Does Ness have any auto-combos on high tiers (other than obvious crap like DJC uair stuff). I ask because comboing at my best, Ness can chain like 3 hits before it's escapable by a tech or DI.
I'd also like to bring up the topic of stages. We all know that Corneria is amazing, but are there better stages when considering if the other player can infinite combo against a wall. Often people dismiss that stuff, but look at scotu's combo video, and you will see a fox that lives in the same room as me that can potentially pin me to a wall indefinately.
Also: general strategies. Do you find it to be advantageous to be campy, chase for pressure's sake, medium range (just out of PK fire range) or super close range? Does Ness like to stay close to the ground, or hang out at full jump height?