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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread

Slime Scholar

Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2019
I think the “Switch Pro” rumor is the result of the OLED revision and Nintendo’s next system (Switch 2?) getting their wires crossed.

People are right to be skeptical of Twitter/forum insiders like NateDrake, no disrespect, but what gets me is that one of the main outlets reporting on the new system is Bloomberg. Not saying they can’t be wrong, but Bloomberg isn’t some infotainment site like IGN, it’s a fairly prestigious news site that targets mainly investors, so I’m inclined to think that whatever it is they’ve been reporting on has some basis in reality.

Could still be hot air, but it’s worth entertaining IMO.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
If I see Switch Pro rumors one more time I might scream lmao

though M MarioRaccoon something Smash related on the 25th anniversary seems plausible


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I think the “Switch Pro” rumor is the result of the OLED revision and Nintendo’s next system (Switch 2?) getting their wires crossed.
I think the “Switch Pro” rumor is the result of Nintendo gearing up to make a Switch Pro, but then the chip shortage got in the way, so they just slapped the new screens they got on the old hardware instead.

Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
i would accept another Fire Emblem rep if its only a villain we have 8 fire emblem heroes already so i dont think we need anymore
Black Knight seems to be the most popular pick for a fire emblem villain i would even say he could be as an echo for Ike which i wouldnt mind
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
If there's anything I'm hoping for the next Smash, it's more stages without a rep. Like, I'm open to characters regardless of whether they are Retro or Modern, but I'd love to see more stages from unrepresented games or series, since stages aren't the main highlight compared to characters, thus allowing some more freedom with them.
I feel like Horror Franchises would be the best for this. Five Nights at Freddy's, Silent Hill, Resident Evil (if they don't get a fighter) would be perfect for Stages. Horror Games are about their atmosphere after all. Dark Souls would also fit this if they not getting Playable character

That’s a lot of newcomers in base. What about any DLC newcomers? Not that I’m opposed to it

I could at the very least see Sora being forced to be DLC (a free pre order bonus for early adopters at least, then paid later, like this game’s Piranha Plant) and MAYBE Hero too, though Sugiyama’s passing may make getting the music easier.

Who do you have in mind for an indie playable character?

And I am curious as to how Ultimate would be “compatible” with this game. Would it unlock something extra?
I was thinking somewhere between 10-20 DLC Characters. with the DLC Development team, which is much smaller than the Base game Development team it seems to take about a year to develop 4-5 characters. So the amount of DLC would depend on how long Nintendo would like to spend on DLC, and if Sora being last minute is any indication, the Characters that are on the line for potential DLC (if they don't just save them for next game). There's also the factor of the Team getting smaller in between DLC Packs

For Indie Fighters, the main 3 I think would be Shovel Knight, Frisk and/or Kris, and Reimu. Hollow Knight also has to be up there as well, and I could also see Zagreus from Hades potentially (I saw a 4chan rumor about Tekken 8 that said Zagreus would be the Guest character since Harada really loved the game)

Shantae is cool, but for some I'm not feeling too hot on her being in Smash 6 still, and Same goes for Cuphead. I'd also love FNAF, but I think that would be a Stage (which I actually think would be perfect)

For being Compatible, Depending on how close to Ultimate Smash 6 is, I could see Ultimate getting some of the Gameplay and Balance features of Smash 6. This would also allow for those that still only have Ultimate to play Online with people that have Smash 6

I'm sorry but there's no way we have more than 20 newcomers in the base game. Smash 4 was the game with the most newcomer with 17 (counting the Mii as 3 characters and including 2 clones) and according to Sakurai that was already pushing the limits of what can be done. I really don't think they could do around 30, let alone 40, especially because the more big the roster, the more hard it is to only add 1 character (there's so much thing to balance), and that was probably one of the reason that Ultimate's pass 2 took so long.
Keep in mind that Smash 4 was also the game where the Dev team had to develop for 2 systems instead of the usual one, with one of those being the Portable 3DS. Along with the usual changes in terms of game structure of the gameplay and balance, they had to develop for 2 systems, and they also managed to add in modes for both versions, Custom Moves, and still have substantial Newcomer count like that

For me, it depends on if Smash 6 keeps the Structure of Ultimate in terms of the Gameplay and Balance department. Previous Smash games radically changed the gamefeel and the Balance of the game between each game. What I'm thinking is that since Ultimate is very Fine-tuned in the gameplay department, and the Balance is some of the best in Fighting games currently despite the amount of characters in the game, I'm thinking for once, they might not actually focus on Changing the gameplay too much

like I could see an Expansion on the Base gameplay of Ultimate, like adding in New Specials, more Mobility options, and quality of Life features, but I don't think they have to change Speed, Gravity, Hitstun, etc of the game like previous games did, or mess with the balance too much regarding the veterans

I think doing that would give more time to focus on Adding to Smash 6 in terms of content, which would include more Single Player, Stages, and important of all, Characters.

