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My views on what the Brawl roster should be.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Alright, I'm not one to often do this, and I'll probably change my mind various times, but for some reason I have a great urge to compile my desired roster into one, big topic with some explanations on why I think they should be in/whether they have a chance/etc. Since my opinions are known to be greatly correct and 100% true (important), obviously my list would have some type of merit.


No, I will not put some random Pokemon/FE/etc. character on my newcomer list (Lucario, Hector, etc.). Most likely the character will have some type of importance somehow that make him very needed for the Brawl roster in some way. Either that, or I'll somehow point out potential or non-potential in certain characters.

Another thing, I will not cover confirmed returning characters or newcomers, as I honestly don't feel the need to. We have them officially in, so I honestly can't really can't judge much or say much about them. It's Sakurai's decision, and I'm perfectly content and fine with that. I trust his tastes in the roster to be very good.

On another note, you have to have Firefox or newer version of IE (or some other browser that can see them) to see the transparency of each png, just so you know they aren't all white or whatever color they are around them.

Let's begin, shall we?

Returning characters:


The second Mario Bros., Luigi definitely deserves a comeback. Why? Why the f-ck not?! He's Luigi, he's Mario's friggen brother and pretty much the second most important character in the series. That gives him a LOT of merit. Not to mention he's an original character in the first two games overall, really. If Luigi happens to NOT be in, I would honestly would be really disappointed that Sakurai would actually take an original, important, and full-of-personality character like him, really. But alas, don't worry, I'm sure he'll come back, there's no reason for him to NOT come back, honestly.

In all seriousness, though, Luigi will probably come back. Let's hope he gets Mario's treatment and have his vacuum from Luigi's Mansion have an opposite effect as Mario's FLUDD, which would honestly be really awesome.

Captain Falcon

Main character of high, intense, and fast futuristic racing game F-Zero, this bounty hunter definitely deserves to return. Captain Falcon has made quite a staple in the Super Smash Bros. community with his fast movements and powerful moves like his Falcon Punch. Taking him out, honestly, would just be ludicrous. He stars in one of Nintendo's most popular and awesome franchises, he's an original character overall, he has a cool design; do you honestly think he doesn't need to come back? Of course not. Simply because of those reasons, even though not as much as I could give, he does deserve to return again to Brawl. Unless Sakurai has a good reason to take him out, I'd say he pretty much has a definite chance to return in Brawl.



In all honesty, as much as I dislike the character personally, I do think that Jigglypuff SHOULD return. Why? It's simple. She's ORIGINAL. Now, I know that isn't too much reasoning, but I honestly would be disappointed if Sakurai did take her out in favor of someone else unless that Pokemon happen to be able to play exactly or similar like her. You may say, however, to refute my reason with, "Well, ANY Pokemon can be original." which I honestly agree, any Pokemon could literally fight in Brawl most likely if they were used to their full potential. But Jigglypuff DOES hold some importance overall. During the first generation, Jigglypuff was the second most popular Pokemon, right next to Pikachu, so she holds at least that merit. And now that she's pretty much a recurring fighter in the series and essentially kind-of the easy character to get in the game, I do think she should make the same type of return in Brawl.

On another note, I DO think she should be upped to make her moves a lot better so she won't be as weak move-wise.​




Marth, the first Fire Emblem lord in history. Wielding the Falchion has his main weapon with swift movements, originality, and has great merit in Fire Emblem history. Marth has no reason to be out, honestly. I don't have much to say about him, really, but I can say that simply being the first lord in his series make him stand out more than pretty much all other Fire Emblem characters overall. He HAS to return. Unless Sakurai decides to perhaps replace him with Sigurd (although I could see these two being VERY different characters, honestly), which I would be fine with. But for now, I'm just going to root for Marth's return in Brawl. Very good character overall and deserving to brawl against Nintendo's greatest.​


Ganondorf, the King of Darkness and one of the most evil villains in Nintendo history and icons as such in his series, he definately deserves to return in Brawl. But alas, in Melee, fans were highly disappointed when Ganondorf was basically a more powerful clone of Captain Falcon rather than a powerful and sword-wielding/dark magic-wielding evil villain. Ganondorf would make a really good return if he was revamped completely to this heavy sword-wielding everyone wanted him to be so he can be his own and original character overall. Oh, and as for his merits to why he should be in Brawl, he's the frickin' main villian of the Zelda series, he pretty much NEEDS to be in Brawl simply because of that.​


Being second to Fox on the Star Fox team, Falco is the best pilot and a great asset to the series overall in terms of character. Although he WAS a clone in Melee, he was a pretty d-mn good one, honestly. He had a lot to him that made him original, really, but I would like to see some changes that make him even more original but being a Luigi-type character to Fox. His importance in the history of Star Fox is unmatched, as he's basically right next to Fox character-wise in the games, kinda like what Luigi is to Mario (well, not as close as the Mario Bros., but you know what I mean). Because of that, he simply deserves to be in Brawl before any other Star Fox character priority-wise. He's already in Melee, really, so why not give him a bunch of touch ups and put him in Brawl? He deserves it greatly, and should return in my opinion.​


Pseudo main villain of Pokemon, Mewtwo is quite a psychic powerhouse and interesting character. Although he wasn't well-received in Melee, it is common for people to wish his return simply because of his originality and place in the Pokemon series. He is, essentially, per-say, the last boss of Pokemon, if that's how it could be put. He has the highest level in Pokemon Red/Blue for a wild Pokemon, and has a whole back story of his game in the game (which kind of mirrors Gigyas' back story in the Mother series). Overall I'd say he's pretty much deserving and fills up the Pokemon villain spot quite well, really.

Although I would like to see him a lot more improved in Brawl to make up for his weaknesses in Melee.

Young Link

Younger version of Link, he fights with swifter movements and such!

...Okay, not that much merit as a whole, and he was quite the crappy clone, but...I do think that Sakurai could fix that and make him a really cool and original character. WW style or not, I do think he could return as a completely original character overall with something like WW-based moves, mask transformations, etc. Ideas have been tossed around with this character, some good, some extremely bad. However, I think looking upon the good there is potential for this character, really. I honestly prefer if he had moves based on stuff from the Wind Waker, really. His design doesn't matter much to me, just as long as he isn't cel-shaded (and no, cartoony =/= cel-shaded) or anything that would make him look very ugly in Brawl. However, if he's taken out, I would be fine with it, but I do personally think he deserves to return so Sakurai can put him to his full potential that would make a really great character overall.

Mr. Game & Watch

Nintendo's first video game character ever, Mr. Game & Watch has a huge part in what Nintendo is today. Although very unique and quirky in Melee, people often disliked him for various reasons. Alas, however, he WAS original, and is very unique character-wise. Not only that, but did I mention he was Nintendo's first video game character?! Of course I did! That alone holds some importance, honestly, and a deserved spot in Brawl, a collection of Nintendo characters fighting against each other.​



Ridley, in a sense the main antagonist in the Metroid series, definitely deserves a spot in the Brawl roster. Why? Well, basically, he's the Bowser/Ganondorf of Metroid, really, in that he plays a similar role to the main character as a main antagonist even though he isn't the final boss in every game like Bowser and Ganondorf (well, most of the time with them, at least). He honestly deserves it just as much as they do, really, and could be a really cool character overall. Plus, he's a frickin' alien dragon thing with a very cool design, what can you NOT like about him?

Well, there's the size argument...but it's not like everyone in Brawl is going to be their correct sizes, really. They never really be actually correct on the sizes in the Super Smash Bros. series. I mean, look at Bowser, Kirby, Ganondorf, etc. Bowser is most of the time huge and has been around Godzilla-size many time. Ganondorf stands really tall compared to Link in the series, really, think of Ganondorf usually being 6'6 and Link usually being around 5'8 or around that area when you compare their sizes. Yeah, that's pretty tall, but in Melee, he only stands a bit taller than Link, really, not that much. As for Kirby, originally he was only a few inches, and still is a small character, but compared to his canonical size Kirby is way larger than usual overall.

