Well actually Pinnacle was only ment for backing up DVDs and personal recordings of Real life, So naturally they only record at 30 FPS. However, Each game nowadays play at 60 FPS, So no matter what the quality is always deteriorated, Interlaced, Or just weird. I have both a Dazzle and a Movie box, and I must say, Each capture card from Pinnacle is the exact same thing. Only difference between a movie box and a Dazzle is that a Movie box only works with Pinnacle Studios and it has a Loop Feature. Heres a video I made using the Movie box ( Which is supposed to be superior to a Dazzle ) :
Now there's nothing wrong with them, I mean no matter what people can still see exactly what's going on, but the quality is still just terrible compared to what it originally was.
I use a Hauppauge HD PVR 1212. Can record both 30 FPS and 60 FPS, Supports Composite(AV Cables), S-Video Cables, and Component cables with a Loop feature. H.264 Format. Has an IR Blaster and Remote Control, and Supports Surround Sound.