Thanks, guys! I felt so relieved after I got it. Mostly because I don't have to do go back there again!
Sorry for the long absence. I have been fairly busy in and out of work. However, testing is over, the parties are over, and it's summer....I still got to work though :/. However, I had some extra time so I decided to sit down and write about my next blog topic!
Teaching in Japan: The Students, Teachers, and I
I had a lot of trouble deciding on what topic I wanted to write about because their is a whole box full of topics I could touch on. The sports festival? Rainy season? Sex in Japan? Business etiquette? Video gaming and teenagers? All worthy topics that I want to write about in the future. However, in this new blog post, I decided to forgo my usual formula of picking an area of Japanese culture and scrutinizing over it. This blog post won't try to question a facet if Japanese society and, instead, I will just be reporting; hopefully unbiased.
I realized that I haven't really detailed exactly what I
do in Japan. I said earlier that I am an English teacher here but I haven't actually told what my job is. Therefore, I decided to write a blog post about my job, what I do, what my usual day is, and everything I experience working for the Japanese education system.
To start off, I am what you call an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher). At it's most basic definition, I help teach students English while providing them an opportunity to interact with a foreigner and to use English outside of the class. So not only do I teach English but I also introduce foreign culture to them as well. My duty is to help students with pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and read comprehension in the classroom while also sharing my culture/values with students in order for them to be more enlightened about the world around them. Fun, huh?
My Job
My job duties vary school to school but they stay the same in most cases. I teach English at two junior high schools and two elementary schools and each visit is different from the previous. I go to my own junior high school twice a week, Monday and Wednesday and the other every other Wednesday. I then go to my elementary school twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday and my other elementary school every Friday. So my weeks are pretty straight forward save for the one junior high school.
In Junior High School, I teach with a JTE (Japanese Teacher of English). Basically, a Japanese English Teacher. These teachers usually have previous experience abroad in other countries so they understand that ALTs do things much differently then Japanese. They have gone to college specifically to teach English and, even though they are teaching English, continue to attend seminars, conferences, and classes on how to better improve their English ability and teaching style. Some times they are even taught by the ALTs. So, needless to say, most JTEs have average to perfect English though some have below average and I wonder how they go to be an English teacher (In fact, I teach with a women whose English is downright horrible and incomprehensible.)
In Elementary School, I teach with an HRT (Homeroom Teacher). In Japan, students do not change classrooms. They stay in the same classroom and the teacher comes into the class. In Elementary School, the HRT is in charge of teaching all the subjects while in Junior High, there are teachers who specialize in a certain subject. So it's also the HRT's responsibility to teach English alongside the ALT. In Elementary school, teachers are expected to each a English class twice a week. That means that I miss one of the classes but I can attend one at least. In Junior High school, they have them three to four times a week. These rules were set in by
MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).
Elementary School
An Elementary School classroom
So what do I teach? In Elementary School, I use "Hi, Friends"(
Link 1,
Link 2). There are two books, 5th and 6th grade, with covers a wide variety of English phrases and grammar such as:
"Hello, my name is _____"
"I like apples."
"Do you like apples?"
"Yes, I like apples."
"I have 8 apples."
"Where is the supermarket?"
"I want to go to Italy."
"I have a mother and a father."
"On Monday, I have English and Science."
I also teach numbers, the alphabet, months, days of the week, days of the month, weather terms, holidays, colors, countries, etc. Since there are no books from 1-4th grade, I usually have to come up with my own teaching plan which usually includes a game, short lesson, and another game.
One example includes the "Number Song". I write on the board "12345678910" I teach them a song which goes like:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I then erase a number and do a funny sound, dance, or pose. For example, I did a Halloween theme so it when like:
1 2 3 Zombie growl 4 5 6 wolf howl
8 9 bwahahahahaha
It's fun to see the kids excited and energetic about it and the younger kids are pretty cute and adorable when they howl lives wolves. I also have done musical chairs, hot and cold game, freeze tag, Red Rover, and the parachute game.
However, for 5th and 6th Grade, I usually follow the textbook. I usually greet class with:
"Good morning, everyone. How are you today?"
The students then reply with "I'm hot/cold/fine/happy/sad/tired/sleepy/hungry/angry/thirsty/happy/OK. They then say "And you?" I then say how I feel for the day. I then take a tally of who is what. This is done by them raising their hands when I say "Who is hungry?" It is a good warm up.