As for the boss argument, I do think Ridley could still be a boss in some form, like, say, Mecha-Ridley from Zero Mission, or perhaps a mid-boss to a larger boss like Kraid or Mother Brain. But other than that, I don't see why he SHOULD be boss-only, really. He could easily be playable and unique in the roster in Brawl. Him not being part of that would be quite disappointing for me, honestly. Although I can't deny he does have a chance at being boss-only, sadly, but I do think that if he is Sakurai would really be missing out on such a great character.​



King Dedede



Takamaru, star of Nazo no Murasame-jō, and master samurai (guessing he's some kind of ronin, though), plus one of the most popular Famicom Disk System characters, definitely deserves a spot in Brawl. People often wonder, as they aren't familar with him, "Well, why this random Japanese-only character?" In all honesty, however, Takamaru isn't just your average Nintendo Japan-only character. His game was VERY popular on the Famicom Disk System, right next to Zelda, Metroid, and Kid Icarus. In a sense, Nazo no Murasame-jo, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Kid Icarus (called the Myth of Light series in Japan) were literally the top four games for the Famicom Disk system. However, sadly, despite Nazo no Murasame-jo's popularity, Nintendo went on to expand the Legend of Zelda and Metroid games greatly (and Kid Icarus a bit, since it got one sequel on the Game Boy). However, the spirit still lives on as you can see music from the series being remixed in a lot of Famicom-based music albums in Japan, showing it has a very strong impact overall.

Takamaru is indeed a very important character in Nintendo's history. We already have Link, Samus, AND Pit now, so why not put in their fellow Takamaru to complete the group? Really, it seems like it would just be bland and missing if Takamaru isn't in, honestly. He is almost needed if anything, like Pit was needed to be in ever since day one.

However, people also often complain since he would just be "another sword-user." In all honesty, however, people would be missing his potential. Even though he would wield a sword, he would wield a katana with samurai-based moves. Compared to the more Western fighting movements like in the FE series, Takamaru would be VERY different with his samurai style, really. He'd be very swift and would have a lot of cool samurai-style moves at his disposal, maybe some magic from the game that he could use (but I honestly rather if Sakurai focused more on his samurai ability). That alone would make him stand out greatly compared to the other sword-users.


Krystal, Fox's lover and pretty much (now, at least) the third most important character on the Star Fox crew, she definitely deserves a spot in the roster of Brawl. I don't have much to say about her, really, other than she's an obvious choice for anyone. I would've chose Wolf, but I honestly think that, for now, Krystal deserves a spot more than he does. Why? Well, even though Krystal is a very new character in the series, she does play a huge role overall now-a-days in the Star Fox game, as shown first in Star Fox Adventure and continued till Star Fox Command. Plus, she wields a magic staff, and since when has Brawl had one of those type of people? Simply because of that, really, Krystal would make a really cool character. Maybe she can wield a huge a-s gun sometimes also, as one of her moves, perhaps? Perhaps, but I honestly would rather more focus on her staff if anything.


First time people look at him, they say, "What the f-ck, seriously?"

That's just what part makes this character genius, honestly.

Well, sorta, I USED to detest Skapon, in a sense, I hated the idea and look of the character. I just thought, "Mahn, he wouldn't fit in Brawl at all, he looks stupid." But one day, I had an urge to try out the game he was from. It sounded interesting to me, so I said, "Well, I'll give it a shot, why not?" Booting the rom on my favorite NES emulator, I started playing the game. I was instantly hooked, and the fluid controls were very enjoyable to maneuver around in. Not only that, but Skapon had a VERY quirky and unique attitude, and would fit in the cast of Brawl easily. Don't forget he pretty much has a moveset that can be ported straight from the game if implimented correctly in Brawl, honestly. He's a natural born fighter, pretty much, he would fit REALLY well in the fighting spirit of Brawl.

Oh, and don't forget he was in Nintendo's FIRST actual good and fluid (Urban Champion wasn't good or fluid at all) fighting game, even before Smash Bros. That alone gives him a lot of merit as a character, honestly.​


Geno, second main character and a doll possessed by a star spirit in Super Mario RPG with swift movements and really cool moves. Definitely a perfect fit to brawl alongside Nintendo's best. While Geno just sounds like just some random Mario character at first to people, note that he is very important to the actual Mushroom Universe and in Super Mario RPG. Geno basically is the person that protects the Star Road (well, after the Star Road is all fixed and Smithy is defeated and sh-t), something very vital to the plot in SMRPG and to the whole Mushroom universe as a whole. That alone makes him a very strong and important character in the Mario series, even though he appeared in one game.

Now, aside from that, let's look upon other points. Geno has quite the fanbase, reaching a cult status amongst the gaming and Mario communities as a whole. Sadly, however, he isn't much a Mario character now-a-days since he's owned by Square-Enix. However, Square-Enix is obviously willing to lend them over to Nintendo, which shows when he appears in a mini-game (note: JUST a mini-game, and Square allowed it? You'd think they would care enough to want their character actually play a bigger role, honestly, but I suppose not) in the Mario & Luigi RPG game. That shows it won't be that hard to get him in, really, so that isn't much of a problem. And, please, if you've actually played Super Mario RPG, you could obviously see that he has an array of moves he could use that could make him perfectly fit in Brawl.​

(The Masked Boy)

Yes, I basically spoiled a plot twist in Mother 3, deal with it. It's been out for more than a year now, you should know who the Masked Boy is by now.

Claus, one of the most emphasized characters in Mother 3 that played a huge role in the plot, and one of the main antagonists in the game, not to mention Lucas' brother, definitely would be quite the character in Brawl as a second Mother representative. Matter of fact, if there's going to be a second Mother representative, I can honestly say he would fit perfectly overall, especially in Lucas' Subspace story (he plays a huge role in the original story, and if they incorporate Lucas' backstory into it, he would be a perfect character to be part of it). He wields a lightsaber, a gun, knows some PSI moves like PK Thunder and PK Love, has a pair of robot wings he can sprout and probably glide with; honestly, that pretty much gives him every ability to fight in Brawl and a perfect role as a playable Mother antagonist.

As for his popularity, he isn't the most requested character ever, honestly, but he was on Sakurai's poll, and I do know he has a huge support in Japan as a candidate for Brawl. So he does have a lot of support and popularity on his side, and is a very important character to the most recent and probably final Mother game. If he isn't in, I would be fine with it and accepting, but I do think he would be a great character for the cast in Brawl and as a second Mother representative.​


Wolf O'Donnell, rival of Fox and rumored to be planned for Melee in the past, would perfectly fit the role of a playable antagonist for the Star Fox series. Even though I do think Krystal is more of a priority to be in as stated before, I'm not just going to black out this much-needed character as playable for Brawl. He would fit great in Fox's Subspace story, really, as they're completely rivals against each other, a rivalry that's very strong in the Star Fox games. However, the only problem I could see is his moveset being similar to Fox's. But in all honesty, this is Sakurai we're speaking of, he can make movesets for anything that fit perfectly with the character.

As for Wolf's importance and place, he is indeed a very popular and recurring character across the Star Fox series. We have a Mario main villain, and probably the main villain of Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, and the Kirby series, so why should we leave this character, essentially Fox's antagonist, out of the game? Really, he's probably one of the most needed characters out there.


