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Mr.X: Ask and You Shall Receive~~


Apr 10, 2008
While I've never actually experienced this match up myself, I believe I can still offer some advice. This sound similar to something that happened to me in Melee. Sheik was Dr. Mario... but better. Every single move she had was the same as Doc's but with more priority, range, or just plain general. It seems like a similar effect here.
That's exactly what it is. It's just that...uggh...I can't describe my frustration right now. I feel like if I had a clue what to do about it, I'd could practice it mid-game and counter effectively, but I don't see a remedy to this disease!

Even if you can hardly combo out of a grab, grabs are your friends in this match. If she is on the ground, she will be grabbed, because you should be *intelligently* spamming grab. Frustrate her. Make her want to be in the air. This is where you get your Uairs. Platforms stages would be best. The Uair is too good and there is not much she can do about it. Her Dair may go through it, or the first hit rather, but if you are low enough the last hits will still get her. If not, predict when she will Dair. Don't try to up smash it! Shield instead. THEN up smash out of your shield.

Just play this game really defensively. I wish I could be of more help to you.
I do grab more like you said, but she just about jumps up every second of the match. It's rather annoying, kinda like sheik in melee, but full hop! If he jumps up, I know I have to roll back or foward out of range of her nair> jab crud before I get comboed. I can't upair b/c I can't time the jumps very well. Sheik's jumps and ffs are so fast that I can't get into position, even if I know it's coming. If I roll, she full hops again. If I jump up to upair or fair, he'll fair or ff to the ground quick enough to start her jabs. If I stay on the ground, normally, he'll nair>jab if I shield, spotdodge, upsmash, w/e cuz it works everytime.

You're right about the upair though. If I can get her high enough to upair or somethin, I can rack that way. But it doesn't really work. After writing all this, I don't see how I win most of the matches. It's very one-sided IMO.

What I tend to do is get on the offensive. Sheik's defensive game is pretty good, but it's better than throwing pikmen and then throwing out fsmashes, dsmashes, and sgs. When he switches to Zelda, (which rarely happens anymore) I beat the daylights out of him cuz I can force her to approach. She doesn't have any good approaches anyways so that helps.

Anyways, you gave me a couple things to think about though and you tried to help, so thanks. Hopefully Mr.x can explain a little better. I feel kinda bad now, cuz I can't stand that sakurai approved Wolf being in this game and that's probably your char, sorry... :/

If anyone else is reading this-Do you have this problem also? And how do you deal with it?



Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
Haha I also airdodge after being hit. I might start to double stick though if that helps more.


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2007
This probably isn't the kind of thing you want to hear, but do you mind if i play you on wifi, even if its just once or twice? I seem to get pwn'd alot online, and being able to watch/understand everything that you're doing first hand would help alot. Plus, you might be able to tell me why I'm so bad :-)

Anyway, the other day I was brawling with a camping link, and I couldn't get anywhere near him. His arrow spam>pikmin spam, its faster, and his arrows don't die after taking a couple hits, forcing him to pluck new ones. The bombs also kept me from coming at him from the air to a certain degree, and once I did get close to him his jab knocked me away. Any adivce?


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Peeup: Do you happen to know who the link is? I'll play you on wifi too, because you live close to me. If you see me at a tournament I can possibly help you too.

Mr. X: I know why i'm bad, I need help fixing it. Any tips on how to eliminate bad habits? Also, I need tips on how to be the one controlling the pace of the match, because I noticed that unless I'm playing against a person that I know well, if they're slow, I'm slow, and if they're fast, I'm fast...

Also looking for specific matchup help vs. Metaknight, Marth, Ike, Ice Climbers.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Rapid: Ice Climbers is probably one of my favorite matchups. THis match is about avioding grabs, and grabbing them back. Usually when the match starts off they spam ICe throw. I usually pluck, and short hop latch while moving towards them. Then a good combo to pull of is D Throw> U Smash> N Air> U Air> Pik Chain(Up B) and latch. From this point it's just a matter of staying calm and knowing when to go in the air. it's good if you know where your Pikmin are too because you might need to get off a quick kill which comes pretty easy in a PU Throw or a BBack Throw. You may be in trouble if you get caught in a Ice Climber chain grab so what i do when they come is is either DTilt or Jab. DTilt prioritizes and is great to pull of because it sometimes seperates them. or jab because it's quick and will sometimes catch them off gaurd.

