So you're okay supporting a greedy company right?
Seriously, your attitude in this has been rather pathetic. If you don't like it, simply don't pay. You can still play tons of Smash at home with friends and family. The online function is not needed for the game to be fun.
Also, exactly how old are you to where 20$ for an entire year is too expensive? I already explained how these things are managed earlier on. If you want it to be free, be prepared to see tons of advertisements, or the implementation of a cash shop.
Essentially, your entire thread has been about you ranting, and with very poor analogies to try and make your point. Here is why Nintendo is charging for their online service, other than the simple "they can do what they want".
1) Because their online service is not OWED to you simply because you purchased the Switch, just like how Netflix's streaming library is not OWED to you simply because you pay your internet bill.
2) Despite what you continue to parrot, not all online interactions are peer to peer. There are servers set up for matchmaking, holding matches such as Mario Kart 8 races, and servers set up the provide security to these interactions. Then add on the extra man hours required to maintain these servers, the additional hardware and retail space required to house and hold these servers. Not to mention the additional utility costs to keep these servers running 24/7.
3) Nintendo is not just taking your money to give you an online feature. As it has been explained, there will be multiple other benefits given as well to those who do subscribe to their online service. If you actually think about it, Nintendo could be losing money with these free games offered, and yet they still give it.
4) Price inflation. While the prices of things such as hardware and software for servers may drop due to better technology, other prices related to housing these servers, or paying for the continued upkeep, are not. Depending on where you live, jobs in information technology or Infrastructure maintenance have seen pay raises steadily over the past few years, as it is a rapidly growing career field. This all adds up to more money being spent on a service that prior, they were giving for free. For a company, who's wanting to make a profit to pay their employees, this isn't a good thing.
5) Just because, Nintendo can do what they want with their services. It is their right as a company, to decide if and how they wish to render their services as long as it is not illegal. Which, having customers pay for an online service is not illegal. It is your right as a consumer to not spend your money where you don't see fit. If you truly do not like the service, simply don't pay for it. There is no gun being held to your head forcing you to pay for the online service.