What makes it probably not worth it to Nintendo is that the part that makes those games successful commercially is already owned by them. What they could acquire from Square is likely not seen to make an appreciable impact financially to be worthwhile.
You can argue otherwise but Geno has been popular for like fifteen years and they've seemingly made negligible effort in that time to bring Square content into their RPGs. It very clearly doesn't seem worth it to them.
Not the least of which may be because people don't actually ask for Geno to appear in anything other than Smash in any substantial way.
'Oh man, the Geno fan started talking about Mario RPGs without mentioning Geno...HE'S TOTALLY MAKING IT ABOUT GENO! BETTER BRING UP GENO!'
Also, you can't really argue that very well now can you. Remember, Geno isn't just a Square character: He's a playable party member from the FIRST Mario RPG, which makes him an honorary Nintendo character. Then you have to consider the business relationship as far back as the Wii era still was pretty freakin bad...and then the WiiU was REALLY freakin bad. You also have to consider that Paper Mario was turned into it's own thing instead of SMRPG 2 because of the fallout of the relationships, thus they don't share universes until there is a crossover like with M&L.
In other words, prior to now, there were plenty of reasons to let the OG SMRPG characters rot and die...some personal, some strictly business. However, the relationship between these two titans is frankly at an all time high, and the only issue for Square is if they can make money off of this and do they have the manpower and time to put the love into their craft when they are busy making 10 different games for FF7R.
Also, that last part is flat-out incorrect. Geno fans are SMRPG fans, and we want Geno to return and comeback in everything Mario, but for the longest time it was seen as a Megaman situation: we can't get a new game, so we need to get him in Smash and hope the IP holder gets the memo. Personally, I would be in tatters more over a remake or sequel to SMRPG than Geno in Smash, and I would love to see characters from SMRPG join Mario Party, Mario Kart, Mario Sports games, etc. Once again, Geno in Smash was seen as the last bastion to make things move...but we very well may see him and the rest of the gang return before then.
You also aren't considering things outside of your Geno-focused lenses, like how there is a distinct lack of true Mario RPG gameplay for years and that Origami King did not scratch that itch, how long-time requests are happening on Switch but going rather slowly, and that the Switch is primed to reach a massive audience for both those familiar with a Mario RPG and those who are not. Wow, that felt a bit weird to say to someone AS a Geno fan, but we are in that age where those who focus more of their energy than those who do.
I somehow doubt Sakurai yearns for more creative control, given
what he said earlier this month.
For all we know, Sakurai didn't even want total control of the roster.
This community's obsession with 'shilling' is tiring, and it's presumptuous to think that the roster would've turned out so much better in the hands of one person.
Okay...and when will we learn to not look too deep into Sakurai's words when he goes against them more often than not?
Wasn't Melee the last Smash game? Wasn't Brawl? Wasn't Smash 4? Hasn't he thought about retiring like seven times at least? Wasn't he not working on a Smash game when he was already drafting Smash Ultimate? The only time it was worth taking him on his word was about no more fighters after FP2, and even then his legacy of never standing by his words left people thinking he was full of it. This was actually the exception to the rule of 'Sakurai never sticks to what he says'.
Also, it's not tiring, it's a fact of life that companies will force things that make them profit over what people are asking for, up until it stops making them more money than it does angry social media posts. Let me Direct (haha) your attention to the prior DLC that Sakurai, as far as we know, had full or mostly full creative control over:

. Huh, crazy: we got three veterans when it was clear there was demand for them and Mewtwo was essentially the face of veteran returns demands at the time, Mr. Fighting Games, Mr. Final Fantasy, the one shill pick that he gave into but originally didn't wish to include, and Too Sexy For Her Invite.
Now, move over to Ultimate, where Sakurai openly stated more than once that it's basically out of his hands and into corporate Nintendo's...and what did we get? A legacy fighting game character Smash-only nerds weren't even cultured enough to know who he was (and thus never asked for him), literally the last thing anyone would have asked for and is clearly shilling their most recent success in the FE series, Noodlegirl from her dead first party game, pressured by his peers to include the block man from the most-played game on the planet (that's not shilling at all, and the sales of Ultimate DEFINITELY don't reflect that), sexy waifus to push our newest hit RPG, and OPENLY ADMITING TO PRESSURE FROM NINTENDO TO INCLUDE TEKKEN. Hell, even Joker, Hero, Sephiroth and Sora all pop big N-shaped dollar signs into the investors' eyeballs, but among these there was various amounts of support for extended periods...and yes, I know Steve got REAL support during Ultimate's run, but none of it matters because he was always gonna happen even if no one talked about it or supported it...and Sephy is damn close to that level as well.
One of these DLC sessions is much more in tune than the other, and there is clear evidence that one had more corporate fingers in the pot than the other. Is it really presumptuous when we have evidence that suggests it as truth? Also, that's wild that you would think that you wouldn't want control over something you created that millions of people love, regardless of the workload and stress that comes from it, ESPECIALLY when you feel as though you are the only one who can do it right and the fans think the same way. Smash has just gotten as big as it was always destined to be, and Sakurai was likely rushed for most of Ultimate. He loved the journey throughout, and he's likely just decompressing vocally.
It's like when you love your family or job that you invest your very being into, but vent to someone close about all the hardships you go through due to it, yet you wouldn't change a thing. Just replace that with a game series that sold 25 million units as of September and someone close with reporters coming through the woodwork.
People act like giving Sakurai total free reigns will make it soo all their favorite Brawl-era speculation characters will be in and everything will be right in the world. It won't, and there's no guarantee that if Sakurai were given free reign that he'd even do that.
Times change, people change. An idea that Sakurai may have found cool ages ago, he may not even care about anymore. Like, look at Rhythm Heaven. They probably were gonna get a character in Smash 4, but in Ult? Nothing.
Huh...could that be because Nintendo didn't see it as profitable and thus didn't allow it to happen, something that wouldn't have stopped Sakurai? Merhaps. Sakurai really doesn't seem to be the kind of guy to toss away an idea because it's 'not cool anymore' and more because 'it's not currently feasible.'
Also, while NOTHING is a guarantee outside of death and taxes, for the reasons I stated above and likely more it's incredibly likely that many of the not-so-profitable fan picks of old would likely have been included if Sakurai had the majority of creative control. Every time, Sakurai seems to lose out due to time or circumstances beyond his ability at the time...and most of those hinge on a lack of time anyway.
You know, like Ultimate as a whole! I wonder how much more content we would have gotten over the years if Ultimate got delayed to 2019...for sure, many of the DLC updates would have been base game features. Welp, it's highly likely that anyone who wanted on Ultimate until now will find out at a massive price decrease sometime next year. And no, not because some bimbo said so: it's because Ultimate is following the footsteps of many other fighting games and, while I said this before in favor of a third pass (which likely was brought up, but turned down), when it costs $120 just complete your game you will get more buyers who hold out if you drop all of it in a bundle for only $80.