Welcome to MXC Mafia Praxis!
You are Kenny Blankenship, the
MXC Host Color Commentator! You're one of the hosts of this popular game show, and with your partners in crime it's up to you to meddle with the players laughing as they are eliminated in hilariously painful ways! Work together with Play-by-play Commentator Vic Romano played by kirbyoshi, the Challenge Captain Captain Tenneal played by Frozenflame751, and the Interviewer Guy LeDouche played by Overswarm.
-Can not be eliminated by any Elimination Challenges in the day.
Night Actions:
Color commentation: You may choose one player each night. At the end of the night you find out what that player's role is, but not what team they are on. You perform this action by PM'ing the game mod with the command
Commentate: Player
Faction Elimination:
Each night the MXC Hosts get togetht to eliminate someone from the game at their choosing. Any Host can PM the action
Eliminate: Player but the elimination will be carried out by a certain host, in a power order in case one or more have been eliminated. Vic Romano will be the first to carry out the elimination, followed by Kenny Blankenship if Vic is eliminated, followed by Captain Tenneal, and then Guy LeDouche.
You may communicate with your fellow hosts outside of the game thread. You may do so by any means, but make sure to post all logs in the following quicktopic: