I know that people are trying to calm everyone down about this, and I DO see the good intentions. But I honestly can't agree when I see these
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Solvo is a lesbian btw
There was a problem fetching the tweet
This is ****ing horrifying
That to me actually, is a good reason why people should be more calm and not overreact. That's the exact reason why I have remained calm, because if either canidate would win, I'd know that'd I normally freak out and be depressed that this is the end because everyone else around me says it so.
However, I keep an open mind and resist the election depression that everyone tends to get during elections whenever they feel at loss. Sure, if Hillary won, people here would've been happier, but elsewhere people would still pretty miserable and depressed. That's why I feel like the best way to go on is not to blow things out of proportions, it will only make things worse on yourself.
You people saying that is exactly why Trump won
Calling everyone racists and misogynists
When you label people and dismiss them they are going to fight back
This pretty much. That's why people voted Trump and why the progressive movement is starting to look ridicolous to general people to where they want normalcy, not oversenstive radicals.
Ah, the good ole false equivalency. Me telling you the truth had nothing to do with their vote, them relating to human trash did that.
How about just stop being a racist and anti-gay marriage? that would do wonders.
This was my point earlier, this is why people are starting to turn against us. You can't just make baseless labeling assumptions, you look ridicolous to the people who don't have a radical bias.
Wasn't Trump labelling and dismissing people though and yet he won?
That's not what he means, what he means is that the left are gaining a very loud voice and social power. Hillary would keep that power in check, while Trump would tone it down. Just because you support a canidate for specific reasons doesn't mean you agree on them in every specific way. I mean, there's people that are into everything little detail that Trump says and agree, but the majority of people that voted for him just don't want Hillary and want to shake up the system a bit.
Also, why do people think Trump is going to abolish gay marriage? He said that marriage should be between a man and a woman, sure whatever that's what he thinks, but it was never on his agenda to abolish gay marriage. I don't get why everyone is so afraid of him on that subject. The only evidence of that is Hillary claiming he will, that's about it, and it's pretty much a scare tactic.
Also I find it funny that people who don't vote are somehow bad, when that if you vote for either one for your own specific rasons you're demonized. "It's your job to vote, regardless of who your voting for" *people vote trump* "Damn it, Americans are stupid, I wish those people couldn't vote"