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My Leave


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
Sup dudes. I have a bit of a story to tell, and it's all real stuff.

The Story

In January of last year, my mom lost her job as an AutoCAD surveyer and has not been able to find employment since. April of that same year, I quit my minimum-wage job at Subway with promise of going to college that Fall and a very part-time, "work when you want" job until then. I had saved up about $2,500 for random expenses I would have to make and just in case something happened to my car, I'd be able to make the full repair.

My mother was having to pay bills every month while living off of unemployment, and would talk of not being able to afford them, so I would take bit by bit out of my savings to help her pay for them, but not without a promise of getting it paid back to me whenever Mom ended up getting a job (which I was hopeful would be soon).

The end of the summer came, around July, and the worst possible scenario happens: My car breaks down. Something to do with water pumps and breaklines being destroyed, but it was about a $1,500 repair. A loud expression of "God **** It!" followed, but I wasn't really concerned because I had quit my job at Subway prepared for this. I get an estimate, and look at my saving's account. My horror was realized when I had only $700 left to my name. I had kept tabs of what I had lent my mother, which totaled to around $900, but I should still have the money left that I need, right? Wrong. Turns out my mother "borrowed" about $800 more without asking me to pay off a mortgage payment that month (of which we were already 4 months behind). Realizing I can't afford the repair, and school was fast approaching (I had to buy textbooks), my car has decided to chill at the bottom of my driveway to collect mold (it leaks) and run its battery power down for the past 7 months or so.

So, I commute to school with mom's car for my semester, and my mom welcomes me one day with a, "You need to find a JOB! You owe me about $500 in insurance/phone bills and I need that money NOW!"

Needless to say, I was a little peeved about this statement.

I had not brought up the money my mother owed me at all, assuming it was a safe understanding between the two of us that she did, in fact, owe me about $1,700 when she got a job and we were stable on money again. I had not been paying insurance for about 3 months because I didn't have a job, so I could understand where she was coming from. However, she seemed to simply ignore the fact that I had dipped into my savings tremendously to help her. I brought up the money she owed me, and I got the response mothers/fathers will eventually use to make their argument unbeatable:

"I brought you into this world. Do you know how much I spent on you up to this point? And plus, since you're 18 now, you don't pay RENT, you don't pay BILLS, all of this **** is stuff I give you for FREE and you don't appreciate it one ****ing bit! /cry"

I just said, "I didn't ask to be borned, mom. I was your mistake and you're blaming me. You can go to someone else with your sob story of how much of a burden I've been on you my whole life." I went to my room and contemplated suicide while she wallowed in her own despair watching MSNBC and Fox News so she can yell at Republicans about how "****ing ********" they are and how much Republicans want to ruin the country.

The Decision

So, it's April of 2010 now. Mom stopped getting unemployment around February, so don't ask me how everything's been getting paid for in terms of bills and stuff. All I know is we're about $10,000 behind in mortgage payments and we ain't got that much dollars to pay. March was supposed to be the month that our house got foreclosed and we were gonna have to find some new place to live, but I guess our "case" is being reviewed by the mortgage company and mom's bought enough time to last until July.

She still does not have a job.

I start my census job in 7 days, the 27th. This job will last for about 12 weeks, and I'll be getting as many hours as I can possibly get to fuel -MY- own agenda, and pay back insurance/phone bills debts I owe my mom (I told her to forget everything she owed me simply because I'm a nice guy like that. Plus, I don't have any way to prove that she owes me money if I were to take her to court...>.>). That means I'll have a job until the end of July or so.

So, mom's about 80/20 on going back to North Carolina to live, where we have family and friends to help her if she needs it. I am not going out of state; I can't afford OoS tuition for any college. Therefore,

I'm going to the military

Once I'm done with my job, this is what I'll be doing and I'll finally be able to part ways with my mother. My decision for doing this has been weighed a thousand times in my head, and I just refuse to let school loans and debt surround and control my life like it does my mother. Entering the military will solve many of those problems for me in exchange for a few meager years of my life. I honestly believe it is a fair trade.

Too Long, Didn't Read

My family is broke and I'm joining the military when she moves back to NC around August or so.

I can't get to any tournaments this weekend because of a lack of vehicular transportation, so I guess I'm just saying "I'll see you guys around."

Hopefully I'll get to go to APEX, but yeah. That's what's goin' on and I felt like my brothers needed to know.

This isn't a thread asking for alternate suggestions, it's a thread telling people I'm leaving in a few months.


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
Sucks about what's happening with your mom and you bro, but I wanna say DO NOT join the military, it's not worth the hype they feed you. I've spoken to guys who have enlisted in the Army and Marines. The pay isn't that great, they make you do **** work and pay for one class tops.

As far as looking for a job, you can always sign up at an employment agency and they'll usually COME TO YOU about jobs and whatnot, and if need be you can work two jobs and help pay off whatever you can, so there's no way your mom can complain about whatever she complaining about. She's most likely stressed, mothers say really dumb **** when they're stressed and have nothing constructive to release it on, so they vent and dump crap on you to make you feel like ****, so ignore it. She doesn't mean it.

Anyways, about transportation. It'll suck for awhile but you might have to consider taking the bus until you save up enough for a car.

Dunno what's in store for you in the future bro, but I've been there, **** happens to all of us, just don't let it beat you down; learn from it and grow. Lessons are best learned through experience. Eventually things do turn out for the best; I promise. Anyways, good luck man, hope everything turns out well for you and your mom.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I'll miss you...=(, GL in the military, maybe we can plan a tournament for you're leaving before you go to the military or something.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Dang. I hope everything thing goes according to plan. What division of the military are you going to?

