Hey guyz, Super Mario RPG izn't a tru Mario game bcuz it's a RPG. Durrrrrrr
See, anybody can make dumb claims that one game is not part of its series because it's different.
First of all, that was the reason it's not good, not why it's not a part of the series.
And if you want to use that argument, let me explain something to you. Super Mario RPG is a spin-off of the main Mario series. Paper Mario is a spin-off of the main Mario series. Super Paper Mario is like a spin-off of a spin-off, only it's a deceitful spin-off. Notice how Super Mario RPG has "RPG" in the name to indicate it is not a normal Mario game? Yeah, well Super Paper Mario merely adds "Super" to the main title. Implying that it is, in fact, a Paper Mario game, when it is not. Call it "Paper Mario Platformer" or something like that if you're going to change it. Yes, that name sounds stupid, but you get my point, yes?
You would make it up because Wii bashing is the latest cool thing to do, and you're trying to fit right in.
I believe I've said this to you before...if you look at some older threads (
"Has Nintendo Taken adventage of people" for one, although no one necro it just because I linked to it) in the Light House, I've been upset with Nintendo/the Wii for a LOOOOONG time. And while most people may do it, that might not be because they're trying to be "cool" or "fit in", it might be because they agree, and with good reason? Just because you don't agree doesn't mean everyone else is a bunch of conformists. Especially not me, and I resent it when people imply that I'm trying to conform or fit in by liking Melee more, or disliking Nintendo/the Wii. I DON'T CONFORM. I HATE CONFORMITY. Plus, I'm an uber geek whose sole hobbies are either video games or directly video game-related. Do I seem like the kind of guy who tries to fit in?
I'd put the Wii games up against their Gamecube "counterparts" any day of the week. Mario Sunshine was good, but it felt gimmicky and it doesn't hold a candle to the length or depth of Mario Galaxy. Twilight Princess might well be worse than Wind Waker, but it all depends on who you ask. If Wind Waker was an attempt at the casualization of the franchise, then why was it released on a supposedly "core" console and followed up with a decidedly hardcore game? Without getting into the actual Brawl vs. Melee technical debate, there's little denying that Brawl delivered more of the content that gamers wanted. There were more characters, more stages, more easter eggs, and more unlockables, as well as online play. Metroid Prime 3 bests the first two simply because of it's amazing control scheme, which cemented the Wii remote as the gold standard for console FPSs.
Well, that's your opinion. Mario Galaxy felt repetitive (everyone brags about its length like it's a good thing, it's just the same thing twice, and it was repetitive enough already) and the sole big thing was "OH MY GOD PLANETS!". The controls frequently got mixed up, such as you press left and you go up because the planetary system is bound to work like that. What's so deep about Galaxy anyways? Plus, Sunshine was more difficult.
Yes, Brawl has MORE. But I honestly like Melee better in every aspect except for soundtrack. I like Melee's stages better. I like Melee's characters better. It delivered more content and nothing else. Gamers may have been excited about it then, but they were under the impression that the rest of the game would be substantial as well.
Seriously. It's purely opinion here. And gameplay-wise, I think that it's well-known that Melee is better, at least competitively. And I don't even play competitively and I like it better.
Hah! Metroid Prime 3 wins JUST because controls? No. Since when have controls made a game? Never. Nintendo's made the entire Wii about controls, but no game wins for it. Are you going to tell me it beats Super Metroid for its controls, now, too?
By the way, it's not a FPS. It's a FPA. It sounds stupid, but it's true. If it can be truly considered an FPS, it's clearly too far from the Metroid formula anyways which just makes it worse.
Metroid Prime was much more enjoyable, much more lengthy, much more difficult, and just better overall. It's better than Metroid Prime 2, but that's not for controls.
Hatred of the changes made to Super Paper Mario over the first two, it was still a very traditional feeling game which didn't feature much in the way of motion control and was deep and diverse story and gamplay-wise, as well as lengthy. On a technical side, it's far from casual. Mario Kart is the only game which could be construed as being truly aimed at the casual fans with its options for motion control, but those are simply only options. A genuine Mario Kart experience is absolutely there for the taking.
It's not just "changes", it's a complete 180 of a spin-off, which is the problem. As I said before to GreenKirby, however good or bad it may be, it's NOT a Paper Mario game and it's mislabeled. But since it is labeled as a Paper Mario game, I'm going to rate it as such. And it fails as a Paper Mario game.
Either way, not casual doesn't mean it wasn't dumbed down at least a little. This is true for just about every single Wii game. Even Metroid Prime 3.
And yes, Mario Kart is purely casual. Not just because of the options, its nature is casual. Items are 10x worse in Mario Kart than in Brawl -- the winner gets worse items, the loser gets better items, and there is an item that can completely screw up a victor's chance -- the blue shell.
But again, its casual-ness is irrelevant because it's just a reiteration of the same formula plus bikes and motion sensor.
I'm just not seeing any sort of slant towards casual games in particular. Nintendo has given us no fewer hardcore games this generation than last, and indeed has supplemented any lack of contend with the addition of the Virtual Console. Sure, there've been alot of casual games, but they've been alongside the hardcore offerings I've already listed.
