Oh im not saying the NFC West is better. I'm just saying the Giants would probably have a similar record if they were in the NFC West, considering they've lost to the Seahawks and the 49ers. But if you're gonna call us trash, we're pretty much equal trash with the NFC East (Although if the NFC West and NFC East had to all play each other away and at home, I'd expect the NFC West to have the better record)
Yes, Drew Brees got out-slinged by Matt Hasselbeck. I don't care about the stats or "well, you know, actually Drew Brees threw for more yards!" in the NFL terms, Drew Brees got outdueled by Hasselbeck that day. And if the Seahawks didn't have a nasty habit of sleep-walking through the first half of road games, that Chicago game could have been fun. That's why part of me was hoping Tavaris would keep struggling, so that we would be in the running for Andrew Luck and we'd have a pretty beastly all around team. Because I'm not convinced he is the long term option. He is just like Alex Smith to me, who I wouldn't trust in the post-season. And come on man, barely beating the Rams to get in? 10 points is a pretty average amount to win by in the NFL. Barely winning would be a last second field goal down by 2 to win by 1.
If anything, the Seahawks proved they are more consistent than the Bucs. In theory, Bucs should be having a better year because we gimped ourselves a little bit by winning that playoff game and going from the 8th overall pick to 24th or whatever it was. And I know every team can play "what if" in the NFL, but the Seahawks were 2 plays away from being controlling their wild card spot destiny right now. Even the always-biased against the Seahawks commentators admitted we got screwed out of that Browns game. Yeah, you dont want a game to hinge on one play or call, but sometimes if its a bad day, it does. And in a 6-3 win for the Browns, Leon Washington got a punt return STOLEN from him late in the game. Even the commentators called it a phantom call. And then if we didn't choke horribly vs the Redskins. I'm glad Pete Carroll says we had that game won, because we did.
Last year when we lost, it was pretty bad. But only for a couple games this year was I REALLY disappointed. The Falcons game we had a huge rally and almost beat them. 49ers we had on the ropes until special teams blew up in the final 3 minutes. Browns game, defense was on the field 45 minutes and Charlie Whitehurst couldnt do ANYTHING (but got a punt TD stolen) Cowboys game was a respectable loss on the road. Bengals game was kind of disappointing and got out of hand. Steelers game we're cursed, we havent scored on them in 2 meetings since the Superbowl.
And it's not that unrealistic to trade Peyton to the NFC. The Colts would only run into him if he made it to the Superbowl, which would require the dethroning of the Packers or another team who steps up. Plus, Peyton will cost them a lot if they keep him, and they can probably get a first round draft pick and a player for Peyton. Plus, the Colts WILL DRAFT ANDREW LUCK no matter what, and it doesn't make sense to trade him away. Peyton is amazing, but he's running out of elite years (if any, we'll see after the injury but I think he has a few left in him) and the Colts are already outside their Superbowl window. So drafting Andrew Luck in theory doesnt help a Peyton Manning team. Get value for Peyton, build for the future because the Colts window is gone.