Bomberman, star of his series which happens to be Bomberman. Definitely third party, he was one of the series to start on the NES (well, at least, start being very popular and known, kinda like with Metal Gear) and was quite a popular title with the unique bomb/maze gameplay, contributing to Nintendo's history in great ways. Not to mention, he's owned by Hudson Soft, and they're VERY close in relations to Nintendo, so he has a huge chance to be a playable character.

Although I admit, this is more of my personal preference, but after putting a lot of thought into it, I realized how much of a cool character he would be. Unique design: Check! Contributed a lot to Nintendo history: Check! Company is close to Nintendo: Check! He's unique: Yes, his whole theme could be using bombs in very different ways, so check! Can fight physically: Check! Honestly, what could you hate about Bomberman so much? Compared to a lot of other third party suggestions, he has a huge chance to be in. Just as much as Megaman.

Mach Rider

Another character I'm going to be bashed about, hooray!

Well, yes, this is the Mach Rider, who rides on a bike, wields a gun, and lives in a very war-torn, Mad Max-like, Fist of the North Star-like world. Sounds quite plausible, has more potential than the Ice Climbers did, so...let's try to give this guy a shot, shall we?

Well, I admit, the Mach Rider didn't do much for Nintendo, but he is indeed quite a retro character who is very unique, especially the darker world he lives in compared to most Nintendo characters. He tends to ride on his bike a lot, has a gun he wields, put in some Fist of the North Star-like move in as a reference (even more than his game already was), perhaps a gattling punch? Perhaps. Side+B could be him suddenly turning half of his body into his motorcycle (he is, indeed, connected to his motorcycle like some crazy cyber sh-t, iirc, and if he isn't, well, let's make him as such!) and doing something like Wario does except extremely faster (which could be a good thing if you use it right and don't fall off the stage), and he doesn't leave his bike as it basically transforms himself back to his normal, robotic body. Moveset shouldn't be that tough to make for him, honestly.

Now, why Mach Rider out of all people? Well, per say, he isn't my most wanted character to be in the game, but if Sakurai plans to do what he did in Melee with the Ice Climbers and bring some random retro character into the roster (and no, Skapon and Takamaru don't count, guys, they hold a very important place in Nintendo's history, definitely not random), I'd say the perfect choice for a good character would be the Mach Rider. He has potential for a moveset, could have a very cool design if he was revamped greatly, what could you hate about that?

Now, looking upon his chances, it's hard to say. Sakurai may just decide to choose the Balloon Fighter or some other random retro character. But to me, it just seems like Mach Rider has the most potential out of all of them overall from my observation.​

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Ray 01

Main robot of Custom Robo (well, sorta, the "Ray" character as a whole is more of the main robot, really), Ray 01 is quite the robot which can interchange his parts and make different combinations, definitely not something we've seen in Brawl as a yet (nor a realistic looking robot!). Think about it, it would kinda be like Mario's new FLUDD move, except you can interchange easily in between each part with a simple Down+B, having an array to choose from that changes certain parts of the actual character move-wise. There would be a set order, something people would have to get used to, but it could work out to be really cool overall.

Now, out of all the Ray characters, why Ray 01? Well, I'm not biased towards Ray 01 only, but you have to admit, he IS the most popular out of the Rays. Although, honestly, this character applies to any Ray out there, all pretty much similar except in design. If any Ray character were to get in, I would be perfectly fine, just as long as it's one of them. Even if it was the first Ray with all the other Rays as alternate costumes, I would be fine, or Ray 01 with all of the Rays as alts. Just as long as a Ray representative for the Custom Robo series with the unique idea of switching between a bunch of customization parts (without actually being too much where you get irritated, perhaps eight or ten different parts to choose from would be a nice number), I would be satisfied with it, and he would make a great addition to Brawl.​

Captain Olimar



The blue bomber, Capcom's mascot and their most popular series, definitely a high contender for a third party spot, and would be a great addition to Brawl! Yes, that's right, he would, how predictable of me to put Megaman on my list.

Okay, so there's more reason to it, honestly. I don't want him in for just because. I think he would be a real cool addition in Brawl, and almost, if not, perfect character for the third party spot. He started out in a really cool and fun platform made by Capcom for the NES, and grew to be a smash hit and contributed a LOT to Nintendo's success even today. I don't have much reasoning for him to be in, honestly, but he is, indeed, a very classic and cool character.

Now what would his place be? Well, for one, he's Capcom's star and mascot, and if they'll contribute something to Brawl, which they most likely will, it would definitely be something of this sort. In a sense, if it's ANY character contributed by Capcom, it would be Megaman, simply to just sell on his image. His games are pretty cool platformers and are solid, except for a few (they're just recent ones anyway, so they don't matter much), so it shouldn't be a problem game-wise. He has a variety of different abilities and things he can do throughout his whole series, so a moveset won't be hard. Oh, and he has to be one of the most popular third party characters, if not THE most popular, on the NES ever, and he's one of the most requested, so chances of him being in aren't a problem.

But seriously, I thought about third party candidates, and I can honestly conclude that Megaman would be the perfect one. He was a huge part in Nintendo's history, and a very huge and cool character that would fit perfectly in Brawl.​

Animal Crossing Human

The main character of Animal Crossing, the most generic character of them all, the Animal Crossing Human!

Okay, so he's generic, yeah, that's a very big con against him, but let's look at his fighting potential. Out of every AC character, he is literally the only one that can use an array of items. He can use an axe, a shovel, a fishing rod, etc. you name it. He has a variety of items at his disposal, which can easily be made into a moveset if done right.

Some randomer: But I thought Tom Nook was the best ever?!!

Well yeah, of course, personality-wise. But movewise? ...I think not. He doesn't even use anything, he just sells things, literally, how could you make a moveset out of that unless you ruin his character by letting him USE the items he sells? Seriously, he just doesn't scream potential to me, ever, I much prefer him as a side character, who is popular of course, but just not for Brawl. He isn't even the main character and people STILL want him in, but they'll claim otherwise, since he's the "BEST EVER!!"

The AC Human's place isn't anything special, though, but I do think he can turn out to be a really unique character. Oh, and lately, it's rumored that in Famitsu the creator stated that he was in Brawl, basically, but it isn't known yet for sure as no one has translated the two pictures we do have to the supposed article. I wouldn't be shocked if it's true, or we'll see this character announced sometime very soon (I'll have to take him off here, though, sadly!). I mean, he is the MAIN character of Animal Crossing, what do you expect, Mr. Resseti as playable or some sh-t? Oh, wait...​

Newcomers that are in but I didn't have on my list:


**** blue hedgehog and your confirmation! *shakes fist*

The End​

I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed putting thought into it. And I honestly think we may just see a roster like this in Brawl, or even more. If not, oh well, I have faith in Sakurai enough to know if his tastes in the character selection is good, even if it's completely different from anything I attempted to guess at.

As for the number of my total roster?

Well, 21 veterans will return according to me, and 24 newcomers overall. That gives us about...


Fair enough? Too big? Too bad. It's a plausible roster, deal with it.

The "characters that have huge potential but shouldn't be in the game yet but instead in later installments" section:

Simon Belmont

I love this character to death, and the series, but sorry, Simon, but you just ain't gonna be on my main newcomer list. Why? Well...

As much of a great character he is, and how much potential he has with his whip as his weapon (not to mention his design is f-cking sweet as hell), he just doesn't seem to be one of the few third party reps for Brawl. There's just characters that seem like they deserve it more than him for now, and there's already a Konami rep, the only Konami rep we need, honestly. The way I see it, he just needs to be left out of Brawl, despite his potential to being a really cool and original character. He WAS on Sakurai's poll (highly ranked, too), though, so just maybe... Perhaps, you never know, but we already have a Konami rep, so that kinda does push him down pretty hard in terms of likelihood.

