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Nana and the Footstool of Doom AKA Camp Natfod (Canada) Results.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON

1. Ally (Snake, MK)
2. Kingace (Snake, MK)
3. Percon (Kirby)
4. Ambrose (ICs)
5. Nickcam (Wario)
5. JL (MK)
7. Hype (MK)
7. Pastaboy (Diddy)
9. Gi
9. Mikey (failure)
9. Fool
9. Kuenzel
13. Duy
13. Shifu
13. Izzo
13. Dan
17. Justin
17. Carter
17. PoisonMist
17. Ryanfw
17. Zephramrill
17. SRTM
17. Hyo
17. lkp4
25. Vince
25. Dimmy
25. ZedF
25. PHO
25. F1ZZ
25. 5ive
25. NeKo
25. LeaF

1. Ally + Kingace
2. JL + Ambrose
3. Mikey + Nickcam
4. Pasta + SRTM
5. Percon + Carter
5. Gi + Dud

Overall fun tourney, thanks to all entrants.

Big thank you to Carter for going out and getting the venue.

Thank you to everyone that brought setups, it really helped us out. We had about a 4 to 1 person to setup ratio, which is absolutely amazing, 3 stock pools in 2 hours? Yeah, we did that.

Failure: Teams...7 teams...why aren't you people entering teams!!!!

Personal Shoutouts

Carter - Just personally want to thank you again for everything.

KingAce - Thx for helping throughout the tourney, especially fixing up pools and brackets.

F1ZZ - Hope you had a good time

SRTM - Very fast paced Diddy, keep on improving and you'll have the potential to become a real threat in tourneys.

MarikYoshi - First tourney...99% of people fail, just keep going hard, your Yoshi is really good now.

Hype - MK is gay, good stuff placing high through a long losers bracket

JustinWong - This guy's name is ACTUALLY justin wong, good stuff lol.

Michelle - enter the tourney next time lol

Gi - Thx for the help at the venue, good stuff stepping your game up

lkp4 - You're patient, thats great, but there are times when you should abuse instead of just pulling a grenade.

Kuenzel - Great stuff beating me, next time I'll know that matchup haha. Way to step your game up, COMPLETELY different player from OIN2

Shifu - Very nice Snake, but what I really capitalized on was your lack of grenades during combos, if you pull out some, some combos could have been avoided.

JL - ...spiked twice, I just gave up on the 2nd match that was **** demoralizing lol.

Nickcam - Thanks for helping me run things, at least you didn't fail this tourney like I did

Zeph - Thanks for being louder than me and helping me call out stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2008
One of my highlights is playing Smash 64. Some good times. I'll do shoutouts when I'm at work.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
So yeah, there's a bunch of matches I need to put up. It will probably take a span of two weeks to get ALL of them up.

Just subscribe to my account so you can keep updated.

kay, shoutouts time.

ZedF / PK Ow: LOL, epic falcon ffas. FALCON PAUNCH. Also, nice Ness; you probably didn't have any Pikachu experience though.

Marik: Best yoshi I've faced. We should of played more friendlies. Oh well, expect those matches to be on Youtube.

Hype: Holy **** your Marth improved. Screw you : D

Fool: ........................................... <_<

Ambrose: <_<....yeah.

Pho: uuuuh, nice TL. You also made me lol a couple of times. gg's.

LKP4: Yeah, I played you at LBT. Don't remember much from last time, but those friendlies were pretty intense. GG.

ZSS that played me on Big Screen: Too bad we got interrupted. I was hoping for ZSS experience.

Ally: Sorry I couldn't record your finals matches man. My ride had to go : /.

Pastaboy: Nice matches. That rainbow cruise match was especially sick.

JL: uuuh, gg <_<

Shifu: Yeah, so after I beat you snake, you CP my Pika with MK. GOD****IT. Then after, Diddy vs. MK...oooo intense. Looking forward for a rematch. Too bad those matches weren't recorded : /

Dimmy: Yes, my diddy IS gay.

Wong: How the hell does Fizz beat you =/ LOL. That's like an impossible feat. Good games on the 2v2's though. They were fun as hell.

Hyo: 2V2's were epic as well. Brackets were rigged. Controller jonz gtfo.

Fizz: yeah, thanks for giving me a ride.

Ghost/2PG/PG2: Meh, I always play you anyways.

Carter and Mikey: Thanks so much for hosting this tourny. Much appreciated.

WOOOOOO to everyone who played Smash 64 with me. That was too good.

missed anyone? sorry, gg's to all.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008

Carter: thanks for getting the venue on such short notice. You really saved the brawl community here and grats on winning a free game from yourself lol.

