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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
**** this moves too damn fast.

Smash 4 better use the Gamecube controller.

D: you locked the old SSB4 thread!?


But yeah, super excited for Smash 4.

this too

better have a ****load of stage with random hazard and just a couple of neutrals
-______- if the hazards are competitively manageable it's good.

Megaman or Ryu will definitely be in the game. I'm leaning a bit towards Megaman. I'd say Square will probably get the other new third party slot, probably Black Mage or some Dragon Quest\Chrono Trigger character. Other than that, I'm done with character predictions until Nintendo gives us a teaser.

As far as stages, I think Sora needs to learn the difference between fun gimmicks and annoying ones. Mute City, Brinstar, and like stages were fun. Mario Bros. and WarioWare were just annoying. Other than that, I normally don't care that much about stage design. I focus more on the music and scenery.
Ryu vs. Snake sounds mad fun yo. Cloud could be a MK/Ike mix tbh

A bunch of neutrals would be nice, not too many either, I care less about where the stage is coming from I.e. Mario, zelda, pokemon etc.. In the end it all comes down to playability and whether or not hazards make a big impact or not.

What do you guys think about the "shoulder" add-on


To be honest, Snake barely had a chance to make the roster, he only made it in because Kojima heavily influenced Sakurai to include him, otherwise we would have ended up with Megaman or possibly the "all time" favorite Geno.

Sadly if anyone from Square has a chance, it's anybody from Dragon Quest swords, which means no Cloud Strife :/

:( yeah Kojima basically sucked Sakurai's ****.

What I meant from that was, in the article the person being interviewed said it was a miracle they could put characters from the various video game universes together in a believable fashion and he's not sure he can fit a Capcom character in and make it believable. If they made Snake believable in a universe with Mario and Pikachu, I hardly see how Megaman wouldn't fit in with them. I mean, Megaman with Nintendo characters has already been done in Captain N
SF could make to fit.

How about someone from one of the SNES Final Fantasies? I wouldn't rule out Cecil from FFIV, though he would be another sword user.
Why do people complain about swords? We don't complain about fists. LOL

Soooo we can already confirm Mii as playable whatnot with the whole "Getting experience in the 3DS and send it to the U to play i there." Sound like a custom character like thing, and the Miis fit the description perfectly.

Unless they decide to let players create characters and edit them using preexisting movesets (ala SoulCalibur 4), which would be completely badass. I don't see it happening though, too much resources and the like. Much rather they would focus on gameplay.

Also, there's a possibility that some characters from Brawl will be axed, seeing that on his interview, sakurai mention that he doesn't want to recreate brawl and just add to the existing roster. If this were to happen, who will be the first to go? My opinion? WW Link. Just saying.
-____________- please no miis, also xp can mean broken if a good cap isn't put. Also I think TL is staying.

I really don't understand why people still want Cloud in Super Smash Brothers. He hasn't been on a Nintendo system and would probably end up as a projectile-less clone of Saki.
When was Saki in SSB?

Although I don't understand why Square is one of the potential 3rd party companies appearing in Smash in eyes of so many people, how Cloud can be a clone of someone who is not even playable yet?
Get em.

I said "probably". And considering that Saki Amamiya was an AT in Brawl and had a series revival, he's definitely a likely candidate. Also, compare Cloud's design to Saki's:

They're just too similar, and Sakurai made it a point that the potential characters had to have been on a Nintendo system before being a candidate. (Solid Snake was already in 3 games on Nintendo systems by 2001, 4 by 2008 and 5 by the time SSB4 comes out)
Laser sword=/=bigass sword

Hey! It's good to dream :cool:

But in all seriousness, he virtually has no chance which is sad, if he were to have a moveset I have a feeling he would play more like Link or Ike, projectiles wouldn't play a factor with him, of course this is all pointless :(

He could be a character without wings to glide, and he actually does have a moveset pool we could pull to make him feel different.

Diddy and Dixie combo is from one of the greatest games of all time
This is a personal problem but, I don't want a bananafided version of ICs. I think that would be even more gay. Chaingrabs+4 bananas? Oh hell nah

Ice Climber sold over 1.5 million copies, more than Gyromite.