But... However, that doesn't rule out my wishes for him to eventually be in Smash. I could easily see him making a triumphant debut in the sequel. Matter of fact, I would highly support this character if he happens to not be in Brawl, in every way possible, he would be perfect as the second Konami rep in the next game.

However, for his Nintendo history? He played a VERY large role in Nintendo's history, around the ranks of Megaman in terms of making the NES so much of a success. Honestly, Nintendo would HAVE to appreciate him for that alone. However, other third party characters come first in terms of likelihood, it's a shame that Sakurai wants to limit the amount of third part characters (not saying Smash should be filled with them, but at least more than 1 or 2).​

Son Goku
(The Monkey King)

(Not official art, but it is basically who the character is, so deal with it. It looks cool, so it's good enough, honestly.)

Some randomer: GOKU FROM DBZ?!!!!!

No, but they are based off the same legend, but Son Goku is indeed a Nintendo character from Yu Yu Ki for the Famicom Disk System. Now, out of every character that starred in a Famicom text adventure game, why this one out of everyone of them? Well, let's look at who this character is...

He wields an infinitely extending staff, a magic cloud he can ride on in a very mystical manner (kinda like Goku's Nimbus), is a god in Chinese mythology as the Monkey King. Now, I dunno about you, but... That sounds like a highly potential character, anyone with common sense could see that simply with his staff that he could have an array of cool moves, maybe even some martial arts based off real Chinese sh-t. This character would fit perfectly right in the roster of Smash. So, you may ask yourself, "Well, why doesn't he support him for Brawl?"

Well, as much as I would love to see this character in, I do have to restrain myself in terms of adding characters. He just doesn't take the cut in terms of most other characters that I see almost necessary for Brawl. But I do think he would make a perfect representative as a character from one of the Famicom text-based adventure games; with his fighting ability, potentially cool design (especially if he looks like he does in that modern rendition of the Monkey King I used for this!), I'd say he would be a perfect addition to a future Smash when we get more necessary characters in.​


Jill, star of the unique platform game for the GBA called Drill Dozer, definately has a huge chance to...not make the cut for my list, hooray!

Okay, putting sarcasm aside, I do Jill think has a LOT of potential. Can't think of a very amazing moveset, but she has the ability to use a big drill thing to attack, what could you hate about that? She would be a really kick-ss female character simply because of that ability, probably be a really fast fighter, too (judging by her small size). So, she has potential, so why not for Brawl?

Well, again, with this character, I don't see her as very necessary for the roster with so much other more necessary characters needed for the roster. Not saying she isn't a cool character, and she isn't totally impossible to be playable in Brawl (she was requested on Sakurai's poll, I think), but there is, indeed, from thinking about it and looking upon just about every Nintendo character, very more necessary characters. However, when those characters get out of the way, it will make open to really cool characters like Jill, which is something I'm very much looking forward to.​


Star of hit-game Xenosaga, KOS-MOS now has a slight chance to make it sometime in a Smash game!

That's right, she does. Ever since Nintendo bought Monolith Soft, it's possible they brought this character with them, so then she would be literally second party, so it won't be too hard for her to be in. Sad thing, however, is that the buy-out is VERY recent, and Brawl has been in production for about two years now, Monolith Soft being bought out in a late time of production, so she has hardly a chance to be in Brawl now. But what about the future sequels? Well, if she's a second party Nintendo character, legitimately she would have a HUGE chance in Brawl. She's popular, unique, has a huge fanbase and would fit perfectly into the fighting spirit of Smash, so why not?

Now, as for her actual character, I personally don't like her personality or idea, nor do I like the Xenosaga series very much, they're very good RPGs but nothing special, I mean. I don't hate them, but they aren't that great. Now, you may ask, "Well, why do you want her in Smash then?" It's simple: She has huge potential to be really, really original and a cool character. She wields an array of huge guns, and other stuff, that alone gives her a lot of merit in terms of originality, and would make her a great addition to the cast.​


Isaac, main character of Golden Sun, just did not make my list!!

Why? Well, I don't hate the guy, I actually think he would be a great character. The series is very good, I personally love it, and think Isaac would make a great character, especially if he used both sword-moves AND magic attacks (perhaps using a djinn in his special attacks?), giving him a really good original status. But why not him for Brawl? Maybe it's personal preference, But I honestly think this character isn't that important as people stress him to be. Sure he appeared on an insanely popular RPG game, that gives him a lot of merit, but does he really deserves a spot when there's so many others who honestly need to be in the game more? I say wait for him, until more necessary characters are in. I would much appreciate Isaac more than I would if he was in Brawl, because there's so much other characters I feel that deserve a spot he takes.

But I suppose that's personal preference, but what can you say? This thread is mostly my personal preference, but I did think about whether certain characters should have a spot in Brawl, and Isaac just never screamed to me that he did, and he was more of a character to wait for in future releases.​


If Chuck Norris jokes were still funny, this guy would be the closest thing to Chuck Norris in a Nintendo video game.

Flint, the bad-ss cowboy from Mother 3, Lucas' and Claus' father, did I mention he was a bad-ss cowboy? D-mn straight! ...I mean, really, look at him, a freakin' cowboy AND a cool character from the wonderful Mother series. Honestly, that would be very original. He could wield his 2x4, a lasso, a guitar in which he plays country music with, etc. All of that stuff!

Okay, putting sarcasm aside, I do think he would be a great character as a third rep for the Mother series. If my guess about Brawl focusing more on Mother 3 is true, then so would probably the next installment, and the best thing to do is at least add more to it like side characters like Flint (well, he was quite important to the story, but he isn't seen much, and he plays a role in the drama) and maybe Kumatora or Duster. But overall, I think this would be best as a third Mother rep if both Lucas and Claus happen to be playable in the game, but just not for Brawl. I think just two Mother reps are fine for now, we need to make way for a lot more other characters that deserve a spot way more than a character like Flint. Does that mean Flint should totally be left out? Hell no! He'd make a great addition to the sequel, and would be excited to play as a bad-ss cowboy.​


Star of Pulseman for the Sega Genesis, a second party character ever since Game Freak went to Nintendo, and cool character, this character just didn't make my list!

As much as I love Pulseman, I have high doubts he would be in, even though he would be a great and cool character to play as. For one, even though he's second party character, his character has yet to appear on a Nintendo system unless they plan to put his game on the Virtual Consle. Another is the fact that Pikachu has his signature move (which would be a great Up+B for him) as his Final Smash, which is Volt Tackle (or Volteccer in the Japanese version, which happens to just be Pulseman's signature move). Aside from that, though, he didn't star in a very big game, but a good one, and it's more of a cult status. Plus, not to mention there's a bunch of more needed characters in (I bet you love that reasoning, huh?), characters that first need to be in Brawl. He's more of the type of character that could wait to be in Smash in the way I see it, which is fine, I'll look forward to him in then.

Alas, however, I do think he would make a great character right next to Game Freak's Jill. However, I have my doubts he's going to be in. Hopefully, one day, he'll have a bigger chance, just like all of these other characters.​


Star of Tomato Adventure with an array of unique attacks he uses in-game, and cool Japan-only character, I afraidly just cannot see him in Brawl! WHY?! Well...

Although he would make a great addition, he just isn't really that needed as a priority to Brawl. Yeah, a priority for Smash someday, but just not for Brawl. He's more of the type of character you need to explore once more necessary characters are in, kinda like Pulseman or Isaac. He's quite popular, though, which is shown by his support on Sakurai's poll, but I think Sakurai would like to get bigger characters in, especially bigger Japan-only characters like Takamaru, Skapon, or Lucas.​


From the extremely popular Panepon series, and unique anime-styled magical-girl-fairy thing, WAS considered but didn't make the cut!!