If you get caught in a chain grab it's best to try DI' ing away from it and try to pull of An N Air.If I connect with the N Air, I usually try to follow up with a FAir. Hope this helps.


Apr 10, 2008
The problem I have with IC is that nana can knock people out of grabs, thus destroying a strong suit in Olimar's gameplay.

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
thanks for the advise Mr. X it seems that I wasn't doing anything wrong I just wasn't patient enough because the MK wouldn't stop spamming B even though he only got a few hits in but oh well.

I have a question about Lucario. The last tournament I went to he just dodge rolled. everytime I rolled he rolled and I couldn't seem to get him with any attack and he just waited until I smashed and grabbed me. it was just frustrating.

I'm kinda frustrated something so lame actually kept me from getting away. I tried running instead of shield rolling but he just Forward B'd me.

I had little problem with him in the air and completely destroyed him when he was being a dodge *****. but lost when it was FD.

any help would be nice but am I imagining it or does Lucario have THE best roll and side dodge in the game?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
Any good iceclimbers will hit you if you grab them, unless they are seperated. I have trouble getting around that spin move they do, Fair seems to knock them out of it, and down air, but its hard to hit them with down air.


Smash Cadet
May 13, 2008
Sorry if I came out as rude, but that's the way it kinda sounded after reading over it.

Edit: oh, I have a question. My friend mains Zelda/Sheik. I don't have much problem with his Zelda, but I feel that his Sheik (and normal ones) has a natural advantage over Olimar. I can't seem to play defensively against his nair>jab combo when I'm grounded and his fair, dair, and nair outprioritize upsmash. His jabs and tilts kill my fsmashes, dsmashes, and jabs so I have no way to space well. His fair and nair also outprioritize my fair and his upair is too quick to time mostly. I don't really have any way to stop these problems. Dthrow>fair>ff>dthrow doesn't wrok b/c he can DI downwards and jab me, which stops my grab. I mostly have problems spacing in this matchup. If I jump, he fairs every time, and if I airdodge the fair, he'll nair immediately afterwards cuz it's quick. I've got some of the videos in my video thread. Can you shed some light?
Sheik is a much better character against Olimar than I thought at first, and she can give him a hard time. I don't have much experience with Sheik because obviously most people don't play as her anymore. Just last weekend I was knocked out of winners bracket by Gimpyfish's sheik, the set was 1-2 and down to the last life but the fact that it gave me that much trouble set off a red flag in my head. From what I've found on that set, Sheik's moves have a lot of priority over Olimar, especially her neutral-air. If i'm not mistaken, it outprioritizes Oli's upsmash.

The angles that she attacks from are awkward for Oli to counter, and her tilts can rack up a LOT of damage quickly. If you do get caught in a tilt, DI up and away from her to minimize the damage. Unfortunately, I don't have too much to say about this match up except to play better than the sheik LoL. Like Metaknight, respect the moves where she outprioritizes you. Make a mental note in your head of situations where you're on the losing side of the bargain and change the outcome (example: if she's coming in with Nairs and going through your f-smash, when she comes next time try rolling behind her into an f-smash or shield-grabbing). I think Sheik is one of the harder matches for Oli, the only saving grace being that not many people play as her because she got downgraded from Melee.

I'll post more on this matchup if//when I play any more good sheiks.

No comments on squirtle?
Squirtle is easily the hardest of the three pokemon for oli to fight against. As a squirtle player though, usually you attack using one of only two methods. The most popular method is to attack and weave back and forth in the air a-la-jiggs from melee. If they're not in the air then they're squirtle-sliding on the ground trying to catch you missing an f-smash or sliding across the stage with an upsmash.

For the air game, a combination of throwing pikmin and trying to get a running upsmash works wonders. Yes, squirtle can destroy your pikmin easily with any of his aerials, but like always, as soon as he starts attacking pikmin and not you, just run in with a grab or running upsmash. Squirtle can't take many hits, so once you start putting him on the defensive he's in a lot of trouble.

If he's sliding on the ground, just throw pikmin and be patient. Don't try to go to him because he can slide into a short-hop f-air//grab//AAA combo very fast. It's better to just throw pikmin and wait for him to slip up and punish.