Mikey: Dont worry about ur placing lol. You still ****. Good job running the tourney, first tourney ive been to where everythign ran smoothly and finished on time

GI: After seeing you play i think that your wario has he potential to be near the top end of the PR. All you have to do is look at things in a positive view and remember your never behind when your wario.

Percon: Closest set i played at the tourney. Your kirby is great. I definitely look forward to playing you again.

Kingace: Nice job getting second. Close set aswell. Finally took a game off ur meta lol.

JL: Another close set. I'm suprised you didnt go marth on me.Your combeback vs mikey was epic.

Pastaboy: Your diddy is ****. Im glad i didnt have to play you lol.

Ally: Your a true smasher making the long journey over here. Good job winning again.

Ambrose: Hate nana and footstools are gay

Zeph: "Believe in the heart of the cards"

SRTM and Pho: good to see you guys again. Hope to see you at prepare yourself


Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2008
Toronto, Canada

G.i. - for givin me a great deal of shi* with his R.O.B! You're a beast man :) distant planet sux as*

5ive. - for being a beastly pikachu I watched some of your matches , you're really sick!


ZedF - had fun playing your ganondorf

Fool- Our CF dittos were really funny

KingAce - For bein the hardest snake I played so far .

DUY - that frigate kill was really gey but good sh*t man.

PG2 - ur peach is soo quick

VINCE - my flukey footstool jumps r too gud!

MarikYoshi - ur yoshi is real good


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario

Mikey, Carter and the other people who helped run things: You guys did a fantastic job to have this tourney on such short notice.

5ive: GG's, I love playing your pika. I subscribed to your youtube account, I'll be waiting for those vids.

PHO: we didn't really get to play that much today, we will next time though.

Ally: Sakurai!, that match was too good. Congrats on winning.

Kingace: good job getting 2nd. We need to play eachother next time.

lkp4: good games, you had me a little nervous after 2 stocking me in game 1.

srtm: All of our games were close. Next tourney I want to play your diddy in a lot of friendlies, I really want to improve in that match up.

Nickcam: You got your redemption.

Fool: The word on the street is you got a JV 4 stock in pools!

Carter: Your Samus is too good. We had fun matches.

ZedF: You're pretty much the only Ganondorf around I guess, gg's.

Percon: We had a really good set, those were some of the best matches I had all day.

Justin Wong: lol, you have the best name ever xD

Sorry to everyone that I forgot, I'm bad with names.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Oh, also thank you so much Ally for bussing out here and coming to the tourney. See you at Prepare yourself. Hope the rest of you guys can make it there too.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2006
St. Catharines, ON, CA
Good games, all.


1. Ally (Snake, MK): Congrats on winning; you're too good. Thanks for playing friendlies with me. It sucks you didn't make that much profit, but I hope you had a good time. I'll see you again in Montreal!
2. Kingace (Snake, MK): Good games. We're teaming at montreal for sure, right? :p
3. Percon (Kirby): You are sexy.
4. Ambrose (ICs): Good games. Kirby knows no limits!
5. Nickcam (Wario): My god, you're good. Our set was close as hell; I look forward to playing you again.
5. JL (MK): What happened, bud? :p
7. Hype (MK): You're good.
7. Pastaboy (Diddy): Woo! Good job, Jarred! 7th is a fantastic placing, and you only lost to Ace and JL (brose and JL?) to boot. You need to come to tournies more.
9. Gi: Good games, man. You've gotten so much better since I first played you it isn't funny. I'm worried about fighting you now.
9. Mikey (failure): We didn't play... I'll play ya next time.
9. Kuenzel: Good games, I don't get to fight a ZSS often.
13. Duy: Good Rob. I need to play more Robs... no rainbow cruise next time :p
17. Carter: Had fun teaming with you, even if we didn't do too well. You should be thanking me for letting you beat me in the low tier challenge :p
17. Zephramrill: I love pokemon trainer dittos. Good friendlies.
17. SRTM: Nice to see you again.
17. Hyo: I named my Ninjask Hyo.
25. Vince: Good games, you've got a solid marth.
25. ZedF: Hi
25. PHO: I didn't get to friendly you. Next time, next time.
25. F1ZZ: Glad you had fun at this tourney, you should come out for more!
25. 5ive: You're a cool dude.
25. NeKo: Good friendlies.
25. LeaF Good friendlies.

Oh, and if anyone didn't see the Haiku I wrote on the way there:

A Brawl tournament
Ally will **** everyone
Metaknight is gay


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
Great stuff everyone, by next tournament I'll do my best to make sure my controller doesn't John-up before the thing even starts LOL.

