I was just asking if it was possible to get like 40 damage solely from needle camping.
lol, i guess you could if you are really really patient
im not, u use it to draw them to you in a fairly obvious way, then store your charge and **** them somehow
although i find it very easy to always sneak in one full charge per stock, easy to do if you can read when your opponent will dash away.
the trick i was telling tec about has alot more variety than what he said, and that wasnt even the one i told him.
what u do is..... you short hop to space an aerial, fair or bair, u can read that before u close in they can dash away and will likely try to dd grab your aerial. instead of aerial, u fastfall and tap b (while in the air) this starts an aerial needle but due to the fastfall u hit the ground during the startup and it turns into a standing needle. if u had a full charge u likely just hit them in the back with a full charge as they ran away.
(only useful with a bunch of needles, otherwise u r better off doing an empty sh run away, waveland back, or dj away)
no tricky timing necessary from a shorthop, just tap b after the fastfall. if u do it from a fullhop u have to hold b a split second then release.
u can do this from bair spacing too by fastfall reverse needling (and they usually wont expect needles out of your bair)
thats the vid i made a while ago when i figured out the stuff, its just a matter of getting the timing down of fastfalling and pressing b, or rolling down and to the other side to fastfall reverse, and there are alot of applications and variety.
like u can fastfall hold the charge and then just store it for instance