The Main Reason Ultimate did not have substantial new content in base game, in terms of Stages, Modes, and Newcomers, is that along with having to bring back every character in the series, they also Changed the Game feel like usual, to make the Gameplay more exciting, but they also put an emphasis on making this game the most balanced of them all. In comparison to Ultimate, the balance in Previous Smash games were wack, and for Smash 4 in Particular, even without Bayonetta and Cloud, Characters in Smash 4 tended to be one note in their gameplan and honestly kind of Degenerate. Ultimate made it to expand on all of the characters to make them more Dynamic in their options, and make everyone feel Powerful and have their niche. It's not perfect of course, but I think what they got in Ultimate, they shouldn't actually change too much

That's where I could see Smash 6 having a Newcomer count above 20. You also got to factor in potential echoes (which I still see being added in Smash 6), who are only being balanced against their Base character. I think 40 would be too much without DLC to make, but I could see the Base roster having a somewhere around 120 characters, 10 times that of the OG Smash 64

I've been thinking about it for a bit and I believe it's quite likely that the project plan for the next Smash Bros is gonna be finalized in 2023/2024. That should be around the time when the next Nintendo console will be revealed and Smash development usually goes full force a year or so before the console releases.

Nintendo knows how much of a system seller Smash is, so they want it to release within the first two years of the console's life. That's been the case for all Smash games since Melee, and I don't see it changing. We know from Furukawa that the Switch is in the middle of it's life cycle earlier this year, which could mean that we'll get the next console in 2024/2025.

We know from Sakurai that once the project plan has been finalized, they never deviate from it and change the roster, with exceptions happening to technical hardware issues like the Chorus Kids in 4 or one of the most popular requests delaying the game like Sonic in Brawl (but with the addition of DLC the latter becomes a moot point).

What I'm trying to get at is that it's likely we won't get any characters introduced after 2024 in the base roster of the next Smash game considering the project plan will already be finalized by then. The ONLY exception to this is Pokemon, where an obligatory future slot is placed for an unknown Pokemon game that will be decided later.
I agree with all of this, but I would actually say the Project Plan would be finished sometime in 2022, or actually even later in 2021

While the Project Plan of Ultimate was finalized in December 2015, Development didn't start until somepoint in 2016. That give Smash Ultimate a Development time of 2 years and some change, which is the usual time each Smash game has gotten in the past. Having the Project plan be finalized in 2023 or 2024 would put Smash 6 release at 2025-2027, which I really think would be too late. Then again, I also thinking the New console is coming around 2023-2024

But I think the Project Plan being finished either this year or 2022 would put Smash 6 on the right track to come out early in the New console's Lifecycle

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Joke characters are awesome.

...I just wish we actually had more than two. Keep in mind they're "intentionally bad in the game, with massive disadvantages". Only Pichu and Jigglypuff were designed that way, and it was only Pichu that stayed that way in its first appearance. Jigglypuff ironically got worse after Melee anyway, but not really a regular joke character. Once Ultimate hit, Pichu got majorly buffed. Currently, we have no regular joke characters(both of those would be Lethal Joke Characters at this point).

Now, "silly" additions, yeah. We got 'em. Piranha Plant is the biggest one, though it's hard to say if any other ones really count as a silly addition to the roster, honestly.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I agree with all of this, but I would actually say the Project Plan would be finished sometime in 2022, or actually even later in 2021

While the Project Plan of Ultimate was finalized in December 2015, Development didn't start until somepoint in 2016. That give Smash Ultimate a Development time of 2 years and some change, which is the usual time each Smash game has gotten in the past. Having the Project plan be finalized in 2023 or 2024 would put Smash 6 release at 2025-2027, which I really think would be too late. Then again, I also thinking the New console is coming around 2023-2024

But I think the Project Plan being finished either this year or 2022 would put Smash 6 on the right track to come out early in the New console's Lifecycle
For me I think the next console is releasing in 2024-2025. I don't know what the exact date the project plan will be completed at but my guess is it will be decided a year before the next console releases. Brawl's project plan was decided about a year and a half before the Wii released, and Smash 4's document was finalized like half a year before the Wii U released. Ultimate started immediately early because all hands were jumping from the Wii U to the Switch. Meanwhile, the Switch seems to have about three or four more years in its life before it expires.

