Aevin, I think you should include B-reversing. It's useful for both of them. Zap jumping and PK Jumping decrease in height (especially PK Jumping). The same goes for Firebound and a B-sticked Zap jump (used for Wavezapping). B reversing is when you use a B move then immediately hit the opposite direction you are facing to turn around and change your momentum. It's like a B-stick only you turn around.
Normally for Lucas, people who use the glitches to recover would DI backwards, and B-stick PKF and press jump at the same time. The problem with this is is that you will be zap jumping backwards, decreasing your height. If you B-reverse it though you will get the maximum height. To do it, hold forwards towards the stage, hit C stick and jump at the same time, then hit backwards on the control stick immediately afterwards. This way you zap jump (with max height), then the B-stick shoots Lucas towards the stage, then you use PSIM.
Ness can use this when he needs to turn aorund to PK Jump or Firebound. You can use eeither one on someone behind you without having to turn around first. Like you can hit with a bair, then reverse a PK Jump.