In most cases, the HRT will then explain what the lesson is and do some Japanese explanation. Afterward, I will have students practice the vocabulary that is in the lesson. I usually have them repeat me twice before I have them say it on their own in order to check their pronunciation. We then go straight into the lesson. The lesson depends entirely on the level of English the HRT has or the teaching style of the HRT. One 6th grade teacher of mine likes game so we play a lot of games. Another teacher likes English a lot so he does a lot of English exercises and tries to encourage students to use only English. While some teachers hate English and just sit in the back of the class and text on their phones while I teach. It depends entirely on the teacher and the class.
My two elementary schools are very different. My one school, Yachiwa Elementary School has around 1,000 students. I am there on Tuesday and Thursdays. It's the second biggest elementary school in my city. I used to teach grades 1 through 6 as well as a 1st and 2nd grade branch school that is about 30 minutes away by bike but, with a new ALT supervisor, I now only teach 5th and 6th grade. I teach four 5th grade classes and they are usually 1st through 4th period and then I am free after lunch. However, I have 5 6th grade classes so I usually teach 2nd through 6th or 1st through 5th. Depends on the teachers.
At my other elementary school, Taiyo elementary school (the one I am at only once), I teach 5th and 6th grade as well however, there are only two classes per grade so it's much easier. As well, I teach one grade per Friday. So one Friday may be 5th graders while next Friday will be 6th graders. I generally have a lot of time to kill on Fridays. A added bonus that the school is a 3 minute bike ride from my apartment. I can even see my apartment from the classroom I teach at.
After 4th period, we have lunch time. I usually go to the teachers office to get my lunch (Kyushoku) which differs day to day. Sometimes it's rice, fish with fish eggs inside of it, egg drop soup, and bread. Other days is Japanese curry and rice and other days is spaghetti, Italian bread, salad, and pudding. It really depends. Sometimes lunch is amazing and sometimes it sucks ***.
Students serving kyushoku.(Not my picture)
I then eat lunch with the students, usually the class I had 4th period with. Lunch in Japan is much different compared to in the States. Instead of a cafeteria, students all eat in the classroom. Selected students go get the lunch from the lunch room and bring it to the class where they then serve it for the students. After everyone is served and sitting down, they say "Itadakimasu" (let's east) and start digging in.
I then usually talk and converse with students or just sit and eat. Again, depends on the class I am eating with. Lunch period is usually 20 minutes long and usually a student rep will give out announcements and take a vote on what game to play at recess. I usually participate in recess unless I am tired or have work to do. I love playing dodgeball, basketball, or sometimes I teach them football. They are usually very genki and like when I join them. Lately though, I haven't because it's been too damn hot.
Afterward is cleaning time. The students are all assigned a role such as cleaning the teachers room, the hallways, bathrooms, or the classroom. They first begin by sweeping dust and dirt into a area of the classroom/ Next, they begin wiping down the wooden floors with wet towels while students do more sweeping. After that area of the classroom is cleaned, they begin with the other side. This is done by moving the desks and chairs to the cleaned side. It takes 10 minutes and, usually, I help speed things up when I help clean. Other ALTs clean other parts of the school but I clean with students usually.
Afterward is 5th and 6th period. After that, students are free to leave unless they have group activities (which most do). I have went biking before at 10 pm and seen students just getting out of school. I know my junior high's baseball team practices until 10:30 and then practices at 6 until 7. That is why students are always tired. However, things are a little less strict at elementary school.
Elementary students seem to enjoy talking about: Dragon Ball, Inazuma, One Piece, Pokemon, poop, and grossing out girls. It is everything that I remember from my elementary school days. Every student has a pencil case/bag which usually has some type of design or picture on it. Tony Tony Chopper from One Piece, Hello Kitty, Puma (the brand name), or even Marijuana Leaves are popular pencil cases (marijuana is illegal in Japan but students don't know the difference.) I have even seen pencil cases with ****, ****, damn on it. It's really strange; especially when I first went into my classroom and saw that.
Elementary school is generally fun, care free, and relaxed. I tend to dress done to long-sleeve shirts and t-shirts with an occasional collared shirt. I don't wear shorts unless I am playing during recess. I usually wear slacks or dress pants. However, most teachers wear track suits, basketball shorts, t-shirts, and jerseys. Despite that, I am expected to dress somewhat nicely but I am sure most teachers don't care. My boss does though.