Of Brawl's roster, the least likely to stay in my opinion (from most likely to leave to least) are:

1. Lucario
2. Ike
3. Toon Link
4. Lucas
5. Wolf
6. Jigglypuff (grandfather clause or not, she's nowhere near as popular as she used to be and has a very generic moveset)
Wolf is basically like Fox in terms of staying in, why remove him? That clone theory is about as real as pac man getting into ssb4 so don't even try that.

How likely do you all think that a SF character will make it in? I think it's a pretty okay chance.
Ryu or Ken, imo

I'd rather see Falco get the boot than Wolf. Falco just doesn't seem relevant to Star Fox as Wolf does to me, as Wolf is the archrival and such.

Doesn't Wolf also have a greater impact in the storylines of the recent Starfox games like Command than Falco too?
Falco hate y
Falco is basically the StarFox luigi.

I want to see a baddass character with a sword please, that's not a good guy.

Black Knight would make me ****.

I will never understand why people think Wolf should be cut.
Yes. This.

That's the only thing they have immediately in common. Specials does not a clone make. Come on now. If that's the case, Lucario, Toon Link, Ganondorf, Luigi, and Lucas are all clones as well.
Thank you for some sense.

Being a clone, if they can't make him original or at least lugified him, expect him to get the boot. Not that I want him gone, but better to lose a clone then an original character.
Wolf/Falco are luigified.

Wolf IS Luigified. =\ I think everyone is confusing Wolf with Falco here...

EDIT: Bisharp is one of those characters that would be... cool, but it's not gonna happen. Like Deoxys. =P

People pay more attention to special attacks than his regular attacks when talking about clones.

Even if his special attacks have different effects, they look almost identical
Wtf? IF they have different effects and different looks how the hell is it a clone? Has the definition of clone changed?

Son of *****, back to the same song and dance we had going on in the old thread that lasted 100 pages.


Threads now crap until the subject changes away from the roster speculation stuff thats been going on for ages in the old one None of you are going to agree and its just going to loop and loop and loop.
I wish the topic would change to something meaningful too but for now let me just get on my Orion status dog :awesome:

A little bit ago, we were talking about lance characters until someone rudely interrupted it with their stupidity. If that makes you feel any better.

Maybe but he did mention that its important to have expert players playing with noobs so that is a step in the right direction

Are we even sure he was the sole balancer of the past games?

He sure as hell made it seem like he was an one man team for Melee with the work he put in.

Yes, I would love a lance character, it would be very unique. However, while I am a fan of Fire Emblem itself, I am not too into the idea of adding very many fire emblem characters into Smash.
It has 2 reps atm. Look at mario/zelda/pokemon. I know those are mainstream but there is nothing wrong with putting a game's name out there with some rep.

As long as Pheonix Wright is in, I'm a happy camper
You post so stupid y

Let's talk about stages!
Rhythm Heaven
WuHu Island

These are a given I think.
Angel Island (Sonic)
Actually speaking of Sonic they should have a stage with Sonic physics and it scrolls through a Sonic level. I'm imagining Air Valley from SA1.

Um you do know that the controller has SONY written on it, right? Wait am I misunderstanding the post?

His point is that things change from the time they are revealed till the time they are released. Don't count everything we've seen about the wii-u to be final.

Though it comes out in a year, I'm pretty sure it's finalized.
Yeah I believe they would make some changes. I hope. I think. LOL

They should toss in some Full Metal Alchemist~!

i would just have both air dodges in the game... one doesn't put you in helpless state and the other, well you know, wavedashing, DI dodging, ledgedashing, etc

the new controller does have 4 shoulder buttons.
This is a really good idea. I didn't consider this at all.

A special would be a good idea, but... the thought of something killing me in one hit would make me very upset..
OP please.

Your own music for Smash would surely raise the bar, making for enjoyable and fun experience, hech even throw some Street Fighter themes and pretend...

Sakurai should really take this into note. A lot of people including me, cosmetically hack our wii for this reason.

It would be even better if your music could be heard by the opponent too. I'd probably be spamming anime songs with female singers that have super high-pitched voices.
:glare: I hope your speakers break.

WTF did I just watch. I really hope when I go to Japan in 2 years I don't have to endure that.

Cowboy armadillo?

You guys are really banking on that series taking off and becoming big before SSB4, aren't you? Don't count on it. You guys are hyping up the idea way too much.
Yeahhh, I wasn't really feeling it either homie

Couldn't even bother finishing that song. I don't care about vegetable juice.

