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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2018
speaking oh which, are there any rumors or leaks of anything smash this coming year or the next? I'm starved for info.
Yeah we're not likely to get any Smash news any time soon, but once we get more details about the next system, that would give us something concrete to speculate on with regard to Smash. That's likely to be the next "Smash-relevant" news.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Hey, all. Sorry to change the subject, but I've been wanting to ask... it's about a week(?) since Ultimate wrapped up its remaining new Spirit events, right?

Has anyone come across the Super Mario Wonder/Princess Peach Showtime spirits on the board AFTER the event has since ended? I missed out on getting the Wonder Flower and Talking Flower.

For that matter, does anyone know how long it usually takes for new Spirits (post-Sora) to be a permanent fixture on the Board once their special event comes to an end?
i saw elephant mario on there earlier today


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2016
At this point, based on when the Switch 2 seems to be arriving (next year) and when Smash 6 roughly seems to have begun development (last year), I'm expecting it to be one of if not the tentpole game for 2026.

What I'm guessing that will mean is not hearing about it outside of rumors in the Switch 2's launch window, since it's not part of the year one lineup (and I believe, especially with the delay, that they will have enough to show in that lineup that they don't need to play the Smash card), but it dominating much of the marketing in the following year.

So, not dissimilar to Ultimate. I think we're done with the multiple year, pre-release drip feed, and instead the long phase with intermittent reveals is post-launch with DLC.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2024
Peach's Castle
At this point, based on when the Switch 2 seems to be arriving (next year) and when Smash 6 roughly seems to have begun development (last year), I'm expecting it to be one of if not the tentpole game for 2026.

What I'm guessing that will mean is not hearing about it outside of rumors in the Switch 2's launch window, since it's not part of the year one lineup (and I believe, especially with the delay, that they will have enough to show in that lineup that they don't need to play the Smash card), but it dominating much of the marketing in the following year.

So, not dissimilar to Ultimate. I think we're done with the multiple year, pre-release drip feed, and instead the long phase with intermittent reveals is post-launch with DLC.
Agree with pretty much everything here, some people in the community seem to think Smash is this behemoth of a game that has never-ending and tedious development, and although there's a ton of content in the games, the development cycle really doesn't need to be longer than three years, especially with the heavy asset reuse the series always tends to lean on. 2025 is pretty much a no-go, unless we're talking an Ultimate port. According to rumors, Launch/Year 1 will probably have a new 3D Mario to sell and will hyperfocus on that to maximize sales. There's also a good chance of a new Mario Kart in Year 1, which fills a similar marketing niche to Smash (the multiplayer party game with some esport appeal). A holiday 2026 release lines up perfectly with Smash 6 starting development in late 2023 and also lines up with Smash being a Year 2-3 game for three console generations straight.


Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
If a Clock Tower stage (possibly with Bobby Barrows AKA Scissorman as either a stage hazard or a boss) ever gets revealed for Smash, I'm hoping for a new remix of Don't Cry, Jennifer

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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Agree with pretty much everything here, some people in the community seem to think Smash is this behemoth of a game that has never-ending and tedious development, and although there's a ton of content in the games, the development cycle really doesn't need to be longer than three years, especially with the heavy asset reuse the series always tends to lean on. 2025 is pretty much a no-go, unless we're talking an Ultimate port. According to rumors, Launch/Year 1 will probably have a new 3D Mario to sell and will hyperfocus on that to maximize sales. There's also a good chance of a new Mario Kart in Year 1, which fills a similar marketing niche to Smash (the multiplayer party game with some esport appeal). A holiday 2026 release lines up perfectly with Smash 6 starting development in late 2023 and also lines up with Smash being a Year 2-3 game for three console generations straight.
Year 1 might also have two separate Pokémon main series game releases with both Legends ZA and Gen 10.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2016
Assuming 2025 is the Switch 2 launch year it's not too hard to imagine a select schedule for the heavy hitters:

2025 - 3D Mario, Mario Kart Sequel, Pokemon Z-A, Mario Party 11?
2026 - Smash 6, Splatoon 4, Pokemon Gen 10, 3D Kirby,
2027 - Animal Crossing Sequel, Luigi's Mansion 4, 3D Zelda, Mario Maker 3
I don't see Splatoon coming before AC. After NH I think Nintendo is prioritizing that one and providing a lot more DLC. And I know there was very quick turnaround between Splatoon 1 and 2, but Splatoon 3 is still pretty recent and I don't think the same panic to get a new one out will be present as was what guided a lot of the Switch launch.

I also think NLG is going to be able to put something out before 2027, considering their last title was already two years ago. And idk if it's confirmed they're the ones working on the LM2 port, but if so, they'd still be able to do more than just that. It's not like it's a full remake.

I think it's optimistic to expect the next 3D Zelda only four years after TotK, tbh. Especially if they go for a new art direction with totally new assets. If you just mean any 3D Zelda, including remakes, sure. That could probably happen at any time... and probably will happen in the first or second year.