One thing about Oli that makes him my favorite character is that his pikmin can throw people off from their prime game very quickly. When someone is in their "mode" per se, it's VERY hard to do much of anything to them, their spacing, timing, and just everything is working like a well-oiled machine, and once you mess up you're done. Olimar, however, can very quickly break people from their routine spacing and mindgames quickly just by latching pikmin onto them. Even chars like Meta who can throw off Pikmin like they're nothing can still be taken advantage of with the Pikmin throw. If you're finding someone is weaving back and forth a lot with characters like Squirtle, Jiggs, or Ike with his f-air, just start throwing pikmin and watch what they do. It almost always leads into an opportunity for you to grab or do a running upsmash.

That being said, should all Olimar Users make this a habit?
Mr. X seems to be the only fella to air-dodge when he gets hit.
Please keep in mind that I only post what I have found to work for ME here. I'm in no way advocating that anyone copy my style or strategies, because even i'm learning something new all the time about better ways to do things. I airdodge becuase when the game started I thought it reduced knockback slightly, and to get my bearings when I get hit so my character isn't tumbling in the air. If it really doesn't then I guess I just do it out of habit :psycho:

Sorry for the semi later responses--I'm responding as fast as I can :ohwell:

I'll try to respond to more later tonight.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
I have trouble with shiek as GW and Olimar, ive played quite a few shieks though so i think im getting better against her.


Smash Rookie
Jun 6, 2007
Hey Mr. X Me and my brother recently played against you at Smash and Coffee, we were the team, "Too Good for A Name"

The only thing I'm having real trounle against is MetaKnight and his GAYnado , any Ideas


Apr 10, 2008
great, no sheik knowledge. :p well... when you do get more practice against him, be sure to share what you come across. I'll be waiting.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
I have some experiences vs shiek. In my experience I went on the offensive. Never just stand still, always move and pepper him/her with pikmin. They also like to load up on needles throw them and immediately come after with a running dash. You can either shield both if you are close to them. Or if you are further away shield the needles, and give him a fsmash to the face. Shieks Nair does have a LOT of priority. Also if you try rolling behind a shiek its easy for them to just Dsmash which has multiple hits and will almost always hit you out of your roll. Like Mr. X said her tilts are her bread and butter, esp the Uptilt. Hope this helps i know its only for specific instances though.


Apr 10, 2008
I don't really have any counters to her moves. I guess I could go more on the offensive. I'm pretty aggressive naturally so maybe it'll work better.

Edit: Here's a video of me versus sheik. His second life is what I'm talking about and it frustrates me. He kept jumping then nairing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh8QMl-kNnc&feature=related


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Rapid: Ice Climbers is probably one of my favorite matchups. THis match is about avioding grabs, and grabbing them back. Usually when the match starts off they spam ICe throw. I usually pluck, and short hop latch while moving towards them. Then a good combo to pull of is D Throw> U Smash> N Air> U Air> Pik Chain(Up B) and latch. From this point it's just a matter of staying calm and knowing when to go in the air. it's good if you know where your Pikmin are too because you might need to get off a quick kill which comes pretty easy in a PU Throw or a BBack Throw. You may be in trouble if you get caught in a Ice Climber chain grab so what i do when they come is is either DTilt or Jab. DTilt prioritizes and is great to pull of because it sometimes seperates them. or jab because it's quick and will sometimes catch them off gaurd.

If you get caught in a chain grab it's best to try DI' ing away from it and try to pull of An N Air.If I connect with the N Air, I usually try to follow up with a FAir. Hope this helps.
Instead of grabbing ICs, you fSmash them. Feels weird and cheap, but just do it. And watch out for their sideB. Very annoying. Try to knock off Nana as well.

Kabuto Mushi

Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
My favorite combo is when they just died//are starting a new life to do his grab-Dthrow-F-smash-grab-f-air//upsmash-latching a pikmin onto them. It's a GREAT combo for racking up that percent, since you can effectively make people start a new life with a 50-60% disadvantage right away.

I think I know a few combos that people don't know about, especially with using specific pikmin. It's good to keep in mind that Olimar's down-throw combos are pikmin specific. I'd advise you to try if you can to get a WHITE pikmin to be first and/or third in your pikmin line when someone is coming back from dying. The reason is because you can extend your down-throw combo to include an extra f-smash because white pikmin's throw is so weak (try to keep purples in the back of your line if you can). Here's what I mean:

If you start with anything else (red/yellow etc.), after you down throw/fsmash once, when you grab them the 2nd time, if you down throw you can't f-smash because their percent is too high, right? Well if you have a WHITE pikmin grab them (it has to be 3rd in line when you start the combo), then when you down throw them again, (dependent on character and DI of course, but in general this works), you can get a SECOND f-smash -grab in on them, so your combo now effectively looks like this:

