Have THINGS changed much since the old thread? Mostly the roster predictions. I figure the rosters we come up with now only differ mostly in that Palutena/Medusa are big contenders. Then there's Chrome.
Shulk too I guess?
How many were completely surprised when it was announced Sm4sh would be for both the WiiU and 3DS?
Changed? Hmmm, well here:
- Character Speculation has changed (Duh)
- Big names used to show up frequently in the old thread (Toise, Chu, Kuma, Pieman, ect)
- The speculation there was less silly than it is here.
- The pace of the thread was SLUG SLOW
Umm other than a few more things I can't think of, they were similar. Just slower, and smarter was the other thread. I mean, less newcomers, even LESS who stick around (Because you got ignored). It was more exclusive in that sense....
which is why I like SSB4 discussion group. Where I want Oasis to be.
I was suprised, definitely. I was totally expecting SSB news, for either system (More for the Wii U, for obvious reasons) but both was something I never would have expected.