Highlight: Pho teaching noob CC how to play TL. "This is Zair. It is the answer to life. You can do stuff out of it-- stop full hopping!"

Shout outs:

Dud (I think): Thanks for lending me your controller. You're a life saver

Carter: Thanks for hosting the tourney! You have a nice Samus

Mikey: I'm sure you had to go through a lot to get this to run. Too bad you never showed me the way of the incredibly gay Falco ;p

5ive: No Johns. MM 1 dollar? LOL Prepare yourself.

Gi: You're a champ. Don't take things so seriously though =p

Duy: Nice ROB. I need to learn the matchup

Zeph: Great friendlies, I need to find someone else other than Falco to take GW though.

SRTM: Nice Diddy, even though I only played it in friendlies once.

F1ZZ: Lucario! Good job on your first tourney

Justin Wong: Awts wong. Jiggly your last pools match? why mahn why? Next time, next time. =)

NeKO: Thanks for lending your controller at the beginning of the match when mine was johning up.

Hype: Nice MK and Marth, I want to improve and play you again.

Sorry if I missed anyone.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Carter did lmao.

I'll probably run this raffle at my next event which you guys can look forward to in May since Brampton tourney is in March and Niko wants to host another Niagara tourney in April. If Niko doesn't want to host in April I would gladly host in April, though.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Hopefully Fizz can give me a ride to Brampton or the Pownz tourny.

BTW, the video files for the matches are honestly 4 gb each. That means I had to upload them on Mega Upload so I could Transfer them to my larger computer.

Watch out for some of the matches to appear today.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2008
Great stuff everyone, by next tournament I'll do my best to make sure my controller doesn't John-up before the thing even starts LOL.

Highlight: Pho teaching noob CC how to play TL. "This is Zair. It is the answer to life. You can do stuff out of it-- stop full hopping!"

I felt so bad for that kid... He was a small fish in a big pond. And when I say pond, he was out in the middle of the ocean, with no place to go.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2008
Mississauga, ON., Canada
Shoutouts -___________________________-

Carter: You are the man, thanks for getting the venue. Hopefully we can play each other next time.

Mikey: Don't be so hard on yourself you fail***.

KingAce: Thanks for the friendlies, ggz

Ally: Thanks for the friendlies and the butthurt.

Nickcam: "Believe, IN THE HEART OF THE CARDS *****"

Percon: What the squirtle? Work on the other 2 and u will have the best pt up in this area by far!

Shifu: Ughh man what a weird set. That first game really really cost me =(

Gi: Good job placing 9th d00d.

JL: What the Metaknight lol, i cant believe i took games off you today.

Ambrose: Hopefully we can play next tourney, good seeing you again.

NikoK: Too bad you didnt come for the tourney, I broke my streak of not having you in my pool.

Kuenzel: Good friendly, youve improved tenfold since Niagara.

MarikYoshi: Nice Yoshi.

Pho: Good set, sorry for ragging on you so hard.

Hyo: Good improvement keep it coming.

Highlight of the tournament: JL ken comboing Mikey and then spiking him AGAIN for the win! WE GOT A REAL MATCH WE GOT A REAL MATCH


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Thanks Mikey!
Your marth is insane.
-Hype, grr, our matches were too close.
-Nickam. Unbeatable DK, very good. I'll have to find a counter.
-Percon. Only played you in doubles, so we'll have to play friendlies some other time.

Everyone else, good games.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
This is where I shout in the direction of out?

kuenzel: Ha, I knew that ZSS would take you somewhere. Your nerves seemed to hold you back in some matches (I could hear the buttons getting mashed), but your placing speaks for itself. Good ****.

5ive: Thanks for the recordings! Now I can prove I exist to my mains' character boards. <_<

Carter and Mikey: Yay! I was wondering if someone could step up like that to make the tourney and then someone did!

NikoK: Like I said elsewhere man, get some **** sleep, omg :laugh:.
Take care of that cold. :falcon: <-- this is Falcon telling you do do it.

Ambrose: Yay! I fought Ice Climbers! and Shuttle Loop is pwnage! :psycho:

SRTM: OH MY GOD WHEN am I actually going to play you? :embarrass

LeaF: Lol, epic Ganon match.

MarikYoshi: That's a shame how you got shuffled up. But your Yoshi is sick and you have the mindset to show us something even better next time.

GGs for all the people who played friendlies with me before and after. Your games mean very much to my low tier in this, the beginning of my competitive tour. Thank you for the advice and the lessons of experience. I will bring a better Ness and Ganondorf for you all to face next time in Ontario!


Good games, all.