Down-throw (red/blue/yellow/white) - F-smash (anything but purple) - Down-throw (White) - F-smash (anything but purple) - Down-throw (anything but purple) - F-air//upsmash (any pikmin) - latch pikmin as they fly away

Try it sometime, the combo can get people up to 70-ish percent if done right.
Ah, I see, thanks. Gotta work on that Dthrow>Nair>Upair>Bup combo. How much time between the Nair and the Uair is there? Do you have to double jump? (A video where it's really clear would be helpful :embarrass)

OHHHH. AND ONE LAST QUESTION. I shoulda asked it first. Mr. X, Have you played the Pikmin games (Pikmin 1 or 2) for the Gamecube? They're some of my favs. =0


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
That last question is so off-topic. :') And just try to perform the combo yourself on a lvl 1-3 CPU?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
Well looks like you took care of that problem yourself lol, jj. But yea it is very similar to falco, or fox, or squirtle, marth or any number of characters coming in attacking while you stand there shielding and after they come in the just hit A rapidly or do a quick tilt depending on the character. Best thing is to either never just try to stand there, attempt a shield grab(nearly impossible with the tilts or a's after), or try rolling back or behind the character. Its tough and I have fallen victim to the same thing many times. You just have to have to realize its coming and act according quick enough if you can, and not let them play their game.
And I agree with Jarri about the IC, fsmashes work great and at all costs get rid of Nana! If they are separate for even a second go attack nana instead of Popo, get rid of her, its the key to victory.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
That's exactly what it is. It's just that...uggh...I can't describe my frustration right now. I feel like if I had a clue what to do about it, I'd could practice it mid-game and counter effectively, but I don't see a remedy to this disease!

I do grab more like you said, but she just about jumps up every second of the match. It's rather annoying, kinda like sheik in melee, but full hop! If he jumps up, I know I have to roll back or foward out of range of her nair> jab crud before I get comboed. I can't upair b/c I can't time the jumps very well. Sheik's jumps and ffs are so fast that I can't get into position, even if I know it's coming. If I roll, she full hops again. If I jump up to upair or fair, he'll fair or ff to the ground quick enough to start her jabs. If I stay on the ground, normally, he'll nair>jab if I shield, spotdodge, upsmash, w/e cuz it works everytime.

You're right about the upair though. If I can get her high enough to upair or somethin, I can rack that way. But it doesn't really work. After writing all this, I don't see how I win most of the matches. It's very one-sided IMO.

What I tend to do is get on the offensive. Sheik's defensive game is pretty good, but it's better than throwing pikmen and then throwing out fsmashes, dsmashes, and sgs. When he switches to Zelda, (which rarely happens anymore) I beat the daylights out of him cuz I can force her to approach. She doesn't have any good approaches anyways so that helps.

Anyways, you gave me a couple things to think about though and you tried to help, so thanks. Hopefully Mr.x can explain a little better. I feel kinda bad now, cuz I can't stand that sakurai approved Wolf being in this game and that's probably your char, sorry... :/

If anyone else is reading this-Do you have this problem also? And how do you deal with it?

Yeah, Wolf is my main. I think I cried when I learned he was in Brawl, lol.

Anyways, this is my recommendation for your frustration with the jumping and Nairing. Now, this is just in theory. Honestly I've never even played Sheik, but I'm trying here. Drop your shield and Dtilt.

This, theoretically would be good for many reasons. For starters, your characters hit box (hurt box or whatever) is close to the ground. Her aerials are more upward and infront of her. This should make it difficult for her to hit you. This should also do one of two things. It will either cancel out whatever aerial she is doing, in which case I'd recommend Dairing IMMEDIATELY afterward again or it should just hit her. This will prop her into the air and set her up for a 20% damage Uair or Upsmash, but Upsmash only at lower percents.

Just one thing you can do. I agree with what Mr. X said. Respect the moves that outprioritize you and give you a difficult time. Keep them in mind and base your game play around that.

Haha I also airdodge after being hit. I might start to double stick though if that helps more.
I didn't think C-Stick Di was in this game.

The problem I have with IC is that nana can knock people out of grabs, thus destroying a strong suit in Olimar's gameplay.
Oh so very true; however, another strong suit in Olimar's gameplay is his range. Which, in case you haven't noticed, Nana and Popo are lacking... I mean, really lacking. Play off of that short range. When they get separated go for the grabs. Try killing Nana first unless you are sure you can get Popo because Nana is computer controlled it is way easy to predict what she will do and to kill her for it.

