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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Deleted member

There's a Tingle inside all of us, asage. To get rid of Tingle completely, you would need to wipe out humanity, including yourself.

EDIT: I take it my Eggman moveset will go on ignored...


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
There's a Tingle inside all of us, asage. To get rid of Tingle completely, you would need to wipe out humanity, including yourself.
Who said I'm part of this? :troll:

On the internet, no one can prove or disprove that your a giant zombie-like dragon that's eating everything you love and cherish, freezing first, obviously.

EDIT: I didn't even realize you posted it >_> Lemme look.

EDIT2: Ehh... 6/10. Mainly due to the grapple system.

I'll be posting my Rhydon (B)-moveset in my blog soon. Comment/Rate it there.

Deleted member

He is given multiple jumps and an ability to float like Peach in exchange for an Up Special recovery.

Up Special: Missile Launcher-A missile launcher pops out of the back of the Eggmobile, and strong missiles are launched to the sky and fly towards opponents. (Taken from Sonic Adventure 2)

This is what he could have.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
This is what he could have.
Right well im curious about the more detailed mechanics, how many rockets? are they homing? so this means he doesnt have a recovery up-b?

the idea is interesting and I ask cause im curious, as I try to imagine it in play.

Its a solid enough moveset btw

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Right well im curious about the more detailed mechanics, how many rockets? are they homing? so this means he doesnt have a recovery up-b?

the idea is interesting and I ask cause im curious, as I try to imagine it in play.

Its a solid enough moveset btw
No, he doesn't have one, remember at the beginning it said Robotnik would have the ability to jump multiple times and float at the expense of an Up B recovery

Nice moveset BTW Golden


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
No, he doesn't have one, remember at the beginning it said Robotnik would have the ability to jump multiple times and float at the expense of an Up B recovery
Ah, yeah sorry I skimmed through it, so that went right over my head, and I am kinda at work right now sooooo yeah, not super focused ;)


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2011
Buckhannon, West Virginia
I have a question about Robotnik. Would moves with hitboxes on the ground not affect him, since he floats (assuming his idle stance/walking animations have him floating)? I've wondered this about any prospective character that floats, whether or not they could be hit by Down Tilts and Smashes whose hitboxes are really close to the ground. It'd be nice to see what someone else things about it.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I decided to revamp my Kyurem boss plot, since it has the Black Kyurem and White Kyurem forms now.

[collapse=Kyurem Boss Battle]Being a Dragon/Ice-type Pokemon, Kyurem has access to some powerful attacks, which can be fatal to players. For its HP...

Very Easy: 300 HP
Easy: 350 HP
Normal: 400 HP
Hard: 450 HP
Very Hard: 500 HP
Intense: 600 HP

Basic Kyurem

For the first half of the battle, Kyurem will use its basic form. It'll constantly attack with Dragon Rage and Ice Beam, with the latter having freezing effects. It may also use Glaciate to make the battlefield slippery; this would obviously cause players to trip if they don't have good traction on ice. However, its most devastating attack is Outrage, where it will attempt to ram into players real hard. That attack can easily KO players instantly on the harder skill levels.

Kyurem will basically fly around the battlefield, and will stand still to attack. Also, when compared to Brawl Ridley, Kyurem will appear bigger than him. Basic Kyurem has the smallest body frame among all the Kyurem forms that are used.

When Kyurem loses half of its HP, it'll change into either Black Kyurem or White Kyurem. Which form it'll use is completely random, and it will even alternate forms as players continue to cripple its HP.

Black Kyurem

As Black Kyurem, Kyurem will not only utilize the same attacks it used in its basic form, but it'll also utilize a move called Freeze Shock. Freeze Shock does not cause flinching, but it does inflict heavy damage, AND it always gives affected players the paralysis effect; when paralyzed, the player will briefly flinch every 2 seconds, and take 2% damage for each flinch; the effects last for 15 seconds.

Black Kyurem also gains access to Dragon Claw, which it will use if players stay too close to it for too long.

In terms of movement, Black Kyurem is more prone to being at ground level than its basic form. It also appears bigger than its basic form.

Black Kyurem may also change into White Kyurem on random occasions.

