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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Apr 19, 2015
:( I didn't know her, but reading happened to her is utterly saddening and painful, she didn't deserved such fate, she was young and innocent, doing what she loved. I hope they find the ******* that did that to her. My deepest condolences.
The killer apparently committed suicide.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Archer (does Camouflage still grant full invuln in Arena?)
Yes, Camouflage still grants full protection in the Arena just like it did in Triple Deluxe. However, there is only one attack in the game that will kill you regardless of whether or not you use a move that that completely protects you, so abilities like Stone, Archer, Leaf, and other abilities with complete protection moves are all affected by it.

The very last boss in the True Arena will use a desperation attack once you kill it. It will release three "death waves" so to speak.

If you didn't care about spoilers and are reading this because you want to know about it in advance, here's a tip on how to dodge it. All you have to do is to stay on the ground for the first two waves. The first one is released on the top, and the second one in the middle. With the third death wave, the boss will release it on the top and the bottom. With that death wave, jump and try to stay in the middle! Once you dodge that wave, the boss will finally be defeated. And yes, if you try to shield yourself with a protection move like those from Stone, Archer, Leaf, etc. for that death wave, it will break your shield and kill you.

I've seen gameplay footage of that last boss, and from all the footage I've scene, I've always noticed it releases those "death waves" in that pattern, so I'm assuming that's how it always uses that attack.


On a different note, the Japanese Pokemon Youtube page released clear footage of Zygarde's 10% and Complete Forme gameplay videos from the Taiwan National Championships.

The details from the two videos:
  • Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves are finally official. Both moves were in the coding for X/Y, and as expected, they are Zygarde's moves. I'm guessing they won't just be exclusive to 10% this time around.
  • Zygarde 10% changes into the Complete Forme thanks to its new ability "Swarm Change." From the looks of it, Swarm Change allows Zygarde to change into its Complete Forme if it is in a pinch.
  • Zygarde's Complete Forme has a new attack named "Core Punisher." It's that Z-like beam attack you see in the footage. I'm guessing that move will either be Dragon-type or Ground-type, and it will probably be exclusive to the Complete Forme.
As for my thoughts:

This news really made my day! I'm so glad we are getting Zygarde's forms in Sun and Moon after all! Their 3D models also look really cool!

My only worry is how Zygarde changes into its Complete Forme. If that "Swarm Change" is the only way it changes into the Complete Forme, I feel like it reduces Zygarde's usability because it only transforms when its HP is low. My hope is that if if changes into the Complete Forme, it will gain full HP instead of keeping the damage like what happens with Zen Darmanitan. I also wonder if we will still receive an item that allows you to freely transform Zygarde into its Complete Forme.
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Professor Lexicovermis

Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2015
Pop Star
Nekkoala is wonderful; an absolutely adorable design! I'm curious about its gimmick though. Does it simply ignore non-sleep status effects? Or does it fall asleep instead? For example, if it were hit with Toxic would it just go to sleep instead of being poisoned?

On the topic of Crash, I'm sort of sad to see him reduced to a Skylandera selling point, but his friend Spyro has been that way for years now...

On the topic of Kirby, picking up Robobot today, I've stayed almost spoiler free, so looking forward to it!


Ace Adventurer and Truth Seeker
Jan 14, 2013

I've been pretty busy this summer (for once). I've been pretty passionate about voice acting since I watched Tyranee's Let's Dub projects on YouTube. Didn't know how I could possibly "lend my voice" out to people until I stumbled across a site called Casting Call Club 5 days ago. I've been on that website since.

If anyone's interested in hearing my audtions, I'll just leave the link here. But that's generally what I've been up to this summer.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Absolutely tragic what happened to her. 2016's had a lot of awful deaths, but this one's just...different. She was one of us, really. A celebrity for the Internet-Age. And in addition to being a fantastic singer, she was also making a name for herself in the pro-Smash scene. She streamed games on Twitch. Her youtube account's name is referencing Zelda. And beyond that, she was a great person who did lots of charitable things and was always kind to others. And now she's gone because of some crazed lunatic.

I can only hope her family and friends are going to be okay. I can't imagine that sort of grief. Rest in peace, Christina.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I don't know who this Christina person is in the slightest as today is the first I have heard of her, but she sounds like a good person and it's a shame that I first hear of her through her ruthless and untimely death. My condolences to her friends, family, and fans who are grieving for her.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I'd be excited for a new PS All-Stars especially if it has Crash. Even better if they can get Classic Spyro in there too.