Any good iceclimbers will hit you if you grab them, unless they are seperated. I have trouble getting around that spin move they do, Fair seems to knock them out of it, and down air, but its hard to hit them with down air.
Just shield the move and hit them during the lag. It has a surprisingly amount of wind down lag. I'd recommend a dtilt to uair.


Apr 10, 2008
Yeah, Wolf is my main. I think I cried when I learned he was in Brawl, lol.

Anyways, this is my recommendation for your frustration with the jumping and Nairing. Now, this is just in theory. Honestly I've never even played Sheik, but I'm trying here. Drop your shield and Dtilt.

This, theoretically would be good for many reasons. For starters, your characters hit box (hurt box or whatever) is close to the ground. Her aerials are more upward and infront of her. This should make it difficult for her to hit you. This should also do one of two things. It will either cancel out whatever aerial she is doing, in which case I'd recommend Dairing IMMEDIATELY afterward again or it should just hit her. This will prop her into the air and set her up for a 20% damage Uair or Upsmash, but Upsmash only at lower percents.

Just one thing you can do. I agree with what Mr. X said. Respect the moves that outprioritize you and give you a difficult time. Keep them in mind and base your game play around that.
I'll try it out. In theory, it should work. :)

I didn't think C-Stick Di was in this game.
It's called smash DI, b/c you're "mashing" both sticks in a direction, but you probably already knew that.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
Its best to hold the left stick in a direction and "smash" the c-stick in the direction you want to go...with olimar...you want to smash the c-stick back onto the stage and you want to di up to allow yourself more options on where to go from your recovery.

Airdodging after being hit DOES SLOW MOMENTUM...so when hit, airdodge, then HOLD the left stick AND SMASH REPEATEDLY the right stick. Both of these things were posted in the tactical forum a couple weeks back.


Smash Rookie
May 1, 2008
Im having alot of trouble with a Metaknight... his combination of Nado and d smash give me trouble... he also is stubborn and will stay grabbing the edge till i moce close to him then he will upB... any tips ??


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2008
The Secret Kingdom
Welcom Mr. X! I play as Olimar and I'm wondering how you over come his size and weight in a 4-man Brawl. Do you use his super armour? Do you not recomend playing him in that situation? Also can you recomend some important Olimar techniques and some combos? I'm kind of bad at combos. Thanks!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
Welcome to the boards, Sundance. I think your question about Olimar's viability in 4-way play is a good one, but combos was like the very first question asked in this thread. I would really recommend NC-Echo's guide for that too, and just taking some time to read different things would be immensely helpful for someone new. Good luck with your Olimar!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2006
Corona, CA
Edit: This is still Mr.X, I'm posting under our Nexus account becuase I posted from work :laugh:

This probably isn't the kind of thing you want to hear, but do you mind if i play you on wifi, even if its just once or twice? I seem to get pwn'd alot online, and being able to watch/understand everything that you're doing first hand would help alot. Plus, you might be able to tell me why I'm so bad :-)

Anyway, the other day I was brawling with a camping link, and I couldn't get anywhere near him. His arrow spam>pikmin spam, its faster, and his arrows don't die after taking a couple hits, forcing him to pluck new ones. The bombs also kept me from coming at him from the air to a certain degree, and once I did get close to him his jab knocked me away. Any adivce?
Sure, go to allisbrawl and check the chatroom there. I play under the name TeamNexus to promote my tourney hosting business that my gf and I started (www.nexgaming.net). We're hosting a Smash tourney on the 26 in Socal for those who are interested =D.

I dunno about the other Oli players here, but I believe Link has been greatly underestimated, at least in this match up. Everytime i play a link player they suprise me with how clsoe the matches end up being. I actually fear Link more than Toon Link, but that may just be me.

Unlike some matchups, I believe that Oli is strongest against Link when he's close. Link's strengths are by far when he's far away from his opponent, since he has three different projectiles that he can use, all with different properties. Once you get close, shield-grabbing is really effective because a lot of Link's moves have some lag to them. Also, remember to hold the shield when he f-smashes you because a lot of smart link and young link players lag the second part of the smash attack as long as they can to bait you to put your shield down. Once you get close, your smashes outprioritize and outrange his, and with a few mindgames it's pretty easy to send him flying.