Regardless, I think the next Smash will follow the same formula as prior games and release within the first two years of the next console.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
i would accept another Fire Emblem rep if its only a villain we have 8 fire emblem heroes already so i dont think we need anymore
Black Knight seems to be the most popular pick for a fire emblem villain i would even say he could be as an echo for Ike which i wouldnt mind
The main thing with Fire Emblem getting a playable antagonist in Smash is that, by and large, almost always, the villains aren't nearly as popular as the heroes. The two major exceptions to this for antagonists are the Black Knight, who, while quite popular, is still beneath quite a few other characters in the series as far as popularity, and Edelgard, who is incredibly popular (if controversial), and is a major antagonist if you side against her, but a lead protagonist if you side with her. So I don't know if you'd count her.

Others like Lyon and Arvis are popular within the context of the fanbases of their own games, but pale in comparison in popularity to their games' respective Lords (Eirika and Ephraim for Lyon, Sigurd and Seliph for Arvis).


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
The main thing with Fire Emblem getting a playable antagonist in Smash is that, by and large, almost always, the villains aren't nearly as popular as the heroes. The two major exceptions to this for antagonists are the Black Knight, who, while quite popular, is still beneath quite a few other characters in the series as far as popularity, and Edelgard, who is incredibly popular (if controversial), and is a major antagonist if you side against her, but a lead protagonist if you side with her. So I don't know if you'd count her.

Others like Lyon and Arvis are popular within the context of the fanbases of their own games, but pale in comparison in popularity to their games' respective Lords (Eirika and Ephraim for Lyon, Sigurd and Seliph for Arvis).
Also the fact that Black Knight does not work at all for an Ike echo as they do not share a single trait besides having the same sword.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Also the fact that Black Knight does not work at all for an Ike echo as they do not share a single trait besides having the same sword.
Sister swords, not the same sword. Ike has Ragnell. Black Knight has Alondite/Ettard in the JP version.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2017
Based on this article: https://sourcegaming.info/2020/05/16/ultimate-timeline/

If we take Smash 4 as a guide and if a Smash game is indeed Sakurai's next project (6 or Ultimate DX) then Sakurai might be submitting the Design Document to Nintendo this year around Sora's reveal.

Around the time of Sora's release if that's the last character then Sakurai's project plan for the next Smash game has been finalized by then. Interesting to note that by this time the base roster for the next game has been decided with a slot open for Pokemon.

Ultimate's project plan was finalized in 2016 and the game released in 2018.

If Sakurai's next project is Smash then we may be looking at a 2023 release at the earliest based on this timeline. It is in line with the gap between Smash games (Brawl to 4 took 6 years, 4 to Ultimate took 4 years, and Ultimate to DX/6 will have taken 5 years at this point).

Since the 64 Nintendo releases a new console every 5-6 years meaning next year or 2023 would be its next target. Smash has NEVER been a launch title (Melee was the only game to debut within the same year of a new console).

64 console: 1996
Smash 64: 1999

Gamecube and Melee: 2001

Wii: 2006
Brawl: 2008

Wii-U: 2012
Smash 4: 2014

Switch: 2017
Ultimate: 2018

Next Console: 2022/2023??
Smash 6: 2023-2026?