@Bassoonist: I understand that we're probably not going to see Jiro in the game, but that doesn't mean it isn't a cool concept.
You were able to close the song? I was paralyzed in fear.

Oh, I know that Geno is not happening. I was making a point.

There are three Mario characters that would get in much sooner than Waluigi: Toad, Bowser Jr., and Paper Mario. Even Birdo and Daisy would get in sooner. At least they have a canon appearance or two.
Thank you I'm starting to see people with some sense in this thread.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I know. x_x After a while I'll have to talk myself into 'just looking at the pictures.' Then, 'just read the non-character articles.' Then I'll see an unfamiliar series and go, 'now I have to read through the character articles to find that series.'

D: It's a circle of PAIN AND MISERY!!
If we really will get it back I can't wait. It reminds me of my first days of college, and how even though I had piano at 9AM I would stay up until the update on the site of some of the nights.

There was a dojo for Melee? Sorry, I was 6/7 back then. lol
I certainly don't remember it and I turned 13 very shortly after Melee was released.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Do they have an archive for this site?
I dunno. I remember it, though. I saw it on there where they had a sort of thing where you could get a very brief overview of all of the characters... And I hadn't played SSBM yet, but this was where I first saw Marth. ._. I dunno if it was called a dojo, but it was a website on smashbros.com that was for SSBM.

EDIT: They have an archive for it?? Where?? D: I wanna see it again!


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
Well, I've had an idea for character customization in that you have access to multiple moves (for instance say...three different Up+B's) and you can choose which one you want? Like say for Mario, you could customize him to maybe have his Up+B be FLUDD jetpack instead of Coin Uppercut. Or for Link, you could have Bomb Arrows or Fire Arrows. Things like that. Maybe that is what he means by customization from the 3DS?
This. The problem is that, if it's already difficult to balance 4 special moves, try balancing unlimited attack choices with the rest of moves each character has.

It has been done in other games like the Naruto Narutimate games and the Dissidia Final Fantasy games but the attacks are not so combo-able in those series.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 9, 2011
Central NY
This. The problem is that, if it's already difficult to balance 4 special moves, try balancing unlimited attack choices with the rest of moves each character has.

It has been done in other games like the Naruto Narutimate games and the Dissidia Final Fantasy games but the attacks are not so combo-able in those series.
Yeah, that is true unfortunately, and if they keep up the tradition of increasing the roster, it makes it all that much harder. Then again, it does seem like Brawl placed a lot less emphasis on combo-ing... I dunno, I guess just more wishful thinking on my part.

Deleted member

The females with the highest chance of getting in are the following from most likely to least likely:

1. Medusa
2. Dixie Kong
3. Krystal
4. Lyn
UberMario said:
Replace Toad with Perry [from SPP]. Done. Toad is then free to become his own character.
I see what you're saying but I'm not buying that Toad will become playable, I still think it's highly unlikely. In the chance that Sakurai doesn't rely entirely on himself this time and look over some sites with pretty popular SSB4 debates, I don't think he'll look at just us, he'll also be looking at sites like IGN, Gamestop, etc. The odds are against Toad and I personally can't really see him working in the game. Also, we have yet to see a generic character in Smash and I highly doubt Toad will make an exception to this rule.
Bassoonist said:
Toad deserves to be a playable character before many if all of the other Mario characters do.
What about Bowser Jr.? I see him with a lot more potential then Toad and considering the situation that we get five Mario rep, Bowser Jr. will probably be that person to fill in the slot.
UberMario said:
Medusa would not be a character, heck, look at the Kid Icarus trailers to see how freaking huge she is.
As Starphoenix said, since they are developing Kid Icarus, you can bet that Sora Ltd. will do their best to get a second Kid Icarus rep in the game. And if they can downscale Bowser, they can do the same for Medusa.
UberMario said:
There are only a handful [3-D] Mario candidates that would have any shot at joining Mario & co.in SSB:

-Bowser Jr.