Approaching any character with lots of projectiles (Link, toon link, and rob are good examples) can be a real pain. Make it your goal to learn your opponents favorite ways to fire at you; all players have certain moves and ways to use them that they prefer. Really pay attention to what the Link likes to do. Does he like to short-hop boomerang or throw in place? Does he jump when he shoots arrows? Does he come at you with his bomb and use it to pressure you and then use follow-up smashes after the bomb hits you or does he just throw them from far away and hope they rack up damage?

Usually projectiles serve two main purposes (this is true for us Olimar players as well). They are used to either:

1. Rack up the percent on your opponent or

2. To distract the opponent to open up a window of opportunity when they make a mistake.

I find that players that are projectile spamming for 2 are a lot more deadly than campers who just want percent. If the Link is just spamming in place, then if all else fails just block the projectile and roll to him right after.

Peeup: Do you happen to know who the link is? I'll play you on wifi too, because you live close to me. If you see me at a tournament I can possibly help you too.

Mr. X: I know why i'm bad, I need help fixing it. Any tips on how to eliminate bad habits? Also, I need tips on how to be the one controlling the pace of the match, because I noticed that unless I'm playing against a person that I know well, if they're slow, I'm slow, and if they're fast, I'm fast...

Also looking for specific matchup help vs. Metaknight, Marth, Ike, Ice Climbers.
The only real strategy I have for eliminating bad habits is to think more when you play. Most people who play a lot after awhile get into a zone where their mind is on autopilot--they just do what they always do. To change a habit, you have to consciously think about why you're doing what you're doing, read in threads like these or come up with your own theories of how to beat different strategies, and then experiment with them. The top players are always thinking a lot harder than the players who aren't winning because it helps them to read their opponent AND to respond to them.

I think that everyone can agree that people are always complaining about this move or that strategy on these boards. But if you notice, you usually don't see the TOP people complaining about the mechanics of the game much at all. This is because when they see a "broken" move//strategy, instead of doing the knee-jerk reaction of johning and blaming the game, they are either looking for counter to it or accepting it and moving on. You only see the scrubs complaining and blaming character matchups or certain moves when they lose; if you want to improve you've gotta admit that you're doing something wrong, and then you've gotta think of answers to what you can do to win.

As far as controlling the pace of the match goes, every match has its own pace. Don't feel pressuerd to always have to be moving quickly or doing 10 things at once. There are elite players out there that play every kind of way you can imagine. For example, Hugs is a GREAT slow-paced player. He rarely moves for no reason, and in many matches if you watch he just stands there, watches what you're doing without even moving, then hits you in the window of lag you created for yourself. If your style is more mind-gamey and less spammy then do be it. If your style is to pressure pressure pressure and take advantage of openings, then throw pikmin away and do that.

I've found that for me being hyper-aggressive and pressuring with pikmin works better, but even I have found that some matchups this DOESN'T work. One example is against Rob. Once I played a good Rob player and everytime I approached I as met with a gyro, a backair, and a lazerbeam to the face. After losing a stock in toruney to this, I decided to camp for a bit and wait for him to come to me. To my suprise, he just kept camping, and I got something like 90-100% on him WITHOUT TOUCHING HIM ONCE. If you have to switch up your game to deal with someone effetively than so be it. There's no real quota for the speed or aggressiveness you have to play in a match.

The problem I have with IC is that nana can knock people out of grabs, thus destroying a strong suit in Olimar's gameplay.
Don't grab the Ice-Climbers when they're together.

Lemme repeat that: DON'T GRAB IF THEY'RE TOGETHER.

Any ice-climber who's been playing them even since Melee knows that Nana can hit you out of a grab. And good players will grab you back, and put you a stock behind for your folly.

You need to play against Ice-climbers differently than almost any other character. One grab in the hands of a good player is death for you no matter what you do, so unfortunately the popular phrase "don't get grabbed" still stands true for these guys.

Instead of grabbing, pikmin throw, f-smash, and rolling downsmashes work well. I've found that EVERY ice-climber I've played has been over-eager for the grab, their whole game is based around getting that grab in, and for good reason. Anticipate that they, like us Olimar players, always have the grab in the back of their mind. Once you assume that everything they do is based around getting you in their hands, the matchup becomes a lot easier.