I forget along with FE and Pokemon the Mario series has also gotten a new rep in every Smash game

Fire Emblem
Ring Fit Trainee
Officer Howard?
Xenoblade/Animal Crossing?
Dixie Kong?
AT Promotion from Ultimate?

at least 1 of Dante/Shantae/Dragonborn/Lloyd Irving
Doom Slayer?
fighting game rep: Sol & Nightmare for new reps (Scorpion as a dark horse); Chun-Li, Jin Kazama, and/or Kyo/Iori for established reps
Phantasy Star Online 2? If KOF ultimately gave Sakurai the idea for Smash maybe he'll honor the series that got him into game development

probably drawing blanks but these are my starter picks for newcomers in Smash 6
expanding on more newcomers for Smash 6
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Sister swords, not the same sword. Ike has Ragnell. Black Knight has Alondite/Ettard in the JP version.
Well yeah lore-wise that's true, but in the context of smash bros, that's just a reskin.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2021
The Main Reason Ultimate did not have substantial new content in base game, in terms of Stages, Modes, and Newcomers, is that along with having to bring back every character in the series, they also Changed the Game feel like usual, to make the Gameplay more exciting, but they also put an emphasis on making this game the most balanced of them all. In comparison to Ultimate, the balance in Previous Smash games were wack, and for Smash 4 in Particular, even without Bayonetta and Cloud, Characters in Smash 4 tended to be one note in their gameplan and honestly kind of Degenerate. Ultimate made it to expand on all of the characters to make them more Dynamic in their options, and make everyone feel Powerful and have their niche. It's not perfect of course, but I think what they got in Ultimate, they shouldn't actually change too much
Don't forget the stages. Almost every stage from previous Smash games were brought back and updated for the HD format (that said, though, it seems all the more baffling that a good chunk of the non-returning stages were from Smash WiiU). At any rate, Ultimate certainly does give the feeling that they were taking the entire series' content and streamlining it in both visuals and gameplay, which seems like yet another point in favor of a port.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Also the fact that Black Knight does not work at all for an Ike echo as they do not share a single trait besides having the same sword.
I was gonna mention that too, but I didn't want to go through the inevitable headache of some people being convinced it would somehow work to have the Black Knight clipping through his armor at every turn, lmao.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
Netherrealm Leak : GamingLeaksAndRumours (reddit.com)

So I don't know if this real or not, but I do think that we might be seeing more Smash-like takes coming in the future. Ultimate being the Best Selling Fighting game (On just one Console especially) probably is a indication of how lucartive these types of Games can be

That's why I think the idea of a Reboot is a terrible one for right now at the least, and how I think trying to expand Ultimate might be a Once in a Lifetime oppertunity. In years time, Companies might want to try their hand at their own Smash like games, and might be less willing to give their characters to Nintendo. I think while Nintendo still has somewhat of a Monopoly on the Platformer Fighter genre, they should go ahead Expand the Series to the biggest heights it can


Sep 26, 2013
Netherrealm Leak : GamingLeaksAndRumours (reddit.com)

So I don't know if this real or not, but I do think that we might be seeing more Smash-like takes coming in the future. Ultimate being the Best Selling Fighting game (On just one Console especially) probably is a indication of how lucartive these types of Games can be

That's why I think the idea of a Reboot is a terrible one for right now at the least, and how I think trying to expand Ultimate might be a Once in a Lifetime oppertunity. In years time, Companies might want to try their hand at their own Smash like games, and might be less willing to give their characters to Nintendo. I think while Nintendo still has somewhat of a Monopoly on the Platformer Fighter genre, they should go ahead Expand the Series to the biggest heights it can
Heavy doubt.

I also don't expect, if this leak is real, which I already doubt, that it'd add up to much.

It feels like everyone wants a piece of the Smash pie, but without the absolute juggernaut combo of Sakurai + Nintendo behind it, they just fall short.

I'm not trying to throw shade at NASB, I really do want the game to succeed, but it's.... rough, and it needs a lot of work.

Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
Netherrealm Leak : GamingLeaksAndRumours (reddit.com)

So I don't know if this real or not, but I do think that we might be seeing more Smash-like takes coming in the future. Ultimate being the Best Selling Fighting game (On just one Console especially) probably is a indication of how lucartive these types of Games can be

That's why I think the idea of a Reboot is a terrible one for right now at the least, and how I think trying to expand Ultimate might be a Once in a Lifetime oppertunity. In years time, Companies might want to try their hand at their own Smash like games, and might be less willing to give their characters to Nintendo. I think while Nintendo still has somewhat of a Monopoly on the Platformer Fighter genre, they should go ahead Expand the Series to the biggest heights it can
According to leaks, Netherealm is working on Mortal Kombat 12, Injustice 3, Marvel VS DC,Marvel Standalone, and now this.

Gosh, they must have quite the 2023 Lineup :troll:


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Is NateDrake a reliable "insider"?