25. ZedF: Hi

Thanks for schooling my PT. I suppose it sounds discouraging, but I don't think I want to use him. That's good because now I know who I am using. :bee:

Oh, and if anyone didn't see the Haiku I wrote on the way there:

A Brawl tournament
Ally will **** everyone
Metaknight it gay
Truth and beauty, son. Truth and beauty.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2008
Michelle - enter the tourney next time lol
I will....try ;_;

Thanks Carter and Mikey for hosting. It was a great tourney even though some people didn't show up. Hopefully we'll see more of that venue for future tournaments. :)


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
st catharines, ontario
shout out time. special props to carter and mikey and everyone who helped run the tourny. Everything ran extremely smooth, thanks guys, perfect tourny.

1. Ally- lol only you wuld go out of ur way to save ace from a suicide, too nice. thanks so much for bussin down all the way from montreal, way too pro, hope ya found your way home.
2. Kingace-gg's man, your fuking **** its ridiculous, i need to have more friendlies with you.
3. Percon-- holy **** good placing max, so proud. did you ever use that notepad during the tourny!? your set vs ambrose was too tense man good **** pullin through. have you ever thought bout pickign up dk? i think he would suit you perfectly.
4. Ambrose-man ur IC keep gettin better and better, its ridiculous, i saw way too many 0-death from you. we shulda done some friendlies but you probably to busy rapin other people.
5. Nickcam-good stuff man, your wario crushes metaknights/everyone.if we had to face eachother in the bracket, no dout it wuld be down to the wire.
5. JL- your wario is as much fun to play it as it is to watch. i really enjoyed that set and hope to have more friendlies in the future. vintage wario is too ****ing good.
7. Hype- i heard you had a **** marth, why did you use mk?
7. Pastaboy-no johns, niagara is gunna get organized.
9. Gi- man your way too fun to chill with, i gotaa shill with you more often at tournies, its such a blast. Keep up that wario,and dont let diddys gayness frustrate you,its key.
9. Mikey-i shulda had some friendlies with ur falco/ddd/wario/marth. nice placing in singles and teams.thanks for hostin this tourny too.
9. Fool-lol good **** man, every match we had was so close, lol i rly hate falcos >_>. your really good keep it up.I was impressed that u managed to not get gimped by peanuts ^_^.
9. Kuenzel-didnt get to play ya,next tourny remind me to do some friendlies, im not to fermiliar with the zss match up.
13. Duy-i dont think i got to play ya, i probably wulda lost, i hate that match up.
13. Shifu-didnt get to play you either, if your every at a niagara tourny or i come back to sauga, hit me up, id be down for friendlies.
13. Izzo-nice placing, keep hittin up tournies.
13. Dan- nice placing and nice falco man,needs more lazor spam to beat banana spam
17. Justin-didnt get to play ya, next time fo sho.
17. Carter- lol the man of the hour, thanks a tun for hostin this man on such short notice. Briliant idea with the low tier challenge, lol even tho u rigged it lol jk good **** man.
17. PoisonMist- i just realized now that i shuld of had alot of friendlies with you, luigis are my specialty
17. Ryanfw-i dont think i got the chance to play you in friendlies, i wanted to :(
17. Zephramrill- LOL i took at **** in his mouth,too good. we need to have more matchs, maybe at pownz?
17. SRTM-man good **** in teams, u really showed me that double diddy can work/ be annoying as ****. i always had this idea in my head that 4 bananas wuld be horrible, how wrong i was. keep up the that **** diddy. next time i wont be so rusty.
17. Hyo-good thing i didnt have to play you >_> marths r too much to handle.
17. lkp4-who did you use again?
25. Vince- lol that **** with pho was too epic, u dont need tippers to get spikes lol.
25. Dimmy- tough pool you had, ouch.
25. ZedF- we shulda dun some ness dittoes.
25. PHO-lol did u only go mk cuz i said so? lol either way good stuff man, keep rapin with toon link. always needs more zair. i mite see ya at the next pownz.
25. F1ZZ-i didnt get to play you, next time, i keep saying that lol but if u remember il def be down for friendlies.
25. 5ive-kk big shout out for you. you should be placed higher, alot higher. i thot u were anther for a second, i still do. our matches were extremely close so no worries, your pikachu is extremly good and u always connected that fsmash when i was off the stage, good ****. keep coming out to tournies i hope i see ya more often. btw have fun uploading those vids.
25. NeKo-fun friendlies keep up that **** game and watch.
25. LeaF- lol soooo much fun in friendlies, u have a good ike and mk, train that ike more, cuz i dont like mk's


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
I have johnz. My hands were cold since I walked to subway RIGHT before out matches : (
You still would of beat me though. GG'S.


