I should be going to bed.
I don't think the country will be destroyed and I doubt a wall will be built, but I do think the most immediate effects will be:
Health Care - Congress has tried over 60 times to repeal it only for Obama to block it. There is no true plan to replace it, at least not from Trump himself, bar a miracle like moderates channeling their inner Mitt Romney.
Supreme Court - We will most likely have an incomplete court until mid-late next year with the Republican's regaining their majority. Garland will most likely be canned.
Foreign Policy - Congress has little control over this. The TPP will most likely not go through (meh). Mexican relations will sour (they already fired the guy who invited Trump to speak) but how trade will be effected remains to be seen. Russia is weakening but this does secure them time to recover and help consolidate influence Ukraine, Syria, and Turkey. China is probably going to get a lot more aggressive. We might gain back influence in the Philippines however.
1st Amendment - Beyond interest in tightening laws governing the internet from Trump surrogates & Melania, Trump TV could be re-branded into a State TV.
NATO - The Non-Proliferation Treaty could weaken if Trump continues to not be interested in providing defense and result in our allies (ex. Turkey) looking into getting their own nuclear weapons.
Clinton - Depends on how messed up internally the FBI is. We could face a "finding a crime for the criminal" moment.
Civil Rights - Yep...
Climate Change - The Paris Agreement could break. We signed it, but without an enforcement mechanism we could back out and take other countries (China/India) with us or potentially face economic sanctions (IDK).
Thank you, this makes it quite easier to discuss things.
Health Care - As Polosi said, we should pass Obamacare to find out what's in it. Well, we've found out the full weight of the bureaucratic time bomb. I wish to spare you the boring detail, but with the proper interpretation of the CBO's and independent organization analyses suffices to say that Obamacare is a grossly inefficient use of money and mandates numerous new taxes. That aside, it solves absolutely nothing about what was wrong with the medical system before. To correct that, one must repeal not only ACA, but the COBRA omnibus, HIPAA, all parts of Medicare, and on and on and on back to the Blue Cross' deal with the devil for tax-free status in exchange for community ratings and further to the legislative monopoly granted to the AMA to create and license doctors. Only the free market's mechanism of pricing and incentives can hold back the tide of cronyist greed which clings to the state and its coercive powers. Big Pharma and health "insurance" companies cannot be brought down by more legislation, because it controls the revolving door.
Foreign Policy - God help us if the TPP passes. I think Trump will perceive it as a 'bad + unfair deal.' It imposes shadowy supra-national courts where companies can litigate against each other and the nations involved in the agreement, one specific relating to enforcing of a copy of the United State's oppressive intellectual property law regime on everyone and cross-nation.
Imagine if the Soviet Union won the cold war and they fomented regime change in Mexico or Canada. That's like what happened in Ukraine, which was once a pro-Russian regime aligned with
the will of the people then overtaken by an oligarchic cabal who have western intelligence associations. We have our Munroe Doctrine, the Russians have theirs. Turkey is backing the FSA and shelling / fighting the Kurds in Syrian, and Russia wants stable and secure Assad. Russia is on the only reasonable right path to immediate security and the promotion of a relatively secular regime, namely Assad's, that will stop headchoppers from winning the government. That it promotes Russia's oil interests with Assad denying the pipeline to Europe is a happy bonus for them. To the contrary, if the United States stops meddling with Japan and removes our military bases there like we should (and like their people want), I am absolutely sure that they would soon resolve the island disputes they have with Russia and China.
And good riddance to empire!
1st Amendment -
NATO - The Non-Proliferation Treaty was already long broken: the United States had long not disposed of the weapons in a proper manner, and I rather think that MAD will make people take a step back and stop tryna build empires.
Climate Change -
Suffice this: the oceanic current cycles and sun cycles are far more effectual on the climate's ebb than any rationally modeled effect from anthropogenic interference. The systems baked in modeling are often straight up filled with incredible bias and assumptions and a complete lack of nuance. Climategate showed well enough how corrupt the establishment likely is. The politicization of science has resulted in the suppression of dissent and the building of vested interest establishments.