White Kyurem

Just like with Black Kyurem, White Kyurem also uses the same attacks as Basic Kyurem, but it also has access to Ice Burn. Ice Burn, like Freeze Shock, doesn't cause flinching, but it too deals heavy damage, and it has the added effect of always leaving affected players burned; when burned, the player's direct attacks will deal half the damage they would normally cause, and for every second that passes, that player takes 1% damage; the effects last for 15 seconds.

White Kyurem also gains access to Dragon Pulse, which it will use if players are too far away for it to directly attack.

Like Black Kyurem, White Kyurem is also more prone to being on the ground than its basic form. It also appears taller than its basic form.

White Kyurem may also change into Black Kyurem on random occasions.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
Here is my newest roster. I posted one several pages back. I took things said against my other rosters that I posted here and at Gamefaqs into consideration. I'll explain why I chose each character and also get your opinions on some topics that are often debated and give my opinions as well. There's 50 characters, with nobody removed from Brawl and Mewtwo returning. This still isn't my final roster, since new games, characters, or even news on SSB4 could change things between now and then.

And a:

[COLLAPSE="Wall of Text"]

Bowser Jr. vs. Toad vs. Waluigi: These are the three Mario characters that I see most often and that I feel are the front runners. I chose Bowser Jr. because SSB needs more villains, he is the second most reoccuring villain in the Mario series, and he is still relevant. Now obviously I'm a Toad fan with my username being Toad Kart, but Toad has become less and less relevant and more and more generic over the years, so I don't think he has a good of a shot as Bowser Jr. does. Waluigi has yet to appear in a non-spinoff game so I don't think he is as likely either. Feel free to comment on this topic as well as any of the ones below.

K.Rool vs. Dixie: There's two options here the way I see it, either pair Dixie with Diddy and add K. Rool, or add one or the other. Both villains and females are under represented in the SSB series, and we can't really tell which one Sakurai feels is more important as in the past both were added at the same time(Peach and Bowser and Zelda and Ganondorf) unless you count Wolf being added before Krystal. I personally think villains are more important, and that K Rool has the bigger fan base. Neither were in DKC Returns, so one is not more relevant than the other at this time. K Rool has been in more of the main series games however, which is another reason I chose him over Dixie.

The new Zelda Rep: There are several different characters that I have seen in other rosters. Toon Zelda, Girahim, Vaati, Tingle, and Impa. I chose Girahim since he is the newest villain at the moment. Now of course if another Zelda game gets released before SSB4, then his chances would be much lower. Since it's likely that a new Zelda game will be released by then, this may just be more of a placeholder character.

The Ridley size argument: Some people think Ridley is too big to be added. But Sakurai even said while it might be hard to add him, if his team put in the effort they could make him work, but he might be a little slow. Since Ridley is a highly requested character and Metroid is in serious need of another character, I think he will be added.

Does F-Zero deserve two reps?: I think it does. It's the only series introduced in the first game that has yet to receive another character besides Yoshi(which is really just a spin-off from Mario). Yes, the series is currently dead, but with the amount of good characters that F-Zero has, it would be a shame not to add another. If a new F-Zero game comes out before SSB4, then the chances are very likely.

Black Shadow vs. Goroh: Goroh was an assist trophy in Brawl and has been in every F-Zero game, but Black Shadow is the villain of the F-Zero series and there's more than enough sword users already. If Ganondorf finally receives a new moveset, I could see Sakurai easily giving his old moveset to Black Shadow.

New series: There's several characters that could be added from series that currently don't have any representation like Tom Nook, Isaac, Ray, Saki, Starfy, and Little Mac. I have chosen Saki, Starfy, and Little Mac. All three were assist trophies in Brawl, Sin and Punishment and Starfy have now made their way overseas, and Punch Out got a new game on the Wii.

Does Star Fox deserve 4 reps?: Not neccessarily, but Krystal does have some things going for her. She's a female, could have a unique moveset, and still has a large fan base. Sakurai has added a new Star Fox character each time and seems to like the series. Her chances greatly improve if another Star Fox game gets released and she is in it.

