If 1, 2, Switch! can get a sequel, why not other one-off stuff like Ice Climber, Snipperclips or Tokyo Mirage Sessions?
1-2 Switch sold well and is a fairly cheap game to make. A lot of this is probably just going to continue to be repurposed tech demo stuff.
I mean I'm sure we'd prefer those other games - I have absolutely zero interest in 1-2 Switch or 1-2 Switch: Horse Edition, but I think it's shocking TMS even got a port. The first one was a bomba and the port was a bomba.
Snipperclips could continue, but eShop IPs infrequently become series. And even when they do they just kinda stop. Like, where did Pushmo go? And now Dillon is dead, rip. Plus the dev isn't a usual Nintendo partner, so that could be part of it too.
And Ice Climber... is in the deep freeze. Hopefully one day they see utility in the IP. Smash has been nourishing it for decades. But tbf Ice Climber isn't even a very good game.
Hey, they had to put out SOMETHING with E3 dead...
I think what's more compelling is the fact that they have their AGM for shareholders this month which they otherwise would walk into with a slate that is basically Pikmin 4 the following month, Metroid Prime 4 in its seventh year of TBD, and literally nothing else (DP2 isn't on their official slate).
Not that this does much tbh. I mean it's releasing before Pikmin, and it's... this.
Nintendo has never had a slate this barren before their annual shareholder meeting (or... just, ever), so maybe other things will also show up beforehand.