brazil, and it's actually criminiziled in my country of origin. Heck, one of my best friend's and former boyfriend(and I say former not because I don't love him, I say former because the situation is far too harsh and unrealistic thanks to his sitution) is heavily oppressed by his parents. However, I'm not talking so much a personal sense of defending yourself when someone's actually oppressing you, I mean more so in a political discussion sense, the kind people have on the internet and in debates. Not in defense, but trying to logically debate. You yoursef are using reason against me rather than calling me names and trash talking me, that's the kind of stuff that I'm against in these kinds of discussions.
That sounds beautiful tbh, but unfortunately it's not how the world works
The world doesn't work the same for everyone, it entirely depends on your living conditions. I myself ended up okay with my parents letting them know who I am because I was able to reason with them, if I were to just call them names and labels then that would've just made everything much worse. However, I can see your reasoning with people with a my way or the high way type style, especially in poorer areas generally, when that's the only thing you really have on your side.
However, merely name calling alone tends to be presented as full arguements. If you give reasons then I'm fine with that, but people often have this witch hunt mentality and will label others rather than do that to prove their point. For an example, I've been called a mysoginistic rapist before just because of one youtube channel I'm subscribed to. Their reasoning for that was basically just that they didn't like the channel, no real reason.
Or a much bigger example would be is after my last major break up, my GF got ahold of her and my former friends, and they all ganged up on me just because I was upset that she cheated on me. They claimed that I was all sorts of things, mysgonistic, sexist, homophobic, and racist. Because she just happened to date another african american girl. But that wasn't the reason why I was upset at all.
I just get tired of people relying so much on simple words for entire arguements. I just want us to be above the bigots is all, not like them, I understand when it's personal and the only option, but I don't want it to represent the movement.