And a new game would obviously be hype, provided it's in the same style as the original trilogy or Twinsanity.

Skylanders I don't care about but I will be fine with it if those other two are happening.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I thought PS All-Stars had an overall cool roster and the game was overall good, especially for being from a new studio.

It's only major problems were the serious omissions such as Crash and Spyro, and having to stick with Raiden for MGS because SSBB nabbed Snake first. And it was just a bit floaty and had a few weird bugs at times. Also the menus were so basic and boring.

I liked the mechanics though. Still has more and longer combos than I could pull off in SSBB or SFIV. :p

Deleted member

Crash Bandicoot rumour. Has this been discussed already?
1-[Playable in] Skylanders
Already discussed and it's most likely true.

I'll individually tackle the two things that haven't been discussed.

2-Playable in PS All-Stars
Possible, but I doubt we're getting a sequel to PS All-Stars considering that game failed.

3-Standalone game for PS4
Unless his Skylanders appearance is meant to be sort of a cross-promotion, I doubt it. If Spyro hasn't had a standalone game in nearly eight years, then I don't see why Crash would get that treatment. Not to mention that Skylanders makes substantially more money than a new standalone Crash game probably would in this day and age.

I'd be all for the latter two things if they happened, though.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Planet Robobot is so much fun! The Robobots are definitely the best take on the "super ability" that Hal has done so far.

Oh, and since I saw people doing this a little bit back, here are my top ten abilities in no particular order:
(Amazing Mirror) Sword
Wheel/Wheelie Rider


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Already discussed and it's most likely true.

I'll individually tackle the two things that haven't been discussed.

Possible, but I doubt we're getting a sequel to PS All-Stars considering that game failed.

Unless his Skylanders appearance is meant to be sort of a cross-promotion, I doubt it. If Spyro hasn't had a standalone game in nearly eight years, then I don't see why Crash would get that treatment. Not to mention that Skylanders makes substantially more money than a new standalone Crash game probably would in this day and age.

I'd be all for the latter two things if they happened, though.
Failed? It sold over a million copies in its first six months.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Failed? It sold over a million copies in its first six months.
That's surprising, given the hate the game got for the exclusion of characters like Crash, Spyro and Cloud and for the inclusion of characters like Reboot Dante, Evil Cole and Big Daddy.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Yeeeessssh, I've forgotten how bad the Ape Escape shorts were. They kind of exaggerated Specter's character where he's a discount Squidward.

Deleted member

I thought PS All-Stars had an overall cool roster and the game was overall good, especially for being from a new studio.

It's only major problems were the serious omissions such as Crash and Spyro, and having to stick with Raiden for MGS because SSBB nabbed Snake first.
Correction: Raiden was picked over Snake to promote Metal Gear Rising, similar to how other third party characters were chosen (DmC Dante over Classic Dante to promote his upcoming game, Heihachi (who appears as a Mii costume in Smash 4 and was considered for a playable spot in that game) to promote Tekken Tag 2, etc.). Besides, Raiden already appeared as a sticker in Brawl.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
With PSASBR, mainly the kill mechanic, I think what they were trying to go for was to have your opponent's all-star meter represent your HP meter. Execution-wise, it doesn't work when some Level 1/2/3 moves horrendously outclass others. Still, I'd love for them to make an improved sequel, though they'd need to get a new studio to do it since, IIRC, the old one's since been shut down.

I feel like people also bash the roster pretty unnecessarily. Yeah, New!Dante exists, and having Good and Evil Cole as separate characters may seem weird, but that's about the only big red flags on the roster. That and people make it seems like it had a lot more third parties than it actually did.

That, and they'd need Lara Croft/Cloud/Crash/Spyro. Oh, and The Last of Us and Shadow of the Colossus content. :p


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2014
On this Planet
For some reason I STILL have the leaver penalty on Overwatch even though I haven't left any for a long while.
This is what I have heard. Has it been around 20 games since you last left during a match?:
"Pass the threshold and you'll be hit with a 75% reduction in XP gain. It's not time-based—the penalty remains until your leave rate in the last 20 games falls back below the threshold."
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Unless his Skylanders appearance is meant to be sort of a cross-promotion, I doubt it. If Spyro hasn't had a standalone game in nearly eight years, then I don't see why Crash would get that treatment. Not to mention that Skylanders makes substantially more money than a new standalone Crash game probably would in this day and age.
I don't really get this argument.