Even though I do know Lip would make a great addition, and is quite a needed Japan-only character and would be unique with her magical girl theme (think of something like Sailor Moon, I suppose), I just don't see her making it in this time. One reason is that her stick is returning as an item, while it doesn't deconfirm her, it does hold a lot of weight, considering that's her main item in her game she uses. Another is that she doesn't really hold THAT much merit compared to many, many other Japan-only characters. However, she did make the requested list, so she might just get in.

Her moveset shouldn't be too hard, even if it's completely made up, but giving her a really cool magical girl/fairy theme, she would be extremely unique as a character, making a great addition. However, much like every other character on this list, I'd rather her in a future game.​


I believe this is my first character I use purple text for, eh?

Putting it bluntly, I honestly don't want any more Zelda reps. Link, Zelda, Shiek, Young Link, and Ganondorf are fine with me, and represent the series perfectly. I much rather have other characters from different series rather than filling up a good space in the roster with lesser characters in a series with already many characters to represent them. However, I do think that if any Zelda rep is in, this guy deserves it the most.

And yes, in his human form, how else would he be able to fight in his monster-thing form? Hopefully he might get a TP style design if anything

Putting that aside, however, I think Vaati would be a great character. He's a freakin' wind sorcerer, basically meaning he has the ability to control wind in countless ways. Now, I dunno about you, but I could easily make up a moveset on that concept alone. Plus, he is, indeed, the secondary Zelda villian, right next to Ganondorf, and is very important overall as he stars in the Four Swords trilogy of games. Not most important character in the series like Ganondorf, but is a much needed character if there's going to be Zelda reps in future installments.​

Gray Fox

If there's ever going to be another Metal Gear rep, this guy would just be perfect. However, his chances are a bit low and just didn't make my list.

Don't get me wrong, this guy would be great. A f-cking ninja, and important Metal Gear character. In the first two games, he was Snake's closest friend, who's name was Gray Fox. However, thought to be dead, he returns in Metal Gear Solid as a mysterious ninja who's cybernetically rebuilt as a killing machine. However, it isn't revealed until later in the game, so he would be a spoiler for the ten people who haven't played the game. Too bad, though.

His potential would be great. Although the only problem I could see is him being very similar to Takamaru with his sword and cloaking device. However, if it does end up something like that, I would much rather them two just being Luigi-like clones with maybe Gray Fox faster than Takamaru (since he's cybernetically super-human, really). However, putting that aside, he would be the perfect Metal Gear second rep.

Now, why not in the game? Well, this is much like the Simon Belmont reasoning: No more Konami reps. Snake is fine enough. However, for some reason, I have a feeling we might just get another Metal Gear character, and he might just be the one to be as such, but I dunno. I'd much rather have just a few 3rd party reps, and save this one for a later game.​

King K. Rool

Main villian of the DK series, I considered him, but... Not on my list.

However, I do think that he would make a pretty good third DK rep. He is, after all the main villian of the series, which alone gives him a lot of merit, really. However, anyone knows that he doesn't really have much potential for moves, although I could see Sakurai giving him some pretty good and powerful moves.

But that isn't why I didn't include him.

The reason is simply because I do not think we should get a third DK rep. Yes, that's right, we SHOULDN'T. Although we might, I thought about it, and considered if the DK series needs more reps. I do think it does, honestly, and would fully be happy to see King K. Rool or even Dixie Kong in Brawl if they're confirmed. However, like many other characters, I would much rather someone else that really needs the spot for Brawl more than they do now. Yes, King K. Rool is the main villain of the series, but he never really struck me as a needed character for Brawl, really. In a sequel, however, when more necessary characters are in the game, King K. Rool would be perfect for an addition, along with Dixie Kong.


Main character of NiGHTS into Dreams, a very amazing game for the Sega Saturn, Nights... *drum rolls*


Why? Well, it's simple. With the recent announcement of Sonic the Hedgehog and the known limit on the amount of 3rd party characters (and really, I don't want much 3rd party characters in, tbh), plus it was obvious that Sonic was going to be in (which I tried to ignore, dammit, even though he's confirmed now!), and that we'll probably see one character from one third party company rather than two or several, I really doubt Nights is going to be in (unless that rumor a while back about multiple third party characters is true).

Now, putting that aside, I do think that Nights would make a great character, especially with his unique magical/dream theme to him, making him quite an original character. He would fit perfectly as a second Sega rep in a later Smash, honestly, and I would love to see such a great character in sometime in the future.

But what about his popularity? Well, he isn't too big of a character, he falls under the cult status range, but I can honestly say that Nights is probably the second-most important Sega character right next to Sonic, despite being a cult classic character, compared to all of the other Sega characters out there (well, maybe except Alisa from Phantasy Star...naw). So his popularity isn't a factor to keep him from Brawl, really.​

Red Exclamation Warrior


As much of a henshin hero nut I am, I couldn't put down this Nintendo character.

From a very unique game called Exclamation Warriors Sakeburein, a game that stars a Super Sentai-like team to fight badguys by you, the player, yelling "PUNCH!!" or "KICK!!" into the DS mic, I really have my doubts for him being in Brawl!

Which is sad, if this character was more known and important, I would totally support him. But alas, he's from a game in Japan that was only sold to Nintendo Club members, making him a very minor character compared to many other Nintendo stars.

However, I'm not going to rule him out, I could seriously see this character making it into a future Smash sequel. His move potential shouldn't be a problem, he'd probably be similar to Captain Falcon in terms of how he acts and yells his moves, but I'm sure they'd be very different (even give him a Rider Kick as a cool Kamen Rider reference). For people who aren't familar with henshin heroes, just think of Power Rangers and you can get an idea of how he would fight. Because of that, he would be very unique and cool.​

Bowser Jr.

This guy, he used to be on my list, but 'tis sad that I had to take him off in favor of other characters.

Although I do think he has a high chance in Brawl, in my eyes it's either going to be Geno or him, and I chose Geno over him. Even though Geno IS third party to Square Enix, I really don't think he'd be count as an actual third party slot, even though technically he is, simply because he's a Mario character (and would have a Mushroom as his icon). That sounds like just a personal preference thing, and it maybe is, but that's basically the gist of why I decided to take Bowser Jr. off my list, and I did put more thought into it more than it seems.

However, that doesn't mean I'm gonna rule out such a cool character!

Popularity: Well, sorta, I'd say he's pretty well known, and he isn't really hated that much, so check! Moveset potential: Tbh, I think this is what he's lacking the most, but I could see him being a Luigified version of Bowser, but extremely fast and having his own original moves, so check! Importance: Stars in three main games in the series and in a lot of spin-offs, is Bowser's son and basically the second-most villain in the Mario series as of current, CHECK! Seriously, we have all of that down. He'd honestly be the perfect future Mario rep in another Smash game compared to, say, Waluigi or Daisy.

Dark Samus

One of the main antagonist of the Metroid Prime series, Dark Samus did NOT make the cut at all on my list!

No, it's not because she would supposedly be a "clone" (which she honestly wouldn't be), but it's simply because she doesn't play too much of a role in the series compared to, say, Ridley. And I'd personally prefer for there just to be one Metroid villain in Brawl for now.

But really, I don't hate Dark Samus, I would love to see her make it in Smash someday. She WOULDN'T be a clone of Samus, period, anyone who's played the games and fought her would know she's quite different from Samus. Maybe a few moves, but I'd say mostly she'd be very different from Samus, maybe more powerbased than Samus. So her potential isn't a problem, it's her importance over a character like Ridley.​

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007

First sidekick of Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails would make a perfect addition to...A FUTURE SMASH!

