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Nana and the Footstool of Doom AKA Camp Natfod (Canada) Results.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2008

*Watches. Writes down notes. Critiques himself.*


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

Unfortunately....now I have to witness myself getting ***** over and over again. Jarred, next time!!!

But I still love you, you can have my fries again as well, LOLOL.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2009
hey 5ive sorry didn't mean to i meant what i said in a playful kind of way, i really do wanna play your pikachu again though its pretty good


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
I had a really good time here, and I'm glad everyone thinks my Yoshi is good and improved. I was feeling a little bit discouraged there, after I was knocked out of pools. :(

I think I should've made it to brackets. I was beating people who were using their mains in friendlies, and therefore that means I could've done it in a Tournament match, right?

I got really hard pools opponents, all of whom countered my poor little Yoshi. :cry:

Ah well, I'll get better luck next time. >D

Yay, now for shoutouts...

Mikey7: Good ****. I really enjoyed this Tournament, and it's all primarily thanks to you. I hope I can meet you again. You're a really cool guy. =) Nice Marth, by the way.

Carter: Thanks for the television. I also wanted to say your Samus is ****ing amazing. I never faced you, but I can't believe how well you've mastered her.

5ive: <3. Lol, you're a really cool kid. I enjoyed the friendlies, and I agree we should've had more. I'm looking forward to meeting you in the future. You have an amazing Pikachu!

Ally: You're too ****. Get out there and kick the **** out of Mew2King, LOL. You make us Canadians proud with your Snake. <3 Thanks for the gum also. You're also a really cool dude. Your T-shirt was made of win.

ZedF: You're a really awesome dude. I enjoyed all of my matches with you, and hope we can meet again in the future. You also have a really good Ganondorf, keep it up! ;) Just TALK LOUDER NEXT TIME, LOLOL. <3

PoisonMist: I never played you, but you have a kickass Luigi. Keep it up, you did really well in the Tournament.

Gi: Man, you are one cool dude. =D I enjoyed meeting you, and your Wario is something special. Don't worry though, my Yoshi will Infinite ChainGrab you one day. =D Hope we can meet again.

Dimmy: Your Meta Knight knocked me out of pools. Meanie. :( I hope I can meet you again. You seem like a pretty nice guy.

NikoK: Dude, you were like, exhausted. STOP GOING TO TOURNAMENTS AND SLEEP FOR ONCE LOL. <3 Lol @ you telling me about Drk.Pch. I want to face your Peach one day. =)

Pho: You're a really cool guy. You're funny as hell too. You have an amazing Toon Link, it really impressed me. Hope we can face each other again.

Zephramrill: I never meant to insult you, you're really good. I sounded like a jack and I'm sorry. :( For someone who hasn't played in forever, you're pretty good. Can you start holding casuals again? D:

Kuenzel: Holy ****ing ****, you have the best ZSS I've ever witnessed. I couldn't stop your armour-throwing spam mindgames. :( Overall, you're a really awesome guy and I enjoyed hanging out with you. Hope we can meet again. <3 AND I WAS SAYING SNAKE TAKES MORE SKILL THAN METAKNIGHT, LOL.

Fool: Nice Falco. It looked like you were Wavedashing with that lazer-spamming LOL. Nice meeting you, and I enjoyed the friendlies with you.

Percon: Amazing Kirby. You always impress everyone. Nice work placing 3rd.

KingAce: Lol, I swear this man is bare pimping. Fresh clothes, fresh shoes, fresh MetaKnight, and a whole ****load of money in his wallet. =O Good job placing 2nd.

F1ZZ: Lol, I 3-stocked your little brother. Improve your Lucario, you're pretty decent.

lkp4: Nice Snake, made my life a hell of a lot harder. :(

Shifu/Pk-ow!/Fool: Awesome Captain Falcon Doubles mindgame ******. Also to anyone else who had C.Falcon singles dittos, those were amazingly fun. Falcon dittos are the best thing about Brawl.

PG2: Sorry about 2-stocking you. =P Egg Spam can get annoying, lol. Nice Peach though, I'm looking forward to facing you again in the future. ;D

DUY: Nice R.O.B., you're pretty sick with him. Expect me and you to face again. =D

LeaF: Hey man, it was nice meeting you. You're pretty chill, and I enjoyed hanging out with you and having friendlies. You did pretty sick for your first Tournament, keep it up. =)

TheDUD: Nice meeting you, we didn't talk much, but I could tell you are super nice. =P Hope we can play in the future. Doubles was too good.

NickCam: Amazing Wario. Good job placing 5th.

The Marth main who I beat the first time, and he beat me the other two times? Gee... I forget your name, good games though. And thanks for letting me use your phone, same with you ZedF.

That Dedede main. I actually beat you after a while. =D Good games as well.

And everyone else I'm forgetting at the moment, good games. I really look forward to more Tournaments, and hopefully I can place higher. =D


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Too many cool people,and I'm too busy to write one for all of you, so good games everyone (dammit, I pulled a Brose). Marik, make sure to come to more tournies! That Yoshi is **** impressive.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I'd do personal shoutouts but I'm actually more sick now than I was when you guys saw me.

I had a blast playing all the friendlies I had with everyone! I hope things like this happen more often!

Who wants to come up to Guelph with me? It really isn't that far, share the love!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2008
I'd do personal shoutouts but I'm actually more sick now than I was when you guys saw me.

I had a blast playing all the friendlies I had with everyone! I hope things like this happen more often!

Who wants to come up to Guelph with me? It really isn't that far, share the love!
If you come to Guelph, I say smashfest at my work(Microplay) or at my house.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
no D:
K, here's the problem. The 6 hour long footage can't be all put into WMM on my laptop, so I needed to transfer it to my Desktop which has Sony Vegas...
The problem is, my USB Stick has only 2 gb of memory, and sites like rapidshare only go up to 1 gb.

Unless I find a solution, it will take a while. Looks like I have to crack Sony Vegas on my laptop :/
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