Also, keep in mind that a nice little trick Ice-Climber players like to do is to have desync them, have Nana do her down-B (the freeze move in front), and then have Popo run and grab you while you're stunned. Can't tell you how many times I fell for that in Melee and a couple of times in Brawl before I learned my lesson there.

thanks for the advise Mr. X it seems that I wasn't doing anything wrong I just wasn't patient enough because the MK wouldn't stop spamming B even though he only got a few hits in but oh well.

I have a question about Lucario. The last tournament I went to he just dodge rolled. everytime I rolled he rolled and I couldn't seem to get him with any attack and he just waited until I smashed and grabbed me. it was just frustrating.

I'm kinda frustrated something so lame actually kept me from getting away. I tried running instead of shield rolling but he just Forward B'd me.

I had little problem with him in the air and completely destroyed him when he was being a dodge *****. but lost when it was FD.

any help would be nice but am I imagining it or does Lucario have THE best roll and side dodge in the game?
I have played a bit as lucario and played quite a bit against Lucario and haven't noticed anything special about his ground or side-dodge. The only semi-annoying thing about him is that he can use his counter if a pikmin is latched onto him at all; but besides that this match is pretty normal for me. All I do is throw pikmin when he's far and smash//brab when he's near.

It seems like you're just getting outplayed. If he's rolling a lot, anticipate and downsmash if he rolls behind you or do a running grab if he rolls away. Rolling by any character is 100% defeated by you anticipating it and attacking out of the roll, so if you're having trouble vs someone side-dodging spam then you just aren't punishing enough. Like I said before, if you encounter someone beating you with the same tactic again and again, you need to turn your brain on and think harder about how these encounters are playing out becuase EVERYTHING in this game has a counter.]

P.S. Thanks Hyde for all the hard work with the video archive thread, those kinds of threads really help the community and I know they're a lot of work to put together :chuckle:


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i had no idea you started nexus gaming 0_o
i'm gonna be at that tourney for sure ^^ can't wait to play you


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
It's called smash DI, b/c you're "mashing" both sticks in a direction, but you probably already knew that.

Its best to hold the left stick in a direction and "smash" the c-stick in the direction you want to go...with olimar...you want to smash the c-stick back onto the stage and you want to di up to allow yourself more options on where to go from your recovery.

Airdodging after being hit DOES SLOW MOMENTUM...so when hit, airdodge, then HOLD the left stick AND SMASH REPEATEDLY the right stick. Both of these things were posted in the tactical forum a couple weeks back.
oh really? it does effect momentum? wow.
Ok, I believe I need to clarify a few things.

1. Airdodging does not slow your momentum in any way, shape, or form except psychologically.

2. Smash DI is not in this game.

3. There is C-Stick Tap DI. For example, if I were in Zelda's Up Smash which sends me up, I'd DI left or right with the control stick for maximum DI efficiency, and tap down on the C-Stick repeatedly.


Apr 10, 2008
Ok, I believe I need to clarify a few things.
2. Smash DI is not in this game.

3. There is C-Stick Tap DI. For example, if I were in Zelda's Up Smash which sends me up, I'd DI left or right with the control stick for maximum DI efficiency, and tap down on the C-Stick repeatedly.
what's the difference? maybe I was misinformed...


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
The only real strategy I have for eliminating bad habits is to think more when you play. Most people who play a lot after awhile get into a zone where their mind is on autopilot--they just do what they always do. To change a habit, you have to consciously think about why you're doing what you're doing, read in threads like these or come up with your own theories of how to beat different strategies, and then experiment with them. The top players are always thinking a lot harder than the players who aren't winning because it helps them to read their opponent AND to respond to them.

I think that everyone can agree that people are always complaining about this move or that strategy on these boards. But if you notice, you usually don't see the TOP people complaining about the mechanics of the game much at all. This is because when they see a "broken" move//strategy, instead of doing the knee-jerk reaction of johning and blaming the game, they are either looking for counter to it or accepting it and moving on. You only see the scrubs complaining and blaming character matchups or certain moves when they lose; if you want to improve you've gotta admit that you're doing something wrong, and then you've gotta think of answers to what you can do to win.

As far as controlling the pace of the match goes, every match has its own pace. Don't feel pressuerd to always have to be moving quickly or doing 10 things at once. There are elite players out there that play every kind of way you can imagine. For example, Hugs is a GREAT slow-paced player. He rarely moves for no reason, and in many matches if you watch he just stands there, watches what you're doing without even moving, then hits you in the window of lag you created for yourself. If your style is more mind-gamey and less spammy then do be it. If your style is to pressure pressure pressure and take advantage of openings, then throw pikmin away and do that.