Pokemon: Mewtwo just barely missed being in Brawl, and I think he will be back in SSB4. Zoroark is a popular choice right now, but by the time SSB4 comes out he will likely be old news, especially if generation 6 is out by then.

Does Fire Emblem deserve 3 reps?: I think it does. A new Fire Emblem game is coming out on the 3DS. Instead of adding Krom from that game, which would be yet another blue haired FE Lord, I went with the villain route and chose Black Knight. Since Ike is in, it would make sense for Black Knight to be in as well. Plus he has already gotten a trophy, stickers, and music in Brawl.

Does Kid Icarus deserve another rep?: Yes, with a new game coming out and it being made by Sakurai, I think another KI character is likely. I chose Medusa over Palutena because she is a villain and a female.

Retro: There are several popular choices here like Balloon Fighter, Mach Rider, Takamaru, and Mike Jones. I went with Balloon Fighter since he was actually planned for Melee but Sakurai couldn't think of a moveset at the time. I don't think it would be too hard to make one for him personally. Plus Balloon Fighter has already had an item and music in Melee.

3rd Party: I think the next obvious company and character is Capcom and Mega Man. He is very highly requested and has a good history with Nintendo.

WTF: Sakurai has added a WTF character each time with Mr. Game & Watch and ROB, and I think Sukapon would fit that role well. Sukapon was in Nintendo's very first fighting game, so it would be pretty fitting.

Cuts vs. no cuts: Most people don't want any cuts from what I've noticed. While Brawl cut 5 from Melee, it was due to time constraints and besides Mewtwo, only characters that were added to Melee just to beef up the roster size were cut. Personally, I wouldn't mind a few characters being cut like Toon Link, Lucas, Lucario, and Ike, but I've kept them regardless. I still think it's possible there may be some cuts though.

DLC: DLC was highly requested for Brawl, and now that Nintendo is finally on board with DLC, I think it is likely there will be some DLC for SSB4. A lot of fighting games add characters as DLC, so SSB4 could too. But how many would be added? Most people expect the roster size to be somewhere around 50 characters, and if DLC characters are added the roster could reach close to 60 which is quite a large roster. Then you also have the argument about SSB5 not having very many worthwile newcomers if they are all added as DLC in SSB4. But I think by that point, the roster would have to be downsized and a big change would have to be made to the SSB formula.

Thanks for checking out my roster!



Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
I decided to revamp my Kyurem boss plot, since it has the Black Kyurem and White Kyurem forms now.

[collapse=Kyurem Boss Battle]Being a Dragon/Ice-type Pokemon, Kyurem has access to some powerful attacks, which can be fatal to players. For its HP...

Very Easy: 300 HP
Easy: 350 HP
Normal: 400 HP
Hard: 450 HP
Very Hard: 500 HP
Intense: 600 HP

Basic Kyurem

For the first half of the battle, Kyurem will use its basic form. It'll constantly attack with Dragon Rage and Ice Beam, with the latter having freezing effects. It may also use Glaciate to make the battlefield slippery; this would obviously cause players to trip if they don't have good traction on ice. However, its most devastating attack is Outrage, where it will attempt to ram into players real hard. That attack can easily KO players instantly on the harder skill levels.

Kyurem will basically fly around the battlefield, and will stand still to attack. Also, when compared to Brawl Ridley, Kyurem will appear bigger than him. Basic Kyurem has the smallest body frame among all the Kyurem forms that are used.

When Kyurem loses half of its HP, it'll change into either Black Kyurem or White Kyurem. Which form it'll use is completely random, and it will even alternate forms as players continue to cripple its HP.

Black Kyurem

As Black Kyurem, Kyurem will not only utilize the same attacks it used in its basic form, but it'll also utilize a move called Freeze Shock. Freeze Shock does not cause flinching, but it does inflict heavy damage, AND it always gives affected players the paralysis effect; when paralyzed, the player will briefly flinch every 2 seconds, and take 2% damage for each flinch; the effects last for 15 seconds.

Black Kyurem also gains access to Dragon Claw, which it will use if players stay too close to it for too long.

In terms of movement, Black Kyurem is more prone to being at ground level than its basic form. It also appears bigger than its basic form.

Black Kyurem may also change into White Kyurem on random occasions.

