One random thought that came to my head - if anyone wants a villain to be added to the next Smash game, where would you rank them on how evil they are?

- barely even qualifies as a villain

- more of a threat than someone who gets a score of 1, but just about as likely to side with the protagonists

- unrepentantly villainous (generally not the type to go go-karting with their arch-nemesis), but still likeable for one reason or another

- generally an awful person, but some small amount of sympathy can be found if you look hard enough

- utterly irredeemable
Admittedly, this scale isn't perfect, especially when it comes to descriptions, but I just find it amazing that all of these characters are in Smash. (and that Ganondorf actually kind of feels like Ganondorf now)
I'd be interested to see what they could do with Eggman in Smash, for example, but I'd put him at a 2. (though maybe that's because I started playing Sonic in the Gamecube era, where he generally tried to control forces that he couldn't comprehend and wound up teaming up with Sonic by the end of the game) Depending on the game, he might get bumped up to a 3.