Well, I'll bite into this discussion. I was always quite known as a "Nintendo purist". I'm around for a while, I choose this username as Diddy Kong wasn't included in Melee and he's my favorite character. When Brawl was announced and Snake was revealed , I didn't initially like it.
Brawl had a satisfying roster to me. A perfect mix of newcomers I felt where very worthy additions, even if I'd like to see some added as say, Isaac from Golden Sun, King K.Rool and / or Dixie and I felt the reason Mewtwo was cut was weird. But I was fine with the roster. I got my most wanted after all.
Smash 4 came around and I basically felt I didn't feel much for all of the newcomers in that game. First of third party. DLC is where I felt things became more interesting, and DLC is of course more limited in delivery than base game (even if Ultimate challenged this!). I was "upset" about Mega Man cause well, MY most wanted was just as popular as him for a base game addition. I felt Bayonetta didn't deserve a addition, "because K.Rool was voted more on the ballot (this is probably very true)". I was mad as a angry ape when Cloud was revealed too, 'A SONY ONLY CHARACTER BEFORE K.ROOL!!!?' ... Do you get the pattern?
I think Mega Man, Bayonetta and Cloud are all wonderful additions now. I bought FF7 on the Switch even cause I felt Sephiroth was cool as ****. Bayonetta is still a series I might look into, and I can't say I didn't enjoy the bits of Mega Man I played (the games are just... frustratingly hard!).
Am feeling that certain entitlement surrounding a particular character that has any personal value, and has a legitimate "claim" to be in Smash will automatically make people seem upset when they feel another character "cheated" their way in before their most wanted. It's attachment to these characters, mixed with maybe some nostalgia or at least emotional responses, that make us lose control a bit. And make us look like a childish bunch at times.
Only times I feel this had any sort legitimacy was when a character from a specific franchise was chosen over another choice. For example, Wolf over Krystal, or Greninja over the return of Mewtwo (which was later rectified), Incineroar over Decidueye, but yeah... Rare cases.
I do think that Smash has grown to be way too much of a third party crossover festival, but. Seeing as many of these newcomers where highly requested, maybe that's logical..? I mean, there's a lot of third party support for Nintendo now too. Wouldn't this therefore be logical? Retrospectively speaking, I can see why it all happened like this. But that took some maturity and self reflection.
I can now laugh at these responses, cause even after all these cycles of speculations from one Smash Bros. game to another, one thing that will never change with this fan base is the extreme emotional responses and loud outcries of why one character is more entitled than another. I find it amusing, so many things are changing in this world since this pandemic, but Smash speculation doesn't. It's somewhat comforting.