Wart's highest chance is an assist trophy
The only likely Mario rep I see is Bowser Jr. The rest are highly unlikely to say the least.
Mario_And_Sonic_Guy said:
Like I said with Cloud Strife, the White Mage and Black Mage probably have better odds of being playable than Geno.
Actually, I find the White and Black Mage to be much less likely then Geno. At least Geno is very highly requested and his only major appearance was in Super Mario RPG: Legends of the Seven Stars.
Arcadenik said:
Palutena - she's one of the most important characters in the Kid Icarus series and Sakurai is the one who made Uprising so I am sure she has Sakurai's interest
She's Pit's Final Smash in SSBB. In the likely chance we get a Kid Icarus rep, it's going to be Medusa.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
What about Bowser Jr.? I see him with a lot more potential then Toad and considering the situation that we get five Mario rep, Bowser Jr. will probably be that person to fill in the slot.
May I just be blunt? I hate Bowser Jr. He is like the most annoying little bratty character ever. I don't want to have to hear his annoying voice in this game.

I will acknowledge he has a chance, but I believe that Toad does as well. Toad is a Mario character from the very beginning. He even was playable in Super Mario Bros. 2. He deserves more credit than being Peach's B move.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
No I'm not saying that. She was the main villain in the two previous games. List some recurring villains for the Wario series then (Actually curious about this). There's a big difference between 3/12 vs 3/50+. Also she appeared in the main series, not a spin off like Fawful. King K. Rool didn't even appear in the latest DK game. I never said we should add characters just because they are female, I was saying if we add female characters they should be important to the series they came from (For example RECURRING Villain). Last, please tell me how Captain Syrup is not a unique character. :\
Can you tell me how unique Captain Syrup really is? As far as I can tell, she has never engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Wario in her three appearances. In Wario Land, she just sicced a genie after Wario. In Wario Land 2, she fought Wario by piloting inside her mecha. In Shake It, she didn't do anything but sell maps to Wario.

I think Medusa would be picked over Palutena if the had another Kid Icarus rep because

1) Palutena is already in Pit's final smash
2) Medusa would add another villain to the mix
3) Medusa would be the only female villain in the game
This is bull.

They can just change Pit's Final Smash into something from Uprising and give his old Final Smash to Palutena. Or are you one of those people who think that character movesets cannot be changed from one game to the next? I bet you use this logic to argue against Toad, too.

This is what I don't get about people. People have been clamoring for Ganondorf to get a different moveset but they cannot seem to grasp the notion that Peach's B and Pit's Final Smash can be changed to allow Toad and Palutena to become playable. I am pretty sure the reason why this is so... it is because they just don't want Toad and Palutena to get in over villains Bowser Jr. and Medusa because it is apparent we "desperately" need more villains.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
May I just be honest? I hate Bowser Jr. He is like the most annoying little bratty character ever. I don't want to have to hear his annoying voice in this game.

I will acknowledge he has a chance, but I believe that Toad does as well. Toad is a Mario character from the very beginning. He even was playable in Super Mario Bros. 2. He deserves more credit than being Peach's B move.
I can tell you this much. If Bowser Jr. is playable, keep his cartoonish voice, as he wouldn't sound right with realistic animal cries; think about Yoshi.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
They could possibly have added NEW characters to the Kid Icarus game and they would probably make better reps, they'd count more for advertising


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Eh. I'd be a lot more okay with Bowser Jr. than I would be with Toad. x_x Toad's annoying in the same way, but then is annoying in his own way on top of that.

Deleted member

4nace said:
Why are you guys so absorbed on a very trivial aspect of the final product - the roster...?
Without a good roster, not as many people would be buying the game. Each game has had a great roster. It's our job to suggests to the developers what we want as characters in this game and it's the developers job to try to fulfill as many as of the wishes (That will do well on the roster) as they possibly can.
Arcadenik said:
This is bull.

They can just change Pit's Final Smash into something from Uprising and give his old Final Smash to Palutena. Or are you one of those people who think that character movesets cannot be changed from one game to the next? I bet you use this logic to argue against Toad, too.

This is what I don't get about people. People have been clamoring for Ganondorf to get a different moveset but they cannot seem to grasp the notion that Peach's B and Pit's Final Smash can be changed to allow Toad and Palutena to become playable. I am pretty sure the reason why this is so... it is because they just don't want Toad and Palutena to get in over villains Bowser Jr. and Medusa because it is apparent we "desperately" need more villains.
Ganondorf is a clone of Captain Falcon. No one likes playing as him under his condition. Giving him a unique moveset is something that we want and it can be done.

