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Newbie 18: Rosario Vampire Mafia ~Game Over, Town Wins!~ BadWolf Foiled!

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
If Hipster flips town, tomorrow is Zen. This was a little quick for me to be happy with.
wut? Why would you think me suspicious and not Bardull when he was the hammerer where as I was simply the first person to vote? Not to mention that I lead the Rake lynch. How you could possibly think I'm scum is beyond me wolfy.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Why would you think me suspicious and not Bardull
1. I don't like voting without reason on the day of voting.

2. I do find Bar suspicious but I wasn't allowed to look into him for anything before a hammer happened.

3. I also find Vinyl suspicious right now. Zen was just the first to create the wagon.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Going to look at Rake during the night like I planned, Some part of me feels this is GG right now.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Lol that last post doesn't make sense. If this isn't GG, I'm gonna look at Rake again.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
@Badwolf I posted much reasoning yesterday. And specifically stated I would be going for a Hipster lynch today. Nothing has changed silly. And I agree Soupa.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
I posted much reasoning yesterday. And specifically stated I would be going for a Hipster lynch today.
Yeah, it's just I like to think that the NK changed things... Idk it's not like it matters that much... I can't change anything now.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Oh I don't really think there is much to speculate about over the night kill. Its easy for mafia to manipulate people if you base your reads on the night kills. Mafia likely picked Shotty because he didn't have any connections to any one else due to not talking much d1. They could have also thought he was playing like he had a PR. I mean what about the night kill would change things for you?


Apr 3, 2008
Better question: Why would you "boss hog gangsta status slam dunk Hipster" if you were town?

Moreover: why didn't you even attempt to discuss it or give a reason while you did.


Apr 3, 2008
You know that was your chance to go "Oh no, here are my reasons and why I didn't want to talk about it and I'm not trying to be a liability on purpose etc" right?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
You know that was your chance to go "Oh no, here are my reasons and why I didn't want to talk about it and I'm not trying to be a liability on purpose etc" right?
Oh yes, I'm aware of what I could have done. Why do you ask?

Hipster is obvious scum, blah blah blah, no amount of talking changes her lynch. There, do you feel better?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
*Comes back from getting popcorn and bat snacks*

Alright, so let's see what's going on......huh?

Why is he on the floor seeing stars and crying his eyes out? Did I miss something?

Oh no! I missed everything....I hate this.

Wait! *flies around for a sec and comes back with a remote*

There we go. <3 Now let me just rewind this little thing and see where it goes....*click*

Uh-huh....hmmm..ouch, that had to hurt. This fight looks so much more painful in reverse but also much more *ahem* fantastic *cough* in slow-motion rewind. <333333

Okay so here we are at the beginning of it all and let's see it from here.

"And you picked her just biggest she has the biggest....." WOW, wrong spot but great spot to pick up on.

"No, I swear! I didn't do anything to anyone on purpose!" he tried to squeak out, but the ladies were having none of it.

"You probably got rid of Gin in oder to have all of us ladies to yourself! You are such a digusting perv! Let's get him girls!" said one of the feisty ladies and then the female battalion began to chase the boy around the room until they finally caught up to him and let him have what he probably deserves at this point.

What? I don't have to like him even if he is the protagonist. He gets all the ladies every other freaking episode! Well now he is clobbered, and then tied up and locked in a room. So much for the "hero" (he doesn't have any powers and gets his *** handed to him more often and is saved by the women BUT THAT'S JUST NORMAL) *not bitter*

Serves him right...

Tsukune Aono (HipsterSister), Town Vanilla, has been clobbered to oblivion! (Lynched!)

These girls may just be all looks and no brains....but now there are no men in the room so more for Nozu. <3

Night 2 Begins!

Night 2 will end on June 10, 2012 11:59pm.

Or it could end earlier if night actions are sent in sooner!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
*Yawn* It's day-time already? Nozu will never get enough sleep at this rate.

Welp, let's count to see how many ladies are still in for viewing being around.






Let me recount that...............no that's right.