Good luck.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
You've still got time left, but gonna miss ya Rayku,
and I do wish you luck in all your future endeavors

What branch were you thinking of going to?


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
Air Force and Navy are the most appealing to me.

LOL I'll do what I can to keep my Smash career intact <3


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Sorry to hear about all this but I think you made a good choice going into the military.

It's rough for a while, but you'll come out of it extremely happy you've done it. Heck, you might even want to continue.

You will miss your hair though.


Apr 21, 2004
Fort Myers, FL (Orlando/UCF for college)
This story reminds me of my girlfriend's current situation...well at least with the "mother having a good job, then becoming unemployed plus mooching off you deal...and digging you into their ****/blaming you for dumb ****" part!!!

Anyways I'm sorry to hear you've had to go through all of that Rayku, and I wish you the best of luck wherever your future may take you!!!

I hope you come back from the military at a better place financially like you hope!!!


Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
oh wow..this hit me hard, bro.

I'll have to talk to you on aim really soon :(


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
It's really hard for me to read through this, even though I've been told the story many times. I honestly think the military is a good option. It seems like a lot of benefits will come out of it, and it is kind of like an escape from the real world in that you don't have to really worry about financial/job issues. I do expect the military to change you a bit, which is a good and a bad thing, but hopefully you'll still be a Smash Brother when you get back :)

Hopefully your plans work for you, and I'm sure they will. I'll miss you so much man :(. You've basically raised me up in Smash, and you've been a great friend along the way. Hopefully we'll be able to go to Apex together. That would mean so much to me.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
I know a lot of people who are in/are interested in the military. It pays well, and you serve your country. Doesn't seem like we'll actually be fighting anytime soon, though.

Sucks about what happened, money-wise. I'd be really peeved, too, if my mom took money out of my bank account like that. That was just plain wrong, though I might be able to understand why she did it.

You're going to miss your hair. I'd recommend joining the Air Force or the Army. I don't know much about the navy tbh. I thought about joining the army before, but decided against it.

Hey, money, gun shooting, pride in servitude, it's a good deal.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Marines < Army < Navy < Air Force

Family Bond
Air Force < Army < Navy < Marines

Low Risk
Marines < Army < Navy < Air Force

Going up in Rank
Marines < Air Force < Army < Navy


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
wow man, as a fellow smasher, i wish you all the luck in the world with whatever you gotta do to get **** straight. That mom argument is complete BS though.

Id try to get a job or two here first before the military thing. Some jobs have tuition reimbursement, and I dunno if georgia has something equivelant to FAFSA, or if FAFSA is a national thing, but really look into that too so you can see what you can qualify for as far as grants and whatnot (based on low income you can qualify for alot of stuff)

but if you do end up joining, again good luck and come back safe. Dont lag IRL or anything :(


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2006
Oh my, you're doing the same thing as me but for a different reason. Only doing it, because my mom has become pretty psycho. >w>; So which branch will you be joining? I'll be joining the Navy.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2007
Hiram, GA
Wow man. I know we haven't gotten to talk much this past year with both of us being in school (and my pretty much leave of absence from the smash community during the school year) but what time i got to spend getting to know you last summer and stuff was awesome man.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do bro. Godspeed.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2008

im in a similar situation.

i wish you the best of luck

and it sucks that i never got to meet you.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
Just keep in mind I'm going to be here until at LEAST August, but I will be working (hopefully please cross fingers) full time until then. I'm banking so hard right now that the census will pay me well.


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Ya know, Jamaal told me to look at this last week, and I'm not gunna lie, I blew it off.

I blew it off, knowing the situation you're in, or atleast the situation I thought you were in.

The money thing? Yeah, I knew about that. No offense, I'm not battin an eye at that, the way you act when you're out lead me to believe you were taking it with good stride (which, imo, you have through and through).

However, the mother situation behind all this? -shakes my head-. I know exactly where you're coming from. EXACTLY.
*withholds further comments*

As long as you're willing to stick with it till you get settled, the military can do alot for ya, man. Take it from a guy who's spent a majority of his life around the military, who's come from a family of military people, who's dad served 30 years in the military, etc etc.

As grim as it may sound, you're actually going into the military on good terms (read: you're not going in as a small court settlement), so it'll work out for you.

And that's real talk.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
My job's going really well so far. I'm getting paid a little overtime for my training, which is beyond awesome. I didn't think training would get paid at all. I feel like I'm doing something illegal LOL

Thanks for your support, Dogy. Real Talk is the only talk I need now.

I'll keep people updated with what's going down if any important changes happen.



Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
i'm going to miss your long hair, jason. hope things work out ok.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Pardon me for asking, but what branch? I'd suggest navy if you don't want to be in the thick of things. Only navy pilots and seals do that nowadays


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
I'm on Dogy's side with knowing how the military will be for you (Dad's 23 years Army, SFC retired, GF's Dad is 26 yrs, First Sergeant Retired, bucnch of relatives and friends in the service, yada yada).

Something you might want to consider is joining the National Guard of whatever branch you pick. For example, Army's National Guard allows you to stay close to home (i.e. report to a base near your living location). A good friend of mine reports twice a month for a full weekend, and then 2 straight weeks out of the summer. He gets full benefits and is able to go to school and work a full time job.

Just another thing you can consider. I wish you best of luck man. : )
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