It's not that they can't change up the moveset to make other characters playable, but that they probably won't be doing that. Do you honestly think that they're going to consider putting Toad and Palutena when they're already there in a form? Plus there are only three regular antagonists in Brawl, Bowser, Ganondorf, and King Dedede. It only makes sense to add in Medusa and Bowser Jr. over Palutena and Toad. My reason is not because they're a villain, it's because they are worthy of being playable while not being a clone. Bowser Jr. is already very popular in terms of request and once people start accepting Medusa, her as well. That said, in Palutena's case, I think she would be a good character while I don't see much going for Toad.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Yes I know of them but that's probably gonna be my biggest post now that I caught up. LOL
What was with your LOL to me talking about lance-wielding characters? xD I was serious. That sounds legit enough to work.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
A simple fan misconception. That's not really a developers fault....

Also I agreed with different wielding characters. I like the idea.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
A simple fan misconception. That's not really a developers fault....

Also I agreed with different wielding characters. I like the idea.
Oh, were you laughing at the "before being interrupted by someone's stupidity" thing?

Yeh, they were whining about having anyone who doesn't barehand or wield a sword would turn the smash series into Soulo Calibur, and even if it didn't, it didn't matter, because swords and lances are "exactly the same".

... Yeeeaaaah... r_r


Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2011
We'll probably get a better idea of what Kid Icarus character is more likely when we actually get to play it and see. Hm. Straying away from the character roster scene, what do we think this new Smash Bros. is going to be called? Soon enough they're gonna run out of synonyms for "fight." I like the sound of "Fray" the most, looking at a thesaurus.

...But as long as they don't name it "Tussle," I think I'll be okay with whatever.

Deleted member

I personally like Revolution or Clash best, I predict the next name will be Clash.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 9, 2011
Central NY
We'll probably get a better idea of what Kid Icarus character is more likely when we actually get to play it and see. Hm. Straying away from the character roster scene, what do we think this new Smash Bros. is going to be called? Soon enough they're gonna run out of synonyms for "fight." I like the sound of "Fray" the most, looking at a thesaurus.

...But as long as they don't name it "Tussle," I think I'll be okay with whatever.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
We'll probably get a better idea of what Kid Icarus character is more likely when we actually get to play it and see. Hm. Straying away from the character roster scene, what do we think this new Smash Bros. is going to be called? Soon enough they're gonna run out of synonyms for "fight." I like the sound of "Fray" the most, looking at a thesaurus.

...But as long as they don't name it "Tussle," I think I'll be okay with whatever.
Well, since that rumor about Smash Bros. at e3 was confirmed, I'd almost be willing to think ONE of the games will be called Super Smash Bros. Strife. Which isn't half bad of a name.

Revolution would have worked for Smash Bros. on the Revolution. <_< But... this one isn't.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Destruction? Lol jk.

On a real note, adding weapon wielding characters won't turn this into SC. People stop being dumb. Or remove link or any character who has a move not using their body parts.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Destruction? Lol jk.

On a real note, adding weapon wielding characters won't turn this into SC. People stop being dumb. Or remove link or any character who has a move not using their body parts.
Unless Sands of Destruction gets representation, there had better not be a Super Smash Bros. Destruction.

And if it does, and there is, then Morte had better be the announcer. I can't imagine anyone else going SUPER SMAAAAAAAASH BROTHEEEEEEEEERSS..... DESTRUCTION!! *evil laughter and so on* ._. Moving on into realism now. :D

But yeah, I was just saying, I think Caeda is, right now, THE most likely character for Fire Emblem, but I would rather see Nephanee or Camus as lance users. Either the beast from the east, or a beast with a southern accent. Your choice. You're *********ed either way.

Deleted member

Not comfortable with the word "Fray". Doesn't really feel like the appropriate title for SSB4.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Did I happen to skip over some stupidity? What posts said adding weapons would make this soul caliber?

Also to people saying this. SSB basically has ring outs. In SC you lose in a ring out, in SSB you either lose or lose a stock in a ring out.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2008
Bellevue, WA
Trivial? The roster?

Wow, boy have I been using mine wrong. All these years, I thought Smash Bros. was made to be fanservice combat between nintendo characters! Now I have been enlightened; the roster is the most trivial part of the entire game!

