If I'm being honest, the one thing that confuses me about Shamtae is that Smash fans treat her as if she's one of the major indie icons, but I rarely see any of the Shantae games brought up when most people talk about influential indie games. Other than seniority, what kind of an impact did Shantae leave on the indie gaming landscape? The highest praises I've heard for the Shantae games is "yeah, they're fun", while most indie fans will talk for hours about how something like Cave Story, Undertale, or Shovel Knight are among some of the best games ever made. Hell, as much as people like to meme on Undertale and Touhou, they have massive online followings that rival a lot of AAA titles, so their influence there cannot be understated. Maybe I'm missing something here, but for me it'd be a little weird if Shantae got in before any of the other more influential games that do a better job representing indies as a whole. I'm aware this sounds super gatekeeper-y and believe me, I have nothing against Shantae fans, but that's just my preference in terms of indies.
I can get that 100%. In terms of indie games, Shantae's series is a very fun Metroidvania with a unique transformation gimmick, colorful backgrounds, hilarious dialogue, and an emphasis on style. And that's about all it is. I haven't played many indie games, but I doubt Shantae is "The Best" in any way.
I'm not sitting here trying to say that it is, either. Hell, if only the best and most influential third-party games in their genre were allowed in Smash, I don't think Bayonetta, Banjo & Kazooie, or even Terry would've been invited.
I'm looking at Shantae in terms of indie representation
on Nintendo systems. WayForward always prioritized Nintendo, even now that their games are multi-platform. And ever since Risky's Revenge on DSi, Nintendo has been helping WF push Shantae as much as they could. Yes, there are other indie games that are better from a technical standpoint, of course. But which one has the history and partnership with Nintendo that Shantae has? Not many.
Smash Bros. is still a Nintendo game. It's why NES-styled Simon Belmont made it in over Alucard, why OG Mega Man made it in over Zero, why we got Banjo & Kazooie over Master Chief. Hell, it's probably why we got Sonic Adventures Sonic over the more beloved 2D Genesis-styled Classic Sonic.
Is she a "shoe-in"? No, but nobody is. Sakurai's a madman. But to say that she's "never" brought up in conversations about indie games is misguided. Maybe because her games are developed by a team as big as WayForward as opposed to a one-man team or a microscopic team like a lot of other experimental indie titles, people
forget she's an indie character? But she's definitely talked about quite a bit, even outside of the Smash fandom. Hell, even outside of the English-speaking circles.
I'm not trying to say you're wrong or that you all need to bow down to my opinion here, but there
is a reason why people are talking about Shantae as much as they are.