While I personally like Spyro a bit more than Crash (growing up, it was sort of a Pokémon situation between my brother and I - he preferred Crash and was the expert of those games, while I was the Spyro guy), Crash is undeniably the bigger (unofficial) Playstation mascot than Spyro, partly because he was around a few years longer (Crash 3 was coming out when Spyro 1 was, and they both had secret demos for each other's games).

Crash returning as a Sony exclusive in his own game is a much easier idea to sell than it is with Spyro. He's just more associated with Playstation even to this day, whereas people more easily accepted Spyro going multiplat because the Legend of Spyro series in particular just had a better, more concrete direction than Crash's modern games and Spyro retained a distinctive following, even if it was newer fans.

Basically, at this point, if a new Spyro game were to come out, I think it would be multiplat anyway because people don't really associate him with Playstation as much, since he had a bunch of games that were still popular and well-received that were multiplat (LoS: Dawn of the Dragon, which was his last game before Skylanders, sold over a million). For the same reason, I don't think Sony would care to acquire exclusive rights themselves.

With Crash though, it's always been Sony teasing and referencing him. They know that the only games he has that people widely agree are good games, is the original Playstation trilogy and it's a much more iconic part of his identity than it is to Spyro, so re-acquiring him has an obvious benefit for their brand. For that reason, I think Crash has more reason to have a new game than Spyro does (even though I don't like how Skylanders absorbed him, the Skylanders games are still good games and Spyro is the main character of the Skylanders comics, so he isn't even in need of a revival either, he still exists and is relevant).

Correction: Raiden was picked over Snake to promote Metal Gear Rising, similar to how other third party characters were chosen (DmC Dante over Classic Dante to promote his upcoming game, Heihachi (who appears as a Mii costume in Smash 4 and was considered for a playable spot in that game) to promote Tekken Tag 2, etc.). Besides, Raiden already appeared as a sticker in Brawl.
That's the PR reason, but there was no way Snake would get in when Brawl was a thing. Too complicated from a licensing standpoint.

Also a sticker in Brawl doesn't mean anything, it's just a JPEG image of pre-existing artwork being plopped onto the disc.

With PSASBR, mainly the kill mechanic, I think what they were trying to go for was to have your opponent's all-star meter represent your HP meter. Execution-wise, it doesn't work when some Level 1/2/3 moves horrendously outclass others. Still, I'd love for them to make an improved sequel, though they'd need to get a new studio to do it since, IIRC, the old one's since been shut down.

I feel like people also bash the roster pretty unnecessarily. Yeah, New!Dante exists, and having Good and Evil Cole as separate characters may seem weird, but that's about the only big red flags on the roster. That and people make it seems like it had a lot more third parties than it actually did.

That, and they'd need Lara Croft/Cloud/Crash/Spyro. Oh, and The Last of Us and Shadow of the Colossus content. :p
Actually, the developers of PS All-Stars did comment on SotC. They said they talked to Team ICO about it, but they said that they felt having their characters in a game like this would ruin the artistic integrity of those games, since there are games designed to be art and were never intended to be used for promotional shilling.

As for who would develop a sequel to PS All-Stars, it would likely be Santa Monica Studios (of God of War fame), because they developed the DLC for PS All-Stars (Superbot closed down before the DLC even happened).
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Oasis Dealer

Apr 8, 2015
Virginia, U.S.A
If a new Playstation All Stars happens, I'd look forward to it. I appreciate that they tried new things that Smash hasn't done, but the one thing that kinda turned me off from the game was how you got kills by supers. This is one area I would want them to basically make it like Smash and just have a percentage meter while also still havng the different supers.

Of course there's also characters I would hope the also add. Crash and Spyro are a given. Laura and Cloud are also characters I'd like to see. Other than those, expanding some of the 1st party franchises with other characters would be nice.
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
So far I haven't seen anyone able to prove that random twitter post has any credibility.

Although the other 2 things being true would be spectacular lol.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014
Yeah, All-Stars is pretty underrated. It actually tried to differentiate itself from Smash, so you have to give it that. There's actually a few things I hope Nintendo takes from there like the alternate costumes and customisable intros, outros and music. Those were pretty cool. And one thing I think PSASBR truly did better than Smash was the movesets. While the Sm4sh newcomers are really accurate, most of the characters from the other games seem kind of uninspired in comparison. Compare that to PSASBR where every single character actually feels like you're playing them: no Falcondorfs there.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Yes, Camouflage still grants full protection in the Arena just like it did in Triple Deluxe. However, there is only one attack in the game that will kill you regardless of whether or not you use a move that that completely protects you, so abilities like Stone, Archer, Leaf, and other abilities with complete protection moves are all affected by it.