Also I think Wonder 2 (or the next 2D Mario) is likelier than Mario Maker 3. I don't think MM2 was as big as Nintendo's expectations for it (even despite its success) whereas Wonder has already done almost 50% better. And if they reuse a lot of those assets, will probably also be cheaper.

The rest seems plausible to me.


Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
How much do you guys think the Switch 2 (or whatever the next Nintendo console is called) will cost?

I'd estimate somewhere between $300-500.

Unreasonable price, I know, but hey, games have gotten more and more expensive.
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
I don't see Splatoon coming before AC. After NH I think Nintendo is prioritizing that one and providing a lot more DLC. And I know there was very quick turnaround between Splatoon 1 and 2, but Splatoon 3 is still pretty recent and I don't think the same panic to get a new one out will be present as was what guided a lot of the Switch launch.

I also think NLG is going to be able to put something out before 2027, considering their last title was already two years ago. And idk if it's confirmed they're the ones working on the LM2 port, but if so, they'd still be able to do more than just that. It's not like it's a full remake.

I think it's optimistic to expect the next 3D Zelda only four years after TotK, tbh. Especially if they go for a new art direction with totally new assets. If you just mean any 3D Zelda, including remakes, sure. That could probably happen at any time... and probably will happen in the first or second year.

Also I think Wonder 2 (or the next 2D Mario) is likelier than Mario Maker 3. I don't think MM2 was as big as Nintendo's expectations for it (even despite its success) whereas Wonder has already done almost 50% better. And if they reuse a lot of those assets, will probably also be cheaper.

The rest seems plausible to me.
I mean you can move a lot of these around given Nintendo's flexibility with their teams and willingness to change dates if it suits them. With Mario Maker 3, part of it might be in hearing about Wonder was very creator driven with various members of the team trying ideas. I can imagine doing something similar with the next 2D Mario but with the time and care that will take, I could see MM3 emerging as part of Nintendo gradually embracing more of their internet infrastructure and incorporating elements from the 2D Mario titles that haven't' ended up in the first two games.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
How much do you guys think the Switch 2 (or whatever the next Nintendo console is called) will cost?

I'd estimate somewhere between $300-500.

Unreasonable price, I know, but hey, games have gotten more and more expensive.
Hoping for 3-400, expecting 500.

I need to start saving up :drsad:


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
How much do you guys think the Switch 2 (or whatever the next Nintendo console is called) will cost?

I'd estimate somewhere between $300-500.

Unreasonable price, I know, but hey, games have gotten more and more expensive.
Depends. Assuming some of the rumors about true regarding what it can do for graphics and whatnot, I can't imagine it being cheap. But we'll have to wait and see. But regardless, I've keeping some of my money saved just in case.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
I'm expecting $399 USD for the Switch 2's base level bundle, myself. A step up in price from the previous generation, but still reasonably affordable for most adults who have time to save up...and aren't stuck at a dead end job that doesn't pay them what they're worth, but that's neither here nor there.
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Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2016
With Mario Maker 3, part of it might be in hearing about Wonder was very creator driven with various members of the team trying ideas. I can imagine doing something similar with the next 2D Mario but with the time and care that will take, I could see MM3 emerging as part of Nintendo gradually embracing more of their internet infrastructure and incorporating elements from the 2D Mario titles that haven't' ended up in the first two games.
Right but the intent was to make a fresh 2D Mario because the existing line had grown stale. They gave them the time they needed, the game has been very successful, and you think they're going to move right on to the next thing? Maybe 3D Mario, but that's not 2D Mario's style.

Plus if they do something new with regular 2D Mario, with some separation between it and the Wonder sub-line, you could launch both on the same console without it seeming as saturated. But Wonder would presumably come first, while it's this lucrative and reusable.

And MM3 might show up at some point as well, but it's not as successful as the regular 2D line, so it probably won't be the priority. Plus Nintendo will embrace their internet infrastructure with Kart, Smash, AC, Splatoon, probably more 99 games, and the continued support of the NSO libraries. Online functionality isn't going to be a bigger deal to them than the sales difference between the 2D Mario lines.
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Right but the intent was to make a fresh 2D Mario because the existing line had grown stale. They gave them the time they needed, the game has been very successful, and you think they're going to move right on to the next thing? Maybe 3D Mario, but that's not 2D Mario's style.

Plus if they do something new with regular 2D Mario, with some separation between it and the Wonder sub-line, you could launch both on the same console without it seeming as saturated. But Wonder would presumably come first, while it's this lucrative and reusable.

And MM3 might show up at some point as well, but it's not as successful as the regular 2D line, so it probably won't be the priority. Plus Nintendo will embrace their internet infrastructure with Kart, Smash, AC, Splatoon, probably more 99 games, and the continued support of the NSO libraries. Online functionality isn't going to be a bigger deal to them than the sales difference between the 2D Mario lines.
I guess the biggest x-factor will be what potential creative ideas Nintendo's internal teams might have both for a standard 2D Mario (Wonder line or not) and potentially something with Mario Maker. That would be the one context in which I could see the company doing the less successful sequel/entry first; that there's some fundamentally new concept with MM not done before that they wish to do in the next two/three years in the first years of the console. Nintendo does go where the money is, but they're flexible and faithful with certain ideas to occasionally do the non-obvious path.

