Considering how two chairs were enough to cause Skull Kid's popularity to temporarily skyrocket, I don't think Sakurai should be giving the Smash community any hints. We can't handle them.
But here's a question for you: WHY can't we handle something like that?
For those of you familiar with it, there is a weight loss method called intermittent fasting that claims you can lose weight by controlling your eating window. (For example, you eat only during an 8 hour period that's the same every day. During the other 16 hours, you can have nothing but water.) What this does is it causes your body to utilize fat deposits for energy during the fasting periods because there are no calories to pull from food. However, if you wait too long, your body will enter a starvation mode, which is when your body will use anything and everything for fuel, especially your muscles. And when you eat again, a lot of what you consume will be stored as fat because your body doesn't know whether or not you'll eat again. You'll have a bigger appetite because you're storing more of the food for later, causing you to eat more and gain more fat. This will hopefully return back to normal, but it could create a new bar for how much you eat, also leading to gaining weight. So the idea with the intermittent fasting is to eat right before the starvation state happens for optimal efficiency.
With the Smash community, we act like a body in starvation mode. We hardly ever get fed, so we're always looking for food. And whenever we get a nibble of anything remotely nutritious, we gobble it up as if it's real news. Unsatisfied, we search desperately for another meal, scouring the garbage can that is 4Chan and even visiting LaxChris for an expired snack. However, if we we're fed something small - actually fed - every once in a while by the Smash team, we would discuss and speculate, sure, but that's because we're ok for a bit. We might have our tummys rumble eventually, but if Sakurai and his team observed the fasting method properly, they would know when to feed us again. (In sales, this is sometimes called the "itch cycle".) We would be more satisfied, but also consistently excited about the next meal. As someone that uses intermittent fasting myself, I look forward to every meal more, but not in a way that I die if I don't eat exactly when my window starts.
I think that's why the community comes off as bat-shiz crazy is because we're always hungry. It's also ehy when a character is revealed, we're all like, "Yeah" We eat is so fast that we don't get to savor it! I think Nintendo could drum up the same - if not more - hype by giving us official, little things to chew on every once in a while.