Pretty much the same reasoning with Nights, I decided not to put Tails on my list. He would make a great character, and if there's any second Sonic rep, this guy is definitely the man to choose as a spot. Why? Well, for one, he's Sonic's direct sidekick, ever since Sonic 2, holding a very special place in the Sonic universe compared to, say, Knuckles (who I'll add later, actually). He would be very unique, maybe more powerbased, and having the ability to fly with his tail. So his moves wouldn't be too hard to create. Seriously, Tails would be perfect as a second Sonic rep, that's enough said, brotha.​

The "characters that would be perfect additions but have no chance in hell" section:

Banjo & Kazooie

Seriously, these guys have no chance in hell, ever!

Sadly, they actually did have a chance when Rare was second party... Wish they were in Melee, really, but I guess Nintendo knew Rare was planning to move to Microsoft then. It's a sad shame that such wonderful characters won't be in any Smash game at all, ever, unless Rare somehow decides to become third party or go back to Nintendo as second party.

Now, you may be asking, "How do these characters have potential?" and if you do so I would hit you with a stick as you apparently have never played a Banjo Kazooie game ever. But, seriously, they do have potential, they have a LOT of moves in each game (and when I say a LOT, I mean it), all which could easily be applied in Smash without hardly an effort. Maybe you can switch in between the two kinda like with Zelda and Sheik, except the other character would be blatantly visible on the back of the playable one just like in the games. They'd make a perfect addition to Brawl, too bad they won't be in it, really...​


Okay, I'm going to be bashed for this, but this guy would be an awesome addition to a Smash. But he won't happen at all, tbh.

He's a very cool character, and would provide a very unique moveset with his Blades of Chaos, and he's very popular with Western audiences. Although his game is extremely gorey, I do think that he could still fit in Brawl removing the gore aspect (although I do admit, it would be lulz to see him slice Pikachu in half with his blades), so it wouldn't be too hard to implement him in.

The only problem, though, is that he's pretty much owned by Sony. He would have no chance in hell at all, unless Sony somehow became a third party game company in the future. He never appeared on a Nintendo console, nor will he ever will (unless some miracle happens). Alas, I won't ignore this character. He'd be really cool to play as.​


The Pig King
(Porky Minch)

Final boss of Mother 3, the childish and selfish Porky is a very unique villain and one of the coldest. Wielding a huge spider-like mech, he would fit perfectly as a boss that is not only awesome, but represents one of Nintendo's greatest series ever. That, and he would make quite the entrance in the new Subspace mode in Brawl, really. The theme that plays when the Pig Army comes to raid some sh-t starts playing, a bunch of Pig Army Troops (and maybe some Porky bots) start attacking the character you're playing as, then he comes in, in his big spider-mech, a dark and twisted theme starts playing like it does at the end of the game when he gets near the party, then the battle begins!​

(the real one)

Main villain of Star Fox, this giant and evil scientist has a lot of potential to be a really cool boss to fight against. His decoy is already an assist trophy now, but what about the way more powerful, actual Andross? It's simply: Boss. With a huge floating head along with two equally floating hands, think of something perhaps like a fight with Master Hand AND Crazy Hand AND a huge head. Basically, it would be awesome and very epic, hopefully challenging. Andross as an actual boss would be something I would personally be looking forward to beat.​


Medusa, main villian of the first Kid Icarus game and basically the "Goddess of Darkness" in the game itself, with a load of minions at her side, she would be a perfect boss for our good ol' friend Pit. Now, you may be saying, "Wait, she looks very ugly, dammit! I don't want her to be a boss!" Well, I can agree with you, basing it on the old concept art. But look at it this way: Boost that design to today's standards like they did with Pit. What would you possibly get? Who knows, but it has potential to be REALLY cool, especially if they made her more deadly-looking, and more realistic. Hopefully you can image what I'm trying to say, and that would simply make the perfect boss that represents the Kid Icarus series.

Metal Gear REX

Metal gear from Metal Gear Solid, I would love to see this make it as Snake's boss (maybe even along with Liquid Snake piloting it). It is the most recent Metal Gear, and a cool looking mech. However, I'm not limiting the boss to represent the Metal Gear series to just this, this boss applies to any metal gear from the series. Ranging from the one in the first game, to Metal Gear RAY in the second, to any major metal gear from MGS4. All would make a great boss, really.​


Oh come on, this guy is a shoe-in for a Metroid boss, do I need to explain?

Well, I will anyway, I suppose.

Yes, Kraid would make a perfect Metroid boss. He's gigantic, one of the most loved and recognizable bosses in the series right next to Ridley, and fits that perfect role of being someone you fight as a final boss in the Subspace story mode. Kraid would definitely be an awesome boss.​


Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2007
wow, hat's off to this thread's sexy design.
looking forward to seeing your newcomer predictions!


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
Yeah, I agree on the returning characters so far. Can't wait to see what newcomers you think will get in.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
He said he wasn't going to stick in random characters on his list, and specifically mentions Lucario as an example. So I doubt the overrated dog will show up.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
Last I checked, Sheik was a girl...I mean, unless she got a sex change...
And your list better have Lucario:p
I don't think it will, and SHIEK IS A GIRL!

Alright people this may be hard to hear but not every girl has breasts the size of balloons. I know alot of people on these threads believe all girls have to have hefty juggs to have the right of being girl (and this is probably because half of the board members are big nerd who have never seen a girl outside their PS2. However there is such thing as flat chested women *gasp*.

That is what Shiek is....... a boobless female ninja. Makes sense right.


Anyways I can't say this thread is anything great or whatnot (this is like number 6 or 10 on the presonal brawl roster idea posts), people should probably list their ideas on Wiseguys thread). However as long as this thread doesn't suck I won't complain. Very neat and artful Luke Groundwalker, nice pic choices.


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
Good point. Lucario is cool, but hasn't warranted any true advantage for being in. And it's very silly to hate an entire list because ONE character isn't in. Even though I'm apposed to these countless character lists, I especially like yours because it says "My views." Not something narcissistic like "LOLZ BEST ROSTER EVA." Or "Definetly Probable." Any character list, no matter how sane, is based on opinion. I look forward to seeing more.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
I don't think it will, and SHIEK IS A GIRL!

Alright people this may be hard to hear but not every girl has breasts the size of balloons. I know alot of people on these threads believe all girls have to have hefty juggs to have the right of being girl (and this is probably because half of the board members are big nerd who have never seen a girl outside their PS2. However there is such thing as flat chested women *gasp*.

That is what Shiek is....... a boobless female ninja. Makes sense right.


Anyways I can't say this thread is anything great or whatnot (this is like number 6 or 10 on the presonal brawl roster idea posts), people should probably list their ideas on Wiseguys thread). However as long as this thread doesn't suck I won't complain. Very neat and artful Luke Groundwalker, nice pic choices.
Yeah, I knew I wasn't losing my mind...well...I am, but still:psycho: Yeah, don't worry, Homeless, I'm not one of those nerds...I do have a girlfriend...that counts as a girl outside of video games, does it not:p

Good point. Lucario is cool, but hasn't warranted any true advantage for being in. And it's very silly to hate an entire list because ONE character isn't in. Even though I'm apposed to these countless character lists, I especially like yours because it says "My views." Not something narcissistic like "LOLZ BEST ROSTER EVA." Or "Definetly Probable." Any character list, no matter how sane, is based on opinion. I look forward to seeing more.
Meh...I won't be upset if he doesn't have Lucario...I'd like to see Lucario, but it's his opinion, and if he doesn't think the best 4th gen candidate doesn't have a shot in Brawl, that's fine with me...besides, on the offchance Lucario doesn't make it to the actual lineup, I'm just gonna main Pit (well, I'm maining Pit either way, but I'll double main if Lucario's in)
And yeah, it's great that he didn't try to pass this list of as "the perfect list"...good job, Groundwalker!