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON

Ally. il do better next time. that was merely a feeble attempt at showing you my luigi. i will not john tho. your just super good.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
There were pools but only like 3 people got eliminated from them. (In total, not from each)


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Glad to hear you had a good time. Sorry about Ally...at least you can take the experience with you : P ...someone had to fight him first right lmao.

Time to get my Falco back into shape!


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Yo Gi, word on the street is you are scaring the crap outa everyone with yer Wario.

Who put you into losers, and outa the tourney anyway?

You best be going to the Brampton tourney on the 15th son. I gotta fight you now that you seem to be the new hype.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Rob, I'll always be afraid to play you. But then again, you probably not going to show up to Prepare Yourself cause you're too scared, meh meh meh.

Shout outs tomorrow, gotta sleep for work.


Smash Cadet
Apr 9, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
1. Ally - only played you 2 games but finally get to experience #1 in canada. good games.
2. Kingace (Snake, MK) - good games, i wished i played your mk instead of snake though =p
3. Percon (Kirby) - yeah that was bad idea that i picked rainbow cruise, never again
4. Ambrose (ICs) - I didn't get to play against your ic and experience the footstool of doom
7. Pastaboy (Diddy) - i didn't get to play you, and my brother (Dan) was telling me how good your diddy is.
9. Gi - I didn't get to play you in the tourney but we played friendly couple weeks ago, we'll play again sometime
9. Mikey (failure) - I didn't played you at the tourney either, played couple match at carter's though, hate rob? well too bad =p
9. Fool - good falco, annoying lazer never stops >_<
13. Dan - stop wasting my money, you lost twice for the low tier!
17. Carter - so.. did i win in the low tier thing?
17. PoisonMist - good games, it was confusing playing luigi for the first time, you should keep playing him
17. Zephramrill - i finally stop getting hit by that stupid rocksmash
17. Hyo - good games man, we'll play again sometime.
25. Vince - own you biatch, jk see you around school dude
25. Dimmy - 25th with mk? disappointing
25. PHO - good toonlink, i need to play against you more, never played toonlink player before
25. 5ive - good games, you remember my rob don't you? =P


Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2009
Time for shoutouts i guess was a fun first tourney even if i was sick haha

Ally- First match of the day for me in pools you demoralized me for the rest of the day haha at least i took a stock off you

5ive- You need to rematch me with your pikachu again, hopefully i won't sandbag you for 2 stocks next time, try to QAC a bit less. I wanna play your Diddy again next time at friendlies in brampton hopefully.

MarikYoshi- Keep trying to improve with your yoshi

ABCDuy- owned you nough in friendlies the day before you should know how i play when i'm feeling ok

Pho- You didn't let me play your Toonlink you kept running away from me

Zeph- you looked kinda pissed that day had fun in friendlies, that rocksmash doesn't touch me anymore haha

LKP4- wtf suicide when landing on edge that was gay lol

Fool- Was fun playing you in friendlies early on, i shall remember you as the falco with the green controller haha. I want to try you again, i beat you a few times but got lucky on a few things.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Time for shoutouts i guess was a fun first tourney even if i was sick haha

5ive- You need to rematch me with your pikachu again, hopefully i won't sandbag you for 2 stocks next time, try to QAC a bit less. I wanna play your Diddy again next time at friendlies in brampton hopefully.
No Johns : (


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
**Ally if youre reading this, pm me... you left your snakes head in the car**

Good games, everybody. Thanks for coming on such short notice, and co-operating with the lack of organization.

I was extra happy about the low tier challenge. We went 40/47 and i won the raffle lmao. too rigged good. Thanks for sandbagging percon.:)


Smash Ace
Apr 29, 2007
St Catherines, Ontario
gg's to all, fun stuff TO's, I'm definately hittin up tourneys now.


Ally: Wish I coulda lost to played you.

Zedf: Keep repp'n teh Ganon homeslice

MarikYoshi: Sweet Yoshi, sorry my suit pieces are so ****ing annoying

Percon: Kirby is rigged. lol good match man.

JL: Sorry for spiking you right off the bat on Smash 64. I honestly forgot you were on my team.

Mikey: OH GAWD. I was sooo nervous during our match. GG in caps.

Zeph: Cool seeing you again. You ***** me with PT, though I got to say I was a little distracted arguing MarikYoshi when he said Snake should be higher tier than MK.

And a personal shout out to mah crew Izzo and Justin (AKA Random Marth guy), we came, we placed mediocre, we got noticed slightly. Mission Accomplished!
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