The very last boss in the True Arena will use a desperation attack once you kill it. It will release three "death waves" so to speak.

If you didn't care about spoilers and are reading this because you want to know about it in advance, here's a tip on how to dodge it. All you have to do is to stay on the ground for the first two waves. The first one is released on the top, and the second one in the middle. With the third death wave, the boss will release it on the top and the bottom. With that death wave, jump and try to stay in the middle! Once you dodge that wave, the boss will finally be defeated. And yes, if you try to shield yourself with a protection move like those from Stone, Archer, Leaf, etc. for that death wave, it will break your shield and kill you.

I've seen gameplay footage of that last boss, and from all the footage I've scene, I've always noticed it releases those "death waves" in that pattern, so I'm assuming that's how it always uses that attack.


On a different note, the Japanese Pokemon Youtube page released clear footage of Zygarde's 10% and Complete Forme gameplay videos from the Taiwan National Championships.

The details from the two videos:
  • Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves are finally official. Both moves were in the coding for X/Y, and as expected, they are Zygarde's moves. I'm guessing they won't just be exclusive to 10% this time around.
  • Zygarde 10% changes into the Complete Forme thanks to its new ability "Swarm Change." From the looks of it, Swarm Change allows Zygarde to change into its Complete Forme if it is in a pinch.
  • Zygarde's Complete Forme has a new attack named "Core Punisher." It's that Z-like beam attack you see in the footage. I'm guessing that move will either be Dragon-type or Ground-type, and it will probably be exclusive to the Complete Forme.
As for my thoughts:

This news really made my day! I'm so glad we are getting Zygarde's forms in Sun and Moon after all! Their 3D models also look really cool!

My only worry is how Zygarde changes into its Complete Forme. If that "Swarm Change" is the only way it changes into the Complete Forme, I feel like it reduces Zygarde's usability because it only transforms when its HP is low. My hope is that if if changes into the Complete Forme, it will gain full HP instead of keeping the damage like what happens with Zen Darmanitan. I also wonder if we will still receive an item that allows you to freely transform Zygarde into its Complete Forme.
I'm thinking Core punisher is ground type.

The movie has literally be in our faces for the past 3 months!

Anytime Zydoge fought in the anime, that's the move it used! In addition to the green burst of light, it had stones rise up from the ground as well.

So if you think synchro and ash greninja isn't happening, it is now more then likely happening. The forms look great in game as well. I'd also bet this confirms Kalos as a second region, or zzygarde is important to the story as should be expected. Maybe zygarde lives in that tree on the legends island as I thought.

And I also didn't know who Christina Grimmie was, but may she rest in piece, and her family and friends to be able to get through this. It's a true tragedy.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I don't really get this argument.

While I personally like Spyro a bit more than Crash (growing up, it was sort of a Pokémon situation between my brother and I - he preferred Crash and was the expert of those games, while I was the Spyro guy), Crash is undeniably the bigger (unofficial) Playstation mascot than Spyro, partly because he was around a few years longer (Crash 3 was coming out when Spyro 1 was, and they both had secret demos for each other's games).

Crash returning as a Sony exclusive in his own game is a much easier idea to sell than it is with Spyro. He's just more associated with Playstation even to this day, whereas people more easily accepted Spyro going multiplat because the Legend of Spyro series in particular just had a better, more concrete direction than Crash's modern games and Spyro retained a distinctive following, even if it was newer fans.

Basically, at this point, if a new Spyro game were to come out, I think it would be multiplat anyway because people don't really associate him with Playstation as much, since he had a bunch of games that were still popular and well-received that were multiplat (LoS: Dawn of the Dragon, which was his last game before Skylanders, sold over a million). For the same reason, I don't think Sony would care to acquire exclusive rights themselves.

With Crash though, it's always been Sony teasing and referencing him. They know that the only games he has that people widely agree are good games, is the original Playstation trilogy and it's a much more iconic part of his identity than it is to Spyro, so re-acquiring him has an obvious benefit for their brand. For that reason, I think Crash has more reason to have a new game than Spyro does (even though I don't like how Skylanders absorbed him, the Skylanders games are still good games and Spyro is the main character of the Skylanders comics, so he isn't even in need of a revival either, he still exists and is relevant).

