olimar has options to get his opponents away from him, them being close can be bad for him but not as bad as you say it is, olimar is still a viable character up close. and at low percents dthrow to fair is guaranteed, no matter what your opponent does. dthrow to usmash is nearly, and if you read them right you can get in a uair and then juggle, on top of that there is an insane amount of dthrow combos that pwn but aren't always guaranteed but hit a crap ton of the time. His nair is good, a land canceled one can combo straight into an usmash and other things as well. His attacks have plenty of priority, idk what you are talking about. Yellows have godly priority with almost every attack, and if a good olimar needs priority then they can get their yellows quite quickly. Olimar's red aerials kick major butt, his whites rack up insane amounts of damage when thrown and grab pummels, WHISTLE IS FREAKING AMAZING, does wario have super armor whenever he freaking wants to have it? didnt think so, fsmash cant be used very much by wario because he's in the air all the time, but olimar can use whistle whenever he wants to. purples kill so freaking early with fresh usmash, and they can easily keep opponents away by fsmashing or throwing them. Opponents rarely get close enough to olimar to harm him that much, and when they do get close then olimar can either **** them with a quick usmash, retreating pivot grab, sheild then usmash OoS, shield grab, dajay his close range options are way better than you think they are.
His grab combos are very good whether most of them are guaranteed or not, i hit with them over 50% of the time, and if i miss i will very rarely get punished for it because of my other options, but usually i don't go for them if i know they wont hit, if they di away from the dthrow then oli can just camp them some more or dash and read their airdodge/jump and do crap from there.
Olimar deserves where he is, and his weaknesses are very minor compared to his strengths. i understand why he isn't A tier but he definitely doesnt need to go down any farther, and if you still say that he does then talk to the BBR, they were the ones that found him to be a good character and decided to move him.