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New Game Modes? Save Videos!


Oct 21, 2002
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then can a movie render us speechless? Movies (motion pictures) have captivated the world. The way ideas and action can be communicated in a dynamic, visual, framed perspective is quite remarkable. At the theater we can find stories of the most epic proportions unfold before our very eyes. And now, personal video recorders are common place in consumer America. Why just take a picture, when I can capture the moment in sound and motion? If I’m going to capture a moment in life, then why not in my games too?
<p align="center"> <img src="http://smashboards.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/brawl-video-mode.jpg" height="398" width="405" /></p>
Halo 3 has taken a revolutionary approach to capturing matches. But instead of sparing more words on the matter, I’ll just let you watch it for yourself. <a href="http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/14942">WATCH</a>.

If you’re thinking that Halo 3’s Vidoc is next gen, and there’s no way Brawl would be able to do something like that especially considering it’s on the Wii, then I invite you reflect on this list…. <!--more-->
<li>Tony Hawk DS (Save Score attack runs and share them on the internet)</li>
<li>The Mokey Ball Series: GC, Wii (After any single player level, hit pause and save a replay)</li>
<li>The Mario Kart Series: N64, GBA, GC, DS(Time Trial ghost saves. Share with friends and they can compete against your memories, or rather, your dust trail.)</li>
<li>Forza Motorsport: 360(Race and Watch. This game even saves multiplayer matches)</li>
<li>Boogie Wii (Music video editor that allows you to add effects, text, and make cuts to jazz things up. And we all know, with gameplay like this, everything needs some jazzing.)</li>
<li>Skate: 360/PS3 (Edit video clips of your Skate runs, and upload it to the web)</li>
Each of these games has some kind of video save feature. Some of them are GBA games, some N64, some Gamecube, some Wii, some 360, and some PS3. Clearly, this feature has been done (at least in part) in previous generations. This feature is not about processing power.Basically, if the little GBA Mario Kart (which is personally one of my favorites) can save game videos, then Brawl can surely do the same.
<li>Halo3’s Vidoc was difficult to implement because game is played in expansive 3D environments that have many layers and players running around trying to kill each other. Unlike Halo3, Brawl has a maximum of four players that must fight in a relatively limited space.</li>
<li>The file sizes for Halo3 matches that range from 7-15 minutes are about 8mb. This isn’t too large even for Wii’s paltry memory capabilities. Further more, Smash matches don’t typically run as long.</li>
<li>Smash seems to have a lot less data to be accounted for. Halo3’s Vidoc records every rotation of every dropped grenade, every collision of every rag doll animation, every dead body, and every bird that flies by in the entire match. Even if Smash needed to save such detailed data, we already know Sakurai has cleverly allowed for information to be saved directly onto the SD card, so file size wouldn’t be a problem.</li>
<li>All the camera features are already implemented into Brawl’s pause and screen shot functions. It’s like everything is already set up.</li>
We all know that Brawl is online. For those of you who aren’t technically savvy, allow me to break down how games communicate online. Whenever you do something to affect the game (ie, manipulating your character) your system quickly organizes the data into a packet. This packet is then sent across the internet. The other system reads the packet and makes the change accordingly. In other words it’s like playing Chess with your Dad from another room. Dad can move your pieces for you as long as you send him the right information regarding what pieces to move where. In this case the packet would be something like like “Pawn to D4.” The person sitting at the chess board is like the host system/computer in an online game. He’s in charge of making sure that all the right moves are set at the right times.The reason I explained how systems communicate online is, because Brawl is online, the game is already built to communicate in little efficient packets of information that can be easily transported. So my reasoning is, if these packets can be easily transported, then perhaps they can be easily saved and replayed. Honestly, if Brawl can send the data all around the world, then why can’t it send the data into the flash memory or the SD card. The extra processing power needed to do this would be minimal because the data for each packet is small and efficient. Remember my Pawn to D4 packet? You can simplify this packet even further to just D4. Check out this <a href="http://www.logicalchess.com/resources/lc/logical01frameset.html">entire Chess game</a>.