Well, then you're missing it. They are in fact giving us less hardcore games. 99% of the games on the Wii are either casual or dumbed down. And now Nintendo's hyping all of these gorey, M-Rated games because they think that means hardcore, which is why Mad World is getting so much praise. I don't understand this logic nor do I understand where it's coming from. This only proves further that Nintendo isn't catering to us, because they don't even know what hardcore gamers really want.
Okay, the Virtual Console doesn't satisfy anything. For one, it's the same games and is basically saying "We're too lazy to make good NEW titles, have the old ones" when you use that argument. Not that the old games are bad, in fact I'd prefer to play ONLY Super Metroid rather than play every game on the Wii. But it's still not a good argument. Also, Nintendo is very slow about putting up some of the great titles. Super Mario RPG was asked for forever and they JUST added it. Donkey Kong Country 2, arguably the best of the three, hasn't been added yet. Earthbound isn't there. They've given us obscure Japanese games but they have yet to supply us with any Fire Emblem games, which I'm sure many Fire Emblem fans would love to see.
The Virtual Console doesn't give anything, and it shouldn't be "Well, you hardcore gamers have the Virtual Console." If I have the original console, I'd rather have the original anyways.
What you call an attempt at "mass marketing" many would call "reinvention". Cel-shaded Zelda kept the series from growing stale, and in doing so it created one of the most fluidly beautiful titles ever made. If it had been done in a ****ty manner, then, yeah, it would've been "mass marketing". But Nintendo took the time to do it right, and that's what ultimately counts.
Yes. But there's a difference between reinvention and "ZOMG WE HAVE INNOVATIONS!! NOTHING ELSE IS NECESSARY ANYMORE!"
Derrek, Firus was among the first people to start bashing the Wii on this forum, and you know what, the majority gamers now bash the Wii, not because it's "the new cool thing to do" it's because the Wii genuinely sucks.
Exactly. Thanks for the support, SuperRacoon.
Derrek, your perception of Nintendo has been skewed by a long history of extreme loyalty to them, it's time to wake up and realize that they are just another faceless corporation and that casual gamers are a bigger market, so they are going to cater to them. The hardcore get left out, and quite frankly it sucks.
YES. This.
I followed them blindly for a while, but once I realized what happened to Brawl, I realized things more and more. Maybe you just haven't realized it yet, but Nintendo is catering to casuals.
Galaxy actually contained 241 stars, effectively doubling the length of the game if one was ambitious enough to pursue it.
Yeah, there's Luigi. It's still 120 stars in essence. It's just the option to play as a different character. For that matter, you could argue that there's 36 levels in Sonic 3 just because you can play as Sonic, Tails, or Sonic & Tails.
It doesn't really double replay value unless you're going for absolute completion. Considering how much I hated it, MORE to do that's just the same thing over and over isn't really a good thing.
I'm really thinking of selling it...
Speaking on a non-technical level, Brawl IS Melee 2.0. It might not feel like it to a competitive player, but to someone that just enjoys Smash Bros. games then it is nothing at all more than an extension of Melee. It's not a revolution, it's an evolution.
No, you'd have to be an idiot to think that even on a non-technical level. It doesn't take M2K to figure out that you feel like an astronaut on crack in Brawl. Or, in other words, the physics are uber-floaty. The first time you play Brawl after Melee you can sort of tell, and if you play Melee again afterwards, GOD, it's completely different.
Second, it's a raw fact that games now ARE easier across the board than games used to be. It doesn't matter what genre you play, what console you're on, or what developer is making them--games are easier now. It just doesn't prove anything. There are more to games than how they are--try narrative, player experience, social interaction, or existential conflict. The argument that "this game is bad because it is easy" is irrelevant. All games are easy now compared to what they used to be--there's just so much more to them now than what used to be there.
No, that's not true. Games ARE easier across the board these days (yeah, give a casual gamer Super Metroid and see how long it takes for them to hurl the controller in frustration), but it's different. Games are much more noticeably easy for Wii.
And you can stack every feature, as much HD graphics, and as many fancy controls as you want on a game -- the old games are still better. More isn't always better. These days they focus too much on plot, too much on graphics, too much on everything. They're forgetting that some of the best games ever didn't have such an emphasis on extras.
But the Wii is a console that has unfairly gained a poor reputation from individuals who have followed the herd in thinking they're too cool for it. They've been completely unwilling to acknowledge that a collection of games at least a good as any other current-gen home console exists on the Wii. The problem with the Wii is that, much like the Sega Dreamcast before, the types of games that have found their way onto the system do not represent the focus of the "mainstream gamer". If someone is expecting a Gears of War for the Wii, they're going to be sorely disappointed. But if that same someone is willing to take the plunge and give a quirky title like de Blob or Zack and Wiki a shot, they're in for a surprise.
Again, NO ONE'S TRYING TO BE COOL. Nice job assuming, but stop using it as a fact. I don't argue so passionately for ANYTHING I don't believe in.
In all honesty, no matter how many great third party titles there are, I'll buy the Xbox 360 or PS3 if I want third party titles, as they always have better support. I buy Nintendo consoles for the first party titles, and I've not been satisfied with those.
Now you're just being nitpicky. You know how you defeat enemies in past platofrmer games that everyone here worship so much? That's right, by jumping on them until they're dead. >_>
EXACTLY. It's not like an RPG, it's like a platformer. What was the Paper Mario series supposed to be, again?
Bah, I'm going to go play some Super Metroid now...