If this was 1999 and we were waiting for Super Smash Brothers Melee, then I couldn't agree with you more, but now that we have experienced Brawl and it is evident that Bigger Roster != Better Game. I think it's time you started to rethink where the franchise is headed. Do you expect the Wii U release to have 80 characters or something?

Whether or not Nintendo adopts DLC, which I hope they do, I cannot imagine the roster on the Wii U at release date going above 45 characters. That means, that the roster will not expand as much as its previous releases.

Here is a quote from a translated interview with Sakurai:

Sakurai mentions that for him, just extending upon the previous Smash Bros games, putting in more characters, more levels, and improving the graphics because the hardware is higher spec, is not an option (in relation to the Wii U)

If Smash Bros is to grow and expand, it needs to do so in new ways. You guys are stuck in the past, use your imagination a bit.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
You probably did.

Out of curiosity, does anyone wanna see my BSC (Bull****e character) wishlist? =P You never know, you might see something you like. xD

EDIT: I wasn't talking about making the roster bigger and bigger. I don't understand though why people think it's a good plan to forsake the roster for custom characters and better gameplay, when the roster of all-stars is the point.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
@ Super Smash Bros. Fan

The females with the highest chances of getting in are the following from most likely to least likely:

1. Palutena
2. Medusa
3. Dixie Kong
4. Caeda
5. Krystal
6. Lyn

Nintendo is giving Toad(s) more and more prominent roles and playable roles as of late.

- the Toad Brigade in Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2
- the blue and yellow Toads in New Super Mario Bros. Wii and New Super Mario Bros. Mii
- a green Toad seems to be a new partner in Paper Mario 3DS (a first for the series)
- Toad is the only newcomer from the Mario series in Mario Sports Mix
- Mini-Toads in the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series

Also, what do you mean? We have yet to see a generic character in Smash? What about them? :yoshi2: :rob: :pikachu2: :squirtle: :ivysaur: :charizard: :lucario: :jigglypuff: :gw:


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Can you tell me how unique Captain Syrup really is? As far as I can tell, she has never engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Wario in her three appearances. In Wario Land, she just sicced a genie after Wario. In Wario Land 2, she fought Wario by piloting inside her mecha. In Shake It, she didn't do anything but sell maps to Wario.
She is, in pretty much your own words, a female pirate, who piloted a mecha and sell maps. Now please direct me to a character that is like that. Also, she did more then Captain Falcon did in his games to work out a moveset.

EDIT: And all Fox did before SSB was pilot a Arwing.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Well, here's my BSC.

- Chibi Robo. :3
- Neku Sakuraba
- Sho Minamimoto
- Daisuka... Daisuku... Ah fsk it. Beat.
- Taokaka!
- Arakune. We need someone slimey on the roster.
- Morte
- Kyrie. Hopefully nothing like that appalling anime remake of him... He was fine in the game.
- Trace!
- Destroyman. Oh yes.
- Death Sword!
- Darknut. Twilight Princess style.
- Ghor.
- Deoxys~
- Skull Kid.
- Geno, cuz why the hell not. :3
- Majora's Wrath.

BEFORE YOU COMPLAIN. This is a BSC (Bull****e Characters) list. Nobody on here has much of a chance, if any, of appearing in any Smash Bros. ever in the universe. But it'd be sexy awesome if they did!


Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2011
...And suddenly, I strongly feel that I want Isaac to be upgraded to character status. Hey, Golden Sun is a good game that needs some reps, right?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Well, here's my BSC.

- Chibi Robo. :3
- Neku Sakuraba
- Sho Minamimoto
- Daisuka... Daisuku... Ah fsk it. Beat.
- Taokaka!
- Arakune. We need someone slimey on the roster.
- Morte
- Kyrie. Hopefully nothing like that appalling anime remake of him... He was fine in the game.
- Trace!
- Destroyman. Oh yes.
- Death Sword!
- Darknut. Twilight Princess style.
- Ghor.
- Deoxys~
- Skull Kid.
- Geno, cuz why the hell not. :3
- Majora's Wrath.

BEFORE YOU COMPLAIN. This is a BSC (Bull****e Characters) list. Nobody on here has much of a chance, if any, of appearing in any Smash Bros. ever in the universe. But it'd be sexy awesome if they did!
Is Chibi Robo really that "out there" to be on this list?
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