What if Smash Bros. Characters have Prologues, and endings similar to SF4:
{/SPOILER}Duck Hunt Prologue: Still can't think of one.
Rival Match: Vs. R.O.B:
When the Kid moves his Duck Hunt up to R.O.B, a voice appeared out of nowhere, making Extremely Loud Robot noises, then the voice says that you can't be here since he does not have the skill to defeat a certain foe. The Kid was both Shocked and scared, considering that never happens to him game at all. But he shook it off, and said that he will still try for the very best (He does not know why he's talking to the T.V.), and will beat him. R.O.B is fine with that since, it thinks he can't stop master core, and starts to fight.
Ending: The Kid was in School in his Lunch Break talking to one of his few friends, explaining how he Beated Classic Mode in a very High/Max difficulty. His friend thought he was joking at first, until he showed a recorded video of it. His friend was Really surprised, and excited that he told a bunch of kids about what happened. The group of kids were all around the other two, and make a little celebration out of it. Since then the Kid then became popular in both the internet, and in reality, and he became the first person to be known to hack Smash 4.{/SPOILER}