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
Meh...I won't be upset if he doesn't have Lucario...I'd like to see Lucario, but it's his opinion, and if he doesn't think the best 4th gen candidate doesn't have a shot in Brawl, that's fine with me...besides, on the offchance Lucario doesn't make it, I'm just gonna main Pit (well, I'm maining Pit either way, but I'll double main if Lucario's in)
Good good. I don;t dislike the character, and am prone to attack any haters of any character. At this point we can't count anyone out. Less we forget Pokemon Trainer.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Good good. I don;t dislike the character, and am prone to attack any haters of any character. At this point we can't count anyone out. Less we forget Pokemon Trainer.
Exactly! And besides, the way I see it, if Sakurai's repping the 4th gen, Lucario's the only reasonable candidate to do it...question now is wether or not Sakurai's gonna have a playable 4th gen rep...

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Last I checked, Sheik was a girl...I mean, unless she got a sex change...
And your list better have Lucario:p
I can bet he won't have Lucario. Still spewing "random" FE blah blah blah I'm not going to add them is a bit much.

The only Fire Emblem character who would be completely unique from all other Fire Emblem suggestions is Micaiah. In my honest opinion Sakurai needs to show(to non FE gamers) that Females in Fire Emblem are actually important in their respective games(The Main character).

Micaiah is the newest lord in the series, starring in FE10. She is an expert when it comes to using Light magic. The only character that could come remotely close to her is Zelda and even then Micaiah's light magic is vastly different than Zelda's magic.

Representing the female's perspective in Fire Emblem is needed to show that Males aren't the only domanating force in FE games. I'll give a run down.

  • First international Lord to be a (Light) Magic user.
  • First international Female Lord to be important though-out the story (Lyndis wasn't as important to FE7 as Micaiah is to FE10)
  • Represents and entirely unique aspect of Fire Emblem that hasn't been seen before. Showing that Fire Emblem isn't all about Melee weapons (Swords) and can bring something entirely unique from them to the table.
  • Adverstises FE10 to non Fire Emblem Gamers outside of Japan. (Seeing as Ike is in his FE9 form he would not be a good person to represent FE10, and by that note since everyone in SSBB is going with their current look why isn't Ike in his FE10 form? I suspect that Sakurai is using Ike's most recognizable form, and leaving room for Micaiah to represent FE10).
  • Brings more vareity to the barren Female roaster in SSB.
I'll be sure to list some more reasons a bit later on.

Micaiah is important to the Fire Emblem franchise to represent the female side of things as well as bringing her entirely unique use of Light magic to the table. If representing something entirely unique to an existing franchise is wrong then many characters need to be cut from Brawl's inclusion.

Luke Groundwalker hopefully you will give this a look over and perhaps even add Micaiah to your Character list. She certainly is deserving of it.



Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
I can bet he won't have Lucario. Still spewing "random" FE blah blah blah I'm not going to add them is a bit much.

The only Fire Emblem character who would be completely unique from all other Fire Emblem suggestions is Micaiah. In my honest opinion Sakurai needs to show(to non FE gamers) that Females in Fire Emblem are actually important in their respective games(The Main character).

Micaiah is the newest lord in the series, starring in FE10. She is an expert when it comes to using Light magic. The only character that could come remotely close to her is Zelda and even then Micaiah's light magic is vastly different than Zelda's magic.

Representing the female's perspective in Fire Emblem is needed to show that Males aren't the only domanating force in FE games. I'll give a run down.

  • First international Lord to be a (Light) Magic user.
  • First international Female Lord to be important though-out the story (Lyndis wasn't as important to FE7 as Micaiah is to FE10)
  • Represents and entirely unique aspect of Fire Emblem that hasn't been seen before. Showing that Fire Emblem isn't all about Melee weapons (Swords) and can bring something entirely unique from them to the table.
  • Adverstises FE10 to non Fire Emblem Gamers outside of Japan. (Seeing as Ike is in his FE9 form he would not be a good person to represent FE10, and by that note since everyone in SSBB is going with their current look why isn't Ike in his FE10 form? I suspect that Sakurai is using Ike's most recognizable form, and leaving room for Micaiah to represent FE10).
  • Brings more vareity to the barren Female roaster in SSB.
I'll be sure to list some more reasons a bit later on.

Micaiah is important to the Fire Emblem franchise to represent the female side of things as well as bringing her entirely unique use of Light magic to the table. If representing something entirely unique to an existing franchise is wrong then many characters need to be cut from Brawl's inclusion.

Luke Groundwalker hopefully you will give this a look over and perhaps even add Micaiah to your Character list. She certainly is deserving of it.

Agreed. If we're gonna add a Fire Emblem character, it should be a unique girl. Not another bloody swordsman.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Agreed thus far mostly. I'm hoping you're wrong about Young Link, but unfortunately have to acknowledge the distinct possibility of his return in one form or another. Not sure exactly what you're referring to the with the "random" comment - most Fire Emblem newcomer suggestions are quite far from random, especially in the case of Micaiah (see Kirby Knight's post) and Sigurd (who is the single most popular FE character in Japan and whose game is widely considered the best in the series). Anyway, I'll be interested to see the newcomer list.


Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Bet you he wont have Ridley. If you do, well done for changing, LGW.
I never hated Ridley, I ALWAYS supported him. Just because that one idiot listed me as a Ridley hater, even though after stating hundreds of times I supported Ridley and he was the top character I want in, he still won't get it through his head that I WANT Ridley in Brawl as fully playable.

Oh, and I did some of my wanted newcomers, I have a lot more, but I gotta go somewhere soon and figured just post what I got done so far.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2001
I like it.

Except for Young Link and Bowser Jr. Also, Ness will be in the game.
Normally, I'm against Krystal, but you included Falco, so I'm okay with it.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2007
Your list is good, but the fact that you refuse to have Pokemon and Fire Emblem characters that will most likely make it is very biased. Just cause you don't like a character doesn't mean they have low chances.

Lucario, The Black Knight, and Micaiah have huge chances, the first two I mentioned have chances beyond those of Skapon and Takamaru

But...your thread is absolutely brilliant. You obviously worked hard on the pictures, and they look great.


Smash Cadet
Sep 18, 2007
Deep in the vastness of space.
While Krystal is the obvious choice, she would get in due to popularity, Sakurai's personal preferance, and possibly ease of giving her a unique moveset, not because she has the most merits. With Wolf having seniority over Krystal, being Fox's main rival, and playing just as much if not more of a significant role in Assault and Command than Krystal, he obviously deserves the position of playable rep the most for a SF newcomer.

Also, if you look at Ridley's size in the original Metroid, he doesn't even need to be resized for SSBB.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
What's with everyone and Skapon now days?
You'd honestly just have to see for yourself, he's a really cool character.
While Krystal is the obvious choice, she would get in due to popularity, Sakurai's personal preferance, and possibly ease of giving her a unique moveset, not because she has the most merits. With Wolf having seniority over Krystal, being Fox's main rival, and playing just as much if not more of a significant role in Assault and Command than Krystal, he obviously deserves the position of playable rep the most for a SF newcomer.
I could see Wolf in, and probably will add him, but I do favor Krystal more and see a LOT more potential to be extremely original. Although I do want Wolf in as a SF villain representative.


Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2007
I like the list, but overall, I really like your design over just the lists- it just looks good.

Althouh I think if Bowser Jr's in, they should incorporate Shadow Mario or at least his paintbrush somehow.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Nice list so far. It has Ridley, Sukapon, and Krystal so I'm happy. :)

I would like to see Geno in Brawl more than Bowser Jr., really. I know Bowser Jr. is likely too though. They are competing for the same spot afterall, but no one said there only had to be five Mario characters!