All speculation of course; there's so many different and fairly profitable directions they could go in.
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Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
Speaking of Mario Maker 3, I'm kind of hoping they not only add in Wonder as a game style, but also maybe SMB2 and Mario Land 2.


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
If they ever did another Smash Bros game, what do you all think the title will be???🧐
I like Kirbeh Kirbeh ’s idea of calling it something along the lines of “Great Fray: Super Smash Bros.”

Obviously if they did use such a title, they’d have to call it something else in Japan but you get my point.


Smash Lord
Dec 27, 2014
I know it might not happen, but many fans for many years to this day, want to see Waluigi star in his own video game, and some will definitely want to see it on the Nintendo Switch 2. Peach got her second game recently and Daisy exists as a playable character in Super Mario Bros. Wonder and maybe this proves that Daisy will also get her own game. But the thing is, there is a lot of fan demand for Waluigi to star in his own game.
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
I’m expecting a Mario Maker 3 to have a Wonder style. I’d be pleasantly surprised by a NSMBDS style.

And I think Land 2 would be better suited to just have the Super Carrot in World’s style.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
there is a lot of fan demand for Waluigi to star in his own game.
I like Waluigi a lot, but the pressure for him to have his own game always struck me as odd. A new “Wario Bros” sort of spinoff game, or a role in Wario Land or Ware? I’m totally down. Wario and Waluigi appearing in a new Mario RPG, I’d love that. He is a character with some untapped potential and fun dynamics with some of the existing A-team.

But he’s not really a leading man. Maybe that’s the appeal? But I think it’s perfectly okay for Waluigi to remain a supporting character, or a co-lead alongside Wario, and I think giving him his own title would feel kind of pander-y in a bad way.

Sometimes it feels like people want this simply so they have a better case for Waluigi in Smash, when that case is already justified as is. Other times this demand seems a bit less than genuine, from people who just think the idea of Waluigi starring in a game is funny and don’t give much thought to why or how. We have so many Mario subseries already and there’s plenty of room for Waluigi to spread his wings within any number of those if Nintendo chose to let him.

And as a side note, Wonder doesn’t imply Daisy is en route to get her own game either. It’s okay for some characters to remain in important supporting roles, Daisy is in the best spot she’s ever been right now and that’s enough.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
I actually really do want to see a DDR Mario Mix 2 honestly, with all the new games that came out and all the excellent music. Imagining new songs with Galaxy and Odyssey music. We could even add more playable characters in addition to the plumbers, Yoshi, Peach, Daisy, etc.

Or even a full Nintendo crossover game, instead of Nintendo Kart, do Nintendo DDR, with Link, Samus, and Captain Falcon busting some sick moves.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2020
I don’t think Waluigi needs his own game, at least not now. But he absolutely needs to be Wario’s right hand man in a new Warioware, Wario Land, or some other spin off that isn’t Karts, Parties and Sports.
Doing would miss the point of his character. Contrary to popular belief, Wario and Waluigi aren't even friends. Waluigi's existence is based on competition.

Waluigi will always be relegated to spinoffs and side-roles, because the moment he's actually important, his whole character falls apart.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Doing would miss the point of his character. Contrary to popular, Wario and Waluigi aren't even friends. Waluigi's existence is based on competition
Maybe they have to work together for a common goal. They don’t have to like eachother, but this mission is bringing them together. Hijinks ensue.

It wouldn’t be rocket science to give them a reason to go on an adventure. Don’t hit me with that “but the lore” baloney :nifty:


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2020
Maybe they have to work together for a common goal. They don’t have to like eachother, but this mission is bringing them together. Hijinks ensue.

It wouldn’t be rocket science to give them a reason to go on an adventure. Don’t hit me with that “but the lore” baloney :nifty:
For what reason would he go an adventure tho? He isn't much of an adventurer like Mario, Luigi and Wario are so the reasoning would have to stretched.

Not saying it's impossible but still. His character is specifically designed to be a spin-off like Kart/Party/Sports etc.

I argue he is most likely for Smash than anything else


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
For what reason would he go an adventure tho? He isn't much of an adventurer like Mario, Luigi and Wario are so the reasoning would have to stretched.

Not saying it's impossible but still. His character is specifically designed to be a spin-off like Kart/Party/Sports etc.

I argue he is most likely for Smash than anything else
Use your imagination. Maybe he wants some treasure. Maybe he wants some glory for once, to prove he’s better at adventuring than Luigi. You could think of a lot of scenarios.

Your lack of creativity does not discredit by thesis :dkmelee:


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2020
Use your imagination. Maybe he wants some treasure. Maybe he wants some glory for once, to prove he’s better at adventuring than Luigi. You could think of a lot of scenarios.

Your lack of creativity does not discredit by thesis :dkmelee:
Creativity without meaning is just a disaster waiting to happen.

Him wanting glory is the reason he's in the Spin-offs in the first place. What better glory is there than decimating the opponents around you
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