It almost always does. However, once in a while we allow otherwise. For instance, some people might make a topic where they give an analysis of actual specific parts of Smash. Each post is separate due to making it look more neat. That can be allowed. I'll defer to the Mod Team on this. Obviously you wouldn't be in trouble regardless as you're updating a topic with a new unique post each time(as bump posts can be allowed if it's a legitimate post that isn't just there for the sake of bumping, but also can depend the forum. For instance, in many forums, bumping an old topic that's beyond a month is considered against the rules, however, that can depend the topic. Any official "discussion" topic for say, a franchise, can't apply to this. Because the topic is meant to have fruitful discussion. However, a completely dead and unimportant topic will likely be locked with a note to not bump topics like this, generally without an actual warning/infraction as we don't give those for bumps unless they're intentional spam in itself, or break a specific actual listed rule).