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
you know, before I looked in here I was expecting a bunch of stupid characters that make no sense, and an absence of awesome characters that have no reason not to be in brawl... but.. wow! this list is awesome! good job! :D

however, Bowser Jr. shouldn't be a "Luigi" to Bowser. he should use his paintbrush (but he shouldn'ttransform into Shadow Mario), which would make him his own character.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
@Luke Brucely
Actually, honestly, i still dislike Takamaru, Bowser JR and Skapon. But, profissionaly talking, I really like your topic and your predictions, really.
Anyway i have to unhappily confess that i actually think you use "ly" too much, really.
Hopefully you'll act more wisely nextly timely.

Hehe don't worrily i'm justly Kiddingly :p


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
@Luke Brucely
Actually, honestly, i still dislike Takamaru, Bowser JR and Skapon. But, profissionaly talking, I really like your topic and your predictions, really.
Anyway i have to unhappily confess that i actually think you use "ly" too much, really.
Hopefully you'll act more wisely nextly timely.

Hehe don't worrily i'm justly Kiddingly :p
What's your problem with Taka and Sukapon?

...Try playing the games first


Smash Lord
Jun 11, 2005
You're wrong, Lucario isn't just some random Pokemon. The highest rank you earn in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is Lucario Rank. It's the only rank in the game named after a Pokemon. They obviously view him as of some importance.

Also, in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, the way you get Lucario is unique. You earn him after completing a side quest by helping this girl find her way out of a cave. You don't just run across him randomly and catch him, like most Pokemon.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
...Try playing the games first
Exactly. Y'see, what makes my list quite noteworthy is that I've actually played all of the games these characters were on and can actually judge if they'd be actually good. Most people just choose characters just because they like how they look or sound, which isn't too much of a bad thing sometimes. But I honestly don't think no one has the right to actually judge without first-hand experience with the actual character as a whole. It's okay to say, "He looks cool!" and "He looks like sh-t." without knowing about them, but when you actually try to have an extensive opinion on such a character, then it's best to at least have knowledge about them completely before you make any judgments at all.
You're wrong, Lucario isn't just some random Pokemon. The highest rank you earn in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is Lucario Rank. It's the only rank in the game named after a Pokemon. They obviously view him as of some importance.

Also, in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, the way you get Lucario is unique. You earn him after completing a side quest by helping this girl find her way out of a cave. You don't just run across him randomly and catch him, like most Pokemon.
No, sorry, hate to break it to ya, but Lucario's importance is pretty much the same as Snorlax or Sudowoodo in the past games, honestly.

As for outside the games, he does have a bit of merit, as he was the second 4th gen Pokemon to be revealed. That, and he stars in his own movie, really. Although, really, in that movie, he pretty much played the same role as Absol did in the Jirachi movie.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Good effort.

But you must have been born in the mid nineties.
No, early nineties ('91), but what does it have to do with anything? It probably beats any list you could actually come up with if you honestly think this is simply just a "good effort."


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
No, sorry, hate to break it to ya, but Lucario's importance is pretty much the same as Snorlax or Sudowoodo in the past games, honestly.

As for outside the games, he does have a bit of merit, as he was the second 4th gen Pokemon to be revealed. That, and he stars in his own movie, really. Although, really, in that movie, he pretty much played the same role as Absol did in the Jirachi movie, really.
Yeah, but the movie wasn't named after Absol, was it? And Absol didn't sacrifice its life to save an ailing ecosystem, did it? To cover myself, I will say that being "dead" doesn't have a big impact...it does come back in spirit (watch the credits), and its SE story could occur before its death...jus' sayin'...flame me all ya want, but I'm sticking by Lucario 'til the day I die:p

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
>_> I waiting to Luke's finished character list to see if he decides to put Micaiah on it.

Open your heart to Micaiah ^_^



Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
What's with everyone and Skapon now days?
Sukapon is making an evil plot to dethrone Ridley as the Master of Awesome. We are but pawns in his sinister scheme. :p
Join the Sukapon revolution! We have cookies!

This list is ...okay...?
It needs Olimar, though, or puppies will die.


Smash Lord
Jun 11, 2005
Luke Groundwalker
No, sorry, hate to break it to ya, but Lucario's importance is pretty much the same as Snorlax or Sudowoodo in the past games, honestly.

As for outside the games, he does have a bit of merit, as he was the second 4th gen Pokemon to be revealed. That, and he stars in his own movie, really. Although, really, in that movie, he pretty much played the same role as Absol did in the Jirachi movie.
I didn't say anything about the movie. You completely ignored what I said about them making Lucario Rank the highest rank in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. If he's just some random nobody, why does he have his own rank? Where's the Snorlax rank? Where's the Sudowoodo rank? Go online on PBR and tell me if you come across half as many Snorlaxs or Sudowoodos as Lucarios.

And explain this to me. Why are Takamaru and Sukapon, two random retro characters, considered likely to you if Lucario isn't? What are the odds of them picking those 2 out of Little Mac, Balloon Fighter, the Duck Hunt dog, Mach Rider, Mike Jones, Bubbles, Excitebiker, Donkey Kong Jr., ect... There's so many possible retro characters. Really, any one of them is just as likely as the next. So how are they more likely then people like Lucario and Hector?

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
>_> I waiting to Luke's finished character list to see if he decides to put Micaiah on it.

Open your heart to Micaiah ^_^

Did so along with Geno and some boss ideas.
thejbr12 said:
Got any opinion on Sonic or Little Mac, Groundwalker?
freeman123 said:
I didn't say anything about the movie. You completely ignored what I said about them making Lucario Rank the highest rank in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
So how in the world does he happen to play any important role just because of a rank system that was completely based on the known 4th gen Pokemon at the time?
freeman123 said:
If he's just some random nobody, why does he have his own rank? Where's the Snorlax rank? Where's the Sudowoodo rank? Go online on PBR and tell me if you come across half as many Snorlaxs or Sudowoodos as Lucarios.
That's not my point. In Red/Blue, you could only get a few Snorlax Pokemon, and had to use a special item to wake him up. In Gold/Silver, you had to use another item to get a Sudowoodo to fight you and unblock the path. Both of these Pokemon share a similar role of being rare but are just like any other Pokemon. In Diamond/Pearl, you can only obtain Lucario if you get a Riolu in an egg. Now, he does differ from Snorlax in Sudowoodo in terms of how you get him, but he basically plays the same role: a rare but pretty average Pokemon. That's all he is, deal with it and shut the f-ck up.
freeman123 said:
And explain this to me. Why are Takamaru and Sukapon, two random retro characters, considered likely to you if Lucario isn't? What are the odds of them picking those 2 out of Little Mac, Balloon Fighter, the Duck Hunt dog, Mach Rider, Mike Jones, Bubbles, Excitebiker, Donkey Kong Jr., ect... There's so many possible retro characters. Really, any one of them is just as likely as the next. So how are they more likely then people like Lucario and Hector?
Like I explained, Takamaru and Skapon are NOT random retro characters. They play a big role in Nintendo's history compared to all of those other characters you listed (although I would love to see the Balloon Fighter or the Mach Rider to get in as a more true random retro character). They play a vital role and were very popular at the time and still are today as characters.

And besides, characters from a series with one game >>>>> random characters that appear in a recurring game series with very little importance.


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
This is the best character list I've seen, I can't wait until it's finished. Unlike others, I like the fact that you think all of the original characters of Melee should return, and even give chances to Young Link and Falco. That's really cool, and I completely agree with you on that.

I also agree with all of your newcomers, and your reasons are solid! Great job! Looking forward to the rest!
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