As far as WD goes, its not a skill, its definaley a glitch. I mean look at it.
It works a hundred percent of the time.
It's legnth varies according to the traction of the character that performs it
It causes no game errors.
Doesn't LOOK like a glitch to me. Looks like airdodging into the ground makes you slide in melee! *GASP*
It does actually, especially when techchasing another falcon, whos waiting on the ground trying to hit you with a wakeup attack, you run at him, fake him out into doing the wakeup attack, wavedash backwards, run forwards and grab him for the setup and kill (knee)
Feels natural to me, but maybe thats because Ive been using the technique for 2 years, and so have thousnads of other people. Its an easy technique, its useful, and people use it in melee for a reason. It offers no instant benefits and requires months to years to learn how to use properly in every situation. it is a highly double edged sword, a noob will wavedash himself into bad situations, a pro will use wavedashing to profit him. You are being ignorant and bias based on personal opinion and lack of gameplay at a high level with people who actually know how to play smash. Which you (no offense) have no idea how to do
in a game that mimcs the martial arts and fighting, do you see any fighters/Martial artists out there who Wavedash?.... its a glitch. we really gotta acknowledge that.
Wow. You're a horrible debator.
Double jumping isnt possible in real life fighting due to gravity. Is Double jumping a glitch? Dang, son.
but learning how to use the glitch to your advantage is great for your game play, however, there is this thing that happens when you start to get good with it and hey maybe even enter a tourney. Its called "Eff all your other charecters and join the WD zombies (fox, falco, marth, falcon, shiek,samus).
WD zombies eh? last time I checked, most good falcon players dashdance 30 times more than they wavedash. Also, ganon, pikachu, Ice climbers, Game and watch, Peach, Mario, Doctor mario, luigi, young link, old link, pichu, and more can make good use of the wavedash, and can be played at a high level. Have you ever fought Azens pikachu? Have you ever fought chudats pichu? Then you should stop talking right about now.
Ive been playing comeptitive smash inside my city for about 2 years now, and newer players who can do all the ADVANCED SUPER HARD ZOMG techs like waveshining and SHLing with falco are 3-4 STOCK MATERIAL for my pichu. I play a very good pichu, and I dont wavedash much with him either.
You're ignorant. Stop being ignorant.
If we dont see this to be true, show me a Pro Bowser putting Ken in a jam.
Arash. Back in the day. Bowser vs marth is a hard matchup, but then again so is falcon vs peach. Counterpicks will exist in brawl too, you dolt.
Show me two ppl who play w/o charecter counters. I digress, These Pros are good, but not w/o a huge crutch that is the wavedash.
They would destroy you in single button melee. Counterpicking is a part of every fighting game when it becomes competitive. How much more of a scrub are you going to be?
But that is the way of competitive play. WIN, not with honor or fairness, if its in there you WIN. sucks i know. but thats why they are taking their time to fix WD and other glitches.
Play to win, no johns. Honor is a fictional construct created in the brains of lesser players to give them a sort of opium that soothes their pain in losing. Cheapness is a scrub's term for effeciency.
The game knows two things, winning, and losing. In smash to win you must get your opponent off the screen 4-5 times, before he does the same to you 4-5 times.
So to be kind of in the middle on this topic. We can play with all the charecters that we grew to love and then later become a zombie at the competitive level.
perhaps there will be a middle ground in Brawl, where you can actually play with ALL of the charecters , and constantly play pros glitch free.
Pro smashers will beat you in any matchup. There is much more to smash than you can even begin to know about.
Its a fighting game. Some characters will suck, some will be in the middle, some will be the best. There is no way to avoid this unless brawl features under 4 characters, that would be the only chance to truly balance a game like smash brawl (character power wise) but thank god it isnt the case.
Also, competitive smash players aren't zombies. You clearly have never been to a smash tournament, and you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
Can we all agree that we want to play smash bros.
Not super-5 -charecter-wavedash-that-clearly- have-an-unatural-advantage-bros?
... I'm not even going to respond to this. You're hurting my faith in the younger generation because honnestly how could you be more than 13-14 years old with this style of writing?
oh yeah, btw, Air dogding is different, WD is out. heheh see you guys on line!
happy gamin all
Yes, one technique is removed. Now you, like everyone who did not use wavedash or compete in smash melee will be the best player in the world at brawl, we experienced players stand NO chance because all of our skill lies within one technique.
In case you couldn't tell, I was being extremly sarcastic. You're spewing ignorant trash all over this forum, you sucked at melee, and you will suck at brawl.
Why? because you are being a TEXTBOOK scrub. And you're going into a new game, with the assumption that since a few techniques from melee were removed, all experienced melee players will now inevitbly fall to your INCREDIBLY AMAZING UNSTOPABLE... ... ... what... exactly?
That's right, you've got nothing, and you are nothing. You can not hope to be good at a game through the exclusion of ONE technique, infact the removal of wavedashing is probably going to make it harder for you to become the best in brawl, since wavedashing is such an easy and useful technique.
Don't be so quick to praise yourself, those are all things within the ream of their respective universes, WD isn't. That's what he's saying, it isn't a part of fighting convention
If we change the word ''wavedashing'' to ''sliding'' then everything you just said is a pile of wrong.
Wavedashing makes as much sense as double jumping which makes as much sense as a fox being able to shoot a gun, which makes about as much sense as jigglypuffs disjointed hitbox.
Smash is a weird game, you cant make that argument to say wavedashing shouldnt be a part of melee, because I can take that argument and apply it to just about ANY move in the game. Therefore it's an incredibly weak argument.