Junior High School
An Junior High School Classroom
Junior High differs greatly from Elementary School and that's a fact. Discipline is harsher, the classes are more difficult, and Junior High school kids are generally held more accountable. Teachers also tend to be more serious and strict on students. One thing that really surprised me when I first arrived was when one teacher, who was extremely pissed at a student, full out kicked him in his butt and shoved him out of the teacher's room and began to berate and yell at him until he cried. All the while, the other teachers were telling me "He's the best teacher in the school because he makes kids scared." I felt that was highly ****ed up.
Students in a morning assembly. If they move, talk, or get out of place; they get pulled out to the side and yelled at (Not my picture)
But it's natural and even expected for teachers to yell and berate at disorderly students. However, it's very rare for a teacher to full on hit a student. At most, they get whacked in their head, slapped with a pointer, or bonked on the head by a book. Junior High students are expected to behave correctly and not to cause an disturbances. Thus, Junior High school tends to have a more tense and restricted atmosphere. Junior High goes from 7th to 9th grade generally.
At one school, Yonchu Junior High school, I teach anywhere from one to four classes and mostly 8th graders. However, despite that, I don't really like it. Particularly, because of one of my JTE's. She cannot use or speak English to save her life and teaching with her is torture. As well, she only brings me into class for the last 15-20 minutes of class only to have students repeat after me (and very un-ethustiasticly). I am 100% in saying this but she is a raging ***** who hates English and ALTs. The other two JTE's are cool though but I never teach with them.
I hardly teach at my other junior high, Hinagu Junior High. It is a very small junior high school and the two JTE's I teach with are old school. Meaning they are not used to teaching with ALTs and generally have their own set way of teaching English. So I usually just make English presentations, worksheets, and grading.
I use the textbook "One World"
There are books for grades 7th-9th and cover a wide assortment of lessons and articles.
Here is an example of a 8th Grade Dialogue Lesson:
Kenta: Treat or trick!
Bob: Hi, Kenta. You should say. "Trick or treat."
Kenta: Oh, sorry. Trick or treat!
Bob: Come on in! Everybody's here.
Jin: Kenta, you should try these pumpkin cookies.
Aya: But you must wash your hands first!
Kenta: OK.
Mei: Bob, this jack-o'-lantern is scary. Who made it?
Bob: My mom and I did.
Kenta: Mmm! Should I wash this cookie plate?
Aya: Kenta! You ate them all!
Here is another example of a 8th-9th grade lesson:
Kenta: So Bob, are there any differences between Japanese and American schools?
Bob: Yes, a lot! For example, students in the U.S. don't have to clean the school.
Aya: Really? I think it's good for students to sweep the floors and empty the wastebaskets.
Bob: Now I'm used to it. Also, we don't have to wear school uniforms or slippers.
Jin: Isn't hard to choose clothes every morning?
Bob: No it's fun to decide what to wear.
Students are encouraged to write diaries and practice writing in English. As of late, they have been studying "After Lunch, I went to ________." or "I ate lunch and then I went to the park to play with my friends." Each class is at a different place so it's important to know which class is where.
Much like Elementary school, I eat lunch with students and then clean the room during cleaning time. I usually don't do recess with them since recess is only like 10-15 minutes long and it's just a break from studies. Junior High school has 6 periods and studies Math, English, Japanese, Social Studies, Home Ec, Science, PE, and Moral Education (Human Rights). Teachers who are specialized in a subject goes to the classroom and begins teaching after the classroom leaders instructs the rest of the class to greet the teacher.
I tried to find a video to better illustrate what happens but I couldn't find any. So I'll try to explain. The classroom leaders instruct the class to stand up. The classroom leaders wait until the teacher(s) are standing in the middle of the blackboard and all the students are paying attention.
They then say (translated) "3rd Period has Started" Students then echo what the leaders said. The leaders then say " Rei" or "bow" and then "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu" which is also repeated by the class. The students bow during "rei" and say "yoroshiku onegaishimasu". I am unable to translate that since we don't have it in English. Loosely, it means "Please have us" or "Please suffer me". It is usually said when asking something of someone, introducing oneself, or when you feel you are inconveniencing someone.
This is also done in Elementary school but they sit down (in most cases) instead of stand up. Again, Elementary school is much more relaxed and happy-happy-joy-joy while Junior High feels like a prison.
Junior High students tend to talk about sports, TV, music, latest fashion trends, sex, boys, girls, models, and foreign stuff. Much like in the States, there are groups that talk about anime and games and groups that talk about sports. There is a evident divide between the two. I asked one student if he likes Pokemon and he looked embarrassed. He looked around the class to see if anyone was listening and nodded his head "Yes". I guess he was embarrassed that he likes Pokemon because only Elementary school students like it. I re-assured him that it's cool to like Pokemon because I like it.