I've found that for me being hyper-aggressive and pressuring with pikmin works better, but even I have found that some matchups this DOESN'T work. One example is against Rob. Once I played a good Rob player and everytime I approached I as met with a gyro, a backair, and a lazerbeam to the face. After losing a stock in toruney to this, I decided to camp for a bit and wait for him to come to me. To my suprise, he just kept camping, and I got something like 90-100% on him WITHOUT TOUCHING HIM ONCE. If you have to switch up your game to deal with someone effetively than so be it. There's no real quota for the speed or aggressiveness you have to play in a match.
Funny you should mention autopiloting, because that's what I end up doing if I don't know what else to do, and end up getting killed for it. As for the habits, there are many habits that simply exist because if i consciously think to *not* do something (such as don't roll), I'm just standing there and get hit in the face anyway. Or another kind of weird habit that carried over from Melee is that I hardly spotdodge (as in 1-2 per match, usually buffered from a grab escape or similar situation). As in, I forget that it's even an option... Some of the habits will eventually fix themselves after I get more experience with characters that are not Sonic, Pit, Rob, or Ness, since those simply exist because 95% of my friends play the same characters as each other and I'm often autopiloting based on one of those. >< I'm not one to complain about matchups and strategies, since people do them because they're effective.

For controlling the pace of the match, I guess I was trying to ask how to go faster than my opponent if I want to. Noobs like to see someone going so fast that they can't imagine how it's being done, not someone who stands in one place and powershields every single attack they attempt on me. Sure the second can be just as effective if not more, as you just mentioned. I know I'm capable of more speed than what I do to 90% of the people I played against, but why can't I do that even when I want to without getting killed for it? I find it kind of funny that my speed almost always matches that of my opponent, unless it's someone that I know really well.

I guess Youtube is a better example of what i'm talking about:


I'm the Olimar in all these. Notice the extreme difference in speed against all these opponents? I want to be able to go at whatever speed that I want safely and effectively, not at the speed of my opponent every single time.


Apr 10, 2008
speed of gameplay isn't as big as people make it out to be, but it's still good to be fast, so you can be unpredictable at times. I don't spotdodge as nearly as often either, idk why. guess it's a habit. :/

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Thanks Mr.X, yeah I tried doing the down smash twice and once it killed me so I guess I wasn't timing it correctly.:urg: Oh thanks and yeah I tried making a new vid thread but its hard enough for me to do the latch MAX thread. I'll try and do some more people on the Latch max maybe next week. Too many things have come up this week sadly.

I'd have more questions but I think I am good until I get to play some ICs. Honestly I don't get to fight enough different people in Tallahassee. Hopefully the tournament will draw some people and a wide variety of opponents.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
a good move to use against IC's at the RIGHT time is down smash
it's separates them if in the right place
i've played many good IC's (azn lep, shadow when he played them) and it is one really difficult match up. the key is to play fast and stay in the air and avoid all their grabs + everything mr. x said


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2008
The Secret Kingdom
Welcome to the boards, Sundance. I think your question about Olimar's viability in 4-way play is a good one, but combos was like the very first question asked in this thread. I would really recommend NC-Echo's guide for that too, and just taking some time to read different things would be immensely helpful for someone new. Good luck with your Olimar!
My bad, :). Mr. X hasn't answered so how to you people over come his size and weight in a 4 man brawl?


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
I don't usually play 4 Man brawls, and if I do I will sometimes switch my charcter up because of the simple fact that Olimar isn't at his best in a 4 man match. SOmetings you could do are latch like A WHOLE BUNCH. Some people ay call it cheap but with 3 other targets(and alot of the time they aern't really concerned about you) you can latch super easily except with Purp. Even though Purp has not great distance it's easier to throw at 3 unsespecting people, than 1 person anticipating your moves.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007
Also, to add to protoman10's post, if you see anyone at 100% or so, you can always up smash them for a quick kill most of the time.

Also his weight is the same as Mario's. Smaller doesn't affect this that I know of besides having a more focused shield (Good thing) and smaller hitbox (Great thing).


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Also, to add to protoman10's post, if you see anyone at 100% or so, you can always up smash them for a quick kill most of the time.

Also his weight is the same as Mario's. Smaller doesn't affect this that I know of besides having a more focused shield (Good thing) and smaller hitbox (Great thing).

U Smash is like superb in a Free for all because they rarely know what happens, they ajust got KO'd.
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