Wait a second, no one is gone? Well that's lame. I mean yay for my eyes and mind but like no blood no nothing exhilarating? No hair pulling? No blood......? ;_;

Nozu no like today and hope that they get someone extra good. >=[

I need some coffee first though

Day 3 Begins!​

~Vote Count 3.1~

1.) Vinyl. {0} -
2.) Jdietz43 {0} -
3.) BadWolf28738 {0} -
4.) BarDulL {0} -
5.) Ramen King {0} -
6.) Soup~ {0} -

Not Voting {6 -
} - Vinyl., Jdietz43, BadWolf28738, BarDulL, Ramen King, Soup~

With 6 people alive, it takes 4 to Lynch!

Deadline is set for June 16th, at 12:00pm Midnight!


Apr 3, 2008
Doc out your protect if it was Bardull or Vinyl, otherwise nah.

Vote: Bardull

Bardull why did you quickhammer like that, last chance.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Alright, as inherently promised I said I would read Rake again.

Starting off with #241.

I read this post again and I can already tell you with how the way Rake was acting and based on everything that Vinyl. is a big prospect based on it. I also feel like the points made regarding Bardull are more or less intriguing. What it really seems like is that Rake tries to cover every aspect of play, he tries to talk about common things but cannot back up his own logic. He does this twice, saying that Bardull is leaning scum but that I could possibly be scum too, not even completely looking at the argument at hand. I'm going to look into this further.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
What mostly bothers me about his #421 is that he votes Vinyl. based on RVS reasons but completely hops off afterwards. We were way past RVS at that time. Anyways, here's something I got out of it:

Rake said:
Second of all since i missed RVS: VOTE: Vinly
I like leather more
This is Rake's very first post of the game, or perhaps his very first line of content. It's pretty odd how he votes vinyl. way past RVS, however in this context I would consider this way more as a joke.

Bardull said:
I'm not joking.

Vinyl, why do you keep asking people for reads? You do realize that being redundant and asking different people for reads isn't town telling and makes you look suspicious, right?

@HipsterSister - What were you trying to achieve by posting that read list?
Have to agree with this by Bardull, that reads list was filler imo and not very good filler, and the last part seemed like a way to look busy, an actual reads list would be nice , seeing as what was there wasn't much of anything.
I don't understand the context here, Rake initially voted Vinyl. as RVS at first-hand but unvoted regardless of this point?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
There are massive holes in Rake's logic already in his first post and I'm kicking myself not seeing it.

This post seems to hit at the core point bewteen the two that i saw at least, Soup had some reasons for thinking Bardull was scum, but it was mainly the attitude thing , @ all: you can correct me if you think this could be read a different way
This is a point made wrt Bardull, he said in his comment that I was possibly scum but seems to just mark it off as personal. Too damn careful like I said. The big point of this though is to crack this nutshell wide open. He'll leave tells eventually and I could say that even in this first post he's made himself open already.

Then soup posted this and made me re-think exactly to what extent the anti-town was in regards to Bardull's attitude. No one should be willing to mislynch though, very bad town attitude to lynch a town member due to attitude issues, makes me think Soups slot may have scum intentions, so I'm leaning scum due to that part of the post.

Even a detriment to town is still a town member until it is proven beyond a doubt that they are scum, why risk losing a town member so early ? Something to consider.
Essentially, Rake flops on his reasoning for both me and bardull, swaying from bardull being null-lean scum to me being scum in his own post. Highly contradictive here. My problem lies not in this but what he's focusing on. I've had Bardull as scum for a long time now and If I just can just match the pieces together I could get somewhere with this. Thing is, I don't see it. Not with the way Rake acted towards our whole interaction.

Pressure is fair enough, i didn't see it that way but I could have misread it.

Opportunistic hammer would only be good if Bardull was clear cut scum, which although his posting may have not been the greatest and his reasons absent at best, is still not enough proff for me at least to wamt a lynch this early on. @everyone: what do you think on quick lynch this early ? Helpful to town or scum trying to get a lynch then NK to deplete town while we fight amongst ourselves ?
I don't understand Rake's need to hard defend his partner here and push me instead, however what I truly don't understand is how Bardull goes from null-lean scum to townie in the end of it all. This is what bothers me most, he called Bardull scum for a reason there and he never followed up. I'm not done with this yet.

The rest of his post speaks for himself.


Apr 3, 2008
Um, question.

Can a Scummy person do Night kills?
Can a goon do a night kill here in this newbie game?

I just wanna know if there is.
Vinyl are you serious right now. There's a certain point where this kind of questioning is just incredulous. I have to believe this is some kind of terrible act to distance yourself from being scummy. I know you've played games here before, I played with you.
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