White Kyurem

Just like with Black Kyurem, White Kyurem also uses the same attacks as Basic Kyurem, but it also has access to Ice Burn. Ice Burn, like Freeze Shock, doesn't cause flinching, but it too deals heavy damage, and it has the added effect of always leaving affected players burned; when burned, the player's direct attacks will deal half the damage they would normally cause, and for every second that passes, that player takes 1% damage; the effects last for 15 seconds.

White Kyurem also gains access to Dragon Pulse, which it will use if players are too far away for it to directly attack.

Like Black Kyurem, White Kyurem is also more prone to being on the ground than its basic form. It also appears taller than its basic form.

White Kyurem may also change into Black Kyurem on random occasions.
I didn't even know you made one to begin with >_> I've been working on a moveset/boss. It's not bad, yours.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
You can make a moveset for anyone, so I'd agree with gold on this one...
I still say this is only true to a certain extent. When you're adding machine guns to a Nintendog, meaning it's completely out of character, it just ends up where you're playing as that character in name only. Then there's whether or not you can create a non-bland moveset for that character and that can typically be done even if it's the same concept in motion. For example, Melee Marth's specials and normals were all slashing motions save for his USmash yet he has a very diverse moveset and one of the series' best characters. A sword user may not be the best example though as there are many swords and sword fighting styles.
Beats me. As great as Brawl's is, Melee was done by one composer if I recall so there was a unity amongst Melee's songs. Brawl had over twenty composers and with that comes twenty different styles and feels.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2011
Buckhannon, West Virginia
When it comes to rosters, I must say that I have no idea where the idea that we're getting 15 newcomers max comes from. I mean, I myself say all the time that it's really difficult to predict what Sakurai's going to do, but most people point to the total number of characters from game to game and ignore the number of newcomers added.

Smash Bros. 64 - 12 Characters

Smash Bros. Melee - 25 Characters (Added 13 Newcomers)

Smash Bros. Brawl - 35 Characters (Added 15 Newcomers, Removed 5 Characters from Melee Counting the Young Link/Toon Link swap as a Cut/Newcomer)

I think Sonic caused something of a panic. They weren't planning on him, and Sakurai suddenly decided to add him. Thus the delay. Had Sonic not been such a big draw on development resources, I think we honestly could've seen a couple more newcomers in his place, maybe taking the Brawl Newcomer count to 17ish (maybe some of the Forbidden 7, maybe not).

With everyone not wanting/not expecting a terrible amount of cuts, why is there a general idea that we're only getting 15 newcomers? If nobody gets the cut, that would bring us to a total of 50 (which is what I'm seeing a lot of). I mean, I'm not saying we're getting a sh*tload, but I'd wager that we'll get more than we got in Brawl. I mean, these games are a huge deal, and they're for a very powerful machine. I'm gonna be a crazy motherf*cker and say we'll get 20 Newcomers for a total of 55. Cuts factor into the total roster size as well as delays, so that isn't terribly crazy.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Does anyone besides me think Yoko Shimomura should do the music for the next game? I know she did a handful of the tracks, but I love her work enough to have her do the whole game's music.

And for a little bit of trivia. She composed the famous character themes from Street Fighter II.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2011
Buckhannon, West Virginia

*Image Removed Due To Fakeness*

This is a thing.

Leaving the link, cause the news is still relevant. It needs to be made clear that the mothereffing image is fanart. News sites are not where fanart belongs.

@Golden I just read that. It really rustles my jimmies.

Deleted member

@Harupia and Metal: Thanks!

@Kuma: You mean to tell me that Guile's Theme was made by her? Epic.

@Breadbug: That's fanart.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
@Kuma: You mean to tell me that Guile's Theme was made by her? Epic.
Her range is all over the place if you look at the games she's worked on. I don't know if she wrote Guile's Theme specifically, but it does fit her style which is that her themes express a subtle message. Don't know if she did the arranged one that's used in meme videos.

Also, this is one reason why I love her work.


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
I am really exited for the game,when do you guys expect this to come out?since they said maybe 5 years it could be 2017 (OUCH,THAT'S LONG) but I would like it for 2015!And you?