Lunch Time
This as an area I wanted to highlight upon. Lunch time is much different then in the States. Like I said earlier, lunch is served in the classroom and students, more often than not, arrange their desks into groups. Students, wearing masks, gloves, and hairnets, serve lunch to the other students. This is not done in High School since they have a cafeteria.
Here are some pictures I found online concerning Japanese school lunches:
And then imagine getting lunch and seeing these guys screaming at you:
No, joke! I hate these guys. Sometimes they come fried. Worst yet there is a hidden surprise. When you bite down, you get a mouth full eggs. Yes, these are pregnant fish so you get the added bonus of cooked fish roe right in your mouth!
School lunch can be an adventure and, while it doesn't happen often, some days I just can eat that stuff and give it to my students whose mouths are covered with fish eggs.
Japanese public schools don't have detentions, suspensions, or expel students. If a student misbehave or gets into trouble, they are expected to apologize to the entire teaching staff and is usually yelled at by the teacher which is embarrassing enough for them. However, if the problem persists, the students parents are contacted and a meeting between the teacher, student, parents, and principal is conducted.
However, I kind of see this as counter-productive due to the parent-teacher relationship. Parents often see the schools and teacher as the "disciplinarian". Parents place a lot of trust in the teachers in helping form their children into responsible individuals. To that effect, Japanese parents don't have too much involvement in raising their children because they see it as the teacher's job. Therefore, if a child screws up or does something really bad, it is generally seen as the teachers fault. In fact, one of my 9th grade students was found at 3 am trying to break into a vending machine and smoking. Instead of contacting the parents, the teacher and school was contacted by police who in turn contacted the parents. It was the teacher who came to get the kid and took him to his parents house. Therefore, discipline comes from the teachers instead of the parents.
However, High School can suspend or expel students since high school in not mandatory in Japan. Public education only goes into 9th grade of Junior High. After that, a student can choose to continue his or her education into high school or to not to. Most often continue their education while those who don't generally get blue collared jobs or go into a technical school of some sort.
Things Outside of Teaching
Often I am asked participate or help with other events that often outside of teaching. This includes participating in the Sports Festival, Culture Festival, English Recitation Contests, parades, and teaching classes where either the Board of Education or parents watch (Those suck hardcore!). As well, since I am employed by the Board of Education, I also am given other jobs to do outside of my schools.
For example, the ALTs in my city are putting together a 10 minute English movie using grammar and vocabulary from the books. We have been doing this every Wednesday after lunch for the past month. Additionally, I am in charge of a English Conversation that is held in a community center. Me and four others usually attend this during our breaks such as Spring Break, Summer Break, and Winter Break.
In fact, my Board of Education denied any time off requests for during the summer since we will be very busy starting in August. Not only will old ALts be leaving and new ALTs be arriving; we will also have English Conversation classes for students and adults, Phonics classes, Reading Time for kids, a Three day summer English camp, German, Spanish, French, and Russian Language classes, Cooking classes, and possibly a Haunted House. So we will be very busy come August.
As well, we also participate in festivals and help represent the Board of Education. One particular festival is the International 3 Day March. Basically, we work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (we get Thursday and Monday off) at this festival. Foreigners from around the world come and....walk. The committee sets up a 5 km, 10, km, 15 km, 20, km, 30 km, and 50 km walking courses for people to follow. This is the second one in Japan and they have them all around the world. A lot of Europeans come to walk the courses and to get badges for walking (a lot of rich Europeans). On Saturday and Sunday, the locals join everyone for walking, entrainment, food, and fireworks. It is fun and a great way to work while having fun.
Why I Like the Job
Some days I hate this job. Sometimes enough is enough. Getting asked "Can you eat sushi?" or "Do you like the sex?" every day gets old.
Getting fingers up my butt whenever I turn also gets old. However, what makes me love the job when students shows that my hard work is for naught. It really brightens my day when students utilize the English I taught them and show a genuine interest in it. It really makes me happy to see this in students.
I try to reflect the enthusiasm I had for Japanese when I first started studying it and hoped that would reflect on my students. I have some students are amazing at English and I can carry natural conversations with. And there are students who doesn't even know "How are you?' despite me asking that to them every day.
So it can be a mixture of frustration yet a sense of achievement. It truly has been a rewarding experience and something I would like to continue for a few years down the road. I know I have grown as a person and improved for the better.