o, but pp does not get the reference. he should be informed
DJ, being the awesome smasher that he is, takes a little interest in my life outside of smash, which is why I have mad respect for him. Anyways, I mentioned that I've been trying out for acappella groups, *yes, I try to sing. I suck, but how else am I gonna get better?* and he's even given me pointers.
I THINK that DJ does a little singing himself, and he suggested we do it together sometime.
When I was ****** him/theo with my newly upgraded peach, he started singing something, and we *including theo* passed it around. I asked him what we should sing. he was like idk. i made something up on the spot, and he was like "what the **** was that?"
I was like .."idk, negro spiritual?"
tl;dr - DJ cares. He supports me singing. . . . Negro spirituals.