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
The main thing that bugs me about Meloetta is that it's genderless. You'd think that it would be a 100% female Pokemon, like Cresselia.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Yeah, I know, I read the OP about five times already. You misinterpretin' the quote, my man, they said if Sakurai doesn't get enough a big enough team of developers to help him make the game, THEN he would have take a small term and develop it for 5 years


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
The main thing that bugs me about Meloetta is that it's genderless. You'd think that it would be a 100% female Pokemon, like Cresselia.
Meloetta's a ******.

That was a joke. Sakurai said that he could have a couple of people work on it together and have it out in five years. It was about getting a large team together to make Smash.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Meloetta's a ******.
At least in Gardevoir's case, Gallade was made to be its male counterpart. However, Gallade's inclusion doesn't change the fact that Gardevoir can be either gender, which, in my opinion, doesn't make much sense; Gardevoir looks too feminine to be male.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
@Mypantsaregone: We haven't really seen any news yet; I'm hoping for a trailer at E3, personally.

@Shortie: Here's my rooster.

I'm keeping that typo.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2011
Buckhannon, West Virginia
At least in Gardevoir's case, Gallade was made to be its male counterpart. However, Gallade's inclusion doesn't change the fact that Gardevoir can be either gender, which, in my opinion, doesn't make much sense; Gardevoir looks too feminine to be male.
When I play Pokemon, I will literally not catch any Pokemon in the wild whose gender isn't what I imagine is the dominant one of the species. When I played Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald as a kid, I would literally walk around outside Petalburg City for hours looking for a female Ralts. If I found a male, I'd run. Do you have any idea how rare Ralts are? DO YOU?

@Opossum I enjoy this roster.

I have added my roster to my blog (link in sig, except on this silly post). View only if you want to start a fistfight with me, as that is surely what will happen. I must warn you, I am a little sissy baby and will cry when you make fun of my roster. Just preparing you.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
When I play Pokemon, I will literally not catch any Pokemon in the wild whose gender isn't what I imagine is the dominant one of the species. When I played Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald as a kid, I would literally walk around outside Petalburg City for hours looking for a female Ralts. If I found a male, I'd run. Do you have any idea how rare Ralts are? DO YOU?
I know exactly what you're saying, since I do own the Emerald version. At least generation 4 has a sensible reason to catch a male Ralts.

@Opossum: My only real complaint about that roster is Ghirahim. Remove him, and it'll look much better.


Smash Cadet
Dec 11, 2011
Here is my newest roster. I posted one several pages back. I took things said against my other rosters that I posted here and at Gamefaqs into consideration. I'll explain why I chose each character and also get your opinions on some topics that are often debated and give my opinions as well. There's 50 characters, with nobody removed from Brawl and Mewtwo returning. This still isn't my final roster, since new games, characters, or even news on SSB4 could change things between now and then.

And a:

[COLLAPSE="Wall of Text"]

Bowser Jr. vs. Toad vs. Waluigi: These are the three Mario characters that I see most often and that I feel are the front runners. I chose Bowser Jr. because SSB needs more villains, he is the second most reoccuring villain in the Mario series, and he is still relevant. Now obviously I'm a Toad fan with my username being Toad Kart, but Toad has become less and less relevant and more and more generic over the years, so I don't think he has a good of a shot as Bowser Jr. does. Waluigi has yet to appear in a non-spinoff game so I don't think he is as likely either. Feel free to comment on this topic as well as any of the ones below.

K.Rool vs. Dixie: There's two options here the way I see it, either pair Dixie with Diddy and add K. Rool, or add one or the other. Both villains and females are under represented in the SSB series, and we can't really tell which one Sakurai feels is more important as in the past both were added at the same time(Peach and Bowser and Zelda and Ganondorf) unless you count Wolf being added before Krystal. I personally think villains are more important, and that K Rool has the bigger fan base. Neither were in DKC Returns, so one is not more relevant than the other at this time. K Rool has been in more of the main series games however, which is another reason I chose him over Dixie.