If there is a switch 2 in 2022/23 maybe the next Smash would be on it and out sooner than later....?
There’s been a few people that’s heard this around the industry. Seems like maybe Covid interrupted their plans big time which is why OLED happened, Pro didn’t, and why all that technology is likely getting used for a “Super Switch”

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Don't forget the stages. Almost every stage from previous Smash games were brought back and updated for the HD format (that said, though, it seems all the more baffling that a good chunk of the non-returning stages were from Smash WiiU). At any rate, Ultimate certainly does give the feeling that they were taking the entire series' content and streamlining it in both visuals and gameplay, which seems like yet another point in favor of a port.
I just hope Fountain of Dreams runs better on the Switch successor

also re: stages from Wii U that didn’t return - Pyrosphere is understandable as that one had Boss Ridley, but I don’t get why the Yoshi Woolly World and Orbital Gate stages didn’t
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Netherrealm Leak : GamingLeaksAndRumours (reddit.com)

So I don't know if this real or not, but I do think that we might be seeing more Smash-like takes coming in the future. Ultimate being the Best Selling Fighting game (On just one Console especially) probably is a indication of how lucartive these types of Games can be

That's why I think the idea of a Reboot is a terrible one for right now at the least, and how I think trying to expand Ultimate might be a Once in a Lifetime oppertunity. In years time, Companies might want to try their hand at their own Smash like games, and might be less willing to give their characters to Nintendo. I think while Nintendo still has somewhat of a Monopoly on the Platformer Fighter genre, they should go ahead Expand the Series to the biggest heights it can
I think the biggest issue with that is the notion of, "Smash clone that doesn't treat it's fanbase like ****". Which, I understand the deal with the tournaments + Melee and also wanting better online, but:
1: The fact that Sakurai worked hard to get so many beloved characters, including the most voted character, from different 3rd party franchises as well as the amount of work on characters like Ryu, Terry and Kazuya to make Smash a love letter to not just fighting games, but video games in general when they didn't have to or could've chose not to should be decently far from the notion that they do not care.
Say what you will about Nintendo's view on tournaments or issues with online, but 'treating it's fanbase like ****' is not even close a notion.
2: Trying to hype up a game as a "killer" or using "we don't do this compared to 'them'" as a selling point is often what hurts a game more than it helps. Why? Because that strategy is used frickin' everywhere, especially politics, and of course it can turn away people who are familiar with and do not like it. And using the notion that you or your game are 'better than that' does no favors for your game and relying on being "better" than that game than relying on the game's own merits.

And I'm quite positive that the more smarter companies are aware of this and would not make a game with the intention of being "better", especially against an incredibly popular series that would sell regardless.
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Sep 26, 2013
I think the biggest issue with that is the notion of, "Smash clone that doesn't treat it's fanbase like ****". Which, I understand the deal with the tournaments + Melee and also wanting better online, but:
1: The fact that Sakurai worked hard to get so many beloved characters, including the most voted character, from different 3rd party franchises as well as the amount of work on characters like Ryu, Terry and Kazuya to make Smash a love letter to not just fighting games, but video games in general when they didn't have to or could've chose not to should be decently far from the notion that they do not care.
Say what you will about Nintendo's view on tournaments or issues with online, but 'treating it's fanbase like ****' is not even close a notion.
2: Trying to hype up a game as a "killer" or using "we don't do this compared to 'them'" as a selling point is often what hurts a game more than it helps. Why? Because that strategy is used frickin' everywhere, especially politics, and of course it can turn away people who are familiar with and do not like it. And using the notion that you or your game are 'better than that' does no favors for your game and relying on being "better" than that game than relying on the game's own merits.

And I'm quite positive that the more smarter companies are aware of this and would not make a game with the intention of being "better", especially against an incredibly popular series that would sell regardless.
^The 2nd one especially.

As someone who's been keen on video games, even ones I don't play, for a long, long ass time, I remember the era of the "World of Warcraft killer", where EVERY new MMO that came out was going to "Kill WoW", and in the end, none did.

Or how "Overwatch will kill Team Fortress 2!", which, it didn't.

Or how "X game will kill Minecraft!", which, it didn't.

Or more recently how people were going on about how NASB would "kill" Ultimate and, well, it ain't looking like that soo far.