As my final point, I’d like to suggest a feature that not even Halo3 could implement. Let’s say you’re watching a Brawl save video of you versus your brother. You’re both down to your last stock and somehow, he scrapes away with the win. As you’re reviewing the video, you find that critical moment when you should have shield-grabbed, and, because you didn’t, the tables were turned against you. You pause the video and think, “I wish I would have shield-grabbed.”

What if you could go back and change the outcome? I’m not talking about time travel. As you replay the video in Brawl, the game would actually run the match in real time. The only difference is, you’re watching it instead of playing it. What if you could pause the video, take up your controller, and play from any part. I call this feature <strong>Second Chance.</strong> With this feature, you can not only view your mistakes, but learn from them by playing through those moments over again. If you don’t have anyone else to play with at the moment, you can plug computer AI for the other players. Ideally, you’ll be able to call your brother over, start up the match from that critical point, shield-grab and gain the win over your brother…. that is… until he goes back in the footage to over throw you.

Seems too futuristic? Or are you just speechless? I know I’m holding my breath for features like these. And if we get them, then words will not be able to express my joy.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
If Brawl actually had this feature then my Video Smash Nexus would become godly since EVERYONE would be uploading videos (no longer needing special equipment aside from an SD card).


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2007
San Jose, CA
hmm very interesting, i like the way you think. I wonder if sakurai would take into consideration idead of others? especially if they do not livr in JAPAN!! jeez


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Maybe a recording feature is that blurred out image on the update for snapshots. It could say something like "Start recording" or w/e. Who knows?


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2006
Livermore, CA
Of course since H3 has been out people wanted this feature in Brawl.
What compels me is the explanation on the packets for online and your comparison to a chess game. That was very very interesting. This shows that recording video doesn't seem that hard and should be added.

The second chance mode seems harder to do though. The part about inserting AI over your brother will of course lead to different results.
The AI would be inferior to your brother or the AI would have to copy your brother's style which doesn't seem quite possible.

Good stuff though. Keep it up.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2006
Livermore, CA
Some guy said it was a button that sends screen shots to this official screen shot contest thing.
Or had to do with the voting channel.
And he said he had a inside source.
That's just this guy. Not me.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2006
Atl, Ga.
I don't think that blurred out portion is video, but I do think Brawl will record matches with the option to save. I hope you can rewind while paused, because nobody pauses the game at the precise moment they want to take a screen shot.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2007
I hope this will come, but wasn't there something in Melee that you could use to look around at the arena and zoom on characters?


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
man if brawl did something like this, it would be amazing. the thing is, it would be extremely hard with the lack of a HDD in the wii, and only using limited amounts of flash memory. i mean, even if you had like say a 2gb sd card or something, you'd still run out fast.


Oct 21, 2002
man if brawl did something like this, it would be amazing. the thing is, it would be extremely hard with the lack of a HDD in the wii, and only using limited amounts of flash memory. i mean, even if you had like say a 2gb sd card or something, you'd still run out fast.
Running out of space wouldn't be a problem. A simple system like they have in Halo3 would work just fine.

Halo3 automatically saves the last 15 videos (or is it 25?). When you get another vid, it automatically deletes the oldest video unless you have that particular video marked. Even with the xbox360 Hard Drive, this system is necessary for keeping things from cluttering up.

I would doubt the Brawl file sizes would be over 1mb, which is completely reasonable even considering Wii small memory size.

I bought a 2gb SD card. It's big enough. If I need more room, I can always back up the data on my computer.

And still, the point is not to save every match you'll ever play.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2007
New York
Come guys, we just have to give Brawl a Second Chance.