The new Zelda Rep: There are several different characters that I have seen in other rosters. Toon Zelda, Girahim, Vaati, Tingle, and Impa. I chose Girahim since he is the newest villain at the moment. Now of course if another Zelda game gets released before SSB4, then his chances would be much lower. Since it's likely that a new Zelda game will be released by then, this may just be more of a placeholder character.

The Ridley size argument: Some people think Ridley is too big to be added. But Sakurai even said while it might be hard to add him, if his team put in the effort they could make him work, but he might be a little slow. Since Ridley is a highly requested character and Metroid is in serious need of another character, I think he will be added.

Does F-Zero deserve two reps?: I think it does. It's the only series introduced in the first game that has yet to receive another character besides Yoshi(which is really just a spin-off from Mario). Yes, the series is currently dead, but with the amount of good characters that F-Zero has, it would be a shame not to add another. If a new F-Zero game comes out before SSB4, then the chances are very likely.

Black Shadow vs. Goroh: Goroh was an assist trophy in Brawl and has been in every F-Zero game, but Black Shadow is the villain of the F-Zero series and there's more than enough sword users already. If Ganondorf finally receives a new moveset, I could see Sakurai easily giving his old moveset to Black Shadow.

New series: There's several characters that could be added from series that currently don't have any representation like Tom Nook, Isaac, Ray, Saki, Starfy, and Little Mac. I have chosen Saki, Starfy, and Little Mac. All three were assist trophies in Brawl, Sin and Punishment and Starfy have now made their way overseas, and Punch Out got a new game on the Wii.

Does Star Fox deserve 4 reps?: Not neccessarily, but Krystal does have some things going for her. She's a female, could have a unique moveset, and still has a large fan base. Sakurai has added a new Star Fox character each time and seems to like the series. Her chances greatly improve if another Star Fox game gets released and she is in it.

Pokemon: Mewtwo just barely missed being in Brawl, and I think he will be back in SSB4. Zoroark is a popular choice right now, but by the time SSB4 comes out he will likely be old news, especially if generation 6 is out by then.

Does Fire Emblem deserve 3 reps?: I think it does. A new Fire Emblem game is coming out on the 3DS. Instead of adding Krom from that game, which would be yet another blue haired FE Lord, I went with the villain route and chose Black Knight. Since Ike is in, it would make sense for Black Knight to be in as well. Plus he has already gotten a trophy, stickers, and music in Brawl.

Does Kid Icarus deserve another rep?: Yes, with a new game coming out and it being made by Sakurai, I think another KI character is likely. I chose Medusa over Palutena because she is a villain and a female.

Retro: There are several popular choices here like Balloon Fighter, Mach Rider, Takamaru, and Mike Jones. I went with Balloon Fighter since he was actually planned for Melee but Sakurai couldn't think of a moveset at the time. I don't think it would be too hard to make one for him personally. Plus Balloon Fighter has already had an item and music in Melee.

3rd Party: I think the next obvious company and character is Capcom and Mega Man. He is very highly requested and has a good history with Nintendo.

WTF: Sakurai has added a WTF character each time with Mr. Game & Watch and ROB, and I think Sukapon would fit that role well. Sukapon was in Nintendo's very first fighting game, so it would be pretty fitting.

Cuts vs. no cuts: Most people don't want any cuts from what I've noticed. While Brawl cut 5 from Melee, it was due to time constraints and besides Mewtwo, only characters that were added to Melee just to beef up the roster size were cut. Personally, I wouldn't mind a few characters being cut like Toon Link, Lucas, Lucario, and Ike, but I've kept them regardless. I still think it's possible there may be some cuts though.

DLC: DLC was highly requested for Brawl, and now that Nintendo is finally on board with DLC, I think it is likely there will be some DLC for SSB4. A lot of fighting games add characters as DLC, so SSB4 could too. But how many would be added? Most people expect the roster size to be somewhere around 50 characters, and if DLC characters are added the roster could reach close to 60 which is quite a large roster. Then you also have the argument about SSB5 not having very many worthwile newcomers if they are all added as DLC in SSB4. But I think by that point, the roster would have to be downsized and a big change would have to be made to the SSB formula.

Thanks for checking out my roster!

1/10, only because you put Krystal before Dixie. Donkey Kong will not be under-represented by a less selling and less popular series.
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