That's the PR reason, but there was no way Snake would get in when Brawl was a thing. Too complicated from a licensing standpoint.

Also a sticker in Brawl doesn't mean anything, it's just a JPEG image of pre-existing artwork being plopped onto the disc.

Actually, the developers of PS All-Stars did comment on SotC. They said they talked to Team ICO about it, but they said that they felt having their characters in a game like this would ruin the artistic integrity of those games, since there are games designed to be art and were never intended to be used for promotional shilling.

As for who would develop a sequel to PS All-Stars, it would likely be Santa Monica Studios (of God of War fame), because they developed the DLC for PS All-Stars (Superbot closed down before the DLC even happened).
Ah man, I wasn't aware of the Team Ico thing. I mean, I can understand that, but still, that's disappointing. :p


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Dang it! The avatar uploader is broke again! I wanted a nice avatar of the new dog.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
It's a shame to first hear about Christina Grimmie through the news of her death. She was too young and still had a lot to show to the world. The circumstances of her death are the worst part of it. She, her family, friends and fans didn't deserve such cruelty.

May she rest in peace.

Dang it! The avatar uploader is broke again! I wanted a nice avatar of the new dog.
Blame @Warchamp7. :evil:


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'm thinking Core punisher is ground type.

The movie has literally be in our faces for the past 3 months!

Anytime Zydoge fought in the anime, that's the move it used! In addition to the green burst of light, it had stones rise up from the ground as well.

So if you think synchro and ash greninja isn't happening, it is now more then likely happening. The forms look great in game as well. I'd also bet this confirms Kalos as a second region, or zzygarde is important to the story as should be expected. Maybe zygarde lives in that tree on the legends island as I thought.
I always thought that attack with the green burst of light and the stones rising up from the ground was supposed to be Land's Wrath, though I guess it's possible it could be Core Punisher since the attack in the games also has that similar green energy. I'm sure later into the anime, we'll see all of Zygarde's attacks being utilized so that we can tell which is which. With this new information today, I too think Zygarde will be catchable in the upcoming games. I'm still leaning on that tree as its location if we won't visit Kalos in these games.

I'm starting to think synchro evolutions like Ash-Greninja could happen in the games after reading a comment that hinted the reason why trainers now appear behind their Pokemon is so that they could imitate their moves similar to how Ash imitates Greninja's moves.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I always thought that attack with the green burst of light and the stones rising up from the ground was supposed to be Land's Wrath, though I guess it's possible it could be Core Punisher since the attack in the games also has that similar green energy. I'm sure later into the anime, we'll see all of Zygarde's attacks being utilized so that we can tell which is which. With this new information today, I too think Zygarde will be catchable in the upcoming games. I'm still leaning on that tree as its location if we won't visit Kalos in these games.

I'm starting to think synchro evolutions like Ash-Greninja could happen in the games after reading a comment that hinted the reason why trainers now appear behind their Pokemon is so that they could imitate their moves similar to how Ash imitates Greninja's moves.
I thought it be land's wrath to. But it looks more on par with core punisher. The flare arc will probably show off the moves. The tree makes sense, but at the same time:

Zygarde is the protector of Kalos, why would it live outside of Kalos?


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Etika put up a good video for modding Wii U for Smash.

Been looking through mods as I want to attempt doing it soon.

I think I found my favourite.


Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I thought it be land's wrath to. But it looks more on par with core punisher. The flare arc will probably show off the moves. The tree makes sense, but at the same time:

Zygarde is the protector of Kalos, why would it live outside of Kalos?
Probably because Alola was still in development, thus not ready to be named in public

Really hope having low HP won't be necessary for Zygarde Complete unless it's as monstrous as it looks


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
RIP Christina Grimmie. I didn't know her, but it's very sad how talented young person's life was cut short.

Maybe it's on a holiday?
For one month a year, Zygarde leaves for the beaches of Alola and Solagleo and Lunala move into Terminous cave. Solagleo gets to sit in the spot where zygarde sits, while Lunala sits in a corner. This is why Kalos has night time that looks like it's only 5pm.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
May she rest in peace, Christina. This was really tragic, and really sad considering she was so young and new.

Dang it! The avatar uploader is broke again! I wanted a nice avatar of the new dog.
These breakages are getting too frequent. I suggest setting up a Gravatar to tide over these.
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