Well, when the subject is obscene and/or offensive to a degree that it might be considered offensive or at best questionable. I mean, if you think about it, stuff like the XCX thing is perfectly fine to censor over here due to cultural differences. Things like news stations censoring particularly graphic content when showing it is also a good thing to not petrify onlooking viewers. Then there's incidents like the Aurora shooting that led to a good amount of media being censored at the time, like Gangster Squad, the then upcoming Beware The Batman, and some Batman issue I don't remember the name of. Leaving these things as they were would inevitably draw ire, and it is thus better to censor them.
This age has led us to believe that censorship is"omg completely evil", but sometimes, if not always, censorship does work for the greater good.
I disagree, people should develop the ability to form their own opinions for themselves rather than have other people modify things to appeal to select groups, all the while alienating the people who care for the source material, and scrutinizing an artist's original vision.
If people find something not to their liking, they always have the choice and power to not partake in something.
Plus, when it comes to cultural differences, the entire POINT of multiculturalism is to open you mind to the ideas and differences of another culture. This is how you expand your worldview, because other people in a different part of the world are just like you, but may see things differently, and this might help on consider new ideas that might have not entered their scope if they remained fixated on the ideologies of one culture.
Likewise, assuming that the values of one culture are superior to another is bigoted to no end. By censoring something, you're essentially imposing your values over the intent of the creator. What good does that do?
An individual who keeps their minds closed to contrasting ideas and limited to the ideas and values of one culture will forever have a very narrow and immature outlook of the world.
I believe that people should always have an open mind, but think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. Rather than have someone decide for them what's good and bad. Censorship, is essentially the latter.
Not to mention, censorship is one hell of a slippery slope. How do you decide which values are worth stifling and which aren't? And what makes some values right and others wrong? Wouldn't too much "protection" make people increasingly sensitive?