This is what I think Smash needs to NOT do or just fix that Brawl brought to the series.
Floaty Gameplay - Fine, we have it for Brawl, anyone who likes it can stick with Brawl. That's just dandy. But I want some sort of change. I know I'm not alone.
Lack of "Combos" - Well, Smash has those weird combos, they don't look like the usual Fighting game ones, but we see them in SSB64 and SSBM. They should be brought back, but done up better than ever.
SSE - Was bad. No matter how you slice it, it was bad. The orginal enemies, Tabuu, the way it unlocked all the characters, the way it wasn't cool like it should have been. Ideally, I would like something where the characters actual worlds meshed.
How to Unlock characters - Needs to be Melee hard, at least. Mewtwo kind of difficulty is perfect.
Trophies - Should be made from Scratch. The coin launched needs to be edited, so does stickers and the whole master peice idea can be just dropped.