Game Killer is such a dumb thing to say, because I'd argue that no game ends up killing a game unless it's the rare circumstance like, Fortnite taking over PubG.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Netherrealm Leak : GamingLeaksAndRumours (reddit.com)

So I don't know if this real or not, but I do think that we might be seeing more Smash-like takes coming in the future. Ultimate being the Best Selling Fighting game (On just one Console especially) probably is a indication of how lucartive these types of Games can be

That's why I think the idea of a Reboot is a terrible one for right now at the least, and how I think trying to expand Ultimate might be a Once in a Lifetime oppertunity. In years time, Companies might want to try their hand at their own Smash like games, and might be less willing to give their characters to Nintendo. I think while Nintendo still has somewhat of a Monopoly on the Platformer Fighter genre, they should go ahead Expand the Series to the biggest heights it can
Even if this isn't true, it could actually be pretty fun to see how it would be handled. The idea of Meatwad facing off against the Iron Giant and Ron Weasley is pretty appealing.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
^The 2nd one especially.

As someone who's been keen on video games, even ones I don't play, for a long, long ass time, I remember the era of the "World of Warcraft killer", where EVERY new MMO that came out was going to "Kill WoW", and in the end, none did.

Or how "Overwatch will kill Team Fortress 2!", which, it didn't.

Or how "X game will kill Minecraft!", which, it didn't.

Or more recently how people were going on about how NASB would "kill" Ultimate and, well, it ain't looking like that soo far.

Game Killer is such a dumb thing to say, because I'd argue that no game ends up killing a game unless it's the rare circumstance like, Fortnite taking over PubG.
You shouldn't focus on being the "X Killer", but competition is always a good thing regardless. It encourages you to look at things your competitors aren't doing, and do it, like Xbox Game Pass making AAA releases more accessible to people who can't pay for them all, or Nintendo's refusal to have a traditional console after the Gamecube.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I hope a new Starfy game comes out before the next Smash so he has better newcomer odds, but I'll be supporting him regardless.
Personally I'm hoping for a new Golden Sun and Dillon's Rolling Western.

I'm over the moon about Advance Wars coming back though.


Sep 26, 2013
You shouldn't focus on being the "X Killer", but competition is always a good thing regardless. It encourages you to look at things your competitors aren't doing, and do it, like Xbox Game Pass making AAA releases more accessible to people who can't pay for them all, or Nintendo's refusal to have a traditional console after the Gamecube.
Competition is good, absolutely.

But Nintendo... doesn't really care, is the thing.

They've always just, done their own thing, others be damned. Like, tbh, their NSO update is a ****ing joke, and yet they know people will buy it. It's laughable compared to its competition, but they won't budge on it, and the messed up part is people will buy it.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
They've always just, done their own thing, others be damned. Like, tbh, their NSO update is a ****ing joke, and yet they know people will buy it. It's laughable compared to its competition, but they won't budge on it, and the messed up part is people will buy it.
And in 2023, when GameCube games releases on NSO and triples the price again, people would still eat that **** up.

Us vocal minority really underestimate how gullible the average Nintendo customer can be, but Nintendo is absolutely aware of it and trying to drain as much of their wallets as possible. And they're likely going to succeed.
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Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Competition is good, absolutely.

But Nintendo... doesn't really care, is the thing.

They've always just, done their own thing, others be damned. Like, tbh, their NSO update is a ****ing joke, and yet they know people will buy it. It's laughable compared to its competition, but they won't budge on it, and the messed up part is people will buy it.
okay yeah NSO isn't trying to compete with PS Plus and Xbox Live/Game Pass

it's just change for change's sake


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Competition is good, absolutely.

But Nintendo... doesn't really care, is the thing.

They've always just, done their own thing, others be damned. Like, tbh, their NSO update is a ****ing joke, and yet they know people will buy it. It's laughable compared to its competition, but they won't budge on it, and the messed up part is people will buy it.
That I'm not really sure of. Yes, there will be people who will buy it, but whether alot of people do or not is the other question. Like, you're picking the cheap option or the expensive option and I can see alot more people just picking the cheap option, especially those who don't really know N64 or Sega Genesis.
Like I don't deny how straightforward and simple-minded the average consumer can be, but this is one of those cases where I don't think it looks so inevitable. And hey, the possibility did happen to Nintendo with the 3DS. I guess whether it does or not is another story and admittingly, the Switch still selling like hotcakes does make it unlikely.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
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