The whole video replay/saving really isn't new to the video game and I'm not even worrying if it's going to be in or not because it would be stupid of Sakurai to not put it in, especially with all the extra time. The Second chance idea is pretty new and I think would be amazing if it actually was put into Brawl. Especially if me and one of my friends has a great game going and all of a sudden one or both of us SD. We could just finish that game and replay the match from the point before we SD'd.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
Well with today's update I'd have to call you a smash game mode prophet. You came up with the ideas of a more in depth story mode, photo shoot attached in game as well as saving videos. Really Kirbykid I'm starting to think that you helped make this game, lol.


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2007

You were on the money man with tidays update you can record gmaeplay replays only 3 minutes but still its better than nothing.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
omg...remember the blurred out pic for the unknown game mode? look at the lower have at the last screen. the mode is gone now.

Woh he's right. In the first pic if u look at the bottom u can see that a menu is overlaying the 2nd pic. And in the first pic the blurred isnt there O_o


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
I would doubt the Brawl file sizes would be over 1mb.
r u kidding me? almost all of the virtual console games are way over that even. 1mb is nothing......at all. the vids are without a doubt going to be a lot more than that dude, do our research.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
r u kidding me? almost all of the virtual console games are way over that even. 1mb is nothing......at all. the vids are without a doubt going to be a lot more than that dude, do our research.
The wii will have it's own format only viewable on wii's most likely. But with are luck we will get some guy out there that can convert the wii video files to .avi or something. But i highly doubt they will be avi due to the size of those video files. They can EASILY compress them. For example mupen64 can record files around (I think) 21 kb's. But when they get converted there HUGE. There for you need to do the more research ;)

Edit : Did anyone notice this quote!?

Sakurai said:
This time, you can view replays. What this means is, the game records what you did in brawls or in Target Smash and lets you review it."
Kirbykid rules =D


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond

Woh he's right. In the first pic if u look at the bottom u can see that a menu is overlaying the 2nd pic. And in the first pic the blurred isnt there O_o
Answer: Two different screens

Look at the top screen. The border has film reel holes, the bottom one doesn't. They probably look very identical, but I'm sure are accessed by different means. The pink icon is probably for picture editing or doodling on your picture or stickering your picture or something. You wouldn't be able to do something like that on video.

Also, I just noticed that there are buttons sticking out of the sides of the window in the "video" screen. (Play/Pause, Rewind, Fast-Forward, Stop, Slow?)


Smash Ace
Sep 11, 2007
Waiting for someone to play with
Dyce wins. It was close, Sakurai, but you'll never escape the "eagle eyes" of SWF-ers. :psycho:
The layout of the menu looks really alike.

I was wondering: Would it be like...

1. A specific mode where the match is instantly saved,

2. Normal VS Mode, but then you can start recording via pause screen,

3. Choose whether to save or not at the end of each match.

EDIT: I'll FLIP if Brawl has video editing included!


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
DUUUDE! After today's update, replay files are looking much more possible! However, the 3-minute limit is mildly discouraging. >_>


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Oh, shoot.

I can already see myself spamming my friends with extremely boring videos. Just to waste their time.

I can't wait.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
MK silliness aside, it's going to be quite interesting having the ability to save videos. I can't wait!
Neither can I. I'm gonna save ALL of our fights Aeris. And then in the ones where I completely **** you, I'm going to watch again and again and again, and then I'll take snapshots and send them to you!

OMG! Can you do that? Take snapshots within your replays?


Smash Rookie
Mar 16, 2007
White Rock, B.C.
I could see the system being (a possible explanation for Sakurai's comment)

Sakurai said:
This time, you can view replays. What this means is, the game records what you did in brawls or in Target Smash and lets you review it."
This, plus the information of 3 minute videos, may mean this:

Brawl records your full matches, then places it in a "recent matches" section. The Brawler can, later on, access those temporarily saved matches and extract video clips from it, to a maximum of 3 minutes.

I don't quite understand how the 3 minute system would work in any other situation. (Unless you have a 5th (?!?) player controlling the filming feature in the middle of a live match...)


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
However it works, I just hope we can somehow store full matches regardless of their length and file size.
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