Wow. I'm gone for an hour and all of the sudden I see 5 extra pages. At first I was like, "Woah, did something big pop up all of the sudden?" Then I check and it's all Smash Speculation and Wish lists.


: Dr. Eggman

: Dr. Wily

: If it must be Pac-Man: Spooky
If it can be another Namco character that isn't from a big franchise: Dig Dug

: Chun-Li

: If it must be FF7: Tifa Lockhart
If it can be any FF: Gilgamesh

: I don't really know anything about Bayonetta other than Jeanne.
Other 3rd Parties:
Konami: Simon Belmont
Tecmo: Ryu Hayabusa
Ubisoft: Rayman
Atlus: Jack Frost
Falcom: Adol Cristin